Fire Mage Best Legendaries in Shadowlands — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Dutchmagoz 67 comments
General Information

Legendary Powers are targetable, unique effects that you can imbue certain base items with through the Runecarving system. In Shadowlands, these enable you to customize your Fire Mage, drastically improving your performance, and are arguably the most important aspect of your gear.

The purpose of this page is to help you pick the right legendary powers (and item slots for them) for your character, depending on the content you are interested in.


Introduction: Legendaries in Shadowlands

By doing Torghast, you can craft Legendary items through the new Runecarving system. Many of these powers are large DPS boosts, or contain strong defensive effects. However, you are only able to wear one of these at a time, and you are gated in how many you can craft over time, so it is important to know which Legendary to use in which situation. Below we go over the best Legendary effects for each situation.


Unity Legendary

With 9.2, a new Legendary is being added, Unity Icon Unity. This Legendary can be equipped alongside any other Legendary, allowing you to equip 2 Legendaries at once. You must wear Unity Icon Unity to be able to use two Legendaries.

The additional Legendary power will always be your Covenant specific Legendary. So in the caase of Night Fae Fire Mages, this will always be Heart of the Fae Icon Heart of the Fae.

  • Night Fae Heart of the Fae Icon Heart of the Fae: Shifting Power Icon Shifting Power can be channeled while moving. Each enemy hit by Shifting Power grants you 1% Critical Strike and Haste, capped to 10%, lasting 15 seconds. Keep in mind, this effect does nothing if you are not hitting any targets with Shifting Power.
  • Venthyr Sinful Delight Icon Sinful Delight: Consuming a Fire Blast Icon Fire Blast charge reduces the cooldown of Mirrors of Torment Icon Mirrors of Torment by 4 seconds. If Mirrors of Torment is dispelled, the cooldown is reduced by 45 seconds.
  • Kyrian Harmonic Echo Icon Harmonic Echo: Damage dealt to enemies affected by Radiant Spark Icon Radiant Spark will echo 30% of its damage to nearby targets and to the primary Radiant Spark target.
  • Necrolord Death's Fathom Icon Death's Fathom: Your Fireball Icon Fireball has a chance to grant Deathborne Icon Deathborne for 8 seconds, giving 15% bonus spell damage and causing Fireball to hit 2 additional targets. While in the Deathborne form, the bonus damage from Deathborn goes up by 1% for each enemy hit by Fireball.

Best Legendaries for Fire Mage

Focus Legendary Slots Source
Raiding Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing Gloves or Wrist Sun King's Salvation
Mythic+ Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing Gloves or Wrist Sun King's Salvation
Torghast Triune Ward Icon Triune Ward Chest or Neck Great Vault quest.

Below we go into more detail regarding the best legendary for each situation. If a Legendary effect is not listed, you can assume it is worse than all other options that are listed.


Best Overall Legendary for Fire Mage

Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing is generally the best choice for most situations, so for someone only crafting one Legendary, it is generally the best option. Keep in mind, the Legendary Sun King's Blessing does not stack with the talented version. (Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing) Sun King's Blessing has rotational changes, which we have listed below. If you want to see how this looks like in the overall rotation, check out the rotation page and check the Sun King's Blessing checkbox.

Additionally, you will always use Unity Icon Unity as your second Legendary.


Best Raiding Legendaries for Fire Mage

Raiding usually has tight DPS checks. The top DPS option for Fire Mages is Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing for almost all situations. Beyond that, Fire Mages have multiple Legendaries very close in DPS to each other. These include Disciplinary Command Icon Disciplinary Command, Firestorm Icon Firestorm, Fevered Incantation Icon Fevered Incantation and Temporal Warp Icon Temporal Warp. All of these are within 0.5% of each other, with Disciplinary Command being the most flexible option.

The other potential DPS alternative is Temporal Warp Icon Temporal Warp (does not stack with the talented version, Temporal Warp Icon Temporal Warp). This can be used if the fight has a specific moment in time where extra DPS is needed, and this moment in the fight is later than when your group uses Time Warp Icon Time Warp, or during Time Warp itself. This Legendary is especially good if your group uses Time Warp (or a similar effect) right at the start of the fight, so you can use your own Time Warp together with the Time Warp of the group — they stack. If the fight then lasts more than 5 minutes, you can get at least 1 additional usage out of it. If you are the only person in the group who can supply the Time Warp (or similar) effect, this Legendary loses a lot of power and is not worth picking.

The final alternative Legendary option is Triune Ward Icon Triune Ward, which can boost your survivability significantly. This is only an option when DPS is not a relevant requirement but you feel you really need more survivability.


Best Mythic+ Legendaries for Fire Mage

Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing is generally the highest DPS option for Mythic+, as it does the best single-target DPS while only being a bit behind on AoE. It is especially advised during Tyrannical Icon Tyrannical weeks. If you want to focus primarily on AoE damage, Disciplinary Command Icon Disciplinary Command is still ahead by a couple percent.

The other main DPS alternative is Temporal Warp Icon Temporal Warp, however, this is only good if your group has someone else who can supply the Time Warp Icon Time Warp (or similar) as well, and you use that other effect early on in the dungeon. If both of those conditions are met, Temporal Warp is a great option for Mythic+ to assist with specific, difficult pulls.

The final alternative Legendary option is Triune Ward Icon Triune Ward, which can boost your survivability significantly. This is only an option when DPS is not a relevant requirement but you feel you really need more survivability. Especially in very high keys, you can get 1-shot by some mechanics, where Triune Ward can help you survive these 1-shots.


Best Torghast Legendaries for Fire Mage

Triune Ward Icon Triune Ward is a fantastic overall defensive option for Torghast.

Grisly Icicle Icon Grisly Icicle is a great option when soloing Torghast, as the enemies will remain frozen for the entire duration of Frost Nova Icon Frost Nova even when you are DPSing them, making it very easy to kite enemies and still do damage to them. When doing Torghast as a group, this effect is mostly useless because your group will break your freezes instantly, in which case Firestorm Icon Firestorm or Fevered Incantation Icon Fevered Incantation is the best option. Additionally, if you have no issues surviving, you can also pick one of these DPS Legendaries.


Rotation Changes with Fire Mage Legendaries


Sun King's Blessing Rotation Changes

Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing activates Combustion Icon Combustion for 6 seconds after consuming 8 Hot Streak Icon Hot Streak procs. If you already have Combustion active, it will extend your current Combustion by 6 seconds. To make the most of this, there are a couple of rotational changes to consider:

  • If you are also running Pyroclasm Icon Pyroclasm, you will want to hold the Pyroclasm procs for Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing, as long as Pyroclasm would not expire before you would finish hardcasting Pyroblast for Sun King's Blessing.
  • You should delay Rune of Power Icon Rune of Power for Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing.
  • If you are running the 4-set tier bonus: Hardcast Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing even when Combustion Icon Combustion is active.
  • If you have a Hot Streak Icon Hot Streak active while hardcasting Pyroblast for Sun King's Blessing, do not immediately cast Pyroblast after hardcasting Pyroblast, but wait a mini second (only 0.1 second is needed). This is done because of a bug that would cause you to lose out on a stack of Sun King's Blessing if you cast it too quickly.

Disciplinary Command Rotation Changes

To assist with using Disciplinary Command Icon Disciplinary Command, we suggest this WeakAura.


How to Activate Disciplinary Command

Disciplinary Command Icon Disciplinary Command is a Legendary effect that greatly increases your Critical Strike damage after using a Frost, Arcane and Fire spell within 10 seconds. It does not matter in what order you cast these, as long as all 3 schools have been cast in the last 10 seconds. Below we go over the best ways to proc each part of this effect, ordered by the best way to activate that school:

  • Fire:
    1. The Fire part of the effect will be active automatically at all times due to your standard rotation.
  • Arcane:
    1. Using Combustion Icon Combustion while talented into Rune of Power Icon Rune of Power will trigger the Arcane part of the effect.
    2. When running the conduit Diverted Energy Icon Diverted Energy, any time the effect heals you, it will count as an Arcane effect.
    3. Shimmer Icon Shimmer or Counterspell Icon Counterspell, if you do not need them for mechanics.
    4. Arcane Explosion Icon Arcane Explosion.
  • Frost:
    1. Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt.
    2. Frost Nova Icon Frost Nova if you are unable to cast Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt.

When to Activate Disciplinary Command

You want to activate Disciplinary Command Icon Disciplinary Command right before Combustion Icon Combustion, by casting a Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt (or Frost Nova Icon Frost Nova if you are unable to stand still for Frostbolt) and then going into your Combustion rotation. Outside of right before Combustion, you will want to activate it once between Combustions, by casting one of the Arcane triggers in the list above followed by one of the Frost triggers from above assuming you are running a 1-minute Combustion build. (Night Fae + Kindling Icon Kindling)


What Slot Should Legendaries by Crafted For?

Generally speaking, you will want to craft legendaries for slots with the lowest "stat budget", due to them being lower item level than Fated item level. Below we have listed the items in order of stat budget from low to high:

  1. Neck, Rings
  2. Cloak, Bracers
  3. Gloves, Belt, Boots, Shoulders
  4. Helm, Chest, Legs

This leads us to the following list of Legendaries and what slot to craft them in:

  • Unity Icon Unity: Belt
  • Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing: Gloves if using Hyperthread Wristwraps Icon Hyperthread Wristwraps, otherwise Wrist
  • Disciplinary Command Icon Disciplinary Command: Ring
  • Firestorm Icon Firestorm: Ring
  • Fevered Incantation Icon Fevered Incantation: Hands
  • Temporal Warp Icon Temporal Warp: Ring
  • Grisly Icicle Icon Grisly Icicle: Neck
  • Triune Ward Icon Triune Ward: Neck


  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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