Fire Mage DPS Mythic+ Tips — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated Today at 18:28 by Dutchmagoz 67 comments
General Information

In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Fire Mage in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).


Best Mythic+ Talents for Fire Mage in The War Within

Note: Lessons in Debilitation Icon Lessons in Debilitation can ninja pull enemies you are not in combat with in some specific instances. It is generally preferred to run this talent whenever possible since it is better than Gravity Lapse Icon Gravity Lapse, but make sure to spec out of it in Theater of Pain and Cinderbrew Meadery.


Flamestrike based AoE versus Cleave based AoE builds

Fire has the option to choose between 2 main AoE builds:

  • Cleave Based AoE Build;
  • Flamestrike Icon Flamestrike AoE Build;

The Cleave based build almost never casts Flamestrike Icon Flamestrike, and instead does its AoE damage by doing its single target rotation and spreading Mastery: Ignite Icon Mastery: Ignite and doing AoE damage via Firefall Icon Firefall and Living Bomb Icon Living Bomb. Due to this, it does better priority target damage, at the cost of some AoE damage. It also does better boss damage.

The cleave build does still pick up Quickflame Icon Quickflame, but this does not mean you should actively cast Flamestrike Icon Flamestrike. Flamestrike should only be used on low health large groups of enemies. Enemies that live longer should be cleaved down by doing the single-target rotation. You can drop this one point in Quickflame for any other single-target point of your choosing if you do not expect any low health enemies in the content you are doing.

The Flamestrike Icon Flamestrike based build is almost identical to the cleave based build, swapping only Firefall Icon Firefall into Fevered Incantation Icon Fevered Incantation. You only do this because Firefall has almost no value if you are going to be spamming Flamestrike. The Flamestrike based rotation does more damage on AoE at the cost of doing significantly less priority target damage. Both builds are relatively close boss damage. Note that it is only worth casting Flamestrike from 5 targets and onwards, so going the Flamestrike based build is never worth it if you will not fight more than 5 targets.

Which build you go highly depends on the damage your group needs. If you are doing content where you do not fight more than 5 targets, you should always go the cleave based build. The cleave build will do best single-target and priority damage, whereas the Flamestrike based build will do more AoE damage. If you are unsure, I recommend the cleave based build.


Cleave Based AoE Build


Flamestrike Based AoE Build


Flexible Talents

  • Swap between the Flamestrike Icon Flamestrike and Cleave based builds based on the type of damage profile you need for your current dungeon.
  • Replace Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier for Mass Invisibility Icon Mass Invisibility if your dungeon route requires the ability to skip enemy packs and have no one else providing the group with invisibility (a Rogue or using potions).
  • Swap in/out of Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse for any defensive talent of your choice when there are no Curses to dispel in the dungeon, you plan to do, or if someone else will handle the dispelling.
  • Swap in/out of Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal for any defensive talent of your choice when there are no buffs worth dispelling in the dungeon you plan to do.
  • Take Ring of Frost Icon Ring of Frost or Ice Nova Icon Ice Nova if you need any more crowd-control, at the cost of any of your defensives.
  • Replace Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave for any defensive talent of your choosing if you do not need the crowd-control.
  • Opt out of Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold (and the nodes leading to it) for any defensive nodes of your choosing if you need the immunity of Ice Block Icon Ice Block for the dungeon you are doing.

Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Fire Mage for The War Within Season 2

This section has Mage-specific tips and tricks that may not seem obvious, for all dungeons' bosses and mobs. Generic tips or guides for the dungeons are not included here.


Mythic+ Tips for Fire Mage in The War Within Season 2

Cinderbrew Meadery Darkfleme Cleft Operation: Floodgate Operation: Mechagon Priory of the Sacred Flame The MOTHERLODE!! The Rookery Theater of Pain

Make sure to spec out of Lessons in Debilitation Icon Lessons in Debilitation into Gravity Lapse Icon Gravity Lapse here since Lessons in Debilitation can ninja pull enemies in this dungeon.





We do not currently have boss specific tips for this dungeon.



  • Venture Co. Pyromaniac: Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility will immediately interrupt Boiling Flames Icon Boiling Flames.
  • Royal Jelly Purveyor: Honey Volley Icon Honey Volley can be removed via Energized Barriers Icon Energized Barriers.
  • Flavor Scientist: Rejuvenating Honey Icon Rejuvenating Honey can be stolen with Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal.


We do not currently have boss specific tips for this dungeon.



  • Sootsnout: Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility makes Flaming Tether Icon Flaming Tether target someone else.
  • Torchsnarl: Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility immediately cancels One-Hand Headlock Icon One-Hand Headlock.



Big M.O.M.M.A.

  • You can Shimmer Icon Shimmer over Sonic Boom Icon Sonic Boom.


  • During Razorchoke Vines Icon Razorchoke Vines, be careful with using Shimmer Icon Shimmer as it will count as moving 14 yards and will pull the linked player to you.


  • Disturbed Kelp: You can Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Restorative Algae Icon Restorative Algae.
  • Venture Co. Surveyor: You can Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility Surveying Beam Icon Surveying Beam to immediately cancel it.




  • Explosive Leap Icon Explosive Leap can be completely negated via Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility. It targets the furthest player first, so make sure you are the furthest player away, and while the boss is mid air, cast Greater Invisibility, completely cancelling the ability for you and everyone else. If you are not the furthest or do not have Greater Invisibility ready, you can avoid the damage with Shimmer Icon Shimmer, but this will not cancel the ability for the rest of the group.

King Mechagon

  • Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility cancels Mega-Zap Icon Mega-Zap on you.


  • Mechagon Mechanic: Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Overclock Icon Overclock for a haste buff.
  • Defense Bot Mk III: Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Defensive Countermeasure Icon Defensive Countermeasure for a big shield.
  • Loaderbot: Wind Up Icon Wind Up can be interrupted via Dragon's Breath Icon Dragon's Breath and Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave.



Captain Dailcry

  • Savage Mauling Icon Savage Mauling can be cancelled via Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.

Baron Braunpyke

  • Castigator's Shield Icon Castigator's Shield can be removed via Energized Barriers Icon Energized Barriers.

Prioress Murrpray

  • The Sacred Flame Icon The Sacred Flame will target someone else if you use Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.


  • Zealous Templar: Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Templar's Wrath Icon Templar's Wrath for a big damage bonus.
  • War Lynx: Pounce Icon Pounce can be interrupted during the cast via crowd-control, including roots like Frost Nova Icon Frost Nova. It can also be dodged via Shimmer Icon Shimmer.
  • Lightspawn: Purification Icon Purification gets cancelled by Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.
  • Sergeant Shaynemail: Use Shimmer Icon Shimmer to avoid Lunging Strike Icon Lunging Strike.
  • Arathi Footman: You can interrupt Defend Icon Defend with Dragon's Breath Icon Dragon's Breath and Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave.




  • Azerite Infusion Icon Azerite Infusion can be temporarily dropped via Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility, but it continues when the invisibility ends.

Rixxa Fluxflame

  • Azerite Catalyst Icon Azerite Catalyst can be fully interrupted and stop the puddles from spawning by using Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.
  • Propellant Blast Icon Propellant Blast also gets cancelled by Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility, but try to avoid this, as it will stop it from clearing the pools on the floor.

Mogul Razdunk

  • Homing Missile Icon Homing Missile can be cancelled by casting Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility by casting it before the cast finishes. If the cast finished, casting Greater Invisibility will make the Missile immediately explode on the spot, so be careful activating it late.


  • Stonefury: Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Tectonic Barrier Icon Tectonic Barrier for a big shield.
  • Venture Co. Mastermind: Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility can be used to cancel Mind Lash Icon Mind Lash.


We do not currently have boss specific tips for this dungeon.



  • Corrupted Oracle: Void Shell Icon Void Shell can be stolen with Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal for a big shield.
  • Unruly Stormrook: Energized Barrage Icon Energized Barrage can be cancelled with Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.
  • Cursed Thunderer: Lightning-Infused Icon Lightning-Infused can be stolen with Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal for a cast speed buff.
  • Corrupted Oracle: Seeping Corruption Icon Seeping Corruption can be dispelled with Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse.

Make sure to spec out of Lessons in Debilitation Icon Lessons in Debilitation into Gravity Lapse Icon Gravity Lapse here since Lessons in Debilitation can ninja pull enemies in this dungeon.



We do not currently have boss specific tips for this dungeon.



  • Minibosses (Advent Nevermore + Harugia): Ricocheting Blade Icon Ricocheting Blade can be cancelled via Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.
  • Shackled Soul: Bind Soul Icon Bind Soul can be cancelled with Energized Barriers Icon Energized Barriers.
  • Portal Guardian: You can dispell Shadow Vulnerability Icon Shadow Vulnerability with Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse.
  • Nefarious Deathspeaker: You can dispell Curse of Desolation Icon Curse of Desolation with Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse.
  • Bone Magus: You can Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Bone Shield Icon Bone Shield for a big shield. Note that it sets you to 50% health. You can counteract this by activating Alter Time Icon Alter Time before Spellsteal and then re-activating it after, but since this shield is so big, it is usually overkill.
  • Battlefield Ritualist: You can Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal Unholy Fervor Icon Unholy Fervor to stop it from healing.

Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Fire Mage in The War Within Season 2

This section has Mage-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general, check out our dedicated page below.


Affix Guide for Fire Mage in The War Within

Affix: Ascendant Affix: Pulsar Affix: Devour

Ascendant Affix Management for Fire Mage

Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath Icon Dragon's Breath / Supernova Icon Supernova are great at handling this affix.


Pulsar Affix Management for Fire Mage

You can soak these without losing any health by activating Alter Time Icon Alter Time right before soaking them. If Alter Time is not available, using any other defensive, especially Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier should make them easy to survive as well.


Devour Affix Management for Fire Mage

Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse should be used to remove Void Rift Icon Void Rift.


Fire Mage Utility In Mythic+

The main reason to bring a Fire Mage to a Mythic+ group is for its damage, but aside from that, it also has some very valuable utility, which makes every Mythic+ group want at least one Mage:

  • Arcane Intellect Icon Arcane Intellect is a big boost for both the other caster DPS in the group, as well as additional healing for the healer.
  • Time Warp Icon Time Warp is a required cooldown for any Mythic+ group.
  • Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse can be useful to dispel Curses in some dungeons.
  • A Fire Mage can add a lot of crowd control in the form of Dragon's Breath Icon Dragon's Breath, Polymorph Icon Polymorph, Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave, Ice Nova Icon Ice Nova, Ring of Frost Icon Ring of Frost, or even Mass Slow Icon Mass Slow.
  • Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal can be useful in some dungeons to remove dangerous buffs from enemy targets. Sometimes, it can also be used as a big DPS boost for the Arcane Mage by Spellstealing beneficial buffs that increase your damage.
  • Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier can be brought as a decent defensive cooldown for the group.
  • Mass Invisibility Icon Mass Invisibility can be very useful to skip certain packs.


  • 30 Mar. 2025: Add warning to not spec into Lessons in Deblitation for TOP+Brew.
  • 22 Mar. 2025: Removed wind up interrupt tip as they cannot be interrupted by disorients.
  • 14 Mar. 2025: Added tips for all dungeons.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated best talents for 11.1 changes, updated affix tips for new affixes.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 26 Nov. 2024: Updated talents for the latest buffs.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated talents and split viable talents up into 3 different builds. Also added dungeon specific tips.
  • 02 Oct. 2024: Updated Flamestrike vs Ignite choice to further emphasize that Flamestrike does more overall DPS.
  • 24 Sep. 2024: Added Flamestrike based aoe builds now that it is more viable due to the latest buffs
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for TWW Season 1.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated best talents based on Season 4 changes.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6., splitting up the different M+ builds into separate boxes so they take up less space and can be viewed more easily.
  • 09 Mar. 2024: Updated suggested Mythic+ talents slightly, and added more information on picking between Ignite vs Flamestrike builds.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated talents for 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 01 Aug. 2023: Updated talent choice between improved scorch and critical mass instead of meteor.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated talents suggestions, rotation and utility for after the 10.1.5 Fire rework.
  • 12 Jun. 2023: Fix talent import string.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated talents based on new optimal talents and removed mentions to the Flamestrike build as it is now too behind to consider, and removed mentions about thundering.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7 and provided some small phrasing tweaks.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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