Firelands Daily Quests Guide (WoD 6.1.2)
Table of Contents
The Firelands daily quests (that we prefer to refer to as the Firelands Invasion event) will enable you to help notable heroes of the Horde and the Alliance, such as Malfurion Stormrage, Hamuul Runetotem, or Jarod Shadowsong, to invade the Firelands and establish a stronghold there.
Participation to the event is only available to level 85 characters that have completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have reclaimed the Regrowth area. The event does not serve as an attunement to the Firelands raid, which can be freely entered by level 85 characters.
The event itself consists mainly in daily quests during which you amass Marks of the World Tree. This currency is used to unlock new daily quests and new reward vendors. It takes about one month to unlock everything and have access to all the rewards.
Event Stages, Currency, and Timeline
Throughout the event, you will obtain Marks of the World Tree as quest rewards. The event is split in various stages and unlocking a new stage requires you to gather a certain number of Marks of the World Tree:
- Initial quest line and first daily quests (1 day): 20 Marks of the World Tree;
- Recruiting help (14 days):
- The Shadow Wardens: 150 Marks of the World Tree,
- The Druids of the Talon: 150 Marks of the World Tree;
- Obtaining further help (15 days):
- Recruiting Elderlimb and the ancients: 125 Marks of the World Tree,
- Recruiting an armorer: 125 Marks of the World Tree,
- Building a moonwell: 125 Marks of the World Tree.
It takes only one day to complete the initial quest line (and the first daily quests) which take place in Mount Hyjal, around the Sanctuary of Malorne. After that, the new questing area within the Firelands, the Molten Front, is unlocked and new daily quests become available. Below, you will find the map of the Molten Front, which is located west of the Firelands raid area:
The quest hub is located at Malfurion's Breach. Initially, you will only be questing in the Ashen Fields and the Magma Springs.
After 9 days, you will have gathered enough Marks of the World Tree to recruit either the Shadow Wardens or the Druids of the Talon. Whichever of these groups you decide to unlock first, you will receive additional daily quests from the Molten Front, which enable you to recruit the other group in 5 days.
The daily quests from the Druids of the Talon send you questing at the Furnace, the Molten Flow (an uncharted area below the Furnace and the Magma Springs), and the Fireplume Peak. The daily quests from the Shadow Wardens send you questing at the Forlorn Spire, the Widow's Clutch, and the Igneous Depths. The last daily quest from each group is the same and will send you to Ragnaros' Reach.
After recruiting both the Shadow Wardens and the Druids of the Talon, you will have to choose the daily quests of one group or the other, but you will not be able to do both.
The next and final stage of the event is to secure further help for the invasion by bringing 125 Marks of the World Tree (5 days worth of dailies) to 1 of 3 specific NPCs. Doing so unlocks rewards specific to that NPC (sold by the NPC or an acquaintance of his). Once the 3 vendors have been unlocked, the event is basically over.
It will take about one month to complete the entire event and unlock all the rewards. All the time estimations given above assume that, every day, you max out the number of Marks of the World Tree you can obtain by completing all the daily quests available.
As you progress through the event, you can see a tree, the Sentinel Tree, growing at Malfurion's Breach in the Molten Front. The size of the tree reflects your progression in the event.
The Firelands Invasion event will bring many rewards to those who complete it: achievements, gear, patterns, commendations, a title, a flying mount, pets, and collector items.
Only the commendations are bought with Mark of the World Tree. All the other items are sold for gold.
There is a total of 15 achievements that you can earn by doing the event. If you follow our guide, you will have done most of them by the time you finish the event and others will depend on random factors such as whether an NPC was present during a given daily quest.
Below, we tried to rank the achievements according to the most likely order in which you will finish them:
Ludicrous Speed
And the Meek Shall Inherit Kalimdor
King of the Spider-Hill
Flawless Victory
The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost
Gang War
Infernal Ambassadors
Master of the Molten Flow
Fireside Chat
Ready for Raiding II
Legacy of Leyara (gives
Leyara's Locket, which transforms you into a Druid of the Flame for 10 minutes)
The Molten Front Offensive (gives
Flameward Hippogryph)
Death From Above
Have... Have We Met?
Veteran of the Molten Front (gives The Flamebreaker title)
The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN. (not exactly a Firelands daily quests achievement, but can be done at the same time and rewards a pet).
The first vendor you unlock is Zen'Vorka, who becomes available as soon as you enter the Molten Front. Initially, only a small part of his inventory will be available. The rest becomes purchasable once you have unlocked the 3 other vendors:
- Ayla Shadowstorm is unlocked by turning in 125 Marks of the World Tree to build a moonwell;
- Varlan Highbough is unlocked by turning in 125 Marks of the World Tree to recruit Elderlimb and the ancients;
- Damek Bloombeard is unlocked by turning in 125 Marks of the World Tree to recruit an armorer.
All of these vendors are located at Malfurion's Breach in the Molten Front.
All the gear items you can obtain during the Firelands invasion have an item level of 365.
Intellect-based items:
- Neck:
Nightweaver's Amulet, sold by Zen'Vorka (as soon as he is unlocked);
- Off-hand:
Globe of Moonlight, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Ring:
Spirit Fragment Band, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Relic:
Relic of Elune's Light, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Trinket:
Moonwell Chalice, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Cloth:
- Hands:
Widow's Clutches, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Hands:
- Leather:
- Waist:
Fireplume Girdle, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Waist:
- Mail:
- Feet:
Fiery Treads, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Feet:
Healer-specific Intellect-based items:
- Plate:
- Hands:
Gauntlets of Living Obsidium, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Waist:
Belt of Living Obsidium, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Hands:
Agility-based items:
- Ring:
Matoclaw's Band, sold by Zen'Vorka (as soon as he is unlocked);
- Ring:
Band of Glittering Lights, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Relic:
Relic of Elune's Shadow, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Trinket:
Ricket's Magnetic Fireball, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Leather:
- Hands:
Aviana's Grips, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Hands:
- Mail:
- Feet:
Lancer's Greaves, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Feet:
Strength-based items:
- Neck:
Fireheart Necklace, sold by Zen'Vorka (as soon as he is unlocked);
- Ring:
Meteorite Ring, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
- Ring:
Moon Blessed Band, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Relic:
Relic of Lo'Gosh, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Trinket:
Dwyer's Caber, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Waist:
Rickety Belt, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
Tank-specific Strength-based items:
- Ring:
Nemesis Shell Band, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Ring:
Lylagar Horn Ring, sold by Varlan Highbough;
- Relic:
Relic of Tortolla, sold by VarlanHighbough;
- Trinket:
Moonwell Phial, sold by Ayla Shadowstorm;
- Feet:
Pyrelord Greaves, sold by Zen'Vorka (as soon as he is unlocked);
- Wrist:
Ricket's Gun Show, sold by Damek Bloombeard;
Patterns for various professions are available for sale once you unlock Damek Bloombeard and Ayla Shadowstorm.
Damek Bloombeard sells 8 Blacksmithing and 2 Engineering patterns for crafting item level 365 weapons:
Plans: Brainsplinter (Agility Dagger);
Plans: Elementium-Edged Scalper (Strength One-Handed Axe);
Plans: Lightforged Elementium Hammer (Healing Mace);
Plans: Masterwork Elementium Deathblade (Strength Two-Handed Sword);
Plans: Masterwork Elementium Spellblade (Caster Dagger);
Plans: Pyrium Spellward (Agility One-Handed Sword);
Plans: Unbreakable Guardian (Tanking Sword);
Plans: Witch-Hunter's Harvester (Agility Polearm);
Schematic: Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher (Agility Gun);
Schematic: Flintlocke's Woodchucker (Gun Device).
Ayla Shadowstorm sells 3 bag patterns (1 for Tailors and 2 for Leatherworkers):
Pattern: Luxurious Silk Gem Bag;
Pattern: Royal Scribe's Satchel;
Pattern: Triple-Reinforced Mining Bag;
After unlocking the 3 other vendors, Zen'Vorka will sell commendations that enable you to exchange 30 Marks of the World Tree for 250 reputation with a home faction of your choice:
- Alliance:
Darnassus Writ of Commendation;
Exodar Writ of Commendation;
Gilneas Writ of Commendation;
Gnomeregan Writ of Commendation;
Ironforge Writ of Commendation;
Stormwind Writ of Commendation.
- Horde:
Bilgewater Writ of Commendation;
Orgrimmar Writ of Commendation;
Sen'jin Writ of Commendation;
Silvermoon Writ of Commendation;
Thunder Bluff Writ of Commendation;
Undercity Writ of Commendation.
Title, Mount, Pets, and Collector Items
The Flamebreaker is a title you obtain from completing all the achievements from the Firelands Invasion event.
The Flameward Hippogryph is a reward you will receive in the mail
after unlocking the last 3 vendors.
There are a few collector items that can be bought or earned:
Leyara's Locket is an item that enables you to transform yourself into a Druid of the Flame for 5 minutes. It is obtained after completing a quest which becomes accessible once both the Shadow Wardens and the Druids of the Talon have been recruited.
Mushroom Chair can be bought for 400 gold from Ayla Shadowstorm.
Mylune's Call can be bought for 2,800 gold from Varlan Highbough and summons greenery around you.
You can also buy 2 pets from the vendors:
Hyjal Bear Cub for 1,200 gold from Varlan Highbough;
Crimson Lasher for 1,200 gold from Ayla Shadowstorm.
For all these items, we have made a short video to show you what they look like:
Zen'Vorka also sells Zen'Vorka's Cache. So far, all we have obtained from
it were
Elementium Lockbox and green BoE item with a level of 300 or 312.
Scorched Stone has been confirmed as being contained in this box.
While not a reward of the Firelands daily quests, Chirping Box,
which contains either
Blue Mini Jouster or
Gold Mini Jouster
(depending on which reward you chose after completing the
Egg Wave quest), can be earned by completing the
The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN. achievement (you then receive your
pet through the in-game mail system). The related daily
quest can be done at the same time as the Firelands daily quests.
Initial Quest Line
To get started, you need to take the Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion! quest at a Hero's Call Board if you are Alliance, or the Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion! quest at a Warchief's Command Board if you are Horde. You can find these boards in any of your capital cities. This first quest will lead you to Matoclaw, located at the Sanctuary of Malorne in South-West Mount Hyjal (that location is clearly marked on the map). Alternatively, you can directly go to Matoclaw and skip the first quest.
Upon reaching Matoclaw, talk to him to complete the Matoclaw
objective of Fireside Chat. Then, you can complete your current quest
so that Matoclaw can give you Opening the Door, which marks the beginning of
the initial quest line, which will take you to the following locations:

The list below explains what must be done in each marked location from the map:
- This is where you start from and get the first quest.
- At that location, talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem to complete the quest. You will obtain the follow-up quest (A Ritual of Flame), which you will be doing on site. Kill the invaders that exit from the portal in order to enable the Ritual of Flame to complete (your UI will show its progression in the form of a cast bar). When the ritual completes, an NPC named Leyara will appear. Kill her to complete the quest. You will be given the next quest (To the Sanctuary!).
- Return to the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest. The next quest is Caught Unawares and will give you 6 Marks of the World Tree.
- At that location (where you first met Tortolla while questing in Mount Hyjal), you can complete the first part of the quest. Simply kill 6 fire invaders.
- At that location, kill another 6 fire invaders.
- At that location, kill yet again 6 fire invaders.
- Finally, go back to Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest. The follow-up quest is The Sanctuary Must Not Fall and rewards 10 Marks of the World Tree. It requires you to stay next to Malfurion Stormrage and protect him from fire invaders while he resurrects Malorne, though you can just step aside and watch Hamuul Runetotem kill the invaders in one blow. When the resurrection ritual is complete, you will be granted a small cut scene, after which you can complete the quest. The next quest is Calling for Reinforcements, which marks the beginning of the first phase of daily quests.
First Daily Quests
In order to complete Calling for Reinforcements, you need to gather 20 Mark of the World Tree. You already have 16 from the initial quest line. The two daily quests that are given to you at the Sanctuary of Malorne are enough to reach 20 marks and unlock the next stage. In the first days of Patch 4.2, the initial quest line only gave 8 marks, which meant that 3 days were required to reach 20 marks. This was quickly changed.
Matoclaw and Mylune, at the Sanctuary of Malorne, will propose two daily quests, which will persist in the next stage and change from one day to the other. The first quest will always ask you to kill fire invaders or gather materials. The second quest will always ask you to go help critters around the Sanctuary. You should always start by the first quest, as doing so will usually help you complete part of the objective of the second quest.
First Daily Quest
The first daily quest rewards 1 mark, is always given by Matoclaw, and is one of the following:
- Rage Against the Flames;
- Rage Against the Flames;
- Rage Against the Flames;
- Rage Against the Flames;
- Supplies for the Other Side.
The first 4 quests require you to kill a number of fire invaders in the Regrowth and at the Grove of Aessina. The number varies 6 to 9, depending on which daily quest you get. Often, you will need to kill fire invaders to progress through the second daily quest.
The last quest requires you to look for 7 Blueroot Vine in the Regrowth
area. If you
are an Herbalist, they will show up on your minimap. Otherwise, we have included
a screenshot to help you locate them:

Second Daily Quest
The second daily quest is given by either Matoclaw or Mylune, and is always chosen from among the 5 following quests, which reward 1 Mark of the World Tree. Each of these 5 daily quests lead to a different follow-up quest, which rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree. The possible quests are:
- Call the Flock (Matoclaw), followed by Wings Aflame;
- Punting Season (Mylune), followed by Echoes of Nemesis;
- Those Bears Up There (Mylune), followed by Nature's Blessing;
- Perfecting Your Howl (Matoclaw), followed by The Call of the Pack;
- Between the Trees (Matoclaw), followed by The Power of Malorne.
On the map below, we have outlined the important locations that we will use to explain how to do the quests efficiently:

- To complete Call the Flock, you first need to transform into a bird
Quill of the Bird-Queen, the provided quest item. Then head to the marked area, in the map above, to gather the flock. Alpine Songbirds can be found around the pine trees, Forest Owls are usually on top of trees or buildings, and Goldwing Hawks are found flying at higher altitudes. When passing next to these birds, use Call the Flock, the only ability you are provided with in bird form, to gather them in your flocks. Once you have gathered all the birds you need, you will be able to complete the quest and get Wings Aflame. Go to the location marked in the quest above, where you will find a portal, summon Millagazor using
Quill of the Bird-Queen, and kill him (the flock you have just gathered will help you when he tries to flee). Go back to the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest.
- To complete Punting Season, simply look for small, clickable turtles on the path around Ashen Lake. Click them and use the first ability in the special action bar to kick the turtle in the lake. They are usually attacked by one or two fire invaders which you need to kill first. After completing the quest, you get Echoes of Nemesis for which you need to go at the marked location on the map, talk to Tooga, the turtle standing next to the pine tree, and kill Nemesis when he exits the portal. Go back to the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest.
- To complete Those Bears Up There, go to the marked location
on the map above and rescue the bear cubs from the surrounding trees.
You will feel familiar with this quest already, which is only normal
since you have already done exactly the same quest while questing in
Hyjal. After rescuing the bears, you
are offered a new quest: Nature's Blessing. Go to the
marked location on the map above and summon Pyrachnis using
Emerald of Aessina, the quest item you were given. Kill her then go back to the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest. You can use the Emerald of Aessina to cleanse yourself of the poison debuff Pyrachnis applies on you.
- To complete Perfecting Your Howl, simply slay 10 fire
invaders in the Regrowth, around Ashen Lake, or in the Grove
of Aessina, and use
Fang of the Wolf, the provided quest item, on their corpses. The follow-up quest, The Call of the Pack requires you to go to the marked location on the map where you will find a portal, use the
Fang of the Wolf to summon Lylagar, and kill him. Finally, go back to the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest.
- To complete Between the Trees, look for Spirits of Malorne.
They can easily be missed if you do not know what you are looking for
so we have included a screenshot to make it easier:
Guardian's Staff, the quest item you are provided with to summon Galenges. Wait for Malorne to weaken him before killing him. Then go back to the Sanctuary of Malorne to complete the quest.
Ludicrous Speed can be done while doing the Call the Flock
quest. Whenever you use the Call the Flock ability and gather birds,
you get stacks of Soar. Gathering an Alpine Songbird gives 1 stack,
gathering a Forest Owl gives 5 stacks, and gathering a Goldwing Hawk
gives 15 stacks. The maximum number of stacks you can get is therefore 67. The
achievement requires you to reach 65, which leaves very little room for error.
You need to basically complete the quest without letting the stacks drop.
The timer is on 8 seconds and is refreshed every time you gather one or more
birds. You can also do it the easy way by dropping the quest while in bird
form, or just completing it and accepting the follow-up quest without dropping
your bird form, and use the Call the Flock ability on Goldwing Hawks only (by
doing so, you can reach a maximum of 75 stacks). Alternatively, you can do the
quest while in a raid group, as then, recruiting birds will not complete the
quest objectives, giving you as many chances as necessary to earn the
Infernal Ambassadors cannot be entirely completed the first day
because it requires to see all 5 critter quests
but you can get started on it and continue it in the second phase of
daily quests where the critter quests are once again available. You need to
kill the elite invaders in the following ways:
- Pyrachnis' poison debuff can be removed with the quest item you receive
Emerald of Aessina). Simply kill her without using it.
- Millagazor has an ability called Gout of Flame which creates a succession of fire spots on the ground that erupts after a few seconds. The ability follows you, so simply move out of the fire spots that form under you while killing him.
- Lylagar has a fire breath ability. It has a cast time, which leaves you time to move out of the targeted area.
- Galenges originally has a very large health pool and is regularly weakened by a spirit of Malorne. When weakened, Galenges takes 900% increased damage. You need to kill him before he is weakened for a second time.
- Nemesis regularly cast a fire attack called Molten Fury. Avoid it by taking refuge under the shield that Tooga creates.
And the Meek Shall Inherit Kalimdor requires you to get
Call the Flock, Those Bears Up There, and Punting Season.
There are 4 objectives to validate:
- Angry Little Squirrel: next to the portal where you summon Pyrachnis and Millagazor in the Grove of Aessina, there is a fallen pine tree on which stand squirrels. Simply kite a fire elemental close to the tree and wait for a squirrel to throw a nut at it. When you hear the ponk sound, the objective will have been completed.
- Hyjal Bear Cub: during the Those Bears Up There quest, instead of sending a cub to the soft target, simply throw it at a sleeping Brimstone Hound to complete the objective.
- Alpine Songbird: complete Wings Aflame, the follow-up quest of Call the Flock.
- Child of Tortolla: during the Punting Season quest, punt a child of Tortolla at a Flame Terror instead of punting it in the water.
The quests necessary to complete these achievements will remain available in subsequent parts of the event.
We remind you that you can complete the Matoclaw objective of
Fireside Chat by speaking with him at the Sanctuary of Malorne.
Additionally, you can complete The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN.
by doing, alongside your Firelands daily quests, Vigilance on Wings
10 times. This will reward you a vanity pet.
Second Phase of Daily Quests
After obtaining 20 Marks of the World Tree, you can finally complete Calling for Reinforcements. After doing so, Hamuul Runetotem will give you Leyara. Go to the shrine, west of the Grove of Aessina, talk to Leyara, and enjoy (or not) the cut scene. Then, you can go back to Matoclaw to turn in the quest and obtain the follow-up quest from Malfurion Stormrage: Through the Gates of Hell (which rewards 15 Marks of the World Tree).
You are finally able to set foot in the Molten Front. To do so, go to the fire portal at Nordune Ridge (just north of the Sanctuary of Malorne), and click it. As soon as you arrive, you will be faced with an elite fire elemental: an Obsidian Staglord. Help Malfurion defeat it. Avoid Elemental Devastation, an ability the elemental casts and that creates patches of fire from which damaging spikes emerge. Then, follow Malfurion so that you can turn in the quest.
At that point, several things happen:
- First of all, Zen'Vorka is
unlocked and the following items become available for sale:
Matoclaw's Band,
Nightweaver's Amulet,
Fireheart Necklace, and
Pyrelord Greaves.
- Then, you get to talk to 3 NPCs for the
Fireside Chat achievement: Malfurion is right next to you, Jarod Shadowsong is just outside of the cave where Malfurion resides, and Taldris Moonfall is slightly west of Jarod Shadowsong.
- Finally, you unlock 4 daily quests (giving 2 Marks of the World Tree each) to do in the Molten Front, which we detail in a following section.
Additionally, there are 3 daily quests which will be offered to you at the Sanctuary of Malorne and which we detail in a following section. One of them, The Protectors of Hyjal, will be given to you right away, upon returning to the Sanctuary of Malorne, while the others will only become available the next day.
Malfurion now gives two quests: Druids of the Talon and The Shadow Wardens. You will need 150 Marks of the World Tree to complete each of these quests.
At the first day, you will have 25 Marks of the World Tree, 15 from Through the Gates of Hell, 8 from the 4 daily quests that you have unlocked in the Molten Front, and 2 from the only daily quest you can do that day at the Sanctuary of Malorne.
With the 7 daily quests that you have available, you will be earning 14 Marks of the World Tree a day, which means that you will need 9 days to gather 150 Marks of the World Tree and recruit the Shadow Wardens or the Druids of the Talon.
Sanctuary of Malorne Daily Quests
As we explained previously, the first day you unlock the Molten Front, you will only be able to do one daily quest upon returning to the Sanctuary of Malorne. The next days, you will be able to do 3 daily quests. You should always start by doing the quests from the Sanctuary of Malorne, as one of them is turned in at an NPC inside the Molten Front.
There are 3 quest sets from which the 3 daily quests will be randomly chosen each day. It is not possible for 2 quests from the same set to be available on the same day. The 3 sets of quests are:
- The Protectors of Hyjal (rewards 2 marks).
- Rage Against the Flames, Rage Against the Flames, Rage Against the Flames, Rage Against the Flames, and Supplies for the Other Side from Matoclaw and Releasing the Pressure, Relieving the Pain, and Treating the Wounds from Dorda'en Nightweaver (each rewards 1 mark);
- Call the Flock, Those Bears Up There, Punting Season, Perfecting Your Howl, and Between the Trees (each rewards 1 marks and leads to a follow-up quest rewarding 2 marks);
Some of these quests have already been presented as they can be offered the day you start the event. The new quests are presented below.
The Protectors of Hyjal is given to you by Captain Soren Moonfall. It sends you to Sethria's Roost, south of the Sanctuary to kill elite enemies. When you enter the area, a group of 4 Hyjal Protectors will appear by your side (1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS) and assist you in fighting. There are 2 sorts of enemies:
- Fiery Behemoths do a fire attack (Fire Nova) that knocks back everyone in melee range and send Fiery Boulders at ranged players. When fighting them, we advise you to stay at melee range and interrupt Fire Nova.
- Seething Pyrelords spawn Seethers, small fire elementals, which need to be killed fast if you have long cast times, as they incur a lot of pushback. At 50% health, Seething Pyrelords cast a reflective shield on themselves. This cast can and should be interrupted.
Dorda'en Nightweaver (to whom you should talk for the Fireside Chat
achievement) is treating Hamuul Runetotem for the wounds he received from
Leyara. Every day, Dorda'en Nightweaver can give you a quest, to help her
in her task, chosen from among these 3:
- Relieving the Pain and Treating the Wounds will require you to loot items from Seething Pyrelords and Fiery Behemoths, so you should do them at the same time as The Protectors of Hyjal.
- Releasing the Pressure will require you to kill Charred
Flamewakers (the sort of fire nagas that conjure Fireballs in the Regrowth)
to obtain
Flamewaker Scales.
Molten Front Daily Quests
All these quests are to be done in the Ashen Fields, next to the Malfurion's Breach.
Rayne Feathersong gives you one of these 2 daily quests:
- Wisp Away requires you to bring the Wisp you are given
to a fire portal and protect it from the Firekins that will spawn from the
portal (you can safely ignore every other enemy). After killing 8 Firekins,
the portal will be destroyed and the quest objective completed. Since finding a
portal can be hard when you do not know what you are looking for, we have
included a screenshot:
- Aggressive Growth requires you to click 5 mounds of dirt in the Ashen Fields.
Captain Irontree gives you every day the same quest: Burn Victims.
Simply use the Enchanted Salve (the quest item you are given) to heal 8
burned friendly units in the Ashen Fields.
Captain Taldris Moonfall gives you two quests every day. One is Hostile Elements and requires you to kill 8 Charred Combatants (Charred Soldiers and Charred Vanquishers) in the Ashen Fields. In addition to Charred Combatants, a third type of enemies can be present in the Ashen Fields, depending on the day: Lava Bursters, Ancient Charhounds, Molten Behemoths, and Druids of the Flame. The second quest given by Taldris Moonfall depends on what enemies are present on a given day:
- Breach in the Defenses will send you to kill 5 Lava Bursters;
- The Dogs of War will send you to kill 5 Ancient Charhounds;
- The Harder They Fall will send you to kill 3 Molten Behemoths;
- Traitors Return will send you to kill 3 Druids of the Flame.
While questing in Mount Hyjal, you can continue doing the
Infernal Ambassadors and
And the Meek Shall Inherit Kalimdor
achievements. You can also get
Ludicrous Speed if you have not
gotten a chance to previously.
Since you will spend time in Sethria's Roost, you should try to do the 3 related achievements:
Gang War is by far the easiest, simply ask someone in the area to let you win a duel while you are on the quest The Protectors of Hyjal.
The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost require you to kill 4 elite fire invaders in Sethria's Roost. We advise you to do this achievement while on the quest The Protectors of Hyjal so that you can benefit from the aid of the 4 accompanying NPCs. We also advise you to group up, the elite fire invaders are really tough and there is always the risk of pulling some of the nearby, weaker, invaders. We have included an image so that you can easily locate them (Andrazor flies over the area):
Have... Have We Met? is related to the The Protectors of Hyjal quest. The 4 Hyjal Protectors that accompany you can sometimes be famous NPCs from World of Warcraft. The goal of this achievement is to find 6 such NPCs (Linken, Hemet Nesingwary, Nat Pagle, Chromie, Mankrik, and Thassarian), either from your group of protectors or that of other players, and wave at them. Using a macro and trimming it down as you wave at NPCs can be useful:
- /target Linken
- /target Hemet Nesingwary
- /target Nat Pagle
- /target Chromie
- /target Mankrik
- /target Thassarian
- /wave
In the Molten Front, you can do the Flawless Victory achievement.
Simply engage, alone (without help from friends or NPCs), a Molten Behemoth
and kill it without being hit by Molten Stomp (run away from it when this
ability is being cast) and Fiery Boulder (move when your current location
is marked by a black circle, which indicates that a boulder will soon land
We remind you that you can complete the Malfurion Stormrage,
Jarod Shadowsong, and General Taldris Moonfall objectives of
Fireside Chat by speaking with these NPCs at the Malfurion's Breach in the
Molten Front. You can also complete the Dorda'en Nightweaver
objective of the same achievement by speaking with that NPC at the
Sanctuary of Malorne.
Recruiting the Shadow Wardens and the Druids of the Talon
Upon reaching 150 Marks of the World Tree, you are given the choice to recruit the Shadow Wardens or the Druids of the Talon:
- If you choose to complete The Shadow Wardens, the leader of this group, Saynna Stormrunner (to whom you turn in the quest) invites you to join her in the Molten Front. At the Sanctuary of Malorne, Matoclaw gives you The Hunt Begins, which you turn in to Saynna Stormrunner at Malfurion's Breach. Once you do so, after finishing the usual daily quests at Malfurion's Breach, Taldris Moonfall will give you The Forlorn Spire, which starts the daily quests of the Shadow Wardens.
- If you choose to complete Druids of the Talon, the leader of this group, Omnuron (to whom you turn in the quest) invites you to join him in the Molten Front. Then, below Omnuron, Isara Riverstride gives you Flight of the Storm Crows, which you turn in to Omnuron at Malfurion's Breach. Once you do so, after finishing the usual daily quests at Malfurion's Breach, Taldris Moonfall will give you Into the Fire, which starts the daily quests of the Druids of the Talon.
The daily quests from the Shadow Wardens are a lot easier and faster to
complete than the daily quests from the Druids of the Talon. On the other
hand, starting with the Druids of the Talon gives you a chance to finish
the Death From Above achievement faster.
Once you have recruited both groups, Taldris Moonfall will give you the
choice, every day, between The Forlorn Spire and Into the Fire. Each
day, you will only be able to complete the daily quests of one group, depending
on which quest you chose. If you want to complete the meta achievement
Veteran of the Molten Front, then you should choose Into the Fire
so that you can get a chance to further progress
Death From Above
(the objectives of which can only be completed while doing a daily
quest specific to the Druids of the Talon).
Daily Quests from the Shadow Wardens
The first day you will do the daily quests from the Shadow Wardens, you will obtain 16 Marks of the World Tree. On subsequent days, you will only obtain 11 Marks of the World Tree. After recruiting the Druids of the Talon and doing their daily quests once, you will be able to earn 12 marks every day by doing the quests from the Shadow Wardens. After unlocking the Strike at the Heart quest (supposedly by recruiting the ancients), you will be able to earn 15 marks a day.
After finishing the 4 Molten Front daily quests, Taldris Moonfall will give you The Forlorn Spire, which rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree. In order to complete it, go to the bottom of the ramp that links the Ashen Fields to the Forlorn Spire. There, you need to follow and protect the Druid and the Shadow Warden that will begin progressing up the ramp as you arrive. Once you have made it to the Forlorn Spire, you need to defeat the Pyrelord that protects it.
Turning in The Forlorn Spire unlocks 3 daily quests:
- Marin Bladewing will give you 1 of 2 quests:
- Solar Core Destruction rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to go north of the Widow's Clutch area and click the core that 4 Druids of the Flame are conjuring. If you can, simply root the druids and click the core. It will explode and will knock you out of reach from the druids, which saves you from dealing with them (they have a larger health pool than usual level 85 enemies).
- The Wardens are Watching rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and sends you off to capture a Druid of the Flame with the assistance of a Shadow Warden. Simply engage a druid and kite him through the trap that the warden will prepare when the druid's health is low.
- Deldren Ravenelm (whom you should talk to for
Fireside Chat) will give Pyrorachnophobia, which rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to kill nearby spiders, and 1 of 2 quests:
- Wicked Webs rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to destroy spider webs around the Widow's Clutch area in order to free imprisoned druids.
- Egg-stinction rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to collect
Cinderweb Egg. To access them, you need to climb on the stone pillars in the Widow's Clutch area. To do so, attack a Cinderweb Spinner, which will then pull you on its pillar.
The first time you will kill a Druid of the Flame while doing the
Shadow Wardens quests, you will loot a Dried Acorn, which
starts the quest: The Mysterious Seed. Finish the Shadow Wardens
quest and upon coming back to Malfurion's Breach, turn in the quest
to Avrilla. You will obtain a sequence of 2 very easy follow-up
quests (Planting Season and Little Lasher) that you will
do on the spot. Completing the last quest will unlock a new daily
quest that is given by Avrilla regardless of what daily quest line
you decide to do. We detail these quests in the next section.
Also, Marin Bladewing will give you a follow-up quest after you complete his first quest. This follow-up quest is always Enduring the Heat. It rewards 2 marks and requires you to go to the Igneous Depths and destroy 8 runes. Below, we propose a map of the Igneous Depths where we give an optimal order of destruction for the runes:

The blue dots mark the runes and the 2 short red lines are air currents that enable you to jump over the lava to reach the platform where the 4th rune you will destroy is located. Note that standing inside a rune protects you from the fire elementals that keep spawning. Destroying a rune also kills any nearby fire elemental.
Daily Quests from the Druids of the Talon
The first day you will do the daily quests from the Druids of the Talon, you will obtain 16 Marks of the World Tree. On subsequent days, you will only obtain 11 Marks of the World Tree. After unlocking the Shadow Wardens, a new daily quest will be available at Malfurion's Breach and you will be able to obtain 12 Marks of the World Tree everyday, by doing the quests from the Druids of the Talon. After unlocking the Strike at the Heart quest (supposedly by recruiting the ancients), you will be able to obtain 15 marks every day.
After finishing the 4 Molten Front daily quests, Taldris Moonfall will give you Into the Fire, which rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree. In order to complete it, go towards the Furnace until you reach Omnuron and the Windrunner standing next to him. The Windrunner will then enjoin you to protect him while he is clearing a path through the fire in front of you. Eventually, you will arrive to a Pyrelord that you will kill with the help of the Druids of the Talon before being sucked underground, in the Molten Flow.
If for any reason, you are not sucked underground, then you can use the rappelling rope next to the created chasm to go down to the Molten Flow.
Inside the Molten Flow, you will soon meet Thisalee Crow, to whom you
will turn in Into the Fire. Do not forget to speak with her for
the Fireside Chat achievement. Then, she will give you two quests:
- Flamewakers of the Molten Flow rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to slay 8 Flamewakers inside the Molten Flow.
- Fire Flowers rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to gather 5
Lucifern. You will find these flowers on the rocks emerging from the lava flow.
The first time you enter the Molten Flow, you can obtain the Need... Water... Badly... quest. Simply escort Anren Shadowseeker from the far end of the Molten Flow (zoom out on your minimap to locate him and his exclamation mark more easily) to the entrance. Completing this quest rewards 5 Marks of the World Tree and unlocks a new daily quest given by Tholo Whitehoof (detailed in a later section).
After you are done with Thisalee's quests, you need to go back to her to turn in one of the quests. Then exit the Molten Flow by jumping in the air current at the entrance, which will port you back to the Furnace. There, simply follow the map indicator for turning in the second quest form Thisalee. This will lead you to the nearby Druid of the Talon's quest hub where you will be given 3 daily quests.
- Arthron Windsong (with whom you should speak for the
Fireside Chat achievement) will give you 1 of 2 quests everyday:
- Singed Wings rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to go to Fireplume Peak to aid injured druids. To aid a druid, simply click him.
- Territorial Birds rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to go to Fireplume Peak to slay Fire Hawks, which, as their name suggest, are fire birds.
- Mortis Whisperwing will give you 1 of 3 quests everyday:
- Peaked Interest rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to go to the top of Fireplume Peak and steal a Fire Hawk egg. After stealing the egg, you should swiftly leave the area to avoid being confronted by the Fire Hawk Matriach.
- Mother's Malice rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to go to the top of Fireplume Peak and kill the Fire Hawk Matriach.
- Starting Young rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to go to Fireplume Peak and steal Fire Hawk Hatchling. You will find some at the top of the peak. Others will be flying low and you will be able to catch them by using the air currents to propulse yourself high enough.
- Fire in the Skies rewards 2 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to mount the Fire Hawk next to Mortis. It will take you over Beth'tilac's Lair in the Firelands. There, you need to Flamewakers and Cinderweb spiders as well as 3 Molten Lords. Your main action bar has been replaced and has now 2 abilities. For the Flamewakers and the spiders, simply spam your first ability and use the second ability whenever it is off cooldown. For the Molten Lords, just use the first ability. When you are done, use the third ability to go back to the Furnace.
Getting to the Fireplume Peak area from the Furnace requires you to use the rocky platforms located behind Arthron Windsong and Mortis Whisperwing. Jump from one platform to the other until you reach the other side. Beware of the platforms that are about the get destroyed. In Fireplume Peak, you need to make use of air currents to progress towards the center of the area. Simply jump in these air currents to get to higher grounds.
Avrilla's Daily Quest
After completing The Mysterious Seed, which you can get the first day you
do the Shadow Wardens' quests (by looting a Dried Acorn from a
Druid of the Flame), and its follow-up quests, Avrilla will
give 1 of 3 quests everyday:
- Some Like It Hot rewards 1 Mark of the World Tree and gives you a temporary lasher companion. You need to let that companion drink from 6 Ember Pools. Ember Pools are created in two ways. When fighting an Emberspirit Scorpion (in the Ashen Fields or the Magma Springs), it will sometimes cast Ember Pool, which creates an Ember Pool beneath you. When killing an Emberspirit Scorpion, an Ember Pool appears where the scorpion use to be. Ideally, you will engage 3 Emberspirit Scorpions, one at a time, waiting for it to cast Ember Pool once before killing it and letting the lasher drink from the 2 Ember Pools thus created.
- Steal Magmolias rewards 1 mark and requires you to gather Magmolias from the lava pools of the Magma Springs.
- Embergris rewards 1 mark and requires you to loot items from the Charred Combatants in the Ashen Fields. Typically, you will do this quest together with Hostile Elements.
Tholo's Daily Quest
After completing Need... Water... Badly..., which you can get the first day you do the Druids of the Talon's quests, Tholo Whitehoof will give you a daily quest at the Furnace, when you do the Druids of the Talon's quests, or at the Forlorn Spire, when you do the Shadow Wardens' quests:
- At the Furnace (during the Druids of the Talon's quests):
- How Hot rewards 1 mark and requires you to go to 3 pools of lava in
Fireplume Peak to measure their temperature with
Tholo's Thermometer, the given quest item.
- Hounds of Shannox rewards 1 mark and requires you to retrieve 6
Houndbone Ash from the hounds inside the Molten Flow (try the small cave on the west side of the Molten Flow). When Tholo gives this quest, he is located inside the Molten Flow, not far from Thisalee, thus saving you the trouble of exiting the Molten Flow only to re-enter it.
- How Hot rewards 1 mark and requires you to go to 3 pools of lava in
Fireplume Peak to measure their temperature with
- At the Forlorn Spire (during the Shadow Wardens' quests):
- The Flame Spider Queen rewards 1 Marks of the World Tree and requires you to kill spiders to obtain the quest items you need to turn in.
- Fandral's Methods rewards 1 mark and requires you to go to the Igneous Depths (where you go in any case when doing the Shadow Wardens quests) and retrieve the 4 quest items you need to turn in.
Strike at the Heart
Strike at the Heart is the final quest of both the daily quests from the Shadow Wardens (Strike at the Heart) and the daily quests from the Druids of the Talon (Strike at the Heart), and is obtained after completing Enduring the Heat for the Shadow Wardens and Arthorn's and Mortis' quests for the Druids of the Talon.
This quest is unlocked by recruiting the ancients, after recruiting both the Shadow Wardens and the Druids of the Talon.
Strike at the Heart rewards 3 Marks of the World Tree and sends you to Ragnaros' Reach to slay one of Ragnaros' lieutenants. There you will be helped by Witherbranch and another NPC, who is either a Shadow Warden who will provide you with Shadow Gates that you can take to deal increased damage, if you did the quests from the Shadow Wardens, or Thisalee Crow who will provide with tornadoes inside which you can stand for increased attack speed, if you did the quests from the Druids of the Talon.
Quick Recap
The only difference
between the daily quests from the Shadow Wardens and the daily quests from the
Druids of the Talon is that the daily quests from the Shadow Wardens are
easier and faster to complete while the daily quests from the Druids of the
Talon enable you to get started on the Death From Above achievement
Shadow Wardens:
- First day: 16 Marks of the World Tree (because of The Mysterious Seed)
- Subsequent days: 11 marks
- After recruiting the Druids of the Talon: 12 marks
- After unlocking Strike at the Heart: 15 marks
- Avrilla's daily quest (unlocked by The Mysterious Seed): 1 mark
- Some Like It Hot or
- Steal Magmolias or
- Embergris
- The Forlorn Spire: 2 marks
- Daily quest hub:
- Solar Core Destruction or The Wardens are Watching: 2 marks
- Pyrorachnophobia: 2 marks
- Wicked Webs or Egg-stinction: 2 marks
- Tholo's daily quest: 1 mark (after recruiting the Druids of the Talon)
- The Flame Spider Queen or
- Fandral's Methods
- Final quests:
- Enduring the Heat: 2 marks
- Strike at the Heart: 3 marks (supposedly after recruiting the ancients)
Druids of the Talon:
- First day: 16 Marks of the World Tree (because of Need... Water... Badly...)
- Subsequent days: 11 marks
- After recruiting the Shadow Wardens: 12 marks
- After unlocking Strike at the Heart: 15 marks
- Avrilla's daily quest (after recruiting the Shadow Wardens): 1 mark
- Some Like It Hot or
- Steal Magmolias or
- Embergris
- Into the Fire: 2 marks
- Thisalee's daily quests (inside the Molten Flow):
- Flamewakers of the Molten Flow: 2 marks
- Fire Flowers: 2 marks
- Daily quest hub:
- Singed Wings or Territorial Birds: 2 marks
- Peaked Interest or Starting Young or Fire in the Skies: 2 marks
- Tholo's daily quest: 1 mark (unlocked by Need... Water... Badly...)
- Hounds of Shannox (given in the Molten Flow) or
- How Hot
- Final quest:
- Strike at the Heart: 3 marks (supposedly after recruiting the ancients)
During the Druids of the Talon's quests, you can obtain the following achievements:
Master of the Molten Flow requires you to kill a Flamewaker of each type in a specific way while questing in the Molten Flow. Not every Flamewaker will use the ability that you need to use or counter. Therefore, you might need a few tries before you complete each objective.
- Flamewaker Shamans have an ability called Flamewave that leaves flames on the ground. Simply get a Flamewaker Shaman low on health and then kite it through its own flames to kill it.
- Flamewaker Sentinels will sometimes carry their attacker into the lava. Get a group and kill a Flamewaker Sentinel while it is carrying a group member. The entire group should be granted the objective, including the player being carried.
- Flamewaker Hunters have an ability called Wild Barrage that sends spears to the direction of their attacker. To complete the achievement, you need to avoid all the spears a Flamewaker Hunter throws during a Wild Barrage. This is probably the hardest objective of the 3. Stand far from the Hunter to give you more time to react. The location where a spear will land is marked by a black circle on the ground. Use any speed-enhancing ability you have. Currently, when trying to do this achievement in a group, it seems that only the highest player on the hunter's aggro table will complete the objective.
Death From Above can only be done during the Fire in the Skies quest. Every day three random elementals will spawn at Beth'tilac's Lair. You need to hit them once with one of the two abilities you are provided with during this quest.
Also, while doing the quests of the Druids of the Talon, do not forget
to speak with Thisalee Crow and Arthorn Windsong for the Fireside Chat
During the Shadow Wardens', you can obtain the King of the Spider-Hill
achievement. Use the Cinderweb Spinners to reach the top of the highest stone
pillars. Attacking a Cinderweb Spinner will cause it to pull you to its
location, enabling you to effectively climb to the top of the Spider Hill.
Also, do not forget to speak with Deldren Ravenelm for the
Fireside Chat
While doing the Strike at the Heart quests, you can obtain the
Ready for Raiding II achievement by avoiding the special abilities
of the enemy you are faced with:
- The Ancient Charscale throws a javelin that remains on the ground and sends damaging fireballs to players standing next to it.
- The Cinderweb Queen throws spider nets at players. They deal fire damage if they touch you.
- The Ancient Smoldering Behemoth summons a Rain of Flame, which targets an area that will be clearly marked, sends boulders towards you, and sometimes deal damage to players close to him with an attack similar to that of Molten Behemoths.
- The Devout Harbinger summons fire walls which follow its attacker(s). There can be a maximum of 3 such fire walls.
- The Ancient Firelord has 2 special abilities. Fire Torrent is a frontal fire attack during which he rotates. Flame Spout summons a flame spout under you that deals fire damage after 3 seconds.
Sometimes, the NPCs helping you during this quest will spawn Shadow Gates. They allow you to teleport from one gate to the other, temporarily increasing your damage done after you exit. Do not hesitate to make use of them.
Unlocking the Vendors
After recruiting both the Shadow Wardens and the Druids of the Talon, you can obtain new quests. Each requires you to gather 125 Marks of the World Tree:
- Damek Bloombeard gives Additional Armaments, followed by Well Armed. After completing these quests, Damek Bloombead will sell you his rewards and a new NPC, named Ricket, will give you a new daily quest rewarding 2 marks.
- Varlan Highbough gives Calling the Ancients, followed by Aid of the Ancients. After completing these quests, Varlan Highbough will sell you his rewards and Strike at the Heart, rewarding 3 marks every day, will be unlocked.
- Ayla Shadowstorm gives Filling the Moonwell, followed by
Nourishing Waters. After completing these quests, Ayla Shadowstorm
will sell you her rewards and the last quest line involving Leyara will be
unlocked. Notice that the moonwell is now filled and
you can eat
Eternal Moonberry next to it.
Unless you want to unlock a specific vendor first, we advise you to do the following.
- Daily quests with the Druids of the Talon or the Shadow Wardens?
- If you want to finish the achievements first, do the daily quests from
the Druids of the Talon every day, hoping to get Fire in the Skies to
complete the
Death From Above achievement.
- If you prefer spending as little time questing as possible, then do the daily quests from the Shadow Wardens.
- If you want to finish the achievements first, do the daily quests from
the Druids of the Talon every day, hoping to get Fire in the Skies to
complete the
- Calling the Ancients should be completed first because it
unlocks the Strike at the Heart quest, which enables you to get started on
Ready for Raiding II achievement and get 3 additional marks every day.
- Then, it does not really matter whether you complete Filling the Moonwell
or Additional Armaments next.
- Filling the Moonwell enables you to do the last quests related to Leyara, earning you 10 Marks of the World Tree.
- Additional Armaments unlocks new daily quests from Ricket, enabling you to get 2 additional marks every day.
Of course, if you are interested in a specific reward, you should unlock its vendor first, regardless of achievements and marks considerations.
Ricket's Daily Quests
After completing Additional Armaments, Ricket will give you 1 daily quest, rewarding 2 Marks of the World Tree, every day, from amongst 4 quests:
- A Bitter Pill is given at Malfurion's Breach and requires you to engage a Subterranean Magma Worm in the Magma Springs. To do so, look for yellow bubbles in a lava pool and click them. A worm will emerge. Attack it for a bit while avoiding its Lava Shower. At some point, you will be instructed to lay down the bomb you were given at a specific location. Do it then watch the worm bite it and explode.
- Living Obsidium is given at Malfurion's Breach and requires you to look for Magnetic Stones in the Magma Springs. When you click a Magnetic Stone, meteorites will start falling around you, leaving rocks on the ground that you need to gather in order to complete the quest.
- Bye Bye Burdy is given only during the Shadow Wardens' quests and
requires you to use the given quest (
Burd Sticker) to shoot at Druids of the Flame flying in their Fire Crow form over the Widow's Clutch area.
- The Bigger They Are is given only during the Druids of the Talon's
quests and requires you to collect 10
Living Obsidium Chips from Living Obsidiums are Fireplume Peak.
Leyara's Legacy
After completing Filling the Moonwell, Malfurion will give you
Into the Depths, which rewards 10 Marks of the World Tree and sends you to the Igneous Depth
where Leyara has been cornered by Shadow Wardens. Simply join the fight. One
by one, the Shadow Wardens will be killed by Leyara up to the point where you are
fighting her alone. At that point, Malfurion will show up and will constantly
heal you so that you remain alive and able to help him fight her. At some point,
Leyara will start killing you, only to be interrupted by a recovered
Hamuul Runetotem. Then, you will finisher her off with both Hamuul and Malfurion.
Completing this quest will grant you the Legacy of Leyara achievement.
There are 2 further consequences to completing this quest:
- The next day, Theresa Barkskin will send you a mail containing
Smoke-Stained Locket. This item starts a quest line (A Smoke-Stained Locket, Unlocking the Secrets Within, Tragedy and Family, The Tipping Point, and The Rest is History) that takes you to Mount Hyjal, Moonglade, and Ashenvale. You will uncover a lot of lore information regarding Leyara and Fandral Staghelm, which will explain their reasons for betraying the Night Elves and siding with Ragnaros. At the end of the quest line, you will be awarded a
Leyara's Locket, which enables you to turn into a Druid of the Flame for 5 minutes.
- As Hamuul is now healed, Dorda'en Nightweaver will no longer give you a daily quest at the Sanctuary of Malorne. Therefore, Matoclaw will always give you either Rage Against the Flames, Rage Against the Flames, Rage Against the Flames, Rage Against the Flames, or Supplies for the Other Side or.
Fastest Route to Completion
If you want to unlock the vendors as fast as possible, desire to
spend little time questing, and are not in a hurry to obtain the
Veteran of the Molten Front meta-achievement, then we advise you to
do the following:
- recruit the Shadow Wardens;
- recruit the Druids of the Talon and do their daily quests once, the day you recruit them;
- go back to doing the daily quests from the Shadow Wardens until the end of the event;
- recruit the ancients;
- recruit an armorer or fill the moonwell (no difference between the two);
- fill the moonwell or recruit an armorer.
If your goal is to obtain the Veteran of the Molten Front meta-achievement
as fast as possible, then we advised you to do the following (note that this will
unlock the vendors just as fast as previously, but you will spend more time
questing every day):
- recruit the Druids of the Talon;
- recruit the Shadow Wardens and do their daily quests once, the day you recruit them;
- go back to doing the daily quests from the Druids of the Talon until the end of the event;
- recruit the ancients;
- recruit an armorer or fill the moonwell (no difference between the two);
- fill the moonwell or recruit an armorer.
If you have read us this far, we would like to thank you for the time you spent on the site and we hope that the guide brought you all the information you needed.
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