How to Unlock Flying in Shadowlands (9.2.5)
In this guide, you will learn more about riding skill changes and how to unlock flying in Chains of Domination, the first major content patch of the Shadowlands expansion.
Zereth Mortis Flying in Patch 9.2
A new meta-achievement ( Unlocking the Secrets) is coming that unlocks
account-wide flying in Zereth Mortis.
Will Shadowlands Have a Pathfinder?
In Shadowlands, there are no Pathfinder achievements. Instead, you
must get Memories of Sunless Skies, an item that unlocks account-wide
flying for all characters Level 50 and above in the four main zones.
In Patch 9.2, a new meta-achievement has been added that unlocks flying in Zereth Mortis.
When Can You Fly in Shadowlands?
Flying became available within the second week of Patch 9.1, the first major content patch of Shadowlands.
How Do You Unlock Flying in Shadowlands?
You must first reach Renown 44 and complete the Covenant
campaign. Then, you must complete 4 chapters of the Chains of Domination campaign
(up to "The Last Sigil"). Then, you will receive Memories of Sunless Skies
and unlock account-wide flying in the Shadowlands zones. Players with
Expert Riding skill can fly in Bastion, Maldraxxus,
Ardenweald, and Revendreth. However, note that flying will not
work in the The Maw, Oribos, and Korthia.
In Patch 9.2, you must earn another achievement to unlock flying in Zereth Mortis. You will find more information below.
Covenant-Themed Flying Mounts
Unlocking flying in Shadowlands rewards a Covenant-themed mount for your character.
Kyrian Covenant-Themed Mounts
Necrolord Mounts
Night Fae Mounts
Venthyr Mounts
Flightmaster's Whistle
Flight Master's Whistle will not be returning for Shadowlands due to how
the new zones are laid out. They are too far away from each other,
and Oribos, serves as a main hub.
Riding Skill Changes in Shadowlands
Due to the leveling revamp and the Shadowlands squish, Draenor and Legion Pathfinders are now purchasable directly from flying trainers. Riding Skills have been revisited, and changed as follows:
Apprentice Riding
Apprentice Riding increases your ground speed by 60% and you will unlock this automatically upon reaching Level 10 with your character.
Journeyman Riding
Journeyman Riding increases your ground speed by 100%. You can learn the skill at Level 20, and it will cost you 50 Gold.
Expert Riding
Expert Riding teaches you how to ride flying mounts at a 150% speed. The skill is available to learn at Level 30 and costs 250 Gold. Druids no longer get free Expert Riding and must buy it for 250 Gold at level 30.
Draenor Pathfinder
Draenor Pathfinder allows you to ride flying mounts in Draenor. You can learn the Riding Skill at Level 30 for 250 Gold.
Broken Isles Pathfinder
Broken Isles Pathfinder allows you to fly in the Broken Isles. The Riding Skill is available at Level 30 for 250 Gold.
Artisan Riding
Artisan Riding has been removed in Shadowlands.
Master Riding
The final Master Riding skill becomes available at Level 40 and costs 5,000 Gold. It allows you to ride at the highest possible speed on your flying mount.
Faction Discounts
All vendors associated with a faction provide discounts at all levels above Neutral and that includes Riding.
- 5% discount at Friendly;
- 10% discount at Honored;
- 15% discount at Revered;
- 20% discount at Exalted.
Flying Trainers
There are many flying trainers in the outdoor world, but for consistency, we assume you will be using one of the faction hubs to learn riding. Both are conveniently located near Flight Masters.
The Alliance Flying Trainer is Bralla Cloudwing you can find her in Stormwind at 70,74.
The Horde Flying Trainer is called Maztha. She can be found in Orgrimmar at 49, 59.
Draenor and Legion Pathfinder Changes
Draenor Pathfinder and
Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two are
no longer required for flying in Draenor or the Broken Isles content. You will
automatically be able to fly in the zones upon learning Expert Riding.
Earning Draenor Pathfinder still rewards
Soaring Skyterror, while
Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two will continue to reward increased mount
speed in the Broken Isles.
- 30 Jul. 2022: Updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
- 29 Jan. 2022: Updated with 9.2 flying.
- 17 Jan. 2022: Flying requirements updated.
- 13 Sep. 2021: Reworded certain paragraphs for clarity.
- 27 Jun. 2021: Updated for Chains of Domination.
- 05 Jun. 2021: Updated with the correct data.
- 18 Apr. 2021: Updated with Memories of Sunless Skies.
- 20 Feb. 2021: Updated with Covenant-themed mounts.
- 18 Feb. 2021: Patch 9.1 name updated.
- 02 Feb. 2021: Various improvements.
- 24 Nov. 2020: Updated with more details on Shadowlands Pathfinder.
- 18 Nov. 2020: Added Shadowlands Pathfinder information.
- 26 Sep. 2020: Reviewed for the Shadowlands pre-patch.
- 20 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34821. No updates required.
- 15 May 2020: Page reviewed for Alpha Build 34365.
- 10 May 2020: Swapped BfA for Legion Pathfinder.
- 02 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34199.
- 23 Apr. 2020: Draenor and Legion Pathfinder removed. Updated costs.
- 21 Apr. 2020: Page added.
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