Frost Death Knight DPS Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Bicepspump 54 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Frost Death Knight for each boss of the following raid: Sepulcher of the First Ones. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.

On this page, you will find Frost Death Knight-specific information to deal with each boss in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Frost Death Knight and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.

Picking talents in Sepulcher of the First Ones depends heavily on your preference, whether or not you have the tier set and which kind of boss it is. Generally, Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa is your pick for all bosses.

Here's the generic recommended talent setup for all bosses, and you can import it with the following string:


Vigilant Guardian

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Vigilant Guardian: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • Leverage your Death Grip Icon Death Grip as much as possible to help group up the adds.
  • Use your Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone as your raid takes ticking damage once the main boss drops below 15% HP.

For more information, please refer to our Vigilant Guardian guide.


Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • You can soak the puddles that spawn on melee with Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to generate Runic Power. This is especially good with Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa.
  • You can use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance when the boss burrows toward you to avoid the knockback. Do be careful so the boss does not immediately melee you!

For more information, please refer to our Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener guide.


Artificer Xy'Mox

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Artificer Xy'mox: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • Save Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb for the intermission to help group up all the adds that spawn.
  • Use Death Grip Icon Death Grip to help group up adds.
  • You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell and run over the halo without taking any damage. Do this to increase your boss uptime!
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone on your raid when the tank debuff expires.

Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant: Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell and run across the halo without receiving the debuff. This trivialises the mechanic and enables higher boss uptime for you!
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone when the boss channels and your raid takes heavy ticking damage.
  • Make sure to save Frostwyrm's Fury Icon Frostwyrm's Fury for when the adds spawn!

For more information, please refer to our Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle guide.


Prototype Pantheon

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Prototype Pantheon: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant: Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • Make sure to delay your Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa until the bosses have grouped up.
  • Leverage your Mind Freeze Icon Mind Freeze to interrupt the bosses as much as possible. This also helps with your Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa uptime with the Spirit Drain Icon Spirit Drain Conduit.

For more information, please refer to our PrototypePantheon guide.


Lihuvim, Principal Architect

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Lihuvim, Principal Architect: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant: Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance negates the pushback from Cosmic Shift Icon Cosmic Shift.
  • Make sure your have your cooldowns ready to kill the adds in the intermission.

For more information, please refer to our Lihuvim, Principal Architect guide.


Halondrus the Reclaimer

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Halondrus the Reclaimer: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant: Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance will negate the knockback in the intermissions' Shatter Icon Shatters.
  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to help knock back the orbs, as well as generate Runic Power!
  • Fleshcraft Icon Fleshcraft with Plague Deviser Marileth also works to negate the knockback!

For more information, please refer to our Halondrus the Reclaimer guide.


Anduin Wrynn

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Anduin Wrynn: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord



  • Make sure you properly save your CDs depending on when you enter the downstairs phase. You can safely use Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost on pull but do save Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa if you are going down in the first downstairs phase.
  • Use Death Grip Icon Death Grip and Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb in the downstairs phase to help group up the adds and kill them off quickly!
  • Ensure you have your cooldowns available for the Fallen King phase since you will deal 100% more damage.
  • Use Frostwyrm's Fury Icon Frostwyrm's Fury as you run into the boss to make sure you have it ready for the first Fallen King phase!

For more information, please refer to our Anduin Wrynn guide.


Lords of Dread

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lords of Dread.

  1. Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion
  2. Biting Cold Icon Biting Cold

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord



  • Leverage Death Grip Icon Death Grip to help grip in the add once it reaches 100% health and loses the Incomplete Form Icon Incomplete Form buff.
  • Save all your cooldowns for the Swarm phases. They come a bit over 2 minutes apart (first one at 45-50 seconds).
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone during the Swarm phase to help your raid!

For more information, please refer to our Lords of Dread guide.



We advise you to use the following Legendary against Rygelon: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant:Night Fae



  • Korayn is incredibly powerful on this encounter due to the high uptime on First Strike Icon First Strike (proccing off the quasars)!
  • Use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance as the intermission starts to avoid the knockback!

For more information, please refer to our Rygelon guide.


The Jailer

We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Jailer: Rage of the Frozen Champion Icon Rage of the Frozen Champion.

Recommended Covenant: Necrolord/ Night Fae



  • Use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance to negate the pulling effect of Chains of Oppression Icon Chains of Oppression.
  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell if you have to jump into a hole with another player.
  • Help control mind-controlled players with Death Grip Icon Death Grip and Blinding Sleet Icon Blinding Sleet.
  • Use Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb in the final phase to help grip in the adds that spawn!

For more information, please refer to our The Jailer guide.



  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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