Frost Death Knight DPS Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Frost Death Knight for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Introduction for Frost Death Knight Boss Advice in Uldir
In this section you will find information pertaining to each boss individually in the Uldir raid. It is recommended you follow the standard talent build found in the Builds, Talents, and Glyphs section of the guide unless otherwise advised, on a per boss basis. As each boss is hardest on its Mythic difficulty mode, we will first explain the strategy for Mythic, followed by a short explanation on what changes in this strategy, if anything, for Heroic.
Talent Cheatsheet for Frost Death Knight in Uldir
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on Taloc
It is very important that you do not stand between the tank and Taloc when
he is casting Cudgel of Gore. Do not follow the boss after it casts
Cudgel of Gore to prevent excess damage. If you are targetted with
Plasma Discharge use
Anti-Magic Shell to prevent some of the
damage or to stack pools of blood on top of each other to save space. If you
are using the
Breath of Sindragosa build then it is important that you
do not cast Breath of Sindragosa close to when Taloc casts
Cudgel of Gore due to you not being able to hit Taloc with melee attacks
during the charge. Due to the Coalesced Bloods being very important targets
during the intermission it is recommended that you save
Frostwyrm's Fury
if you have it talented to minimize damage on the tanks. Make sure that you
synchronize this ability with the end of
Pillar of Frost to maximize the
Strength bonus.
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on M.O.T.H.E.R.
M.O.T.H.E.R is another 3-phase fight, split into three rectangular boss rooms. Each room is on a timer, based on when the boss enters. All players must pass through the barrier and reach the end to defeat M.O.T.H.E.R. before they are incinerated.
Wind Tunnel conjures a gust of wind in the room, which pushes you
towards zones of fire. It is recommended that you save
Death's Advance
Wind Tunnel in order to maximize uptime on MOTHER.
The main fight mechanic revolves around Defense Grid. Every time
players cross into the next room, the entire raid takes damage and adds spawn,
based on how many players crossed the threshold. Make sure to preemptively cast
Anti-Magic Shell for the crossovers in order to minimize the damage that
you will take.
The adds are top priority in this encounter when you have crossed through the
Defense Grid. These adds are why you should be using the talent
Asphyxiate in order to help to stun the adds that spawn.
When the boss enters the last room, she will gain a 100% damage taken debuff. Because of this, you have to make sure that your DPS cooldowns and second potion are ready before entering this final room.
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on Fetid Devourer
Fetid Devourer's main DPS feature is its vulnerability phase. The boss
takes 50% increased damage when it is below 50% health, so it is worth saving
cooldowns for when this happens such as Frostwyrm's Fury.
The main boss casts very few abilities. Rotting Regurgitation is a
cone ability targeted at a random player, which must be dodged or you will take
a large amount of damage and have
Malodorous Miasma applied to you. If
you are afflicted with Malodorous Miasma, be it random or through the breath,
it will evolve into
Putrid Paroxysm, which is another debuff which does
substantially more damage in a short duration. If you have this debuff, you
should use
Anti-Magic Shell to minimize the damage it will do. If
Shockwave Stomp lines up with this debuff then you should also use
Icebound Fortitude.
Shockwave Stomp (Heroic and up) is a raid-wide knockback, which
pushes you backwards a considerable distance. Make sure you watch for this
timer before using cooldowns especially
Breath of Sindragosa.
Two adds will spawn from six waste disposal units at random. It can be
worth saving a cooldown such as Frostwyrm's Fury or
Breath of Sindragosa to quickly burst down these adds.
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
This encounter is split into three phases,
with a few basic mechanics that persist through the whole fight. The main
mechanic is Surging Darkness. This creates three zones of darkness
centering where the boss cast the ability. One zone will be safe for every
pulse. Make sure you have
Wraith Walk ready to react quickly.
Phase One spawns many Silithid Warriors that fixate a target and can
be stunned and burned down effortlessly. You should save
Frostwyrm's Fury for these adds and try to line it up with
Pillar of Frost. Having
Breath of Sindragosa up for this will
significantly increase your cleave so sitting on Breath of Sindragosa for a
couple of seconds to line up with the adds can be beneficial.
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on Vectis
Lining up your heavy cleave abilities such as Frostwyrm's Fury and
Breath of Sindragosa with the Plague Amalgams is very important.
Sitting on these cooldowns in order to maximize their cleave is very
important. Save
Anti-Magic Shell for large hits of
or even try to line
Anti-Magic Shell with
Breath of Sindragosa
in order to extend the duration of your Breath of Sindragosa.
Heroic: Lingering Infection does not have the extra
effects, however it still does almost the same amount of damage as your
Anti-Magic Shell meaning you can protect nearly all the incoming damage
from this effect.
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on Zul, Reborn
Your job in this encounter as a Frost Death Knight is to help control the
adds that spawn. There are three sets of adds that spawn in Phase One.
Nazmani Bloodhexer spawn in packs of two and must remain separated.
Focus these first and kill them quickly. The second Bloodhexer may possibly
cast Congeal Blood; the add that spawns from this cast is the only
target that takes priority over the two Bloodhexers. Bloodhexers can be hard
crowd controlled, knocked back, stunned, and silenced, as well as the add that
they spawn. These adds are the ones you will most likely want to use your DPS
cooldowns on such as
Frostwyrm's Fury, and
Breath of Sindragosa.
Nazmani Crusher is your second priority and Bloodthirsty Crawg are normally just burned down through passive cleave. The Crushers will spawn one at a time and the Crawgs will spawn four at a time. When there are no Nazmani Bloodhexers active, target the Crusher and cleave off of him.
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on Mythrax the Unraveler
This fight consists of a boss phase and an intermission phase. During the
boss phase, just be aware of any Annihilation stacks you have.
Clear them if they get too high, or if you are called to clear them using
Existence Fragments. You can limit the number of stacks you receive
by avoiding casts of
Obliteration Blast, which targets a random player
and shoots a laser at them, and its intermission counterpart,
Obliteration Beam.
Wraith Walk is a very useful talent for
Imminent Ruin in order to get far away from other players.
If you are targeted with Imminent Ruin, you should use
Anti-Magic Shell
in order to prevent some of the damage as you will be away from the group.
At 75% health, the intermission phase begins where Mythrax spawns two
N'raqi Destroyers which are separated and need to be burned down
quickly. You should also target Visions of Madness that spawn during
the intermission and it is worth noting that the talent
Asphyxiate can
interrupt these adds making it worth talenting into.
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

Frost Death Knight Playstyle on G'huun
G'huun is the final boss of the raid. The encounter consists of an upstairs minigame portion, as well as three downstairs phases.
Death Knights in general are a moderate choice for the upstairs
minigame, which involves significant mobility abilities. You will not
be as good as some other specs at this job however if talented into
Wraith Walk and using
Death's Advance's active ability
effectively, then you can be a good alternative for this job.
Blightspreader Tendril is very important in the first part of the
encounter, and you should cast Mind Freeze to interrupt Decaying
Eruption as close to the completion of the cast. Try to hit as many
targets as possible with both your
Frostwyrm's Fury and
Breath of Sindragosa due to all targets being high priority.
Before G'huun casts Wave of Corruption, you can preemptively
Anti-Magic Shell in order to prevent the damage and the
application of
Putrid Blood. Make sure you turn away from
G'huun when he casts
Gaze of G'huun to prevent being feared.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 16 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 10 Dec. 2018: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.1 and no changes are necessary.
- 30 Sep. 2018: Fixed some of the recommended talents.
- 09 Sep. 2018: Fixed a typo for the recommended G'huun talents.
- 03 Sep. 2018: Added information for all bosses in Uldir.
- 12 Aug. 2018: Page added (empty for now).
More Death Knight Guides
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This guide has been written by Abyssalwave, a top level Death Knight player. He is a former US #2 hardcore raider who currently raids with didnt ask. You can also check out his YouTube channel.
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