Frost Death Knight Torghast Guide and Best Anima Powers — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Frost Death Knight before entering Torghast and then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once you are inside!
Torghast as a Frost Death Knight
This page will help you perform the best with your Frost Death Knight in Torghast, Tower of the Damned. For more information about Torghast in general, check out our dedicated pages below.
Best Frost Death Knight Setup for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
Best Anima Powers for Frost Death Knight
This section ranks desirable Anima Powers from Great to Average. Before reading further, you might want to check out our complete lists of Anima Powers (both Death Knight-specific and class-agnostic).
Great Anima Powers for Frost Death Knight
Ancient Drake Breath
Deathlord's Cypher (Allows you to have
Inexorable Assault and
Cold Heart)
Necromantic Bile
Deathlord's Gift (Allows you to have
Runic Attenuation and
Murderous Efficiency)
Deathlord's Ultimatum (Allows you to have
Icecap and
Obliteration or
Breath of Sindragosa)
Blood-tinged Poker
Bone Growing Juice
Death Turf
Skull Bloomer
Oppressor's Chain
Fatal Grasp (Necrolord)
Lich Robes (When paired with
Undertaker's Crown)
Monstrous Concoction
Undertaker's Crown
Unbreakable Cuffs
Boundless Fortitude (When paired with
Ancient Drake Breath)
Good Anima Powers for Frost Death Knight
Chains of Anguish
Deathlord's Invocation (Allows you to have
Avalanche and
Deathlord's Mythos (Allows you to have
Gathering Storm and
Hypothermic Presence
Darkreaver's Lens
The Horsemen's Call
Rune Hunter
Tome of Swordplay
Hateforged Cilice (Kyrian)
Eyes of the Unceasing (Kyrian)
Death's Deliverance (Venthyr)
Swarm Host (Venthyr)
Engorged Limb (Necrolord)
Corrupted Sapwood (Night Fae)
Darkreaver's Ward
Entropic Pool
Bone Borrower
Desolate Chitin (Necrolord)
Frigid Wildseed (Night Fae)
Average Anima Powers for Frost Death Knight
Bone Harvester
Occult Emitter
Creeping Decay
Force Pull
Slick Ice
Darkhelm of Nuren (Kyrian)
Twisted Hellchoker (Kyrian)
Reinforced Manacle (Kyrian)
Formless Executioner (Venthyr)
Prosthetic Grabber (Necrolord)
Nightmare Tendrils (Night Fae)
Toxic Accumulator (Night Fae)
Ethereal Wildseed (Night Fae)
Phantasma Anima Powers for Frost Death Knight
Occasionally, you will be offered the ability to get Phantasma instead of an Anima Power, or increases to your Phantasma generation. It is hard to evaluate these, but they are generally better than the "Average" Anima powers.
Frost Death Knight Playstyle for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Use
Anti-Magic Shell before a magic debuff is cast on you, to prevent the application of the debuff.
- If a mob is able to be
Death Gripped then you can use that to also interrupt that mob, acting as another interrupt utility.
- Certain powers pair up very well with each other. For example:
Ancient Drake Breath and
Boundless Fortitude or
Undertaker's Crown and
Lich Robes.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Bicepspump, a semi-hardcore player raiding with Pescorus on Kazzak. He is heavily involved in the DK DPS theorycrafting community, testing hyoptheses and investigating the correct priority to use. He produces guide content on YouTube and frequently streams on Twitch.
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