Fury Warrior Battleground Blitz Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Karanze 21 comments

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about playing Fury Warrior in Battleground Blitz, including specific playstyle tips, talent builds, and much more.


Arms Warrior in Battleground Blitz


Playstyle as Fury Warrior

In Battleground Blitz, Fury Warrior is a powerful juggernaut running rampant in team fights, dealing strong cleave damage and applying high pressure with Slaughterhouse Icon Slaughterhouse In general, Fury Warrior has historically been rather bad when alone, so your most efficient play is to play together with the team.

Fury Warrior is not particularly suited for a battleground environment, but still offers very strong damage output. You lack a bit of utility, but make up for it with additional pressure and survivability, making you a very scary foe to face but also does not offer as much cleave output as other specilizations can dish out.

Fury Warrior does not play objectives very well; you do not quite have the bulkiness to be a flag carrier and lack the kit to solo defend objectives despite being a top-tier class for 1v1. You can, however, still fill in these roles, as you serve as a generalist in these areas if your team lacks better classes to fulfill them.

Stick with where the fights are and push aggressively for new objectives, and rush to defend objectives that are under siege.

A unique strength of Fury Warrior is its incredible peeling kit, along with its utility. When with squishy teammates, like healers, or even if you are not the one holding the flag; your kit is amazing for stopping damage with Intervene Icon Intervene, Disarm Icon Disarm, Shockwave Icon Shockwave, Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt, Intimidating Shout Icon Intimidating Shout and Safeguard Icon Safeguard. Make use of it, alongside your strong survivability, to survive enemy cooldowns.


The role of Fury Warrior in Battlegrounds


Capture the Flag (Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks)

On flag maps, you should first identify what your team composition is. Find out whether your team has a suitable flag carrier specilization, like a tank or druid, and if not, prepare to be the one running with the flag.

As the flag carrier, you want to stay in Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance and make use of Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to cross the map and get back to your base fast. You are durable as Fury Warrior, but you are not nearly as durable as a tank specilization, so focus on getting back as fast as you can and making use of your defensive toolkit to stay alive.


Resource Race (Arathi Basin, Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind Gorge)

Before a Resource Race battleground starts, you should decide with your team which base you should focus on first.

Teamfights are frequent on these maps, and you should make sieges or defend against sieges with your team to maximize your kit as a Fury Warrior. Always chase for having at least more than half the available bases, to accumulate points faster than the enemy team. Once you have done your offensive push and secured the bases, you stay on the lookout to see where the enemy team is making a push and then respond.


Hybrid (Eye of the Storm)

You want to be spending most of your time in the middle of the map, focusing on the teamfight that occurs to take control of the flag. You can spend time sieging or defending bases when there is downtime in the middle, but for the most part, it is where you want to spend your energy and maximize your cleave damage output.

Be mindful that you should try to keep your Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap off of cooldown, and be wary of spending it, as it is your only reliable way to make it back onto steady ground if you get knocked off of the map.

When none of your team are attempting to pick up the flag at mid and you are able to, you should pick it up yourself and carry it back to a friendly base.


King of the Hill (Temple of Kotmogu)

Temple of Kotmogu is a situational good map for Fury Warrior; the constant skirmishing and team fighting appeals to you, but the battleground relies heavily on ranged specilizations and healers. You can quickly get dismantled if you lack sufficient healing on this map, but if you happen to queue into a melee-heavy opposition, you will shine on this map.

Fury Warrior has very powerful on-demand burst damage with Odyn's Fury Icon Odyn's Fury, allowing you to effectively burst down and assassinate orb holders with ease.

Once the team fight is won, you should move to the center of the map. Your team gains victory points faster when they are holding orbs towards the centre, and if you are standing away from your team, you will be line of sighting your healers and at risk of being isolated or killed by the enemy team.

You should always chase to hold all four orbs, but you are not the best candidate for being an orb holder. As an Arms Warrior, you are very durable, but no specilization in the game can sustain the damage you take as an orb holder. Instead, if possible, let the ranged classes on your team hold the orbs. Whenever you are holding an orb, your goal is to always have friendly players between yourself and wherever the opposing team is grouping up. This makes it more difficult for enemy players to reach you.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviews for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Page added.
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