Fury Warrior Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Archimtiros 79 comments
General Information

Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits are the most important character customization options in Shadowlands. They have a substantial impact on your toolkit and performance as Fury Warrior. This page's purpose is to help you pick the right options according to the content you intend to do in Shadowlands.


Dragonflight Disclaimer

Please be aware that as of the Dragonflight Pre-Patch and Dragonflight expansion, all Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits will only function while within the Shadowlands. This page will temporarily remain as a reference.


Introduction: Prerequisites

This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. If that is not the case, we have a number of pages that can help you get up to speed:

  • Covenants Guide, which explains what Covenants are, what perks they bring, and how you can join one;
  • Warrior Covenant Abilities, which lists all the abilities that Warriors gain by joining each Covenant;
  • How To Change Covenant?, which tells you how you can switch Covenant (rejoining a former Covenant will require you to perform a number of tasks to regain their trusts);
  • General Soulbind Guide, which explains what Soulbinds are and how you can pledge yourself to them to open up their Soulbind tree;
  • Warrior Conduits, which lists all of the Conduits available to Warriors.

Summary of the Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits


Important Information

There are several things to know about Soulbinds and Covenants before you read the rest of this page and its recommendations:

  • Upon reaching Renown 80 with a single Covenant, players will unlock the ability to change Covenants freely without incurring a cooldown or losing Renown. This allows players to quickly specialize for different types of content, although Renown still needs to be obtained with each Covenant in order to unlock their full range of benefits.
  • Renown can be instantly increased to level 40 using the Broker Mark of Distinction Icon Broker Mark of Distinction, immediately unlocking the majority of Soulbind talents. The remaining 40 levels of Renown can be unlocked quickly in Torghast, Battlegrounds, or defeating raid bosses, as well as by completing daily calling quests or weekly Covenant quests.

Because you can now change Covenants without a cooldown, there is much more freedom to specialize based on content type. Kyrian and Night Fae continue to be best in multitarget and Mythic+, although Necrolord becomes very powerful with the addition of the Frenzied Destruction Icon Fury Warrior 4-Piece tier set bonus, and is currently the dominant Covenant for raiding.

Focus Covenant Soulbind Advised Tree
Raiding Necrolord Bonesmith Heirmir Fury Warrior Heirmir Raiding tree
Mythic+ Necrolord Emeni Fury Warrior Emeni Mythic+ tree
Raiding Night Fae Dreamweaver Fury Warrior Niya Raiding tree
Mythic+ Night Fae Korayn Fury Warrior Korayn Mythic+ tree
Raiding Kyrian Kleia Fury Warrior Kleia Raiding tree
Mythic+ Kyrian Forgelite Prime Mikanikos Fury Warrior Mikanikos Mythic+ tree
Raiding Venthyr Nadjia the Mistblade Fury Warrior Nadjia Raiding tree
Mythic+ Venthyr Nadjia the Mistblade Fury Warrior Nadjia Mythic+ tree

Why Venthyr and Kyrian are the Best Covenants for Fury Warriors

Necrolord has historically been one of the weaker Covenants, as much of its power comes from buffing other players rather than the Warrior. With the addition of the tier set bonuses in Patch 9.2, however, its power increases dramatically, easily becoming the strongest raiding Covenant due to the powerful feedback loop between Conqueror's Banner Icon Conqueror's Banner, Glory Icon Glory, and Recklessness Icon Recklessness. This results in greatly increased Rage generation, which in turn extends the duration of those cooldowns, fueled by constantly casting Rampage Icon Rampage and Raging Blow Icon Raging Blow. It does have a weakness in that it is more susceptible to downtime than other builds, as those cooldowns can run out if Rage is not continually generated and spent, though this can be mitigated somewhat with proper timing. Necrolord can also perform very well in Mythic+, but will generally have a harder time maintaining cooldowns without very efficient chain pulling, so most players not in well coordinated groups will perform better as Kyrian or Night Fae.

Kyrian lacks the single-target priority damage of Venthyr, but makes up for it in multi-target situations, particularly Mythic Plus dungeons and a handful of raid encounters. Much of this is due to the addition of Elysian Might Icon Elysian Might, which allows for stacking cooldowns every minute for massive burst damage.

Night Fae competes very well with Kyrian, ranging from being situationally stronger in single target to weaker in multitarget. Although Ancient Aftershock Icon Ancient Aftershock is a stronger attack, it has a longer cooldown and is still capped at 5 targets, making it less useful in most Mythic+ content.

Venthyr had high potential for pure single-target damage, but has continually failed to live up to expectations. While part of this is due to more encounters having multiple targets, something that Venthyr has no good tools to take advantage of, Condemn Icon Condemn also has limited damage windows and any interruption during those times drastically reduces its damage potential. As a result, Venthyr has fallen out of favor in all forms of content.

We cover our thoughts on the Covenants and their Soulbinds in this section further below.


Best Conduits for Fury Warrior

In the list below, you will find the best Conduits, organized by type. For more information, please see the Conduits section of this page.

  • Best Potency Conduits: Depths of Insanity Icon Depths of Insanity, Hack and Slash Icon Hack and Slash, Veteran's Repute Icon Veteran's Repute
  • Best Finesse Conduits: Inspiring Presence Icon Inspiring Presence, Safeguard Icon Safeguard
  • Best Endurance Conduits: Stalwart Guardian Icon Stalwart Guardian, Condensed Anima Sphere Icon Condensed Anima Sphere

Depths of Insanity Icon Depths of Insanity is strong in virtually every situation, while Hack and Slash Icon Hack and Slash becomes invaluable when combined with the tier set bonus. The third Potency slots will vary based on Covenant, with Veteran's Repute Icon Veteran's Repute easily outperforming everything else as Necrolord.


Best Conduits for Fury Warrior

This section only covers which Conduits you should pick. For detailed explanations on what all of the Warrior Conduits do, check out our Warrior Soulbinds and Conduits Page below.

Sometimes a Conduit will be much better for a particular type of damage than another. Because of this, we will sometimes label Conduits' position in the Tier Lists by either Single-Target or Mythic/AoE.


Best Potency Conduits for Fury Warrior

All Covenants and Conduits are ranked relative to the best overall setup.


S-Tier Soulbind Conduits

  • Depths of Insanity Icon Depths of Insanity
  • Hack and Slash Icon Hack and Slash
  • Veteran's Repute Icon Veteran's Repute (Necrolord-only)
  • Merciless Bonegrinder Icon Merciless Bonegrinder (Multi-target-only)

A-Tier Soulbind Conduits

  • Adaptive Armor Fragment Icon Adaptive Armor Fragment
  • Destructive Reverberations Icon Destructive Reverberations (Night Fae-only)
  • Piercing Verdict Icon Piercing Verdict (Kyrian-only)
  • Ashen Juggernaut Icon Ashen Juggernaut
  • Vicious Contempt Icon Vicious Contempt

B-Tier Soulbind Conduits

  • Harrowing Punishment Icon Harrowing Punishment

This tier list is very much a guideline and we absolutely recommend using Raidbots to sim your own Conduit choices as you unlock them.


Best Endurance Conduits for Fury Warrior

All of these Conduits are geared towards survival and defensive options. This means that there is a bit more room for personal choice, though Stalwart Guardian Icon Stalwart Guardian stands out as the universal choice due to allowing more frequent use of the main defensive cooldown. Condensed Anima Sphere Icon Condensed Anima Sphere adds a moderate amount of healing over the course of an encounter which combine very well with Fury healing to make the specialization very strong against constant incoming damage events.


Best Finesse Conduits for Fury Warrior

While these Conduits are meant to increase mobility and utility, they include very strong group defensive options, which make them very good bonuses. Inspiring Presence Icon Inspiring Presence benefits the entire raid in small way, while Safeguard Icon Safeguard can become a very potent external cooldown at higher ranks.


Covenants for Fury Warrior


Venthyr: Condemn

Venthyr is the best Covenant for Fury Warrior single-target damage, due to the strong synergy with Massacre Icon Massacre, making it the go-to choice for Raiding focused players.


Night Fae: Ancient Aftershock

Night Fae is no longer as strong in single-target as it was, but continues to be the best in multitarget due to the strong Soulbinds and powerful Ancient Aftershock Icon Ancient Aftershock ability. There is still a chance for failure, as enemies moving out of the ground-targeted effect results in significantly reduced damage and Rage generation, though this should not be a major problem for players with strong awareness.


Necrolord: Conqueror's Banner

Necrolord is much more powerful than previous, as it is no longer restricted to a specific area on the ground and no longer requires a ramp up before full benefit. That said, it is still a group buff, which often provides more to your allies than the Warrior. Under the right conditions, such as buffing two powerful Fire Mages in tandem with their cooldowns, the Banner can be incredibly competitive or even better than other Covenants, but the increased effort required to ensure that the two closest players are buffed every 2 minutes requires much more effort than other options.


Kyrian: Spear of Bastion

Kyrian is somewhat weaker in single-target, though has become surprisingly effective in multi-target due to the Elysian Might Icon Elysian Might legendary power allowing strong burst damage every minute in combination with Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm and Recklessness Icon Recklessness.


Soulbinds for Fury Warrior


Necrolord Soulbinds

  • Plague Deviser Marileth is at least tied for the best performing Soulbind, although it requires channeling Fleshcraft Icon Fleshcraft mid-combat, which interrupts the normal rotation and precludes it from being saved for defensive purposes.
  • Bonesmith Heirmir is a great option due to completely passive bonuses that do not need to be micromanaged.
  • Emeni buffs allies and provides a lot of movement speed bonuses which can be helpful in Mythic+, while Gnashing Chompers Icon Gnashing Chompers is a decent option for low-tier content.

Kyrian Soulbinds

  • Forgelite Prime Mikanikos is now much more consistent and has the added advantage of reducing the cooldown of Spear of Bastion Icon Spear of Bastion to better sync with other cooldowns, along with a great deal of haste from Hammer of Genesis Icon Hammer of Genesis, making him a very strong pick in all situations, particularly single target encounters with periodic secondary targets.
  • Pelagos would appear to be the strongest Kyrian Soulbind, but the damage increasing traits require precise positioning and movement which may not be conductive to all encounters.
  • Kleia is less competitive in group situations due to the likelihood of Valiant Strikes Icon Valiant Strikes consuming critical strike stacks to heal allies.

Night Fae Soulbinds

  • Niya and Dreamweaver are both very close in single target situations, largely dictated by the difference between Niya's Tools: Burrs Icon Niya's Tools: Burrs and Field of Blossoms Icon Field of Blossoms. If the player cannot stay within the field of effect, Dreamweaver loses value, making Niya a somewhat more reliable option.
  • Korayn falls behind Niya in single-target, but offers much more burst in Mythic+-type content due to First Strike Icon First Strike.

Venthyr Soulbinds

  • Nadjia the Mistblade is the primary single-target choice, due to Dauntless Duelist Icon Dauntless Duelist.
  • Theotar the Mad Duke is very competitive, but somewhat less reliable due to the area-of-effect restriction on Soothing Shade Icon Soothing Shade.
  • General Draven is not recommended, due to offering very few consistent damage dealing bonuses, although if you were able to constantly interrupt it would push his value much higher.


  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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