Fury Warrior DPS Crucible of Storms Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Archimtiros 79 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Fury Warrior for each boss of the following raid: Crucible of Storms. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



This page will be a rough outline of the bosses and mechanics in the Crucible of Storms raid. This page will focus primarily on how a Fury Warrior can optimize its performance within the Crucible of Storms, rather than a step by step guide to each encounter.


Fury Warrior in Crucible of Storms

Fury Warriors are primarily sustained single-target damage dealers, able to put out consistent damage as long as they are not pulled off target for any length of time. They are also adept at frequent multi-target cleave, between two and five targets. Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry is a very useful group cooldown, and should be planned alongside healing cooldowns to mitigate raid wide damage.


Talent Cheatsheet


The Restless Cabal



  • On Mythic difficulty, Anger Management Icon Anger Management is good for aligning Recklessness Icon Recklessness with the Promises of Power Icon Promises of Power debuff for increased damage, but you should be extremely careful when using Lurker's Insidious Gift Icon Lurker's Insidious Gift or Legplates of Unbound Anguish Icon Legplates of Unbound Anguish, as the self-inflicted damage can very easily kill you at high stacks.
  • Due to there being multiple bosses and adds, Fury Warriors should maintain the Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind buff in order to continually cleave their attacks, which makes Meat Cleaver Icon Meat Cleaver a competitive talent. Be wary of hitting players afflicted by Cerebral Assault Icon Cerebral Assault however, as they appear hostile and are unable to be healed for the duration.
  • Save Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to get out of the raid when targeted by Crushing Doubt Icon Crushing Doubt, without having to deal with the slow.

More tips will be added as additional strategies are developed.


Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void



  • Do not touch the Relics unless asked by your raid leader.
  • Align Dragon Roar Icon Dragon Roar or Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm with Primordial Mindbender deaths in Phase 1 and 2, in order to AoE the Swarming Voidspawn they create.
  • Try to avoid cleaving via Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind during Gift of N'Zoth: Lunacy when the boss hits 100 energy in Phase 3, as all players will be able to damage one another for 5 seconds. This may be a good time to use Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry.
  • Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap can be used to deal with Unstable Resonance Icon Unstable Resonance on Mythic difficulty, to quickly move to the matching Relic of Power and remove the debuff.

More tips will be added as additional strategies are developed.



  • 25 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
  • 09 May 2019: Added additional Mythic difficulty tips.
  • 25 Apr. 2019: Updated Mythic difficulty talent suggestions.
  • 15 Apr. 2019: Guide added.
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