G'huun Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the G'huun encounter in Uldir. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
G'huun is a three-phase encounter that will have your raid split into small teams in order to ferry orbs into a titan machine in order to progress through the fight.
Power Matrix & Reorigination Drive
An important part of the fight is the Reorigination Blast ability.
However, this ability is not simply cast by the boss, and instead needs to be
triggered by the raid, as we will explain below.
The outer edge of the room is elevated. At the start of this elevated area
there is a Power Matrix orb present at the start of the fight (and more
orbs spawn during the fight, as we explain below). A player will need to pick
up the Power Matrix (by clicking it) and transport it across the upper platform
until they reach the Reorigination Drive at the end. Upon reaching the end, the
person carrying the Power Matrix will need to drop into the Reorigination Drive
by clicking on it.
Depositing a Power Matrix orb into the Reorigination Drive machine
will grant it 35 Energy. At 100 Energy, the machine will
Reorigination Blast inflicting Arcane damage every 6
seconds for 30 seconds to everything in the room, friend and foe alike. The damage
done to the raid is reasonably non-threatening since the ticks are spaced so far
apart. However, the damage dealt to enemies is enormous; G'huun in particular
will take 45-50% of his health in damage per Reorigination Blast.
Enemies will also be stunned and take 100% more damage during this time.
Players who interacted with Power Matrix will be debuffed with
Imperfect Physiology upon depositing the orb into the machine. This debuff
prevents them from interacting with another Power Matrix orb for 6 minutes on
Heroic, and 2 minutes on Normal. Note that on Heroic, the duration of this debuff
scales down as group size decreases, ensuring that this fight is still possible
for smaller groups.
However, carrying the Power Matrix is not a matter of simply picking
it up and running it to the end. This is because for every 2 seconds that a
player carries the orb, their movement speed is reduced by 20%. To counter
this, the player is given an Extra Action Button that allows them to throw the
orb up to 20 yards away. If another player is standing where the orb lands,
they will catch it, however if the orb is not caught, it is destroyed. The Extra
Action Button has a cooldown, preventing players from chain-throwing the orb.
A new Power Matrix orb will spawn 15 seconds after the previous
one was deposited into the Reorigination Drive or destroyed.
Furthermore, the platforms are covered by Amorphous Cysts
(stationary attackable NPCs) that create an area called
Undulating Mass that slows the movement of anyone inside of it by 75%,
and deals a small amount of ticking damage. Damaging the Cysts will cause their
Undulating Mass to temporarily shrink.
Finally, anyone on the upper platforms will take a small amount of ticking
damage from Unclean Contagion.
Explosive Corruption
Roughly every 15 seconds, regardless of phase, G'huun will afflict several
random players with Explosive Corruption. This debuff explodes after 4
seconds for a moderate amount of Plague damage to everyone within 5 yards and
will leave a puddle of
Blighted Ground. Blighted Ground will slow
anyone inside of it by 75% and will deal a low amount of damage every 1.5
seconds. These Blighted Ground zones last until
Reorigination Blast is
cast (explained below), which clears them.
Virulent Corruption
When Explosive Corruption expires it will also trigger
Virulent Corruption, spawning 5 blight orbs that radiate outward from
the player evenly in all directions. Players that are hit by these orbs will
take a low amount of Plague damage and will be afflicted with a new Explosive
Corruption debuff.
Phase One: My Minions are Endless!
During this phase G'huun is inactive and be protected by
Blood Shield, healing himself for 5% of his Health every 0.5
Phase One lasts until the first Reorigination Blast cast.
Thousand Maws
Roughly every 25 seconds, G'huun will cast Thousand Maws. This will
summon 3 types of adds: Cyclopean Terrors, which will spawn on each
cast of Thousand Maws, Blightspreader Tendril which will spawn on every
second cast, and Dark Young which will spawn every fourth cast.
Additionally the fight will begin with a wave of Cyclopean Terrors and a Dark
Young active.
We explain all of these adds below.
Cyclopean Terror
Cyclopean Terrors will spawn spread out in a loose cluster around
the room and will channel Torment into random players. Torment will
deal a moderate amount of Shadow damage that increases every 3 seconds, for 15
seconds. This can be interrupted.
Dark Young
Dark Young need to be picked up by the tank. They
will use Massive Smash, dealing a moderately high amount
of Physical damage to the tank, as well as knocking them back.
They will also gain Energy over time and upon reaching 100 they will
cast Dark Bargain. This is a short cast that will increase the damage
taken, healing done, and damage done of anything within 10 yards by 25% for 30
seconds. Dark Bargain will also affect players, however taking two stacks of the
buff will mind control the player, requiring them to be killed by the
Blightspreader Tendril
Blightspreader Tendrils will cast Decaying Eruption,
dealing a moderately high amount of damage to everyone in the raid. This can
be interrupted. Once interrupted, Blightspreaders melee attack, so they need
to be picked up by the second tank. They also have an Energy bar that depletes
over time. Once depleted, they will cast
Burrow, making them
briefly untargetable and moving them to a random place in the room.
Phase Two: Behold the Power of G'huun!
Triggering a Reorigination Blast for the first time will remove
Blood Shield upon completion, and push G'huun into Phase Two. The upper platform will
continue to be active during this phase.
Corrupting Bite
Corrupting Bite will cause each of G'huun's melee attacks to deal a
small amount of additional Plague damage. Consecutive attacks on the same
target will buff G'huun with
Growing Corruption, increasing the damage
Corrupting Bite deals by 15% per stack. This effect resets when G'huun attacks
a new new target.
Wave of Corruption
Periodically, G'huun will release a Wave of Corruption,
radiating from his center to the edge of the room. Players hit by the wave will
have a stack of
Putrid Blood applied to them, as well as take a small
amount of Plague damage, splashing to everyone within 5 yards. Players hit by
the splash will also be knocked back a short distance and will apply an
additional stack of Putrid Blood to each other, and this effect can continue
to chain.
It is worth noting that Wave of Corruption cannot be dodged by
Putrid Blood
Putrid Blood is stacking DoT with an indefinite duration that
ticks for a small amount of Plague damage every 1.5 seconds. Even though the
DoT lasts indefinitely, it can be removed through another ability the boss
uses (explained directly below).
Blood Feast
After every second Wave of Corruption (specifically when he reaches 100 Energy), G'huun will use
Blood Feast. This will root a target for 10 seconds. After the root is
over, all players within 8 yards of the target will have their
Putrid Blood stacks removed. A Gibbering Horror add will
spawn for each Blood Feast cast, with its damage and Health being increased
by 5% for each stack of Putrid Blood that is removed.
Gibbering Horror
When the Gibbering Horror reaches 100 Energy (roughly 15 seconds) it
will cast Mind-Numbing Chatter, inflicting light Shadow damage to the
raid, as well as interrupting all spell casts for 3 seconds.
The Gibbering Horror must be tanked.
Phase Three: Your Destruction is Assured!
When G'huun reaches 20% Health, he will enter Phase Three.
During this phase G'huun will continue to cast Wave of Corruption
Corrupting Bite. In addition to this, he will use some new
abilities, described below.
When the boss enters Phase Three, he will destroy the Reorigination Drive
and trigger Collapse. This will cause a large chunk of debris to fall
from the ceiling, knocking back all raiders and inflicting lethal Nature damage
to anyone caught underneath the chunk. All raid members will be damaged,
though, with the damage of Collapse being lower the farther away players are
from the impact zone. During the cast of Collapse, G'huun will also gain the buff
Corpulent Mass, reducing the damage he takes by 99%.
Malignant Growth
G'huun will cover areas of the room with Malignant Growths roughly
every 20 seconds. After a short time they will explode dealing effectively
lethal damage to all players caught in the area. The graphic of the Growths
makes them look as though you might be able to side-step them, similar to the
mushrooms on Brackenspore, however the radius of the explosion on the Growths
is such that they have 100% coverage of the area they spawn in. These Growths
will cover half the room, divided into 3 equally-sized pie slices, the
positioning of which will alternate between safe and unsafe slices. Once the
first unsafe sections explode, the safe areas will become unsafe and explode
seconds later.
Gaze of G'huun
G'huun will cast Gaze of G'huun at 100 Energy (roughly every 20 seconds).
After a 2-second cast, Gaze will fear anyone who is facing him for 5 seconds.
This alternates with
Malignant Growth, such that every 10 seconds,
you will encounter one of these abilities.
- 06 Sep. 2018: Made a few tweaks to the page to account for our experience with the fight on live realms.
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