G'huun Guide for Uldir
Table of Contents
General Information
Welcome to our World of Warcraft encounter guide for G'huun in Uldir. We will teach you everything you need to know to defeat the boss in every difficulty.
On this particular page, we will give you a short overview of the fight as well as a list of things to watch out for (include LFR tips when applicable).
The other pages of our G'huun guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into 2 pages:
- Abilities: read about the encounter abilities;
- Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics: find out how to defeat the encounter in Normal and Heroic modes.
G'huun is the final boss of in Uldir.
In Uldir, the titans had hoped to find a solution to the Old Gods. But when they experimented upon the Old Gods' unending, ravenous need to corrupt, they unexpectedly created a perfect avatar of that desire. G'huun is nothing but rot, pestilence, and decay, the ultimate parasite who cannot stop itself from consuming its host until it is gone.
G'huun is a three-phase encounter that will require the raid to be divided into small groups in order to complete a small extra objective to advance the fight. Encircling the encounter area are long elevated platforms, accessible via a ramp near the entrance. Groups will need to leave the main encounter area to ferry orbs from one end of the platform to the other. Doing so three times will, among other things, cause all enemies to take additional damage as well as become stunned. Expediently ferrying orbs is the linchpin to completing this fight.
- When tanking the Dark Young be sure to move
him on top of the other adds when he is casting
Dark Bargain.
- Tank G'huun in the middle of the room near the entrance, taunt swapping as
often as possible to drop his stacks of
Growing Corruption.
- When using
Blood Feast to drop your stacks of
Putrid Blood, be sure to pick up the Gibbering Horror that spawns.
- During
Reorigination Blast, stand still and use your AoE heals or light cooldowns to top off the raid.
- Stop casting when
Mind-Numbing Chatter is being cast to avoid being interrupted.
- Before players leave to the upper level, be sure to top them off, and HoT them up.
- Ensure you have powerful raid cooldowns available when transitioning into
Phase Three to help manage the damage from
- In Phase One, focus down the Blightspreader Tendrils, then swap to
Cyclopean Terrors. Keeping one Dark Young alive is ideal so
your raid gets more
Dark Bargain buffs.
- In Phase Two, kill the Gibbering Horrors as fast as possible to
reduce the number of times your raid is interrupted by
Mind-Numbing Chatter.
- Teams assigned to running the
Power Matrix should remember their place in line and run to their ramp just before their orb spawns.
- Run
Explosive Corruption to the edges of the room before the debuff expires.
- Make sure to dodge orbs of
Virulent Corruption.
- Gain the
Dark Bargain buff as often as possible by standing under the Dark Young as he casts it. Do not go above 1 stack or you will be mind controlled.
- In Phase One, position the raid in such way that they are able to quickly
move into the
Dark Bargain cast.
- For Phase Two, tank G'huun at the back of the room near the door and have the raid spread behind him in a semi-circle.
- Do not get too close to other players when
Wave of Corruption is cast.
- Stack up for
Blood Feast in order to drop
Putrid Blood stacks.
- At the start of Phase Three, run from the impact zone of
- Use movement speed abilities to escape
Malignant Growth zones.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/
Time Warp
when G'huun is stunned by
Reorigination Blast to make use of the 100%
damage buff.
Class-specific Advice for G'huun
- 06 Sep. 2018 (strategy page): Made a small edit regarding the Phase Three transition timing based on live real experience.
- 06 Sep. 2018 (abilities page): Made a few tweaks to the page to account for our experience with the fight on live realms.
- 30 Aug. 2018 (this page): Guide added.
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