Garothi Worldbreaker Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Garothi Worldbreaker encounter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
The Garothi Worldbreaker is a single phase encounter, with the raid facing off against a giant mechanical fel construct that alternates between several modes of attack. At certain health breakpoints the Garothi Worldbreaker will activate extra weapons systems that must be dealt with and destroyed by the raid in order to ensure survival.
The Decimator is a weapon available to the Garothi Worldbreaker that
will occasionally cast Decimation, which inflicts moderate Fire damage
to anyone within 12 yards of the impact zones and light Fire damage raid wide,
regardless of position. The Decimator can be destroyed by the raid, and doing
so will remove the Decimation ability from the encounter.
The Annihilator is a weapon available to the Garothi Worldbreaker
that will occasionally cast Annihilation, calling missiles down from
the skies that deal moderate Fire damage within 4 yards, split between the
targets hit. Missiles that are not absorbed by players will deal moderate Fire
damage raid wide. Anyone hit by the missiles also takes damage every
second for 10 seconds. The Annihilator can be destroyed by the raid, and
doing so will remove the Annihilator ability from the encounter.
Fel Bombardment
Fel Bombardment attacks the current target, locking on for several
seconds before being unleashed. Upon expiration of the debuff, the target is
bombarded by missiles at the target's destination every second for 5 seconds,
dealing moderate Fire damage to anyone within 7 yards of the impact and
knocking them back.
Apocalypse Drive
Apocalypse Drive occurs exclusively at 65% and 25% health; the
Garothi Worldbreaker begins a cast that inflicts moderate Fire damage
every 2.5 seconds. If one of the Garothi Worldbreaker's weapons is destroyed
before the conclusion of the cast, the cast will be interrupted. However, if
the cast completes, the raid will take massive (and likely lethal) Fire
Surging Fel
Surging Fel only appears on Heroic difficulty and above, and occurs
concurrently with
Apocalypse Drive. As Apocalypse Drive powers up,
Fel energy will erupt across the battlefield and deal moderate Fire damage to
anyone hit.
Eradication occurs periodically; the Garothi Worldbreaker
will smash the ground and deal massive Physical damage in a cone to players
within 60 yards. Anyone hit is also knocked back, however, the damage is
reduced based on distance from the Garothi Worldbreaker. Eradication is always
cast after a weapon has been destroyed, and concludes the
Apocalypse Drive
mini phase.
After the conclusion of each Apocalypse Drive, the
Garothi Worldbreaker is
Empowered, increasing damage done by
20% (per stack).
Searing Barrage
Searing Barrage occurs periodically following the first cast of
Apocalypse Drive, dealing light Fire damage to random targets every 2
Carnage will only occur if no players are in melee the range. The
Garothi Worldbreaker will continuously smash the ground, dealing
moderate Fire damage raid wide every second, for 10 seconds.
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