Garrison: Invasions Guide (WoD 6.2)
Table of Contents
Invasions are scripted events that require you to defeat a small army from a Draenor enemy faction that invades your Garrison as revenge for you killing many mobs from that faction.
Depending on how efficient you were in repelling the enemy, you will earn a score, which decides your rating: Bronze above 300 points, Silver above 600 points, Gold above 1,000 points, and Platinum above 1,300 points. The rating you get decides the rewards you obtain, which can be gear up to item level 651 or mounts. It is highly advised to group up with friends (up to 2) to repel the invasion, as it makes it much easier to get a rating.
As said above, the rewards depend on the rating you get during the invasion. There are 4 tiers of rewards, each tied to a specific rating. If you obtain Platinum, you will also get the rewards for Gold, Silver, and Bronze. If you obtain Gold rating, you will also get the rewards for Silver and Bronze, and if you obtain Silver rating, you will also get the rewards for Bronze. You can obtain each tier of rewards only once a week.
After completing the invasion, everyone who participated receives the rewards directly in their bags (unless they had already received the rewards this lockout).
Bronze Rewards
Completing a Garrison Invasion with a Bronze Rating grants
you 15 40
Apexis Crystals, and an
Invader's Abandoned Sack,
which always contains 25x
Apexis Crystals and 25x
Garrison Resources, and has a chance to contain parts
needed to make a
Arcane Crystal Module (for the auctioneer
in your Trading Post).
Silver Rewards
Completing a Garrison Invasion with a Silver Rating grants
you 30 80
Apexis Crystals, and an
Invader's Damaged Cache,
which always contains 40x
Apexis Crystals and 35x
Garrison Resources, and has a chance to contain
item level 645 gear (651 if Warforged) and parts needed to make a
Arcane Crystal Module (for the auctioneer
in your Trading Post).
Gold Rewards
Completing a Garrison Invasion with a Gold Rating grants
you 61 60
Apexis Crystals, and an
Invader's Forgotten Treasure,
which always contains 50x
Apexis Crystals and 50x
Garrison Resources, and has a chance to contain
item level 645 gear (651 if Warforged), parts needed to make a
Arcane Crystal Module (for the auctioneer
in your Trading Post),
and one of four mounts:
Garn Steelmaw,
Giant Coldsnout,
Shadowhide Pearltusk, and
Smoky Direwolf.
Platinum Rewards
We do not have any information yet regarding the
reward for completing a Garrison Invasion with a Platinum Rating.
All we know is that it rewards you with a Routed Invader's Crate of Spoils.
How to Trigger Invasions?
Invasions happen after you have killed a high number of mobs from a Draenor enemy faction: Botani, Goren, Iron Horde, Ogre, Shadow Council, and Shadowmoon Clan. The number of mobs you need to kill is not publicly known, but once you reach it, an army from that faction will invade your Garrison. Doing the daily Apexis Crystal quest 3 times in the same location will usually trigger an invasion.
When you have killed enough mobs to trigger an invasion, you receive a notification in your Garrison report. The next time you go back to your Garrison, you will be given an invasion quest from Sergeant Crowler (Alliance) or Sergeant Grimjaw (Horde). Accepting the quest and then talking to the quest giver starts the event.
You can have several invasion quests available at the same time from Sergeant Crowler or Sergeant Grimjaw.
How To Get a Gold Rating
During an invasion, you need to kill as many enemies as possible, all the while completing the on-screen tasks that keep popping up as fast as possible.
Inviting friends to help you is key to getting Gold rating, because it allows you to cover more ground and therefore kill enemies faster and complete the random tasks faster. You can only invite up to 2 friends (they need to right-click their portrait and select View Leader's Garrison in order to visit your Garrison), so you need to position yourselves carefully. Typically, you will have one player in the center of the Garrison, one near the main entrance, and one near the secondary entrance (the one that leads to the mine for Alliance players and the one that leads south for Horde players). Everyone should play a DPS spec, because there is no need for tanks and healers.
It is also important to coordinate efficiently, alt-clicking the minimap whenever you feel that you require help to deal with something.
Finally, gear plays a role, because the more DPS you do, the faster you deal with the random tasks and the faster you can go back to killing enemies within your Garrison for extra points.
There are a number of achievements related to Garrison invasions.
It's an Invasion!: defeat a Garrison invasion.
Bronze Defender: defeat a Garrison invasion with a Bronze rating or better.
Silver Defender: defeat a Garrison invasion with a Silver rating or better.
Golden Defender: defeat a Garrison invasion with a Gold rating or better.
Master Defender: earn a Gold rating in each max-level Garrison invasion.
Invasion Specialist: defeat 10 Garrison invasions.
Invasion? What Invasion?: defeat 50 Garrison invasions.
Save Those Buildings!: defeat Botani, Goren, Iron Horde, Ogre, Shadow Council, Shadowmoon Clan invasions without letting any buildings get destroyed.
Botani Invasion: defeat a Botani Garrison invasion.
Goren Invasion: defeat a Goren Garrison invasion.
Iron Horde Invasion: defeat an Iron Horde Garrison invasion.
Ogre Invasion: defeat an Ogre Garrison invasion.
Shadow Council Invasion: defeat a Shadow Council Garrison invasion.
Shadowmoon Clan Invasion: defeat a Shadowmoon Clan Garrison invasion.
Invasions Are Better with Friends: defeat a Garrison invasion in a party of 3 players.
- 24 Feb. 2015: Patch 6.1 update. Added Platinum Rating.
- 08 Feb. 2015: It is possible to have more than 1 invasion quest available at the same time and the guide was amended to mention that.
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