Garrison: Leveling Engineering In Warlords of Draenor (WoD 6.1.2)
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Why Level up Engineering to 700?
All of the Draenor-specific Engineering recipes can be crafted with a skill of 1. So, reaching the maximum skill in Warlords of Draenor is not as important as it was in previous expansions. The only perk you get from leveling Engineering is that the yield of Gearspring Parts slowly increases from 5 at Level 600 to 10 at Level 700, meaning that you can make more high-end crafts.
Learning Draenor Engineering
Leveling Engineering in Draenor requires you to first acquire Draenor Engineering, which teaches you how to craft Gearspring Parts, Secrets of Draenor Engineering, and other Draenor recipes that you can use from Level 1.
You can acquire Draenor Engineering from the Engineering Plans vendor in Ashran, from the Engineer at the Engineering Works in your Garrison, or at the end of the quest line that allows you to unlock the Engineering Works before upgrading your Town Hall to Level 2.
Leveling Engineering from 600 to 700
Leveling Engineering from 600 to 700 is done in two steps, first from 600 to 630, using cheap recipes and then from 630 to 700 using Didi's Delicate Assembly.
Leveling Engineering from 600 to 630
The first step is to level up Engineering from 600 to 630 by crafting these recipes:
- Mecha-Blast Rocket, which costs 6x Blackrock Ore;
- Shieldtronic Shield, which costs 6x True Iron Ore;
- Stealthman 54, which costs 2x Blackrock Ore + 2x True Iron Ore + 2x Nagrand Arrowbloom;
- Goblin Glider Kit, which costs 8x True Iron Ore + 5x Sumptuous Fur.
Mecha-Blast Rocket and Shieldtronic Shield give a +2 skill up and Stealthman 54 and Goblin Glider Kit a +4 skill up. As a result, Stealthman 54 is the preferred recipe, because it has the lowest cost per point of skill gained. The recipes turn yellow at 625, green at 627, and gray at 630. It takes 37 attempts, in average, to reach Level 630 with these recipes. It takes one less attempt for each time you craft Gearspring Parts or Secrets of Draenor Engineering.
Leveling Engineering from 630 to 700
The most efficient recipe for leveling up past 630 is Didi's Delicate Assembly, because it requires no Gearspring Parts. The recipe for this item costs 1x Secret of Draenor Engineering.
Leveling Engineering from 1 to 600
You can craft any of the Warlords of Draenor recipes from Level 1. So, you can use any of the following recipes to level up instantly from 1 to 600 (they are the same as the recipes to go from 600 to 630):
- Mecha-Blast Rocket, which costs 6x Blackrock Ore;
- Shieldtronic Shield, which costs 6x True Iron Ore;
- Stealthman 54, which costs 2x Blackrock Ore + 2x True Iron Ore + 2x Nagrand Arrowbloom;
- Goblin Glider Kit, which costs 8x True Iron Ore + 5x Sumptuous Fur.
Catch-up Items
There are 4 items that you can randomly loot from mobs in Draenor and that increase your Engineering skill by 5. Technically speaking, you need to combine these items with Draenor materials to create a new item and increase your Engineering skill by 5 in the process.
- Broken Hunting Scope must be combined with 5x Blackrock Ore and 5x True Iron Ore..
- Busted Alarm Bot must be combined with 4x True Iron Ore and 4x Blackrock Ore.
- Faulty Grenade must be combined with 8x Blackrock Ore.
- Trampled Survey Bot must be combined with 4x Blackrock Ore.
- 08 Apr. 2015: Late update to the guide follow the change to Didi's Delicate Assembly.
- 02 Dec. 2014: Amended the guide to reflect the fact that recipes can also be bought in Ashran.
- 21 Nov. 2014: Fixed Level 600-630 part (reagent cost changed).
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