Garrison: Leveling Inscription In Warlords of Draenor (WoD 6.1.2)
Table of Contents
Why Level up Inscription to 700?
All of the Draenor-specific Inscription recipes can be crafted with a skill
of 1. So, reaching the maximum skill in Warlords of Draenor is not as
important as it was in previous expansions. The only perk you get from
leveling Inscription is that the yield of
War Paints
slowly increases from 5 at Level 600 to 10
at Level 700, meaning
that you can
make more high-end crafts.
Learning Draenor Inscription
Leveling Inscription in Draenor requires you to first acquire
Draenor Inscription,
which teaches you how to craft
War Paints,
Secrets of Draenor Inscription,
and other Draenor recipes that you can use from Level 1.
You can acquire
Draenor Inscription
from the
Inscription Recipes
vendor in Ashran, from the
Scribe at the Scribe's Quarters
in your Garrison, or at the end of the quest line that allows
you to unlock the
Scribe's Quarters
before upgrading your Town Hall to Level 2.
Leveling Inscription from 600 to 700
The easiest way to level Inscription to 700 is to make
Shadowtome and
Cards of Omens. Both recipes give you +1 skill up for
each 5
War Paints consumed, which is the best ratio you can get.
All of the other recipes consume 10x
War Paints
for a +1 skill up. The recipe for Shadowtome costs
Secret of Draenor Inscription
and can be bought from the Scribe at your Scribe's Quarters.
Leveling to 700 is going to take about 3 weeks,
because you are required to use
War Paints,
which you can
make in limited quantities every day.
War Paints and Secrets of Draenor Inscription
War Paints and
Secrets of Draenor Inscription
have a daily cooldown, which resets at the same time the daily quests do.
You need to craft these two recipes every day, to maximize the speed at which
you level up Inscription. Each of these recipes grants you a +1 skill up.
It is also important to place 6 Work Orders a day at your Scribe's Quarters, otherwise, leveling up Inscription is going to take a lot longer than the 3 weeks we announced.
Leveling Inscription from 1 to 600
You can craft any of the Warlords of Draenor recipes from Level 1. We advise
you to level up on Warbinder's Ink and
Research: Warbinder's Ink. Going all the way from Level 1 to Level 600 with these
recipes will cost you 450x
Cerulean Pigments (or 900 Draenor herbs) and
Light Parchments.
Catch-up Items
There are 4 items that you can randomly loot from mobs in Draenor and that increase your Inscription skill by 5. Technically speaking, you need to combine these items with Draenor materials to create a new item and increase your Inscription skill by 5 in the process.
Faintly Magical Vellum must be combined with 5x
Cerulean Pigments.
Torn Card must be combined with 4x
Nagrand Arrowbloom.
Waterlogged Book must be combined with 10x
Ruined Painting must be combined with 10x
Tattered Scroll must be combined with 5x
- 02 Dec. 2014: Amended the guide to reflect the fact that recipes can also be bought in Ashran.
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