Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands
Generic Anima Powers are semi-permanent upgrades available during Torghast runs.
Generic Anima Powers
On this page, we list generic Anima Powers available to all classes in Torghast.
Abundance of Phantasma — Acquire 300 Phantasma.
Accursed Hand Wraps — Casting Soul Rot increases the damage of your Drain Life spell by 200% for 8 seconds.
Aegis of Lost Souls — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, all damage taken is reduced by 25%.
Anamnestic Memories — Your Maw Beast's movement speed is increased by 50% and it will attempt to retrieve loot for you after combat.
Ancient Meditator's Bell — Unburden no longer propels you forward.
Arcadne's Feasting Mark — Any time a Deadsoul Chorus that you are a part of casts , you are healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] Health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Arcadne's Ritual Mask — Any time a Deadsoul Chorus that you are a part of casts , you gain 50% critical strike chance for 8 seconds.
Ascendant's Accelerando — Increase the speed of Unburden by 6 yards/seconds.
Aural Fracture — Wailing Blast ruptures the target's ears, inflicting an additional [ 15% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
Band of Deep Burns — Dealing Fire damage has a chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds.
Blade of the Lifetaker — Your attacks have a high chance to steal health from the enemy equal to 10% of your maximum health.
Blooded Satchel — Acquire a bag filled with various bones and meats.
Boots of Bellaton — Don the boots, increasing your movement speed by 40%.
Bottled Enigma — A cloud of obscuring mist surrounds you, preventing enemies from targeting into or out of the mist.
Bottomless Chalice — Your Steward also provides Phials of Serenity for your allies.
Brand of Instability — While assuming the form of a Deadsoul Chorus, your movement speed is increased by 10%.
Brittle Bone Dust — Apply Brittle Bone Dust to ALL players and enemies within 30 yards, increasing their chance to receive critical hits by 25%.
Broker's Purse — Acquire 175 Phantasma.
Broker's Purse — Acquire 160 Phantasma.
Broker's Purse — Acquire 250 Phantasma.
Broker's Purse — Acquire 400 Phantasma.
Broker's Purse — Acquire 200 Phantasma.
Censer of Suffocating Shadows — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, release a wave of magic every 1 second, inflicting [ 100% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards.
Chain of Command — Calls forth Horgul, a powerful Shade Hound that can stun individual enemies and draw their attention.
Cilice of Denathrius — Gain an additional 15% damage and healing when you ascend to a new floor of the Jailer's Tower.
Clinging Fog — During Soulshape, Flicker reduces the movement speed of enemies near your departure location by 30% for 6 seconds.
Coffer of Spectral Whispers — You become immune to Silence and Interrupt effects.
Collar of Teeth — Your Maw Beast's damage done is increased by 25%.
Contorted Hourglass — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, time passes 20% faster for you.
Corruption Antenna — Your attacks have a chance to curse your target, dealing [ 1,000% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target over 8 seconds.
Crown of Obstinance — Enemies within 15 yards have their casting speed reduced by 30%.
Cruelty Censer — You deal 25% more damage to creatures that are feared, horrified, stunned, or dazed.
Crumbling Aegis — Gain immunity to all damage and harmful effects for 1.5 min after choosing this item.
Crystalline Leaf — Fae Transfusion cooldown reduced by 15.0 seconds.
Crystallized Dreams — Soulshape grants you immunity to Physical damage and harmful effects for 12 seconds.
Curious Miasma — When you attack a new creature, you are healed for [480% Spell Power ] health.
Dangling Soulcatcher — Any time you assume the form of a Deadsoul Chorus or return to corporeal form, you are healed for [ 500% of Spell Power ]. This effect can only occur every 15 seconds.
Dark Armaments — Killing a creature grants 5% Haste for 10 seconds. This effect can stack 10 times.
Dark Fortress — While in combat, every 10 seconds gain 5% reduced damage taken for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
Darkhelm of Nuren — Shackle the Unworthy causes enemies within 10 yards of your target to tremble in fear, stunning them for 5 seconds.
Darksight Orbs — Your Steward can now hunt for materials within Torghast.
Deadsoul Hound Harness — Obtain a Deadsoul Hound Harness, an item that allows you to transform into a Deadsoul Hound while in Torghast.
Death-Triggered Anima Bomb — Sustaining fatal damage instead detonates an Anima bomb, dealing 2,700 Frost damage to all enemies within 20 yards and restoring 50% of your health. This effect is then consumed.
Defiance of Death — You are unable to lose more than 25% of your maximum health from a single attack.
Disemboweler's Hook — Damaging an enemy whose health is below 10% will disembowel them, instantly killing them.
Dreadsaddle — Grants you the ability to mount within the Maw.
Echo of Azeroth — Sustaining fatal damage instead heals you for 100% of your health and restores 100% of your primary resource. This effect is then consumed.
Echoing Amplifier — The cooldown of Wailing Blast is reduced by 2 seconds.
Edgelurker — Your movement speed is increased by 60% when close to a wall or the edge of a hallway.
Elethium Alembic — Your mastery is increased by 30%, but your Arcane damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Beacon — Your critical strike chance is increased by 25%, but your Fire damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Censer — Your healing received is increased by 100%, but your Holy damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Diffuser — Inflicts Shadow damage equal to 40% of all the damage you receive, split amongst enemies within 5 yards, but you are no longer able to step backwards.
Elethium Lantern — Your leech is increased by 15%, but your Shadow damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Lifegourd — Your haste is increased by 25%, but your Nature damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Muzzle — Your abilities cool down 25% faster, but your Physical damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Teardrop — Your critical strike damage and healing is increased by 30%, but your Frost damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
Elethium Veil — Your ability costs are reduced by 25%, but you are no longer able to view your map.
Elethium Weights — Your Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Intellect are increased by 30%, but you are no longer able to jump.
Elongated Skeletal Arms — Increases the range of your Auto Attack by 10 yards.
Elysian Endurance — Increase the duration of Unburden by 50%.
Elysian Endurance — Increase the duration of Unburden by 100%.
Enchanted Thieves' Tools — Certain Anima Cells offer an additional choice.
Ephemeral Effigy — You take 30% less Physical damage and suffer 15% more Magic damage.
Ephemeral Tailwind — Increase the speed of Unburden by 3 yards/seconds.
Erratic Howler — While in combat, release an uncontrolled howl at random intervals. This howl inflicts [ 50% of Spell Power ] damage to enemies within 20 yards and interrupts spells.
Essence Siphoner — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, increases Phantasma earned by 50%.
Ever-Beating Heart — You become immune to Stun effects.
Everwarm Socks — Ice Block no longer covers your feet, allowing you to move... albeit very slowly.
Executor's Call Sheet — Reveal the locations of rare enemies on your map.
Fallen Armaments — While in combat, every 10 seconds gain 5% Haste for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
Finger of Frozen Fury — Your attacks have a chance to fire a bolt of magic, dealing [ 200% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to enemies within 5 yards of your target.
Flame Jet — Learn the Flame Jet ability. Every 30 seconds, you may burn enemies in a cone in front of you for [ 500% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and reduce their Armor by 100% for 10 seconds.
Flamestarved Cinders — Absorbs all nearby heat, reducing Fire damage taken by 65%.
Flask of Unbridled Darkness — Release the darkness for 30 seconds, causing you to be completely unable to view your surroundings. While under this effect, your damage and healing done is increased by 75% and your movement speed in increased by 30%. 60 seconds cooldown.
Fleetwing Torch — Your next Unburden has infinite duration.
Form of Darkness — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, killing an enemy unit extends its duration by 5 seconds. Unbridled Darkness is automatically removed from you while out of combat.
Fractured Phantasma Lure — Increases Phantasma earned by 100%, but also decreases damage done by 10%.
Frenzywing — has a 1 second recharge for the next 1.5 min.
Frostbite Wand — Damaging an enemy will also apply Frostbite, dealing damage equal to 50% of their total hit points. After 4 seconds, the enemy will start regenerating all of the lost health over a period of 10 seconds. Creatures can only be Frostbitten once.
Frostchipper — Dealing Frost damage has a chance to break off a portion of your foe, reducing their health by 20%.
Gaze of Death — Every 12 seconds the Gaze of Death focuse on a random enemy within 20 yards for 8 seconds. This effect causes the target to take increased damage randomly between 26% and 26%.
Gift of Ardenweald — Your spells and attacks have a chance to grant you 35% Haste for 15 seconds.
Glasswing Charm — Become a cloud of insects when out of combat, increasing movement speed by 80%.
Globule of Cloying Darkness — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you have 20% increased mastery and 20% increased critical strike chance.
Glutton's Kerchief — Gain 20% Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery, and Versatility.
Gnarled Key — Casting Door of Shadows reduces the cast time of Door of Shadows by 10%, and its cooldown by 3 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
Golden Idol — Become able to see which enemies are carrying Plundered Anima.
Gruul's Shattered Toenail — Every 1 second you are stunned or snared, earthen fragments shatter off of yourself and inflict [ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to enemies within 5 yards.
Harvester of Shadows — If you and an ally within 5 yards are both under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you heal for 15% of your maximum health every 1 second.
Hatred Core — The next time you deal damage to a Rare or Elite enemy, deal additional damage equal to 25% of their maximum HP. This effect is then consumed.
Heart of the Forge — Heat radiates from you, inflicting [ 120% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to nearby enemies every 5 seconds.
Heart-Seeking Fang — While in combat, leech [ 20% of Spell Power ] health from a random enemy within 15 yards every 2 seconds. This damage and healing is tripled if the target is suffering from a Bleed effect.
Hematoma Bat — Dealing Physical damage has a chance to confuse the target, compelling them to fight alongside you for 25 seconds.
Howling Soulcore — Assume the form of a Deadsoul Chorus, replacing your abilities with Maw based spells. While in this form, you have 50% increased damage and healing as well as 20% increased movement speed. Friendly players may merge with your form to add to the chorus.
Huddled Carvings — Your damage done is increased by 100% if you and an ally within 5 yards are both under the effects of Unbridled Darkness.
Hungering Anima — Your Maw Beast gains 100% increased damage done, but also loses 2% health every 1 second while in combat.
Icy Heartcrust — Absorb 60% of damage dealt to you when your health is below 15%.
Imperial Warrant — Your pets inflict 50% more damage.
Infused Flesh — The cooldown of your Maw Beast's special ability is reduced by 50%.
Irritating Moth Dust — Your attacks have a chance to create a cloud of irritant near your target for 12 seconds. Enemies caught within have their damage done reduced by 40%.
Kerim's Amulet of Laceration — While in combat, cause all enemies within 15 yards to bleed uncontrollably, suffering [ 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 3 seconds.
Knowledge of Mortality — Your attacks have a high chance to inflict Know Mortality, dealing Shadow damage over 12 seconds and reducing the target's movement speed by 50%.
Kyrian Blessing — Your spells and attacks have a chance to grant you 35% Mastery for 15 seconds.
Lens of Elchaver — When you critically strike with a direct attack, an Arcane bolt will also strike your target, dealing [ 92% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage.
Lightning Dust — Your attacks have a chance to fire a bolt of lightning, dealing [ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target.
Lost Pyrestone — Obtain a Pyrestone.
Lumbering Form — While in combat, your size is increased by 100% and you automatically knock back ALL players and enemies that come within 2 yards of yourself.
Mad Wizard's Scrawlings — At the beginning of each floor, you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in a certain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, your Intellect will be increased by 5%.
Majestic Antler Fragment — Targets affected by your Wild Mark take 25% increased damage from you and your pets.
Maldraxxian Repayment — Your spells and attacks have a chance to grant you 35% Versatility for 15 seconds.
Malevolent Stitching — Fleshcraft increases your primary stat by 8% while the shield holds.
Manascale — Your damage is increased by 100%.
Marrow Scooper — Skeletons in the Jailer's Tower drop 10 times as much Phantasma.
Mask of Withering — Door of Shadows weakens all enemies you pass through, increasing their damage taken by 20% for 30 seconds.
Maw Seeker Harness — Obtain a Maw Seeker Harness, an item that allows you to transform into a Maw Seeker while in Torghast.
Mobius Graft — Caches at the end of a floor can be reset one time each, granting you a new set of choices.
Murmuring Shawl — Door of Shadows increases your chance to dodge by 20% for 15 seconds.
Negation Well — Greatly increase the power of your jumps.
Obleron Endurance — Increase maximum health by 15%.
Obleron Endurance x2 — Increase maximum health by 30%.
Obleron Endurance x3 — Increase maximum health by 45%.
Obleron Ephemera — Increase Versatility by 3%.
Obleron Ephemera x2 — Increase Versatility by 6%.
Obleron Ephemera x3 — Increase Versatility by 9%.
Obleron Spikes — Increase critical strike chance by 3%.
Obleron Spikes x2 — Increase critical strike chance by 6%.
Obleron Spikes x3 — Increase critical strike chance by 9%.
Obleron Talisman — Increase mastery by 3%.
Obleron Talisman x2 — Increase mastery by 6%.
Obleron Talisman x3 — Increase mastery by 9%.
Obleron Venom — Increase critical damage and healing by 6%.
Obleron Venom x2 — Increase critical damage and healing by 12%.
Obleron Venom x3 — Increase critical damage and healing by 18%.
Obleron Winds — Increase haste by 3%.
Obleron Winds x2 — Increase haste by 6%.
Obleron Winds x3 — Increase haste by 9%.
Oddly Intangible Key — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you take 30% less damage from area of effect attacks.
Ode to Humility — Unburden can be cast instantly.
Offer of Souls — Obtain 10 Soul Remnants.
One Piece of Many — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, you damage and healing done is increased by 25%.
One With Death — Reduces the cooldown of Deathborne by 50%.
Open Doors — Door of Shadows has an instant cast time.
Overgrowth Seedling — Increases your armor by 100%.
Oversized Boots — Don the very large boots, automatically crushing any Ashen Phylacteries you step on. Trampling increases your movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds.
Parliament Stone — Your Steward cheers you on, increasing movement speed by 30% for you and your allies.
Phial of Light — Your Steward's Phial of Serenity now restores an additional 25% of your health.
Phial of Pain — Your Steward's Phial of Serenity increases damage and healing by 40% for 15 seconds.
Piercing Vision of Corraph — Deal 100% additional damage to Writhing Souls.
Pocketed Soulcage — Opening the cage will reward 15-15 Soul Remnants.
Potent Acid Gland — Your attacks have a chance to launch a glob of acid, inflicting [ 250% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and allowing you to ignore 100% of the target's armor for 8 seconds.
Pouch of Phantasma — Acquire 75 Phantasma.
Prisoner's Concord — Freeing a Soul Remnant from Torghast grants you 100% Critical Strike for 10 seconds.
Protective Phantasma — Looting Phantasma grants you an absorb shield for 65 per Phantasma, up to a maximum of Total Health. The absorption stacks, and lasts 5 min.
Pulsing Rot-hive — Your attacks have a chance to attach decayfly larvae in the target, inflicting [ 40% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 second for 6 seconds. When this effect expires, the larvae hatch from within the target to fight for you.
Purifier's Flame — Deadsoul Death Pools no longer damage you, and instead you absorb them, healing yourself for [ 50% of Spell Power ] every 1 second.
Reinforced Lure Casing — Removes the damage done penalty from any Fractured Phantasma Lures carried.
Resonating Effigy — You take 30% less Magic damage and suffer 15% more Physical damage.
Roots of the Dreamtree — Increases maximum health by 100% and prevents knockback effects.
Runic Etchings — The maximum health of your Maw Beast is increased by 50%.
Sands of Desperation — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, your time flows 30% faster.
Satchel of Nature's Bounty — Acquire a satchel filled with various herbs and fish.
Satchel of Phantasma — Acquire 150 Phantasma.
Satchel of the Hunt — Your Maw Beast grants allies within 60 yards an additional 20% movement speed.
Screaming Statuettes — The radius of Scream of Pain is increased by 5 yards.
Shade Essence-Lure — Calls forth Valioc, a powerful Soul Eater that can inflict area damage and silence enemies.
Shadiform Rags — Prevent the Eye of the Jailer points from increasing for 1.5 min.
Shadowed Iris — Dealing Shadow damage has a chance to blind the target, reducing their chance to hit by 50% for 12 seconds.
Shimmering Wingcape — Reduces the range at which enemies can detect you by 5 yards.
Skeletal Ward — The skeleton will serve as your ward, assisting you in combat.
Smuggled Wildseed — Soulshape increases your movement speed by an additional 50%, and its cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
Soft-Souled Shoes — Movement speed increased by 100% in Gorgoa: River of Souls.
Soul Detector — Track Souls on your map.
Soulburst Charm — Any time you return to corporeal form from existing within a Deadsoul Chorus, you inflict [ 200% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and blind enemies within 15 yards for 8 seconds. This effect can only occur every 15 seconds.
Soulward Clasp — Your attacks have a chance to create a zone of soul empowerment nearby. Any player may collect this to gain 25% damage and healing done and 25% movement speed for 10 seconds.
Spectral Bridle — Obtain a Spectral Bridle, an item that allows you to transform into a rideable Spectral Horse while in the Jailer's Tower.
Spectral Oats — Heal 2% of your max health every 1 second while running.
Stoneflesh Figurine — When below 40% maximum health, you reduce all damage taken by 40% and your own movement speed by 40%.
Stormcycle Peridot — Dealing Nature damage has a chanc to inflict your target with Stormcycle, dealing [ 100% of Spell Power ] damage every 1 second indefinitely.
Strigidium — You can now order your Steward to heal or buff you in combat.
Stygian Victuals — Your Maw Beast regenerates 2% of its health every 1 second while not in combat.
Subjugator's Manacles — When you attack a new creature, they suffer [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and are silenced for 4 seconds.
Suffused Noble Writ — Magic, Curse, Disease, and Poison effects on you have their durations reduced by 30%.
Swarm Form — Your body becomes more like a swarm of insects, increasing enemy chance to miss you by 10%.
Sword Off My Back — Acquire a weapon that the kyrian prisoner was carrying.
Symbiotic Essence — The healing of your Maw Beast is increased by 50% and also heals you as well.
Tailwind — Sunrise increases your flight speed by an additional 100%.
The Fifth Skull — While in combat, if there are 5 or more enemies within 10 yards, the skull releases a storm of bones, inflicting [ 50% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 seconds to ALL nearby players and enemies.
The Spectral Hands of Arcadne — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, your Auto Attack damage is increased by 100% and your Auto Attack range is increased by 20 yards.
The Stone Ward — Shields you for 20% of your maximum health. This absorb refreshes every 30 seconds.
Thrice-Charred Eye — Track Blazing Pyrestones on your map.
Tollar's Dancing Garments — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you have 25% increased dodge chance.
Tollar's Hidden Flask of Fortification — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, your maximum health is increased by 40%.
Tollar's Willful Blinder — The duration of your Unbridled Darkness is increased by 5 seconds.
Torghast Ambassador — Assisting a Covenant captive with what they need will result in them staying and assisting you after instead of leaving to hide.
Tormentor's Spiked Noose — Imprison now charms your target, forcing them to fight alongside you.
Tremorbeast Heart — Primary stat increased by 15%, and regenerate [ 100% of Spell Power ] health every 5 seconds.
Tremorbeast Tusk — When an enemy damages you, they suffer [ 60% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. If they deal at least 5% of your health in damage, they are knocked back. The knockback may only occur every 10 seconds per target.
Twisted Idol — Increases the maximum number of charges of Twisting Shadows by 2 and reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds.
Ultimate Detainment — Learn the ability Ultimate Detainment, allowing you to permanently root and silence all enemies within 40 yards.
Uncontrolled Darkness — Darkness envelops you every 5 kills, causing you to be completely unable to view your surroundings. While under this effect, your damage and healing done is increased by 150% and your movement speed in increased by 50%. This effect is only removed when you kill 5 more enemies.
Unlock Shortcut — Unlock a shortcut to the floor 3 levels below your current floor that can be used at the start future Torghast runs.
Unnatural Claws — Your Maw Beast strikes all enemies within 5 yards while attacking.
Unstable Form — While in combat, become incorporeal at random intervals, reducing damage taken by 99% for 3 seconds.
Unstable Phantasma Lure — Increases Phantasma earned by 25%.
Updraft — Sunrise lets you fly for 100% longer.
V'lara's Cape of Subterfuge — Your attacks have a chance to cause you to fade away, reducing your threat for 6 seconds. While you are under this effect, your critical strike chance is increased by 25%.
Vandal's Zeal — Destroying a breakable object within Torghast empowers your next Power Word: Shield by 10%, stacking up to 10 times.
Venthyr's Coin Purse — Acquire a bag filled with gold and various gems.
Venthyr's Gratitude — Your spells and attacks have a chance to grant you 35% Critical Strike chance for 15 seconds.
Vesperwind Bit — Vesper Totem will work on 1 additional damage and 1 additional healing events.
Vial of Lost Potential — Clear all permanent debuffs left by the Eternal Subjugator.
Vial of Unbridled Darkness — Release the darkness for 15 seconds, causing you to be completely unable to view your surroundings. While under this effect, your damage and healing done is increased by 75% and your movement speed in increased by 30%. 90 seconds cooldown.
Visor of the Firstborn — Sense treasure chests and elite enemies through walls.
Vitality Guillotine — The first time you damage an Elite enemy, deal additional damage equal to half their maximum health. After this occurs 3 times this effect is lost, and you gain 30% maximum health.
Volatile Augury — When your Maw Beast reaches critical health, it detonates and inflicts 20% of its maximum health as Shadow damage to all enemies within 20 yards, stunning them for 3 seconds.
Volatile Flesh — Fleshcraft only lasts 15 seconds, but when it is consumed or expires it explodes for 200% of the shield's initial value as Shadow damage to all nearby enemies.
Wailing Pendant — Calls forth Nal'tari, a powerful Soul Hunter that can howl to increase allies' combat abilities.
Warden's Authority — Automatically open all Soul Cages within 30 yards.
Warlock's Bargain — Instantly earn 10-10 Soul Remnants.
Watchful Lightfly — A Watchful Lightfly defends you, dealing [ 62.6% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies that strike you in melee.
Weight of Darkness — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you gather 100% increased Phantasma.
Wild Flail of Tollar — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you lash out at the nearest enemy OR player within 5 yards every 2 seconds, inflicting [ 400% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
Willbreaker — Damaging the same enemy with 3 times in a row grants you 10% additional damage to that enemy.
Words of Incomprehensible Glory — Dealing Holy damage has a chance to overwhelm the target with gloriousness, stunning them for 5 seconds.
Writhing Shadow-Tendrils — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, your attacks have a chance to cause a dark explosion and inflict [ 200% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage as well as blind enemies within 5 yards of your target for 6 seconds.
Yel'Shir's Powerglove — Your damaging spells and abilities empower your weapon, increasing the damage of your next melee strike by 1, stacking up to 100 times.
Zeal of the Aspirant — Killing an enemy reduces the cooldown of Unburden by 5 seconds.
Class-Specific Anima Powers
This section contains links to separate pages, where you can find all class-specific Anima Powers.
- Patch 11.1 Nerub-ar Palace Raid DPS Log Rankings
- New Delve Mechanics in The War Within Season 2
- Season 2 Class Tuning: More Beast Mastery Hunter Nerfs & Druid Changes (March 4)
- Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide: Unlock Schedule, Bosses, Loot & More!
- How Gear Upgrades Work in The War Within Season 2: Item Levels, Crest Sources, and Discounts
- Liberation of Undermine Raid Launch DPS Class and Spec Tier List Rankings
- War Within Season 2 Launch Mythic+ DPS Class and Spec Tier List Rankings
- Liberation of Undermine 11.1 Raid and Mythic+/PvP Season 2 Launch Weekly Extended Maintenance Schedule