Gorefiend Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic+Mythic Modes included)
Table of Contents
This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Gorefiend in Hellfire Citadel. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.
Gorefiend is a boss in the Hellfire Citadel raid instance. This single-phase fight has the raid split up and simultaneously fight in two different realms. It is a long encounter that will test your raid's ability to correctly manage cooldowns and distribute DPS.
This guide is written and maintained by Azortharion, a top Hunter with 6 years of raiding experience, who currently raids in Ðanish Terrace, a world top 20 guild.
General Information
LFR Difficulty
For the Looking for Raid version of the fight, we provide you with a special LFR guide. This will tell you everything you need to know in order to complete the encounter, in a quick and concise way.
Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Difficulty
This main part of this guide covers both the Normal and Heroic versions of the encounter, as far as mechanics and general strategy is concerned. The only difference between these two modes is found in the tuning, with Heroic being more difficult.
When we speak of extreme situations (such as the difficulty of a soft enrage timer, or damage from a certain source being too high to survive), we mostly refer to Heroic mode.
In addition to this, we have a specific Mythic mode section, where we present all the differences between Normal/Heroic and Mythic, as well as the strategy to defeat the Mythic encounter.
Enrage Timer
We do not currently know what the hard enrage timer for this encounter is.
Overview of the Fight
Gorefiend is a single-phase encounter during which your raid must contend with Gorefiend himself, as well as with a number of adds.
The fighting area is divided between two different realms, from now on referred to as the main room (where the majority of the fight takes place) and The Heart of Corruption (a separate area that players can access). A number of players must handle adds that spawn inside the Heart of Corruption in a timely manner, since they otherwise appear in the main room for the rest of the raid to deal with.
While the fight is essentially a single-phase encounter, there are a few rare periods of time in the fight when Gorefiend stops using any abilities and at which point your raid will have to perform some specific tasks. Given how infrequent and generally straightforward such periods are, however, we cannot call them separate phases.
Summing Things Up
In this section, we will very briefly summarise what the players belonging to each of the three roles have to do during this fight. This is by no means meant to provide sufficient information to master the encounter, and it is only supposed to give you a very rough idea of what to watch out for.
- Pick up the Enraged Spirits that spawn within the Heart of Corruption. Exit the Heart of Corruption when they leave at 70% health, in order to tank the resulting Gorebound Spirit outside.
- Perform a tank switch on Gorebound Spirits when Fel Flames stacks too high. We do not know exactly how long you should let it stack before switching, yet.
- Tank Gorefiend.
- Save healing cooldowns for when Gorefiend casts Feast of Souls.
- DPS the correct targets in the following priority:
- Gorebound Constructs;
- Gorebound Essences;
- Gorebound Spirits;
- Gorefiend.
- When inside the Heart of Corruption, use constant crowd control and high DPS on Shadowy Constructs, preventing as many of them as possible from reaching the middle of the room.
- In Mythic mode, some DPS players will be assigned to DPSing the Corrupted Souls. These adds should die as shortly before their Resisting cast as possible, to allow players inside the Heart of Corruption to remain there for as long as possible.
- Run far away from the raid when targeted by Touch of Doom, to place void zones as far away as possible, and reduce raid damage taken.
- Exit the Heart of Corruption before 40 seconds have passed.
- Interrupt Bellowing Shout.
- Intercept Unstable Souls when Gorefiend casts Feast of Souls.
- Run away from Gorebound Constructs when targeted by Hunger for Life.
- Spread out at least 5 yards in the main room to avoid taking unnecessary damage from Surging Shadows.
- When targeted by Shared Fate, quickly identify and stand near the rooted player of the three.
- In Mythic mode
- If affected by Gorefiend's Corruption, be sure to soak an Unstable Soul add during Feast of Souls to clear your debuff.
- All players affected by Shadow of Death should stack up in front of the boss, so that all the resulting Corrupted Souls spawn in the same place.
The Heart of Corruption
The Heart of Corruption is a circular room. In its center there is a pillar which plays an important role (as we will see, it allows players to exit the Heart of Corruption). It is a separate realm from where the rest of the encounter takes place.
There are two ways for players to enter the Heart of Corruption. Throughout the fight, Gorefiend uses an ability in the main room ( Shadow of Death) that targets several random raid members and teleports them into the Heart of Corruption. For the purpose of this ability, the raid members are killed, but this is only a figure of speech, as their buffs are not affected by this death, and they do not need to be resurrected.
However, players can also enter the Heart of Corruption by literally dying. Therefore, if a player dies in the main room, they are instantly teleported into the Heart of Corruption.
Players entering the Heart of Corruption (through either of the two means mentioned above) receive the Gorefiend's Corruption debuff, preventing them from entering the Heart of Corruption again for a few minutes. This means that if they are in the main room and they die, they will truly die instead of being teleported into the Heart of Corruption.
Players can leave the Heart of Corruption at any time by moving to the central pillar we mentioned earlier, and players cannot stay inside the Heart of Corruption for longer than 40 seconds at one time, as doing so causes them to instantly die.
Several types of adds spawn inside the Heart of Corruption throughout the fight. We explain how these adds work and what abilities they use in the subsection below. For now, it is important to remember that, in general, if these are not dealt with efficiently inside the Heart of Corruption, they spawn in the main room where they can cause great problems for the rest of the raid.
Finally, damaging void zones also regularly spawn inside the Heart of Corruption.
While inside the Heart of Corruption, raid members must deal with the following adds.
- Shadowy Constructs are adds with relatively low health. They spawn at the edges of the room and move fairly quickly towards the middle. They can not be tanked, but they can be stunned, slowed, and knocked back. If they reach the middle, they disappear from the Heart of Corruption and appear inside the main room as Gorebound Constructs.
- Tortured Essences are healable adds with relatively low health. They start with most of their health depleted, and immediately move towards the middle of the room upon spawning. If they are healed to full health before they reach the middle of the room, nothing happens (they disappear harmlessly and they do not appear in the main room). If they are not healed to full, they spawn in the main room as attackable, hostile Gorebound Essences with their health inversed (a Tortured Essence with 90% health will appear as a Gorebound Essence with 10% health remaining).
- Enraged Spirits are adds that regularly spawn inside the Heart of
Corruption. They are tankable adds that cannot be crowd controlled, and have a
moderate health pool. At a certain point, they reappear in the main room as
Gorebound Spirits (nothing can be done to prevent their escape). Inside
the Heart of Corruption, they use a number of abilities
- Bellowing Shout is an interruptible spell occasionally used by Enraged Spirits. It increases their physical damage done by 300% for 10 seconds.
- Fel Fury is an ability that Enraged Spirits occasionally use. They slam the ground, dealing high Fire damage in a 5-yard radius around them, and leaving a void zone on the ground at that location. Players standing inside the void zone take moderate Fire damage every 1.5 seconds.
- Slam is used when the Enraged Spirit reaches 70% health. It slams the ground, dealing heavy Physical damage to all players within 10 yards of it, before jumping into the middle of the room and escaping the Heart of Corruption.
The Main Room
In this section, we will go over all the abilities used by Gorefiend, as well as by the different types of adds your raid encounters in the main room.
Gorefiend has an energy bar that starts at 100 when the fight begins, and which depletes steadily throughout the encounter. When it reaches 0, Gorefiend casts Feast of Souls, which refills his power bar, and this cycle continues until the fight is over.
Gorefiend uses a number of abilities against your raid.
- Shadow of Death is an ability that Gorefiend occasionally uses. He targets several random raid members, and teleports them into the Heart of Corruption after 5 seconds. At least one tank and a healer are targeted by this, while the amount of targeted DPS players depends on the total raid size.
- Surging Shadows is an ability that Gorefiend regularly uses. It causes players to explode, dealing moderate Shadow damage to themselves and to everyone standing within 5 yards of them.
- Crushing Darkness is an ability that Gorefiend regularly uses. It causes a number of void zones to spawn in a circular pattern, essentially forming a circle of void zones. After a few seconds, they explode in the order in which they appeared, dealing heavy Shadow damage to players standing in them.
- Touch of Doom is a debuff that Gorefiend frequently applies to a few
random raid members (the number varies, but it seems to always target 2-3
players, although this could also depend on raid size). After 8 seconds, the
debuffed raid members explode, dealing massive Shadow damage to all players.
The damage taken from this ability is reduced the further the exploding players
are standing from the rest of the raid. Additionally, the targeted players
leave behind a Doom Well when they explode.
- Doom Well is a void zone left behind by players who explode after being affected by Touch of Doom. It deals moderate Shadow damage every 1.5 seconds to players standing in it.
- Shared Fate is a debuff that Gorefiend occasionally applies to 3 players. One of the targeted players is rooted in place, and the two other players are bound to this player by a blue line. They may still move freely, but Shared Fate inflicts moderate Shadow damage every 2 seconds to all 3 players. When the two unrooted players stand within 6 yards of the rooted player, Shared Fate is broken. If Shared Fate is not broken within 10 seconds, all 3 affected players take a massive amount of Shadow damage (and then Shared Fate breaks).
Finally, Gorefiend sometimes casts Feast of Souls. He casts this whenever he reaches 0 Energy. Gorefiend channels Feast of Souls, dealing moderate raid-wide Shadow damage every 2 seconds, and spawning a large number of Unstable Soul adds in the main room. These adds move slowly towards Gorefiend, and any Unstable Soul that reaches him grants him 10 Energy. Unstable Souls cannot be tanked or crowd controlled, they have no abilities, and they deal no damage. They cannot be killed, but players can prevent Unstable Souls from reaching Gorefiend by intercepting them. When an Unstable Soul is intercepted, it deals a moderate amount of raid-wide Shadow damage as well as a moderate amount of Shadow damage in a small radius around it.
During Feast of Souls Gorefiend does not use any of his other abilities. Additionally, during Feast of Souls all players inside the Heart of Corruption are sent out to join the rest of the raid in the main room, and Gorefiend takes 100% additional damage from all sources. Gorefiend stops channeling Feast of Souls when he reaches 100 Energy, or after 1 minute, which ever happens first.
- Gorebound Constructs are adds with relatively high health, which
spawn if Shadowy Constructs inside the Heart of Corruption manage to
reach the central pillar. They can still not be tanked in the main room.
Additionally, they are now immune to crowd control, and they also gain an
ability, namely Hunger for Life.
- Hunger for Life is an ability that Gorebound Constructs constantly use. They fixate on a random raid member and move towards them. They move extremely slowly, but they progressively gain movement speed as long as they are alive. If the Gorebound Construct reaches its target, it explodes, killing itself and dealing lethal Shadow damage to all players in a 10-yard radius.
- Gorebound Essences are adds with moderate health that spawn in
random locations of the main room, whenever Tortured Essences manage to
reach the central pillar inside the Heart of Corruption (so, if they are not
healed to full before that happens). In the main room, the Gorebound Essences
cannot be tanked an all they do is continuously cast Spirit Volley.
- Spirit Volley is an ability that Gorebound Essences almost constantly use. It deals initially low Shadow damage to all players, and reduces their movement speed by 50%. Each consecutive cast of Spirit Volley increases its damage done by 25%.
- Gorebound Spirits are adds with high health, which spawn whenever
the Enraged Spirits inside the Heart of Corruption cast
Slam. Gorebound Spirits can be tanked, but not crowd
controlled. They use the following abilities in the main room.
- Fel Flames is a stacking debuff that the Gorebound Spirit applies to its tank with each swing of its melee attack. It deals low Fire damage every second for 4 seconds for each stack, but since it stacks quickly, the damage ramps up. This ability requires a tank switch.
- Bellowing Shout is an interruptible cast that Gorebound Spirits retain from inside the Heart of Corruption. It increases their Physical damage done by 300% for 10 seconds.
- Raging Charge is an ability that Gorebound Spirits use against their tank, if they are out of melee range. They charge towards the tank, inflicting heavy Physical damage and stunning them for 2 seconds upon impact.
Your raid has to combine two main elements in order to successfully complete the Gorefiend encounter.
- Adds inside the Heart of Corruption must be dealt with efficiently by those players who are inside the Heart of Corruption. Your DPS must ensure that important targets die as quickly as possible. This especially concerns the Shadowy Constructs, as well as the resulting adds that appear in the main room (as it is impossible to prevent all Shadowy Constructs from escaping the Heart of Corruption).
- In the main room, Feast of Souls must be extended for as long as possible (up to 1 minute) by intercepting Unstable Souls, in order to deal as much damage as possible to Gorefiend while he takes 100% extra damage.
In the following subsections we will go into detail about how to deal with Gorefiend's abilities and with those of the adds.
Tanking Concerns
There are only three mobs that can be tanked throughout this encounter.
Firstly, in the main room, Gorefiend himself must be tanked at all times, except while he is channeling Feast of Souls. There is nothing specific to be said about tanking Gorefiend, though, and he does not require a tank switch.
Secondly, inside the Heart of Corruption, the Enraged Spirits must be tanked. There is no specific task to be completed here.
Lastly, a tank switch must be performed on Gorebound Spirits (in the main room) when the Fel Flames debuff stacks too high. We do not know exactly when the ideal time is to perform the tank switch, yet.
As far as positioning is concerned, we recommend spreading out 5 yards to avoid unnecessary splash damage from Surging Shadows. This positioning should be maintained until Gorefiend casts Feast of Souls. As we will see below, when this happens, the entire raid should stack up near the middle of the room.
Inside the Heart of Corruption, there is no specific positioning to be adopted.
The Main Room
Throughout the fight, the majority of the raid will be in the main room, fighting Gorefiend and any adds that the players inside the Heart of Corruption are unable to prevent from leaving.
To begin with, we would like to remind you that Gorefiend will periodically cast Shadow of Death, transporting random raid members into the Heart of Corruption. Nothing can be done about this. Later on we explain what has to be done inside the Heart of Corruption.
When Gorefiend casts Crushing Darkness, raid members must move out of the void zones rather quickly in order to avoid taking the heavy Shadow damage.
When Gorefiend targets players with Touch of Doom, the targeted players must run as far as far away as possible to minimise damage taken by the raid, and to leave the Doom Well void zones out of their way (we recommend the edges of the room).
When Gorefiend targets players with Shared Fate, the two players that can still move must follow the blue line that binds them to the rooted player, and stand near them. As soon as both players are within range, they will break the bond. This has to be done within 10 seconds, or else all afflicted players will take almost lethal damage.
Finally, when Gorefiend reaches 0 energy and uses Feast of Souls, the raid should stack up near the middle of the room and be prepared to use healing cooldowns to stay alive through the massive damage taken during this time. Additionally, ranged players should aim to intercept as many Unstable Souls as possible to extend the phase.
The Gorebound Constructs that spawn must be killed as quickly as possible. When they cast Hunger for Life on a random raid member, the targeted raid member must must run away to avoid being hit. Since the Constructs move quicker the longer they live, they are a very high priority target.
Gorebound Essences cannot be tanked or stunned, so the must simply be killed. They are second in priority only to Gorebound Constructs. Keep in mind that the combination of Spirit Volley reducing the movement speed of all players by 50% and Hunger for Life (which is cast by Gorebound Constructs), can be very dangerous, and healers must be careful.
Gorebound Spirits' Bellowing Shout must be interrupted as often as possible. Ideally, they should never cast Raging Charge, as their tanks should never attempt to kite them or run away from them.
The Heart of Corruption
When Gorefiend casts Shadow of Death and transports a number of random raid members (although, again, at least one tank and healer every time) into the Heart of Corruption, those raid members all have a few important tasks to perform.
- Kill as many Shadowy Constructs as possible, and prevent them from reaching the middle of the room. It will be practically impossible to prevent all of them from leaving the Heart of Corruption, though.
- Heal as many Tortured Essences to full health as possible. Keep in mind that any healing done to them helps, even if they do not reach full health before they reach the middle. This is because their health is inversed when they appear outside of the Heart of Corruption.
- Avoid standing in the purple void zones that regularly appear on the ground.
- Prioritise damaging the Enraged Spirits when they spawn, and interrupt their Bellowing Shout to prevent them from killing your tank, as this will almost surely cause a wipe.
Staying inside the Heart of Corruption for 40 seconds instantly kills you, so players must be sure to leave before 40 seconds have passed (by moving to the central pillar), while staying inside for as long as possible to prevent as many adds as possible from reaching the main room.
When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
We recommend using Heroism/ Bloodlust/ Time Warp when Gorefiend casts Feast of Souls. Not only will the healing requirement be at its highest here, but damage done to Gorefiend is also doubled. Since it is likely that Gorefiend will cast Feast of Souls multiple times throughout the fight, we do not necessarily recommend using Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp the first time he does it, but rather when most DPS players have their cooldowns available.
When to use Legendary Rings
DPS players should use their Legendary Ring whenever Feast of Souls comes up. However, it is worth using it to catch up on adds, if the raid is falling behind.
Healers should use their Legendary Rings when it is most needed. The Feast of Souls is generally not very difficult to heal. Instead, healing cooldowns and rings should be used when the raid is low on health during the regular phase.
Tanks should use their Legendary Ring when the Gorebound Spirit becomes difficult to handle, since a lot of DPS will be dealing with other, higher-priority adds which may cause the Spirit to live for a long time.
Learning the Fight
Gorefiend is a rather complex add-focused encounter, where a lot of things can go wrong. By executing the tasks required in the Heart of Corruption optimally, the amount of challenging adds that the raid has to deal with is significantly reduced. Most of the DPS time will be spent on various adds, except for when Gorefiend is channeling Feast of Souls (when he takes 100% increased damage). This is when the majority of the damage to Gorefiend will be dealt.
As with most add-control fights, all adds that spawn take higher priority in terms of DPS than the boss himself.
These are, we feel, the most important points to master to succeed at the Gorefiend encounter.
- Interrupt Bellowing Shout, as it can very easily kill your tank if it gets through.
- Go as far away from the raid as possible when debuffed with Touch of Doom.
- In the main room, DPS mobs in the following order of priority:
- Gorebound Constructs
- Gorebound Essences
- Gorebound Spirits
- Gorefiend
- In the Heart of Corruption, DPS mobs in the following order of priority,
and use crowd control as often as possible:
- Enraged Spirits
- Shadowy Constructs
- Intercept Unstable Souls during Feast of Souls.
Mythic Mode
The Mythic mode of the Gorefiend encounter is similar in underlying mechanics to the Normal/Heroic version of the fight. It does present a number of changes to mechanics, and it also introduces an additional one. It is a very punishing encounter, and one of the most challenging ones aside from the final few bosses in the instance.
Differences From Normal/Heroic Mode
Aside from all mobs having more health and dealing more damage, the Mythic version of this encounter introduces a large change to how the Heart of Corruption phase works, as well as a minor change to the Gorefiend's Corruption debuff.
When anyone is sent inside the Heart of Corruption (for any reason), a Corrupted Soul add spawns in the normal realm. This add spawns at the location where the respective player was standing when they were sent into the Heart of Corruption, and it remains stationary until killed. It does not do anything except channel a spell called Resisting for 30 seconds. This cast cannot be interrupted, and the adds cannot be stunned, crowd-controlled, nor do they need to be tanked. If a Corrupted Soul reaches the end of their cast, the raid member that they spawned for instantly dies inside the Heart of Corruption, and when a Corrupted Soul is killed, that player is instantly brought out of the Heart of Corruption. This method of exiting the Heart of Corruption replaces the Normal/Heroic method of running to the central pillar. In other words, players will remain inside the Heart of Corruption until their Corrupted Soul is killed, and if it is not killed within 30 seconds, they will die.
The Gorefiend's Corruption debuff (which prevents players from entering the Heart of Corruption a second time for 2 minutes after entering it the first time) can be removed in Mythic mode. To do this, a raid member affected by it must intercept an Unstable Soul add during Feast of Souls, which instantly removes the debuff.
The strategy for the Gorefiend encounter on Mythic mode is relatively similar to the Normal/Heroic strategy, but it is extremely difficult compared to other difficulties. In particular, the raid will have to deal just the right amount of damage to the Corrupted Soul adds to ensure that players inside the Heart of Corruption come out at the right time (not too early so as not to be able to deal enough damage, and not late enough to be killed).
For positioning, we recommend having the raid spread out around the room. When raid members are affected by Shadow of Death, they should stack slightly in front of the boss. This will cause all of the resulting Corrupted Soul adds to spawn together in a pack. During the Feast of Souls, raid members stack up for increased healing, as per usual.
As we have stated, proper control of the Corrupted Soul adds is essential. We recommend assigning specific players to this task, ideally players with with good, sustained AoE damage, but who can do this without a loss of controlled single-target damage. Many guilds go about it in different ways, but Unholy Death Knights and Arms Warriors are generally preferred for this duty.
It is important to prevent these players from being affected by Shadow of Death themselves, and in order to do this, these players should commit suicide when the encounter begins (by standing in Gorefiend's pool). This will cause them to be sent to the Heart of Corruption, from where they should be brought back immediately by having other raid members kill their Corrupted Souls. From here on, the job of these assigned players will be to not break out any raid members too early, or too late. As a general rule, it is best to allow raid members inside the Heart of Corruption to stay there for as long as possible, which means killing the Corrupted Souls shortly before their Resisting cast finishes. Freeing people too early will result in the raid being overwhelmed by adds not being killed or healed inside the Heart of Corruption.
Other raid members should be ready to help in emergencies, specifically when the assigned raid members are not breaking out someone quickly enough, but everyone should be careful not to deal any additional damage to Corrupted Souls unless needed.
During the Feast of Souls, we recommend splitting the soakers into pairs of two. That is to say that two people must leave the stacked raid group to soak Unstable Souls coming from the left, and two to soak the ones coming in from the right. Players affected by Gorefiend's Corruption should make sure to soak Unstable Souls so as to remove this debuff. Soakers will probably have to use personal cooldowns to survive.
Aside from this, the encounter functions like Normal and Heroic mode. With that said, the encounter is easily the most difficult one among the first nine or ten bosses, due to how punishing it is of mistakes. Having raid members die is almost a guaranteed wipe, due to the difficulty of dealing with adds that rapidly overwhelm the raid.
Finally, Heroism/ Bloodlust/ Time Warp should be used during Feast of Souls, exactly as in Normal/Heroic mode.
In this section, you will find the loot table for Gorefiend. The section is divided in 3 subsections: armor, weapons, and the rest (neck, back, finger, and trinket items).
Item Name | Armor | Slot | Secondary Stats |
Cowl of a Thousand Hungers (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloth | Head |
Gloves of Great Engorgement — LFR | Cloth | Hands |
Deathrattle Leggings (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloth | Legs |
Pious Leggings (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloth | Legs |
Pantaloons of the Arcanic Conclave (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloth | Legs |
Felfume Pantaloons — LFR | Cloth | Legs |
Boisterous Bellower's Hood — LFR | Leather | Head |
Chestguard of Gnawing Desire (Heroic, Mythic) | Leather | Chest |
Felblade Leggings (Heroic, Mythic) | Leather | Legs |
Oathclaw Leggings (Heroic, Mythic) | Leather | Legs |
Legwraps of the Hurricane's Eye (Heroic, Mythic) | Leather | Legs |
Ironpelt Leggings — LFR | Leather | Legs |
Bulging Chain Vest — LFR | Chest |
Mitts of Eternal Famishment (Heroic, Mythic) | Hands |
Leggings of the Living Mountain (Heroic, Mythic) | Legs |
Leggings of the Savage Hunt (Heroic, Mythic) | Legs |
Rancorbite Leggings — LFR | Legs |
Soulgorged Pauldrons (Heroic, Mythic) | Plate | Shoulders |
Ravenous Girdle (Heroic, Mythic) | Plate | Waist |
Greaves of the Ceaseless Vigil (Heroic, Mythic) | Plate | Legs |
Legplates of Iron Wrath (Heroic, Mythic) | Plate | Legs |
Demongaze Legplates (Heroic, Mythic) | Plate | Legs |
Demonbreaker Legplates — LFR | Plate | Legs |
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
Deserter's Honor — LFR | OH Frill | Intellect |
Gibbering Madness (Heroic, Mythic) | OH Frill | Intellect |
Soulcult Ritual Staff — LFR | Staff | Intellect |
Spur of the Great Devourer (Heroic, Mythic) | Staff | Intellect |
Limbcarver Hatchet — LFR | 1H Axe | Agility |
Voracious Souleater (Heroic, Mythic) | 1H Axe | Agility |
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
Choker of Forbidden Indulgence (Heroic, Mythic) | Amulet | Intellect |
Cloak of Insatiable Greed (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloak | Intellect |
Drape of Gluttony (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloak |
Greatcloak of the Terrible Feast — LFR | Cloak |
Serrated Demontooth Ring (Heroic, Mythic) | Ring | Agility |
Unending Hunger (Heroic, Mythic) | Trinket |
Fetid Salivation — LFR | Trinket |
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for Gorefiend. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
- 29 Jul. 2015: Added Mythic mode strategy.
- 05 Jul. 2015: Added link to LFR guide.
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