Guardian Druid Leveling Guide from 1 to 80 — The War Within (11.1.0)
On this page, you will find our Level by Level Guardian Druid leveling guide for The War Within. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Druid leveling guide.
Guardian Druid Leveling Guide for The War Within
Guardian Druid Leveling Playstyle
Guardian Druid, thanks to being a tanking spec, our leveling options are plentiful. If you would like to spam dungeons to level, tank queues are often the fastest. If you would like to level solo, grouping up targets and AoEing them down works perfectly for us. We are also fantastic in a group, as DPS love to have someone gather and tank the mobs for them.
Gear Options
The best gearing while levelling is quick and easy upgrades with the highest item level possible; stats are not relevant, and the gear will be swiftly replaced as you go through the levels, so try not to go too out of your way for a single piece of gear while levelling.
Level by Level Rotation and Talents
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Talents to Level Up as a Guardian Druid
You are first able to choose talents at level
10. Choosing Guardian automatically grants you the Thrash
Below is a list of high-impact talents that are extremely valuable while levelling, the earliest level at which you can talent into them and their effect. You can also opt to take certain talents at later levels if there are things that you are more interested in acquiring earlier. That is the fun part of talent trees! There is also an example tree to preview with all the talents mentioned.
- Level 13 —
Gore — Adds a chance for your
Mangle to reset.
- Level 17 —
Berserk — your main damage-increasing cooldown. Reduces the cooldown of
Mangle and
Growl by 50%.
- Level 18 —
Ironfur — your active mitigation spell, increasing your armor, which will reduce Physical damage taken.
- Level 26 —
Skull Bash — charge to a mob and instantly interrupt their spell casting. It can also be used as a handy charge if you ever get knocked back.
- Level 30 —
Feline Swiftness — increases your movement speed by 15%,great for faster levelling.
- Level 31 —
Tooth and Claw — this causes auto attacks to have a chance to empower your next
Maul cost no rage, deal 40% increased damage and reduce the damage the target deals to you.
- Level 33 —
Fury of Nature — boosts your Arcane damage by 20%. Primarily for more
Moonfire damage.
- Level 37 —
Soul of the Forest —
Mangle generates 5 more Rage and deals 25% more damage.
- Level 47 —
Thorns of Iron — causes your
Ironfur to now deal damage equal to 20% of your armor in an AoE around you each use.
- Level 51 —
Galactic Guardian — your damage has a 5% chance to proc a
Moonfire on the mob and empower your next Moonfire cast by 300%. This is a huge damage boost and will be game-changing once acquired.
- Level 53 —
Twin Moonfire — this increases
Moonfire damage and causes it to hit a second target nearby.
- Level 55 —
Elune's Favored — increases Arcane damage done by a further 10%, and you now heal for 30% of Arcane damage done. This is a massive increase for self-sustain.
- Level 56 —
Heart of the Wild — increases the effectiveness of your non-bear spells by 30%. This means 30% more
Moonfire damage while active as it is considered a balance spell.
- Level 57 —
Lunar Beam — summons a beam of lunar light at your location that greatly increases your Mastery and deals damage.
- Level 59 —
Circle of Life and Death causes your damage over time effects to deal their damage faster. Another large damage increase, increasing
Moonfire and
Thrash tick speed by 25%.
- Level 61 —
Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc — transforms your
Berserk into a superior ability, lasting longer and granting you an extra 30% health while active.
- Level 63 —
Rage of the Sleeper — Reduces the damage you take by 25%, increases the damage you deal by 15%, grants you 25% leech, and reflects damage back at attackers.
- Level 65 —
Ursoc's Guidance — reduces the cooldown on your
Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc based on Rage spent. Good for getting those strong cooldowns up more frequently.
- Level 70 — Hero Talents! —
Boundless Moonlight
- Level 71 —
Lunar Insight— Increases
Moonfire damage.
- Level 72 —
Atmospheric Exposure — Enemies damaged by
Lunar Beam or
Fury of Elune take increased damage from you.
- Level 73 —
The Light of Elune —
Moonfire has a chance to call down a
Fury of Elune beam.
- Level 74 —
The Eternal Moon —
Lunar Beam increases Mastery, deals more damage and lasts longer.
Fury of Elune also generates more Rage and deals more damage.
- Level 75 —
Moon Guardian — Free
Moonfire's from
Galactic Guardian generate 5 additional rage.
- Level 76 —
Lunar Amplification — Each non-Arcane damaging ability you use increases the damage of your next Arcane damaging ability.
- Level 77 —
Lunar Calling —
Thrash now deals Arcane damage.
- Level 78 —
Glistening Fur —
Bear Form reduces Arcane damage taken by 6% and other magic types by 3%.
- Level 79 —
Moondust — Slows enemies affected by
Moonfire by 20%.
- Level 80 —
Lunation — Arcane abilities reduce the cooldown of
Lunar Beam by 3 seconds.
Rotation to Level Up as a Guardian Druid
Due to Guardian being unlocked as a talent specialization at Level 10, you should make use of the abilities provided to you in the intro quests until you are presented with the option.
- Buff yourself with
Mark of the Wild.
- Enter
Bear Form.
- Maintain
Moonfire on the target.
- Use
Barkskin on cooldown.
- Use
Berserk on cooldown, ideally against multiple enemies.
- Cast
Thrash on cooldown.
- Cast
Mangle on cooldown on 4 targets or fewer.
- Fill downtime with
- Spend Rage offensively against a single target
- Spend Rage defensively with
- Use
Frenzied Regeneration if your health gets below 50%.
- Make sure to always be in
Bear Form while in combat.
Guardian Druid War Mode Talents for Leveling
In this section, we will highlight the most useful War Mode PvP talents to speed up your levelling process.
Demoralizing Roar — Demoralizes all enemies within 10 yards, reducing the damage they do by 20% for 8 seconds. Great to further reduce damage taken on big pulls.
Overrun — Charge to an enemy, stunning them for 3 seconds and knocking back their allies within 15 yards. Just another charge adding more mobility to your toolkit, allowing you to speed up levelling even more.
Emerald Slumber — Causes you to enter a deep slumber for 8 seconds. While sleeping, all other cooldowns recover 400% faster. This is great, as it massively reduces the cooldown of every ability. Try to use it when not getting attacked, as damage will break the slumber effect.
Congratulations on reaching Level 80! Now that you have hit Level 80, we recommend looking at our Easy mode page and Talents section to learn how to play at max level.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for the War Within Launch.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for the War Within.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Pumps who has played since Vanilla and has tanked in Honestly, the #1 Oceanic raiding guild, since Mists of Pandaria. He also played in the first MDI Mythic+ Dungeon Tournament, where his team placed second. His mindset on tanking has always been taking the utility and damage one can bring to the raid to the next level. He was the #1 Rank DPS Guardian Druid for 5 tiers in a row and top the 1-6 for the last 12 tiers, playing Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk and Protection Warrior mainly based on what is the strongest for progression at the time. You can find him on discord — Pumps#0734 — and on Twitch.
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