Guardian Druid Patch 9.2 Changes Analysis and Tier Set Thoughts
On this page, we tell you how the Patch 9.2 changes for Guardian Druid affect the spec and what the current state of theorycrafting is.
Guardian Druid in Patch 9.2: Eternity's End
This page will go over how the changes in Patch 9.2, Eternity's End, will affect Guardian Druid, specifically how the changes might impact its playstyle, best Legendary choices, Covenants, and the like. If you are simply interested in what the current changes are for Druids in Patch 9.2 in general, you can instead read our full list of changes to the entire Druid class on our dedicated page below. For an additional list of content coming with Patch 9.2, you can also check out our Patch 9.2 Overview page.
Base Spec Changes for Patch 9.2
At the moment, Guardian Druids have not yet received any changes to the specialization's core kit. However, some of the additional content that will be arriving in 9.2 will likely change your gameplay slightly.
Guardian Druid Talent Changes in Patch 9.2
As with the specialization itself, there have been no direct Talent changes made in PvE or PvP for Guardian.
Guardian Druid Tier Set in Patch 9.2
Within the new Sepulcher of the First Ones raid that will be coming in Patch 9.2, every class will once again earn pieces of a gear set that is uniquely class-themed with its own two- and four-piece bonuses for every specialization. For Guardian Druids, these set bonuses are:
Guardian Druid 2-Piece — Casting
Barkskin causes you to
Berserk for 4 seconds.
Guardian Druid 4-Piece — While
Berserked, you radiate (17.29% of Attack Power) Cosmic damage to nearby enemies and heal yourself for (25.8% of Attack Power) every second. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
The most recent change to the tier set bonus nerfed the damage and healing by 35% and reduced the damage it deals on more than 5 targets.
Guardian Druid Tier Set Thoughts
The Guardian Druid 2-Piece is fantastic. It fixes many of our initial
threat issues, particularly in Mythic+, while also increasing our defensive
capability by lowering the cooldown of
Frenzied Regeneration more often.
There is also some pretty interesting synergy with Legendaries that have not
been used often.
Legacy of the Sleeper, for example, can grant you 4
seconds of crowd control immunity with each
Barkskin cast which
may have some huge value in the upcoming raid.
The Guardian Druid 4-Piece is quite a significant amount of damage
and also helps improve our threat, DPS, and self-sustain. It scales with all
secondaries and damage increases.
Overall, these set bonuses definitely hit the mark on where Guardian was lacking in the area of initial threat issues and while they do not particularly change your rotation significantly, they are very welcomed bonuses heading into the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid and season 3 of Mythic+.
Covenant Changes in Patch 9.2 for Guardian Druid
Although there has currently been no changes to Covenant abilities or
Soulbinds for Guardian, it should be pointed out that as of Patch 9.1.5
players may freely switch between Covenants provided they have obtained the
Renowned achievement on any character of their account. The only
requirement for this achievement is that you must reach Renown level
80 with any Covenant. This has opened up a lot of flexibility
for Guardian Druids, allowing them to effectively choose the best Covenant for
any situation, though the choice for maximizing damage will
still largely come to either Night Fae, Venthyr or
In addition, Conduits are unlocking their final few ranks, though this will not alter gameplay in any substantial way.
Legendary Changes in Patch 9.2 for Guardian Druid
Recall that in Patch 9.1, every class received a Legendary Power that was unique to each Covenant. For Druids, these Powers were:
- Kyrian —
Kindred Affinity — You and your Kindred Spirit each gain a bonus secondary stat based on their Covenant. This bonus is doubled while the bond is Empowered.
- Necrolord —
Unbridled Swarm —
Adaptive Swarm has a 60% chance to split into two Swarms each time it jumps.
- Night Fae —
Celestial Spirits —
Convoke the Spirits' cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration is reduced by 25%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.
- Venthyr —
Sinful Hysteria — Each time
Ravenous Frenzy is applied its duration is increased by 0.1 seconds (was 0.2 seconds). Additionally, Ravenous Frenzy lingers and will not overcome you for 3 seconds after it ends. (was 5 seconds).
However, new in Patch 9.2 is the ability to eventually use a
second Legendary Power, provided it is your Covenant-specific effect.
This means that a Kyrian Guardian could make use of both
Kindred Affinity and
Ursoc's Fury Remembered. In addition, this
ability will be tied to a new Legendary Power that automatically switches to
match your current Covenant, further encouraging the flexibility of freely
changing Covenants that was introduced in Patch 9.1.5.
Potential Double Legendary Combinations
The core Legendaries for Guardian Druid are already so strong that gaining any of the Covenant-specific ones is a great boost in power.
Kyrian Guardian Druids benefit the most out of the 4 Covenants from
the addition of double Legendaries. Kindred Affinity is a powerful
Legendary by itself, yet losing such strong Legendaries such as
Draught of Deep Focus,
Ursoc's Fury Remembered, or
The Natural Order's Will felt particularly punishing in certain scenarios.
This issue has now become completely resolved with the ability to wear 2
Legendaries; this will make Kyrian an amazing Covenant choice come 9.2.
Venthyr was another Covenant with an extremely strong Legendary
in Sinful Hysteria. Even though this received a slight nerf in the
patch it is still very powerful.
Being able to use
Ursoc's Fury Remembered or
Legacy of the Sleeper
alongside Sinful Hysteria will lead to a huge power spike every 3
minutes or so. This will continue to be a covenant choice that excels in an
AoE-centric environment.
Night Fae
Night Fae gains less than Kyrian and Venthyr as
Celestial Spirits is a rather mediocre Legendary for us.
However, it is still decent defensively and will be excellent for encounters
where you are primarily using your
Convoke the Spirits to heal your raid,
fights where
Starfall is exceptionally strong, or encounters where you
find yourself desperately needing more defensive cooldowns.
Necrolord gains the least out of the 4 Covenants as
Unbridled Swarm is quite an underwhelming Legendary and has not seen
use in any content. This one could really use a buff to bring Necrolord up to
the other 3 covenants for Guardian Druid. The main issue is that the
Adaptive Swarm bounces are not particularly intelligent and often
end up merging at bad times or consuming each other and therefore wasting stacks
or losing swarms completely.
- 21 Feb. 2022: Page reviewed and approved for the launch of Patch 9.2.
- 15 Jan. 2022: Page added with initial thoughts and information.
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This guide has been written by Pumps who has played since Vanilla and has tanked in Honestly, the #1 Oceanic raiding guild, since Mists of Pandaria. He also played in the first MDI Mythic+ Dungeon Tournament, where his team placed second. His mindset on tanking has always been taking the utility and damage one can bring to the raid to the next level. He was the #1 Rank DPS Guardian Druid for 5 tiers in a row and top the 1-6 for the last 12 tiers, playing Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk and Protection Warrior mainly based on what is the strongest for progression at the time. You can find him on discord — Pumps#0734 — and on Twitch.
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