Guardian Druid Tank Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Pumps 47 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Guardian Druid for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.


Introduction for Guardian Druid Boss Advice in Uldir

In this section you will find information and guidance for tanking each boss individually in the Uldir raid as a Guardian Druid.


Talent Cheatsheet



Taloc has no forced tank swap, and deals primarily Physical damage.

If you are tanking Taloc, you will occasionally be targeted by Cudgel of Gore Icon Cudgel of Gore; after a few seconds Taloc will charge at your location, drop his Cudgel and clear any puddles nearby. Use this opportunity to free up space in the encounter area for your raid. Immediately after Taloc charges at you, use Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash to put distance between you and the boss to reduce the damage you take from the mechanic, then return to your original position.

In Phase Two, tank the Coalesced Bloods between the raid stack and the boss, and move whenever the add drops a new puddle. The Volatile Droplets will fixate a non-tank player and cannot be tanked. Intercept them before they reach their target to prevent unnecessary raid damage.



M.O.T.H.E.R. has no forced tank swap, and deals primarily Physical damage.

If you are tanking M.O.T.H.E.R., you will occasionally be targeted by Sanitizing Strike Icon Sanitizing Strike, which can and should always be dodged. Make sure you face her away from your raid before she casts it, as you cannot turn her when the channel starts. This ability often overlaps with other mechanics such as Wind Tunnel Icon Wind Tunnel and Uldir Defensive Beam Icon Uldir Defensive Beam, so be sure to reserve space for yourself to handle the ability without incidentally cleaving.


Fetid Devourer

Fetid Devourer has no forced tank swap, but both tanks will be taking damage throughout the encounter. One tank will be taking melee hits from the boss, and the other tank will be dealing with Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash. Note that Terrible Thrash always targets the nearest player to the active tank, so both tanks should be stacked on top of each other at all times.

Guardians are able to capably play either role. Both roles play similarly, although there are a few things you can do as the Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash to make your life and the lives of your healers easier. You will ideally want to have two stacks of Ironfur Icon Ironfur up for every hit, covering any gaps in your active mitigation with defensive cooldowns or externals. Use Bristling Fur Icon Bristling Fur immediately before a Terrible Thrash so that it will cover two casts and grant you more Rage. Be aware of Fetid Devourer's spell queueing; he will frequently delay Terrible Thrash to cast his other abilities, try not to use cooldowns until you are certain the damage is imminent. Earthwarden Icon Earthwarden does not reduce Terrible Thrash damage.

You can use Skull Bash Icon Skull Bash or Wild Charge Icon Wild Charge to counteract the Shockwave Stomp Icon Shockwave Stomp, though keep your co-tank's mobility in mind. If they cannot keep up with you, you may end up cleaving other raiders with Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash.


Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth

The tank swap on this encounter is Might of the Void Icon Might of the Void, which is a three-ability sequence on the primary tank: Void Lash Icon Void Lash, Shatter Icon Shatter, and Void Lash Icon Void Lash again. You can opt to either take the full combo and then swap, or swap between Shatter and the second Void Lash; we recommend swapping after Shatter. Void Lash deals damage in a cone, be sure to not get cleaved if you are waiting to taunt.

You can use Typhoon Icon Typhoon and Ursol's Vortex Icon Ursol's Vortex to keep the Silithid Warriors away from your DPS in an emergency. Use Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar during Surging Darkness Icon Surging Darkness to assist your raid's movement.



The tank swap mechanic on Vectis is Evolving Affliction Icon Evolving Affliction, a stacking Nature damage DoT. You should taunt swap every 2 stacks, and the off-tank should pick up any Plague Amalgams that spawn.

Aim to keep the boss as still as possible, so that your raid can easily manage the Omega Vector Icon Omega Vector debuff. Tanks should avoid taking Omega Vector if possible, as it gives you stacks of Lingering Infection Icon Lingering Infection and increases the damage you take from Evolving Affliction Icon Evolving Affliction.

During the intermission your top priority should be soaking Plague Bomb Icon Plague Bombs. Secondarily, you should avoid being hit by Blood Geyser Icon Blood Geyser as it will give you additional stacks of Lingering Infection Icon Lingering Infection.


Zul, Reborn

In Phase One, there is no forced tank swap mechanic. One tank will tank the Nazmani Crusher, while the other tanks the Bloodthirsty Crawgs and Nazmani Bloodhexers. If you are tanking the Crusher, be sure to drag the mob out before it reaches full energy in order to not buff other active adds. Use Ursol's Vortex Icon Ursol's Vortex and Typhoon Icon Typhoon to control the Crawgs, in coordination with your Crawg tank (if you are the Crawg tank, use it at your discretion).

In Phase Two, Zul becomes active and you will tank him directly, swapping on Rupturing Blood Icon Rupturing Blood. How you deal with this mechanic will depend on whether you have access to a Paladin's Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection; if you do, you can take up to 4 stacks (with defensive cooldowns), swap tanks, and use Blessing of Protection to remove the stacks and drop the puddle without allowing the bleed to run its course, which would likely kill you. If you do not have access to Blessing of Protection, it is strongly recommended that you bring 3 tanks and rotate them every 2 stacks. This will alleviate the stress on the healers while allowing you to safely carry the debuff for its full duration.


Mythrax the Unraveler

Mythrax has a forced tank swap Essence Shear Icon Essence Shear, which you should swap on after every cast. Essence Shear gives you 16 stacks of Annihilation Icon Annihilation, which you should clear during the time you are not tanking the boss. Essence Shear hits everyone in front of the boss, so ensure Mythrax is faced away from the raid when you are tanking.

During the intermission, you will pick up one of the two N'raqi Destroyers. These adds will also cast Essence Shear Icon Essence Shear, except you will be unable to swap because both tanks will be tanking a Destroyer. They must be tanked 40 yards apart to prevent Critical Mass Icon Critical Mass. On Mythic difficulty, you may elect to have a DPS taunt one of the adds and tank an Essence Shear in order to generate orbs for you.



In Phase One there are no forced tank swaps. You may opt to swap tanks on the Dark Young when one of you gets Explosive Corruption Icon Explosive Corruption, but it is not necessary. Keep the Dark Young near other adds at all times in order to affect them with Dark Bargain Icon Dark Bargain.

In Phase Two, the forced tank swap is Growing Corruption Icon Growing Corruption. One tank should be designated as the Explosive Corruption Icon Explosive Corruption runner. The debuff is applied every 8 stacks, so you can swap every 4 stacks in order to have the same player receive the debuff every time. To set this up correctly, the Explosive Corruption tank should start with G'huun and tank him to 6 stacks, at which point the first set of Explosive Corruption Icon Explosive Corruptions will go out. You then tank swap, and proceed as described above, swapping every 4 stacks.

If you are assigned to be the runner, make liberal use of Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash. When Blood Feast Icon Blood Feast occurs, the non running tank should pick up the Gibbering Horror add that spawns and tank it alongside the boss.

In Phase Three tanks will no longer receive Explosive Corruption Icon Explosive Corruption. You should continue to swap on 4 stacks until the boss dies.

Use Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar to assist your raid in stacking up and spreading out for Blood Feast Icon Blood Feast and Wave of Corruption Icon Wave of Corruption.

On Mythic difficulty, if you are assigned to run a Power Matrix Icon Power Matrix orb, you can use Wild Charge Icon Wild Charge in caster form to jump to a friendly player/Monk statue halfway up the upper platform, skipping a large portion of the run and making you an ideal second runner for any group. Be sure to coordinate with your co-tank when you need to go up, as they will be taking a large amount of stacks while you are away.



  • 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
  • 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
  • 14 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
  • 10 Dec. 2018: Updated for Patch 8.1.
  • 13 Sep. 2018: Updated all bosses with information after Heroic week.
  • 11 Aug. 2018: Page added.
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