Gul'dan Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Gul'dan encounter in The Nighthold. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
Gul'dan is a 3-phase encounter that tests all aspects of a raid groups skills and coordination. It will take an exceptional group to bring him down.
Phase One: The Council of Elders
During this phase Gul'dan is locked inside the Eye of Aman'Thul while he summons his demonic forces. Players will take on his Shadow Council in his place while he basks in the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul. Players will be granted increased abilities based on their roles.
The Eye of Aman'Thul
Resonant Barrier channels the power of the Nightwell into a
protective barrier, absorbing all damage taken for 6 seconds.
Scattering Field channels the power of the Nightwell into a
protective dome, absorbing 50% of Fire damage taken up to a certain amount,
split between all allies within 10 yards.
Time Dilation increases your relative time by 30%, bolstering
your casting, movement, and attack speed by an equal amount while decreasing
your cooldowns and periodic tickrate by 30%. Receiving Fire damage will cancel
the effect.
Liquid Hellfire
Liquid Hellfire is a massive orb of Fel Fire that splashes
down at a target's location, inflicting heavy Fire damage which decreases
based on distance.
Fel Efflux
Fel Efflux channels Fel energy, inflicting moderate Fire
damage every half second to everyone within the energy beam.
Hand of Gul'dan
Hand of Gul'dan calls down a meteor, summoning a powerful
demonic lieutenant at the location and inflicting heavy Shadow damage to
anyone caught within.
Fel Lord Kuraz'mal
The Fel Lord conjures Fel Obelisks to impale targets, which
deal moderate Fire damage and stun anyone hit, along with moderate Physical
damage every half second for 7 seconds. He will also cast the
Shatter Essence ability on the tank, dealing massive Fire
D'zorykx the Trapper
The Trapper will periodically cast Anguished Spirits, dealing
Shadow damage to targets. He will also spawn a
Soul Vortex on
the current tank, trapping them and dealing massive damage that increases with
each stack and lasts for 30 seconds.
Inquisitor Vethriz
The Inquisitor will afflict random enemies with Drain
periodically. He will also spawn nearby
Gaze of Vethrizs that
will channel energy beams dealing damage to anyone caught in them.
Dark Blast strikes targets for light Shadow damage. He will
Shadowblink to a new location.
Phase Two: The Ritual of Aman'Thul
This time, the raid will engage Gul'dan directly while he continues to occasionally summon demonic allies. He will still draw power from the Eye of Aman'Thul, and players will be granted increased abilities based on their roles. At 85%, 70%, and 55%, Gul'dan will tap into the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul, empowering his abilities further.
The Eye of Aman'Thul
Resonant Barrier channels the power of the Nightwell into a
protective barrier, absorbing all damage taken for 6 seconds.
Scattering Field channels the power of the Nightwell into a
protective dome, absorbing 50% of Fire damage taken up to a certain amount,
split between all allies within 10 yards.
Time Dilation increases your relative time by 30%, bolstering
your casting, movement, and attack speed by an equal amount while decreasing
your cooldowns and periodic tickrate by 30%. Receiving Fire damage will cancel
the effect.
Liquid Hellfire
Liquid Hellfire is a massive orb of Fel Fire that
splashes down at a target's location, inflicting heavy Fire damage which
decreases based on distance.
Empowered Liquid Hellfire also sets the ground ablaze with Fel
flames for 3 minutes, dealing Fire damage to anyone who enters.
Bonds of Fel
Bonds of Fel chains a target to a location, snaring them by 50%
and inflicting Fire damage every half second. When broken, the bond deals
massive Fire damage split between everyone within 5 yards of the bound target.
The bound target is now knocked back and snared for 70%.
Eye of Gul'dan
Eye of Gul'dan creates several Eyes of Gul'dan, which channel
shadowy energy at an enemy, inflicting moderate Shadow damage to all enemies
within 8 yards of the target. The damage increases by 2% for every cast. If
the Eye reaches full power, it will cast
Duplicate, creating a
copy of itself, and then move to a new location.
The eyes now channel fiery energy and follow the target with the highest threat.
Hand of Gul'dan
Hand of Gul'dan calls down a demonic meteor, summoning a
powerful Dreadlord at the location and inflicting heavy Shadow damage to
anyone caught within. The Dreadlords will cast
Carrion Wave,
which can be interrupted. Each time they are interrupted, they gain a
stack of
Fervor, increasing their damage done and attack speed
by 25%.
Fel Scythe
Fel Scythe is cast whenever a target comes within 2 yards of
the current tank. Gul'dan builds Fel Energy over time. The scythe deals heavy
Fire damage split between both targets and consumes all of his current Fel
Energy, increasing the damage by 5% for each point of Fel Energy consumed.
If Gul'dan reaches full Energy, he will cast
Fel Scythe
immediately. Each successive cast grants Gul'dan
Fury of the Fel,
increasing his attack speed by 15% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.
Phase Three: The Master's Power
At 40% health, Gul'dan harnesses the power of the Eye of Aman'thul to gain new and empowered abilities. The players no longer receive the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul in this phase.
Eye of Gul'dan
Empowered Eye of Gul'dan creates several Eyes of Gul'dan, which
channel fiery energy at an enemy, inflicting moderate Fire damage to all
enemies within 8 yards of the target. The damage increases by 2% for every
cast. If the Eye reaches full power, it will cast
creating a copy of itself, and then move to a new location. The Eyes follow the
target with the highest threat.
Storm of the Destroyer
Storm of the Destroyer deals sequential Shadow damage to targets
within sequential radii, with the damage and radius of each instance increasing
with each pulse. The first pulse deals damage to targets within 10 yards,
followed by targets within 20 yards, followed by targets within 30 yards, and
finally to targets within 60 yards.
Well of Souls
Well of Souls is summoned, holding fragments of the players'
souls. Standing in the Well inflicts Shadow damage every second and causes
enemies to ignore you.
Soul Siphon
Soul Siphon is cast periodically, inflicting light Shadow
damage and applying a healing absorb to the target. This adds an additional
Soul Fragment to the
Well of Souls.
Soul Corrosion
Every 3 seconds a player is standing in the Well of Souls,
a Soul Fragment escapes and applies
Soul Corrosion. This
deals Shadow damage to the player and everyone within 5 yards, and deals
Shadow damage every second for 3 minutes, increasing with each stack.
Black Harvest
Black Harvest inflicts Shadow damage every 2 seconds,
expelling all stored souls within the
Well of Souls over
4 seconds. Each Soul Fragment that escapes deals moderate Shadow damage to all
players. When the
Well of Souls is full, any newly added souls
will erupt instantly.
Flames of Sargeras
Flames of Sargeras encompasses a target in flames after 3
seconds. Every second they burn they explode light Fire damage, and deal
additional moderate Fire damage to anyone within 8 yards. Struck targets
leave residual embers, exploding for moderate Fire damage within 5 yards
and creating a patch of
Desolate Ground. Desolate Ground
inflicts Fire damage every second to anyone caught within.
Fel Scythe
Fel Scythe is cast whenever a target comes within 2 yards of
the current tank. Gul'dan builds Fel Energy over time. The scythe deals heavy
Fire damage split between both targets and consumes all of his current Fel
Energy, increasing the damage by 5% for each point of Fel Energy consumed.
If Gul'dan reaches full Energy, he will cast
Fel Scythe
immediately. Each successive cast grants Gul'dan
Fury of the Fel,
increasing his attack speed by 15% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.
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