Hallow's End 2024 Guide for World of Warcraft
Table of Contents
The Hallow's End event in World of Warcraft mirrors our real-world Halloween. It commemorates the Forsaken's liberation from the Scourge.
You will be spend most of your time traveling across Azeroth and Outland to collect candy from buckets. You will also have the chance to battle the Headless Horseman, the event's main boss, complete daily quests, and trick-or-treat with innkeepers.
The festivities are spread out across Azeroth and Outland, so be prepared for some extensive travel to earn certain achievements.
This guide kicks off by showcasing the various rewards up for grabs. After that, we will detail the tasks you will encounter and suggest an optimal order to tackle them.
What is New in 2024?
The following 4 new items are available for purchase with Tricky Treats:
Ensemble: Prowler's Faded Headgear — Costs 150
Tricky Treats.
Patched Harvester's Claw — Costs 100
Tricky Treats.
Patched Harvest Golem's Post — Costs 100
Tricky Treats.
Prowler's Faded Shoulder Cape — Costs 50
Tricky Treats.
Additionally, Loot-Filled Pumpkin is available to level 10 characters and the bag
contains a Harvest Golem set for transmog.
New candy buckets are available across Khaz Algar.
Here is a summary of what's new in 2023:
- Candy Buckets can be collected in Dragon Isles zones. Collecting them grants the
Tricks and Treats of the Dragon Isles achievement, which is not required for the event's meta-achievement.
Bucket of Morbid Treats, an off-hand item, can be purchased from Hallow's End vendors Chub and Dorothy for 150
Tricky Treats.
Loot-Filled Pumpkin from the Headless Horseman has been updated with a chance to include
Arfus (battle pet),
Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor (Dragonriding customization that requires Level 60 and owning Dragonflight), and
The Scarlet Key that unlocks Vanilla Scarlet Monastery.
- The Headless Horseman encounter has been updated with an optional and personal hardmode that does not affect other players. The hardmode increases your chance to loot the rewards listed above including the mount.
- The Headless Horseman drops Item Level 402 gear.
- Broom mounts incluidng
Eve's Ghastly Rider (the Trading Post bonus reward) are instant-cast during Hallow's End.
In 2022, the loot dropped by the Headless Horseman was upgraded
to Item Level 236. Only characters Level 50 and above can receive the
Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
For Horde players who have finished the Battle for Lordaeron event: you will need to converse with Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades. She will guide you through the mists of time, allowing you to see Undercity as it was in the past.
The Hallow's End event provides with a variety of tasks to complete, which can be broken down as follows:
- Visiting candy buckets all over Azeroth and Outland;
- Killing the Headless Horseman;
- Completing daily quests.
A number of achievements will automatically be obtained while doing these tasks. The remaining achievements are obtained by collecting and using items.
Tricky Treat is the currency of the event, you can earn it by
completing daily quests and doing various tasks such as killing the
Headless Horseman. With it, you can buy almost all the rewards
of the event, including pets and costumes, which are not available through
other means, unlike many of the other rewards.
By doing all the daily quests and killing the Headless Horseman every day,
you can gain about 15 Tricky Treats a day. The event lasts 15 days, so
you can gain approximately 225 Tricky Treats from doing your daily tasks. In addition,
you can get between 300 and 400 Tricky Treats by visiting the candy buckets
all over Azeroth. This means that you can get enough Tricky Treats to complete
all the achievements and get a lot of the rewards in the 2 weeks that
the event lasts, but you will need at least 2 years to get all the rewards.
Date and Timeline
The event is usually scheduled in such a way that it finishes on Halloween's day. This year, the event will take place from the 25th of October to the 8th of November.
The rewards offered by Hallow's End are detailed in this section.
Experience and Stat Buffs
Unburdened (Alliance) and
Grim Visage (Horde) are buffs that
increase your experience and reputation gained by 10% for 2 hours. These buffs
are obtained by clicking the bonfires in front of the Wickerman at the entrance
of Stormwind City and Undercity.
Whenever you complete the Headless Horseman event (putting out fires) in
Goldshire, Kharanos, Dolanaar, and Azure Watch (Alliance) or
Razor Hill, Bloodhoof Village, Brill, and Falconwing Square (Horde),
you will receive Victory!, which gives you a very slight increase
in your main stats. This buff seems to persist through raids.
There are also buffs given by masks, which we detail in the Masks section below.
Wands allow you to put a costume on a targeted party member. You need
to get other people to use them on you to complete the The Masquerade
achievement. They are sold by Stymie (Alliance) and Darla for
Tricky Treats. They can also be contained in
Handful of Treats
(candy buckets and daily quests).
Hallowed Wand - Abomination
Hallowed Wand - Gargoyle
Hallowed Wand - Geist
Hallowed Wand - Ghoul
Hallowed Wand - Ghost
Hallowed Wand - Leper Gnome
Hallowed Wand - Nerubian
Hallowed Wand - Ninja
Hallowed Wand - Pirate
Hallowed Wand - Random
Hallowed Wand - Skeleton
Hallowed Wand - Slime
Hallowed Wand - Spider
Hallowed Wand - Wight
Hallowed Wand - Wisp
Masks can be placed over your face or helmet. Collecting them all
grants you the A Mask for All Occasions achievement. They are sold
by Spanky (Alliance) and Farina (Horde) for 2x
Tricky Treats.
They can also be contained in
Handful of Treats (candy buckets and daily quests)
Loot-Filled Pumpkin (Headless Horseman).
Blood Elf Female Mask
Blood Elf Male Mask
Draenei Female Mask
Draenei Male Mask
Dwarf Female Mask
Dwarf Male Mask
Gnome Female Mask
Gnome Male Mask
Goblin Female Mask
Goblin Male Mask
Human Female Mask
Human Male Mask
Night Elf Female Mask
Night Elf Male Mask
Orc Female Mask
Orc Male Mask
Tauren Female Mask
Tauren Male Mask
Troll Female Mask
Troll Male Mask
Undead Female Mask
Undead Male Mask
Worgen Female Mask
Worgen Male Mask
The following masks grant a stat buff for 30 minutes when you use them and they can be
purchased from the same vendors as the other masks and for 5x Tricky Treats.
Murloc Female Mask: +37 Agility
Murloc Male Mask: +37 Agility
Naga Female Mask: +37 Intellect
Naga Male Mask: +37 Intellect
Ogre Female Mask: +53 Stamina
Ogre Male Mask: +53 Stamina
Vrykul Female Mask: +37 Strength
Vrykul Male Mask: +37 Strength
Vanity Items
All of the items in the table below can be bought from Dorothy or
Pippi (Alliance) and Chub or Woim (Horde). Some of
them can also be contained in Handful of Treats (candy buckets and daily
quests) and
Loot-Filled Pumpkin (Headless Horseman).
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Hats have a chance to be contained in Hag's Belongings,
which is the reward from Under the Crooked Tree:
Hat of the First Sister (black);
Hat of the Second Sister (green);
Hat of the Third Sister (red);
Hat of the Youngest Sister (purple).
These can be used for transmogrification for the duration of the event.
Little Wickerman,
Horse Head Costume,
Horse Tail Costume, and
Headless Horseman's Hearthstone are sold
for 150x
Tricky Treats by Dorothy (Alliance) and Chub
Coin of Many Faces and
Sack of Spectral Spiders can be
obtained during the Garrison daily quests introduced in
Patch 10.1.7 added Arfus, a new pet that can be looted from
Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
Sinister Squashling is a vanity pet that can be contained in several
rewards earned during Hallow's End. This pet is also a requirement
for the
Sinister Calling achievement, see the related section for
more information.
Feline Familiar,
Cursed Birman, and
Widget the Departed are bought with 150
Tricky Treats.
Creepy Crate is obtained by completing the A Friend in Need (Alliance / Horde) quest line.
Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot, and Spectral Spinner are obtained through the Garrison daily quests introduced in 2015.
Dragonriding Customization
Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor has a chance to drop from
Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
The Horseman's Reins is a mount that has a chance to drop once a day
from the Headless Horseman, the boss of the event.
During October 2023, the Trading Post bonus mount is
Eve's Ghastly Rider, a permanent broom mount that can be used outside of
the holiday.
During Hallow's End, broom mounts are instant-cast.
sTemporary Mounts
Magic Broom and
Flying Broom are temporary mounts that you can
only use for the duration of the event. Magic Broom can be contained in a
chest reward that you get for putting out fires in starting zone villages, while
Flying Broom has a chance to drop once a day from the Headless Horseman.
Garrison Decorations
Creepy Crawlers,
Ghoulish Guises,
Hallow's Glow,
Seer's Invitation, and
Witch's Brew can be obtained by doing
the Garrison daily quests introduced in
The Headless Horseman, the boss of the event drops rings as well as a plate helm and a sword. Every year, the item level of the gear gets updated to the current expansion/season:
The Horseman's Horrific Hood, Head item for DPS Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors;
The Horseman's Sinister Slicer, Agility Sword;
Seal of Ghoulish Glee: Agility Ring;
Band of the Petrified Pumpkin: Strength Ring;
The Horseman's Ring: Intellect Ring;
Wicked Witch's Signet: Spirit Ring.
Achievements and Title
Hallowed Be Thy Name is the meta-achievement of
the event. It grants the The Hallowed title and requires the following
Bring Me The Head of... Oh Wait
Check Your Head
G.N.E.R.D. Rage
Out With It
Rotten Hallow (Alliance / Horde)
Sinister Calling
That Sparkling Smile
The Masquerade
The Savior of Hallow's End
Trick or Treat!
Tricks and Treats of Azeroth
Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms Alliance / Horde)
Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor (Alliance / Horde)
Tricks and Treats of Outland (Alliance / Horde)
Other achievements can also be earned during Hallow's End, but they are not necessary to complete the Hallowed Be Thy Name meta-achievement:
The Mask Task
A Mask for All Occasions
Tricks and Treats of Northrend (Alliance / Horde)
Tricks and Treats of Cataclysm (Alliance / Horde)
Tricks and Treats of Pandaria (Alliance / Horde)
The only location to visit that is not clearly marked on the maps is Deepmist Grotto in Vashj'ir. It is located in Kelp'thar Forest, in a cave just south of the place named Gnaws' Boneyard.
Patch 10.1.7 adds 5 new optional achievements for you to earn during the event:
A Cleansing Fire — Defeat the Headless Horseman.
Don't Lose Your Head, Man — Defeat any version of the Headless Horseman.
Kickin' With the Wick — Defeat the Headless Horseman while cursed by all four wicker men.
- The Lich King — Owner of the Arfus pet.
Tricks and Treats of the Dragon Isles — Visit the Candy Buckets in the Dragon Isles zones.
Main Tasks
In this section, we present the main tasks that you will be required to perform during Hallow's End.
Candy Buckets
The simplest, but most time-consuming part of the event consists in completing the Tricks and Treats achievements:
Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms Alliance / Horde);
Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor (Alliance / Horde);
Tricks and Treats of Outland (Alliance / Horde);
Tricks and Treats of Northrend (Alliance / Horde), not required for the meta-achievement;
Tricks and Treats of Cataclysm (Alliance / Horde), not required for the meta-achievement;
Tricks and Treats of Pandaria (Alliance / Horde), not required for the meta-achievement.
Completing the first 3 achievements, will grant you
Tricks and Treats of Azeroth,
which counts towards the completion of the meta-achievement.
These achievements are extremely simple to complete. Go to the designated
locations (notice that Horde players seem to have a lot more locations to
visit than Alliance players). In each of these locations, you will be
given a Candy Bucket quest from the nearby Candy Bucket. The quest completes
instantly and rewards you with a Handful of Treats. This item can contain:
Tooth Picks, needed for the
That Sparkling Smile achievement;
Sinister Squashling, needed for the
Sinister Calling achievement;
Hallowed Helm, (needed for the
Sinister Calling achievement);
- Hallowed Wands, needed for the
The Masquerade achievement;
- Masks, needed for the
The Mask Task and
A Mask for All Occasions achievements.
G.N.E.R.D.S., many of which are needed for the
G.N.E.R.D. Rage achievement;
Tricky Treat, an item that grants you the
Out With It achievement, if you eat 3 of them very fast;
Soothing Spearmint Candy,
Pyroblast Cinnamon Ball, and
Chewy Fel Taffy, which provide overhead visuals (
G.N.E.R.D.S. also provides an overhead visual):
G.N.E.R.D.S. | Soothing Spearmint Candy |
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Pyroblast Cinnamon Ball | Chewy Fel Taffy |
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The first time you interact with a Candy Bucket, you will be given the
Trick or Treat! achievement.
The Headless Horseman
The Headless Horseman is the boss of the Hallow's End event. He is located inside the Scarlet Monastery instance (Graveyard). You can only access him through the Dungeon Finder tool. Once inside the dungeon, interact with the pumpkin on the altar to summon the boss.
The first time you kill the Headless Horseman, you complete
the A Cleansing Fire achievement.
The first time you kill the Headless Horseman on a given day, you receive a
Loot-Filled Pumpkin in your inventory. Characters level 10 and above will receive this epic bag.
This chest has a chance to contain some of the following items:
Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor.
Arfus (Battle Pet) that grants you The Lich King achievement.
The Scarlet Key, an item that grants access to Vanilla Scarlet Monastery.
- one or more masks for the
The Mask Task and
A Mask for All Occasions achievements;
The Horseman's Reins (mount reward);
Flying Broom (temporary mount reward);
Sinister Squashling (pet), needed for
Sinister Calling;
Hallowed Helm, needed for
Sinister Calling;
The Horseman's Horrific Hood, Head item for DPS Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors;
The Horseman's Sinister Slicer, Agility Sword;
If you are below Level 50 and queue for the boss fight, you will receive a
rare version of the Loot-Filled Pumpkin that does not have a chance to contain
vanity items from the Headless Horseman listed above.
Every time you kill the Headless Horseman, one of the following rings has a chance to drop:
Seal of Ghoulish Glee: Agility;
Band of the Petrified Pumpkin: Strength;
The Horseman's Ring: Intellect;
Wicked Witch's Signet: Spirit.
Headless Horseman Hard Mode
An optional hard mode for the Headless Horseman has been implemented in
Patch 10.1.7, allowing players to increase the difficulty of the
encounter for a greater chance at some of the rare rewards found in the
Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
When you enter the Headless Horseman boss room, you will notice four wicker men located to your left. Interact with them to activate personal curses that make the fight more difficult.
- Wicker Man of Embers grants you
Ember Curse — During Pumpkin Breath, cursed targets emit shadowflame blasts around their location. Each blast inflicts a stack of
Wicker Man's Shadow.
- Wicker Man of Thorn grants you
Thorny Surprise — During Vine March, piercing thorns erupt under cursed enemies periodically. The thorns inflict a stack of
Wicker Man's Shadow.
- Wicker Man of Shadows grants you
Shadow Curse — When Insidious Cacle is cast, cursed targets shed part of their soul. The soul is shackled, forced to slowly move towards shadowy flames. Destroying the shackles frees the soul. Should the soul reach the flames, the target suffers 2 stacks of
Wicker Man's Shadow.
- Wicker Man of Delusions grants you
Cursed Hot Head — During Hot Head, cursed enemies suffer from hallucinations. Moving to the hallucinations dispels them. Ignoring the hallucinations inflicts 2 stacks of
Wicker Man's Shadow.
Ignoring the mechanic tied to the curse will grant you a stack of
Wicker Man's Shadow that reduces your maximum health by 10% per stack.
Completing the hard mode revolves around surviving the encounter with
the personal curses active and without Wicker Man's Shadow killing you.
Completing the hard mode grants the Kickin' With the Wick achievement.
It is worth noting the curses do not affect other players.
How to Unlock Vanilla Scarlet Monastery
Players can unlock the Vanilla version of all four Scarlet Monastery dungeons
in Patch 10.1.7. You must obtain The Scarlet Key from
Loot-Filled Pumpkin or buy the item in the Auction House for doing so.
Once you have the key, head to the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades. As
you enter the stairs, you will notice a key chain offering you a new quest. Hand
over The Scarlet Key. Then, interact with the key chain to receive
The Scarlet Key buff. To enter the Vanilla version of all four dungeons,
you must go through the portals with the buff active. If you again want to visit
the Mists of Pandaria version of the dungeon, you must right-click the buff to
remove it. This is an account-wide unlock allowing you to farm items and
transmogs from Vanilla Scarlet Monastery dungeons.
Daily Quests
There are two sets of daily quests available. The first one deals with extinguishing the fires started by the Headless Horseman before defeating him in lower level areas (for this purpose, the Headless Horseman is a level 11 elite mob). The second one deals with preventing the other faction from ruining your celebrations while disturbing their own celebrations.
Putting Fires Out
Costumed Orphaned Matron (Alliance) and Masked Orphaned Matron (Horde) serve as an introduction to this small event and are given by commoners in capital cities. These quests send you to an Orphan Matron in one of the following locations (you choose where you want to go):
- Alliance: Azure Watch in Azuremyst Isle, Goldshire in Elwynn Forest, and Kharanos in Dun Morogh;
- Horde: Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods, Brill in Tirisfal Glades, and Razor Hill in Durotar.
There, the Orphan Matron will give you a follow-up quest: Fire Brigade Practice (Alliance: Elwynn Forest/Dun Morogh/Azuremyst Isle) Fire Training (Horde: Tirisfal Glades/Durotar/Eversong Woods). It simply requires you to use a water bucket to put out 5 nearby fires (use the Water Barrel next to the Orphan Matron to refill your water bucket). Accepting this quest unlocks the Stop the Fires! (Alliance / Horde) daily quest. Note that the two-prerequisite quests can only be done once (i.e., they cannot be repeated 3 times, once in each possible location).
The idea behind Stop the Fires! is to fight off the Headless Horseman who regularly sets on fire buildings in the village where you took the daily quest (it can be one of the 3 locations mentioned above). Note that this daily quest is not available if the Headless Horseman has recently been fended off. Also, if you do Stop the Fires! in a given location, you will not be able to do it the same day in one of the other 2 locations.
Simply put out the fires around the village using the same technique
as for the prerequisite quest. If your efforts and that of the other
players are succesful, you will be able to engage the Headless Horseman
(a level 11 elite). Upon defeating him, a Large Jack-o'-Lantern
appears in the middle of the village. It gives you the
Smash the Pumpkin daily quest, which you can turn in to the local
Orphan Matron (together with Stop the Fires!) for a
Crudely Wrapped Gift, which can contain the following interesting items:
Handful of Treats;
- A few
Weighted Jack-o'-Lanterns;
Magic Broom (temporary mount reward);
Sinister Squashling (required for the
Sinister Calling achievement);
Hallowed Helm (required for the
Sinister Calling achievement);
- Masks for the
The Mask Task and
A Mask for All Occasions achievements;
- Hallowed Wands for the
The Masquerade achievement.
Trashing The Other Faction's Celebrations
The following 4 daily quests are available to Alliance and Horde players:
- Stink Bombs Away! (Alliance / Horde): this quest takes you to Undercity (Alliance) or Stormwind (Horde), where you must drop 25 Stink Bombs. You are in the real city, and not an instanced version of it. As such, you can have fun trying to bomb players from the enemy faction!
- Clean Up in Stormwind/Clean Up in Undercity: this quest requires you to clean the Stink Bombs dropped by players of the opposite faction. They are easily spotted by the amount of orange smoke that they produce.
- A Time to Gain/A Time to Build Up: this quest requires you to take click the bonfire, next to the big Wickerman, where you took the quest.
- A Time to Lose/A Time to Break Down: this quest requires you to go to the opposite faction's Wickerman (just outside of Stormwind or Undercity) and douse it with the provided quest item.
Each of these quests rewards Tricky Treats and all four of them
are available each day. Completing them grants the
Rotten Hallow (Alliance / Horde) achievement.
Garrison Daily Quests
Added in 2015, Culling the Crew, Foul Fertilizer,
Smashing Squashlings, and Mutiny on the Boneship are given
to you at your Garrison and allow you to collect up to 5x
Spooky Supplies per day, which you can in turn use
to purchase Garrison decorations:
Creepy Crawlers,
Ghoulish Guises,
Hallow's Glow,
Seer's Invitation, and
Witch's Brew. You need
5 days of questing to get all of the decorations.
When purchasing Creepy Crawlers, you have a chance to summon
Arachnis in your Garrison. He has a chance to drop
Sack of Spectral Spiders.
When using Creepy Crawlers to decorate your garrison,
three battle pets will appear in your Garrisona and you can fight them
to capture them: Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot, and Spectral Spinner.
When doing the daily quests, you have a chance to loot Coin of Many Faces from one
of the undead mobs.
Under the Crooked Tree
Under the Crooked Tree is given by Hag of the Crooked Tree in Val'sharah. She is located at (35.0,56.1), just north west of Bradensbrook. The daily quest requires you to defeat Aria Sorrowheart (whom you can see only after interacting with the cauldron located next to the quest giver). Aria keeps trying to fear you and other nearby players, so she must be interrupted.
Upon completing the quest, you will receive 5x Tricky Treats and
Hag's Belongings, which can contain wands and hats.
Obtaining the Creepy Crate Pet
This pet is the reward of a small quest line.
A Season for Celebration (Alliance / Horde) serves as an introductory quest.
It leads to Hallow's End Treats for Jesper! (Alliance) and
Hallow's End Treats for Jesper! (Horde). These quests are not related to the
Creepy Crate quest line and should only be done for the 10
Tricky Treats that they reward.
The introductory quest also leads to A Friend in Need (Alliance / Horde), which starts the actual quest line for obtaining the pet:
- A Friend in Need (Alliance / Horde);
- Missing Heirlooms (Alliance / Horde);
- Fencing the Goods (Alliance / Horde);
- Shopping Around (Alliance / Horde);
- Taking Precautions (Alliance / Horde), the Blood Nettle items needed are herbs to gather from the fields north of Stormwind or from the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar;
- The Collector's Agent (Alliance / Horde);
- What Now? (Alliance / Horde), which eventually rewards you with the
Creepy Crate pet.
Remaining Achievements
If you have followed this guide so far, you should already know how to complete the following achievements:
Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms Alliance / Horde);
Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor (Alliance / Horde);
Tricks and Treats of Outland (Alliance / Horde);
Tricks and Treats of Northrend (Alliance / Horde), not required for the meta-achievement;
Tricks and Treats of Cataclysm (Alliance / Horde), not required for the meta-achievement;
Tricks and Treats of Pandaria (Alliance / Horde), not required for the meta-achievement;
Tricks and Treats of the Dragon Isles, not required for the meta-achievement;
Tricks and Treats of Azeroth;
Bring Me The Head of... Oh Wait;
Rotten Hallow (Alliance / Horde);
Trick or Treat!.
The remaining achievements require you to obtain a variety of items. Each of these items can be obtained in a number of ways, which can make things confusing. Therefore, in the following sections, we give the different sources for all these items.
Check Your Head
This achievement should be completed while doing the candy bucket
achievements, as you will most likely meet many members from the
opposite faction, enabling you to use Weighted Jack-o'-Lanterns on them. This
item can be obtained in the following ways:
- It drops from the Headless Horseman;
- It is rewarded by the Putting Fires Out quests;
- It is contained in the
Crudely Wrapped Gift, looted from the fiery pumpkin, after putting the fires out.
Note that using a Weighted Jack-o Pumpkin on a player already under the pumpkin head effect will consume the item without granting you the achievement objective.
Masks-related Achievements
The Mask Task and
A Mask for All Occasions require you to
obtain masks. Each of these masks can be obtained in the following ways:
- it can be bought with
Tricky Treats from Spanky (Alliance) or Farina (Horde);
- It drops from the Headless Horseman;
- It can be contained in a
Crudely Wrapped Gift, looted from the fiery pumpkin, after putting the fires out;
- It can be contained in a
Handful of Treats, obtained after interacting with a Candy Bucket.
G.N.E.R.D Rage
G.N.E.R.D. Rage requires you to kill members of the opposing faction while
being under the buff given by the
G.N.E.R.D.S. item. This item can
be contained in a
Handful of Treats, which you can obtain by completing
a candy bucket quest or a putting fires out quest (by opening the
fiery pumpkin at the end). It can also be bought from Dorothy (Alliance)
and Chub (Horde).
Battlegrounds like Alterac Valley or Tol Barad are ideal for completing this achievement. Note that the buff does not persist through death, so make sure to have enough items to rebuff yourself until you reach the 10 Honor Kills mark.
Out With It
Out With It requires you to eat 3
Tricky Treats in very quick
succession. Almost every task in the event rewards you with these items, so
it will not be hard to get your hands on 3 of them.
Sinister Calling
Sinister Calling requires you to obtain two items:
Sinister Squashling
Hallowed Helm. These two items can be obtained as follows:
- they are contained in
Loot-Filled Pumpkin, which drops once a day from the Headless Horseman;
- they are contained in
Crudely Wrapped Gift, which you obtain after putting out fires in a targeted village;
- they can be bought from Dorothy (Alliance) and Chub (Horde)
with 150
Tricky Treats each.
That Sparkling Smile
That Sparkling Smile requires you to obtain and use a
Tooth Pick.
This item is contained only in
Handful of Treats, which you obtain by
interacting with Candy Buckets. It is also sold by Dorothy (Alliance)
and Chub (Horde).
The Masquerade
The Masquerade requires you to ask players to use various Hallowed
Wands on you. These wands are obtained in the following ways:
- they are contained in
Crudely Wrapped Gift (from successfully putting out the fires in a village under attack by the Headless Horseman);
- they are bought from the Wand Vendor (at the daily quest hub, just outside of
Stormwind or Undercity) with
Tricky Treats.
A common way to do this achievement is to use the trade channel to ask for a Wand cast exchange with other players (if they have a wand you need and you have a wand they need) or to simply offer gold for Wand casts.
- 29 Oct. 2024: Updated for 2024.
- 21 Oct. 2023: Guide updated for 2023.
- 19 Oct. 2022: Updated for 2022.
- 18 Oct. 2020: Updated for 2020.
- 18 Oct. 2019: Updated for 2019.
- 18 Oct. 2018: Updated for 2018.
- 18 Oct. 2017: Updated for 2017.
- 18 Oct. 2016: Updated for 2016.
- 18 Oct. 2015: Added the new items introduced in 2015.
- 21 Oct. 2014: Changed price of Arthas Costume to 500 Tricky Treats.
- 18 Oct. 2014: Added more information about the new 2014 items.
- Patch 11.1 Nerub-ar Palace Raid DPS Log Rankings
- New Delve Mechanics in The War Within Season 2
- Season 2 Class Tuning: More Beast Mastery Hunter Nerfs & Druid Changes (March 4)
- Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide: Unlock Schedule, Bosses, Loot & More!
- How Gear Upgrades Work in The War Within Season 2: Item Levels, Crest Sources, and Discounts
- Liberation of Undermine Raid Launch DPS Class and Spec Tier List Rankings
- War Within Season 2 Launch Mythic+ DPS Class and Spec Tier List Rankings
- Liberation of Undermine 11.1 Raid and Mythic+/PvP Season 2 Launch Weekly Extended Maintenance Schedule