Halondrus the Reclaimer Strategy Guide for Sepulcher of the First Ones
Halondrus the Reclaimer is the 7th of the 11 encounter bosses of the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid in Patch 9.2 of Shadowlands.
On this page, you can find both a written and video guide for this encounter, along with links to Halondrus' encounter journal for the various difficulties.
Ready Check Pull Video
Strategy Guide: Quick Version
In the Stationary Phase:
- Spread out around the boss, and soak the orbs that move toward the boss from
the edge of the room to knock them away. On Heroic,the orbs have a shield
on them that needs to be removed with the tank frontal beam before they can be soaked
Fractal Shell). If an orb gets to the boss, it is basically a wipe.
- Tanks taunt swap after every beam cast, being sure to aim it at orbs on Heroic
Lightshatter Beam).
- Dispel the
Crushing Prism as soon as possible to prevent its damage from ramping up, but on Heroic, players with the debuff need to move in front of where orbs are spawning and before getting dispelled. This leaves a circle on the ground that slows the orbs.
- At 100 Energy, the boss shields itself and starts pulling everyone and the orbs toward it. Nuke the shield as fast as possible to break it and stop the pull.
- When everyone gets a circle around them, spread out and then move out of the
aftershock that spawns where the circle expires (
Earthbreaker Missiles).
- On Heroic, dodge the rotating circles on the ground (
Planetcracker Beam). In the final phase, quickly move through it instead.
In the Relocation Phase (80% and 50%):
- Quickly move with the boss as it moves to the next room, and continue doing damage to it as you go.
- Avoid standing in the big circles on the ground, because they do lethal damage
to anyone inside when they explode (
Shatter). They also knock everyone away from them when they explode, so try to use this to get knocked forward instead of backward.
- The raid takes crazy pulsing damage, so healers be ready to heal on the move.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Halondrus is an entirely single-target fight with a high mobility requirement.
There are two alternating phases: the Stationary Phase where the boss fights you
and you have to soak a bunch of orbs, and the Relocation Phase where the boss runs
to the next room and you have to run with him. We recommend using
Heroism in the last Stationary Phase, because it is
the longest part of the fight and can the orbs can get overwhelming.
Stationary Phase
- The fight mainly revolves around orbs that spawn from tremors around the outer
edge of the room. These orbs move toward the boss and basically wipe you if even
one gets to him (
Ephemeral Eruption). Players can knock orbs back by running into them, doing damage to the player in the process(
Ephemeral Burst). Everyone should spread out around the boss to keep any orbs away. On Heroic, some of the orbs have a shield on them that needs to be removed before they can be soaked by hitting them with the tank frontal beam.
- Tanks taunt swap after every
Lightshatter Beam cast, because it does a ton of damage to whoever it hits and increases their damage taken by the next cast. On Heroic, make sure to aim the beam at any orbs that have shields on them.
- At 100 Energy, the boss puts a big absorb shield on itself and starts pulling
the raid and the orbs toward it until the shield is broken (
Reclaim). This pull gets stronger the longer the shield lasts, and it also does ramping damage to the raid, so nuke the shield as fast as possible.
- When everyone in the raid gets a circle under their feet, spread out to avoid
cleaving each other (
Earthbreaker Missiles). Then move out of the aftershock that spawns from the circle when it expires.
- Healers dispel the
Crushing Prism debuff on multiple players as quickly as possible, because its DoT damage and slow ramp up fast. On Heroic, players with the debuff need to position themselves in front of one of the tremors that spawns the orbs before getting dispelled. This is because dispelling the debuff drops a circle on the ground that slows the orbs, giving you more time to hit them with the tank beam and soak them.
- On Heroic, dodge the circles on the ground that rotate around the boss
Planetcracker Beam). In the last phase, there are too many too dodge, so just move through them quickly when they get to you.
- When the boss gets to 80% and 50% health, it starts the Relocation Phase.
Relocation Phase (80% and 50%)
- The boss despawns all the orbs, stands up, and starts moving to the next
room. Follow the boss as fast as possible and continue doing damage to him as you
go. Healers also need to be ready to heal on the move, because the raid takes huge
pulsing damage while the boss is moving (
Quaking Steps).
- There are circles on the ground along the way that explode shortly after the
boss moves past them (
Shatter). Stay out of the circles, and try to be ahead of them, because they also knock everyone away when they explode.
- Continue dispelling
Crushing Prism as fast as possible and spreading for
Earthbreaker Missiles.
- When the boss gets to the center of the next room, he plops down and starts the Stationary Phase again.
Encounter Journal
We have encounter journal pages for each of the four difficulties, which you can access by clicking the links below.
- 28 Feb. 2022: Page updated with advice from Ready Check Pull.
- 05 Jan. 2022: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Zaxachi, a top US mythic raider currently in xD. He is a co-founder of Ready Check Pull, a top-tier WoW resource and YouTube channel. You can watch his stream on Twitch, join the Ready Check Pull Discord, and follow Ready Check Pull on Twitter.
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