Demon Hunter Hero Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Wordup 59 comments

This guide will walk you through the best Hero Talents for Havoc Demon Hunter for Raiding and Mythic+, how they impact your gameplay, and more.


Best Hero Talents for Havoc Demon Hunter in The War Within

This page is covers only the new Hero Talents available in The War Within. If you want to learn more about the best regular talents and complimenting builds for Havoc Demon Hunter, check out our Talents page:


Raiding Hero Talents for Havoc Demon Hunter

Currently the recommendation for raid content is Aldrachi Reaver. While Fel-Scarred is easier to execute, its performance is a little too far behind in single-target scenarios.

Aldrachi Reaver has strong single-target, some additional free cleave and priority target damage. The downside is it can be harder to execute with more abilities to juggle, and is punished by target swapping so bear that in mind. It also provides more defense via Army Unto Oneself Icon Army Unto Oneself or Incorruptible Spirit Icon Incorruptible Spirit.

Fel-Scarred has the advantage of more potent burst AoE, and more powerful cooldown windows thanks to the Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis empowerments. It suffers less with downtime due to that, but the throughput it brings is not enough to warrant using outside of preference.


Mythic+ Hero Talents for Havoc Demon Hunter

The Current recommendation for Hero Talents in Mythic+ is Aldrachi Reaver due to its extremely powerful priority damage. Fel-Scarred still has suitable builds and can be competitive.

Aldrachi Reaver has the edge solely due to Wounded Quarry Icon Wounded Quarry, which provides an incredible amount of funnel to your priority target with Reaver's Mark Icon Reaver's Mark. It has many of the same AoE tools as Fel-Scarred as well, so its stronger universal kit makes it the better pick, despite it being punished for target swapping. It also provides significantly better active defense due to Army Unto Oneself Icon Army Unto Oneself or Incorruptible Spirit Icon Incorruptible Spirit.

Fel-Scarred can deal huge frontloaded burst AoE around its Eye Beam Icon Eye Beam and Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis casts. It uses Cycle of Hatred Icon Cycle of Hatred to access 20-second burst cycles, making it well suited for the start of each pull while relying on Burning Blades Icon Burning Blades to keep its single-target relevant. The freedom to target swap without needing to set up on each pull makes it easier to execute though, so you may find it worth trying if you are struggling.


Best Hero Talents Builds for Havoc Demon Hunter

Below are brief explanations of the effects the above-recommended hero trees have in each given content type.


Best Hero Talent Builds for Havoc Demon Hunter

Aldrachi Reaver Fel-Scarred

Best Aldrachi Reaver Build for Havoc Demon Hunter

Aldrachi Reaver adds a powerful proc to Throw Glaive Icon Throw Glaive in Reaver's Glaive Icon Reaver's Glaive, triggered by consuming souls. Due to this, it takes most supporting talents alongside Screaming Brutality Icon Screaming Brutality to activate it rotationally. After casting Reaver's Glaive Icon Reaver's Glaive, our next cast of both Chaos Strike Icon Chaos Strike and Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance are empowered. The playstyle is fairly similar to regular Havoc with the extra twist of cycling through procs to maintain Reaver's Mark Icon Reaver's Mark.

Defensively, the tree generates a lot of Soul Fragments which provides extra passive healing, alongside Incorruptible Spirit Icon Incorruptible Spirit for absorb shields. Alternatively, Army Unto Oneself Icon Army Unto Oneself is a strong extra defensive following each Felblade Icon Felblade cast, giving it a lot of flexibility.

Of the 3 choice nodes on the tree, Keen Engagement Icon Keen Engagement is the pick in single-target for extra Fury generation, while we swap to Preemptive Strike Icon Preemptive Strike in AoE. We also play Unhindered Assault Icon Unhindered Assault for more frequent Felblade Icon Felblade casts, which makes playing Inertia Icon Inertia much more comfortable.


Best Fel-Scarred Mythic+ Build for Havoc Demon Hunter

Fel-Scarred in makes use of the huge follow-up burst window after each Demonic Icon Demonic activation and Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis cast to trigger Demonsurge Icon Demonsurge. It has a very standard Havoc gameplay style but significantly elevates the power of both your Demonic Icon Demonic follow-ups and your 2-minute burst window.

For the 3 choice nodes Student of Suffering Icon Student of Suffering, is the pick in single-target to add an extra cooldown to your windows, while Flamebound Icon Flamebound wins in AoE by empowering Immolation Aura Icon Immolation Aura. Set Fire to the Pain Icon Set Fire to the Pain provides better defense, and Wave of Debilitation Icon Wave of Debilitation has niche M+ value to help the tank, but Pursuit of Angriness Icon Pursuit of Angriness provides a small amount of extra mobility, so it is up to preference.


Hero Talents Rotation for Havoc Demon Hunter


Aldrachi Reaver

Aldrachi Reaver centers around generating and consuming Souls to trigger Reaver's Glaive Icon Reaver's Glaive. It can also use The Hunt Icon The Hunt to snap generate a use when needed. Following each of these casts, Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance and Chaos Strike Icon Chaos Strike are empowered and the ability you use second will be enhanced further. A rule of thumb is:

  • Single Target - the order does not matter much, as Reaver's Mark Icon Reaver's Mark can be stacked. Aim to have two stacks for your burst windows in particular by using Chaos Strike Icon Chaos Strike second.
  • AoE - always make sure to consume Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance second to enhance Fury of the Aldrachi Icon Fury of the Aldrachi.

Ideally, you will always maintain Reaver's Mark Icon Reaver's Mark on your primary target, and should avoid target swapping unless you have to.



Fel-Scarred is much simpler in execution, as it empowers your abilities further when triggering Demonic Icon Demonic or entering Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis. Make sure to trigger each of the Demonsurge Icon Demonsurge charges each time you do, two for Demonic and 5 for Metamorphosis (due to Demonic Intensity Icon Demonic Intensity). You should also align Sigil of Flame Icon Sigil of Flame (to trigger Student of Suffering Icon Student of Suffering) with every other Eye Beam Icon Eye Beam cast when playing with it.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7, added recommended tags.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5 to make Fel-Scarred recommendation clearer.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated to reflect new Fel-Scarred recommendations.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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