Havoc Demon Hunter DPS Ny'alotha Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Havoc Demon Hunter for each boss of the following raid: Ny'alotha. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Havoc Demon Hunter in Ny'alotha
In this section, you will find information and guidance for Havoc Demon Hunters on each boss individually in Ny'alotha. These are not complete encounter guides, but rather provide specific tips for doing the bosses as an Havoc Demon Hunter.
Talent and Essence Cheatsheet
Wrathion, the Black Emperor
We advise you to use the following essences against Wrathion, the Black Emperor.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Wrathion is a fight divided into a very static Phase 1, a very high movement intermission and an AoE heavy Phase 2 that cycles in this order. Havoc fares very well here due to having long cooldown windows with long recharge times, allowing you to push a lot of damage out when the boss is actually active.
For more information, please refer to our Wrathion, the Black Emperor guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Maut.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Maut is largely a single-target encounter for Melee players, so your
build will be focused on dealing as much of that as possible. Survival is also
important here due to the self-inflicted damage in Phase 2, but due to
Havoc's additional Leech provided by Soul Rending you should
be comfortable during your peak burst windows.
For more information, please refer to our Maut guide.
The Prophet Skitra
We advise you to use the following essences against The Prophet Skitra.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Skitra has a massive arena that can force you to move large distances in intermissions, but is otherwise a simple static encounter. Havoc has a lot of mobility to cover this, so has a fairly easy time navigating the fight.
For more information, please refer to our The Prophet Skitra guide.
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh
We advise you to use the following essences against Dark Inquisitor Xanesh.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Xanesh has some very high movement requirements at specific points throughout the encounter, but due to Havoc's high mobility keeping up with the boss should not be an issue.
For more information, please refer to our Dark Inquisitor Xanesh guide.
The Hivemind
We advise you to use the following essences against The Hivemind.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Purification Protocol — Rank 3:
Purification Protocol
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Hivemind is a boss that has fixed add spawns that need to be burst down that Havoc can naturally align with. You also have options to take more if necessary, depending on how much your guild needs.
For more information, please refer to our The Hivemind guide.
Shad'har the Insatiable
We advise you to use the following essences against Shad'har the Insatiable.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Shad'har is entirely a single-target burn fight that has a predictable kill timer. Surviving through most of the damage as long as you avoid telegraphed attacks should be fine for Havoc, so using defensives for pressure points is the only real optimization needed.
For more information, please refer to our Shad'har the Insatiable guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Drest'agath.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Drest'agath comes with a lot of downtime and very
high movement checks due to the frequent target swaps. It
also requires you to condense your damage into short bursts
to line up with the Void Infused Ichor effect, meaning
you should make sure to have some cooldowns ready after
you intend to pick this up when tentacles die.
For more information, please refer to our Drest'agath guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Vexiona.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Vexiona requires you to temper your damage profiles between boss damage, priority targets and AoE. Havoc has the option to go full single target with some cleave, full AoE, or somewhere in beween depending on talents and essences. Depending on what your guild needs most of, or your role, you should tailor your choices around that.
For more information, please refer to our Vexiona guide.
Ra-den the Despoiled
We advise you to use the following essences against Ra-den the Despoiled.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Ra-den has a large amount of focus on high burst phases, especially in Phase 2 which Havoc is perfectly suited for. There is also a significant amount of constant raid damage, which Havoc can offset with some choices providing a lot of stability.
For more information, please refer to our Ra-den the Despoiled guide.
Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn
We advise you to use the following essences against Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Il'gynoth is the most complex end wing boss when it comes
to how you approach your damage profile. There is a lot you can
do to tweak your delivery, and sometimes it comes down to the
pace your group is dealing with each phase as to what works best.
Plan out your cooldowns to make sure you have it for the final
burn after the third organ kill, which may necessitate using
Strive for Perfection.
For more information, please refer to our Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn guide.
Carapace of N'Zoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Carapace of N'Zoth.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- Purification Protocol — Rank 3:
Purification Protocol
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Carapace of N'zoth has a lot of room to focus on either add damage or boss damage depending on the phase you are struggling with. Havoc can focus very heavily on dealing with adds opening up room for the rest of your raid to orient themselves more to boss damage, due to how many AoE options you can layer together.
For more information, please refer to our Carapace of N'Zoth guide.
N'Zoth the Corruptor
We advise you to use the following essences against N'Zoth the Corruptor.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Lethal Strikes
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Breath of the Dying — Rank 3:
Depending on when you are entering into the Mindgate, you will
need to be planning your cooldowns (and your build) around this.
Havoc can make good use of Strive for Perfection to
help align
Metamorphosis with the phases to get additional
uses at more ideal times so you can swap to this if you need to.
Otherwise, your high mobility and survival makes a lot of the more
difficult aspects of this fight easier to deal with as long as you keep
up with the current priority target.
For more information, please refer to our N'Zoth the Corruptor guide.
- 12 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch.
More Demon Hunter Guides
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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