Havoc Demon Hunter DPS Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Havoc Demon Hunter for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
This page will serve as a rough introduction to Uldir based on the opening week following launch, and will be maintained in the coming weeks as more is discovered about the raid through live play and log availability. Right now, it will focus on talent options and small observable optimizations that you can execute as Havoc in each Uldir boss encounter, rather than a full-fledged guide for tackling the boss. Currently, the details are oriented toward Heroic mode and below, but will be updated with Mythic tips as time goes on.
Havoc Demon Hunter in Uldir
Havoc Demon Hunter currently has a variety of damage profiles that are flexible enough to handle all Uldir encounters. It also comes with a good number of tools that can deal with more specific fight mechanics, and will likely perform well in the Uldir environment.
Talent Cheatsheet
Bear in mind that the majority of talent selections presented below will follow a similar pattern to the Talent page, and your selections will be decided based on the same rules as the Talent page.
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

You should be focusing on improving the most impactful aspect of your toolkit
on Taloc, that being your burst-oriented single target. Due to this, using
Demonic combined with
Blind Fury will likely provide the most
versatile damage profile allowing you to deal heavy damage both to the boss and
adds during the transition. Other playstyles can work, however, but will require
more nuanced timings and awareness.
Fel Barrage can be used as a high burst option to clear out enemies during the transition, but will fall behind
Trail of Ruin for most of the encounter, so it is a very niche pick.
- Defensive options on the 5th tier will depend on sustain versus burst
Desperate Instincts and
Netherwalk will give added security in bad situations, while
Soul Rending will keep you healthy over the course of the encounter.
- Final tier is decided based on what your group needs. Both
Momentum and
Demonic are flexible choices that can fit both phases of the encounter. Nemesis, on the other hand, will have you solely focusing on boss damage, so is likely the inferior choice unless absolutely necessary.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on Taloc
- Make use of both
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat to quickly disengage when afflicted by
Sanguine Static for safety. Using these to get out when affected
Plasma Discharge and quickly re-engage when it ends will increase your uptime.
- Aggressively use
Blur to reduce damage taken during Plasma Discharge in case you are caught in pools, and also to reduce damage from the
Cudgel of Gore AoE that hits the raid.
- Make use of
Eye Beam's long range to hit all enemies during the transition, and try to orient yourself around the primary Coalesced Blood target, to deal the most damage to this.
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

M.O.T.H.E.R. comes with a diverse encounter profile that requires you to not only deal damage to your primary target, but also to groups of adds that spawn. This is also capped off by a high-damage burst phase at the end, so you will need to plan correctly as Havoc.
Fel Barrage can be taken if you are aggressively crossing over to burst down large groups of enemies, but is less versatile compared to
Trail of Ruin over the course of the encounter.
- Defensive options on the 5th tier depends on your strategy.
Netherwalk can assist with you blocking high intensity bursts of raid damage when a large number of players cross over, but otherwise will fall off compared to the alternative sustain options available.
- Final tier is decided based on what your group needs. Both
Momentum and
Demonic will accentuate your output over the course of the fight, while Nemesis leans heavily towards dealing high damage to the boss during the final burn phase. Demonic is likely the most flexible and least demanding to execute, so is recommended.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on M.O.T.H.E.R.
- Both
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat allow for very flexible movement to stay on your target, due to this being a heavy movement fight. It also allows you to counter-act the
Wind Tunnel displacement, and switch sides quickly during transitions.
Blur (and, if taken,
Netherwalk) can counter-act a lot of the heavy damage intake during transition crossovers by your raid. This should be used pre-emptively to keep yourself healthy.
- Both
Eye Beam (and, if taken,
Fel Barrage) allow you to front-load massive damage into large groups of enemies if you do a bulk crossover to transition to the next room.
- Make sure to have
Metamorphosis (and, if taken, Nemesis) available as you enter the final burn phase in the last chamber. Due to the increased damage taken, this will be your time to shine when it comes to boss damage.
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

Fetid Devourer almost entirely hinges upon single target damage, so opting into that fight style will help you greatly. A Demonic talent selection, however, allows for slightly more cleave between the boss and Corpuscles that spawn if positioning is correct, and lets you front-load damage outside of downtime.
- Your final tier talents will be dictated based on what you want to excel at.
Demonic and
Momentum are more versatile, due to improving your damage dealt to Corruption Corpuscles, but Nemesis will allow you to focus on boss damage during the final burn phase. Bear in mind, however, that downtime can hurt Nemesis performance. This is somewhat mitigated by the final 50% burn period that increases the damage taken by the boss, and should be lined up with
Metamorphosis if taken, meaning you may have to hold it.
Fel Blade can be very useful here as an additional way to counter the knockback from the boss, alongside allowing you to engage Corpuscles quickly. This can accentuate a Momentum oriented build on this encounter.
- Defensive options lie mostly in reducing damage rather than sustaining,
because heavy windows appear frequently throughout the fight.
Netherwalk comes with the added benefit of being a potential movement tool in emergencies.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on Fetid Devourer
- Always be aware of the timer on
Shockwave Stomp, and have a displacement tool (such as
Fel Rush or
Vengeful Retreat) to counteract this if it will force you into a bad position.
- Aggressively use
Blur if you are affected by
Putrid Paroxysm, due to the high damage it inflicts.
- If necessary, save high burst cooldowns, such as
Eye Beam, for Corpuscle spawns to make sure they are killed quickly. This is especially important if using
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

Zek'voz has a number of damage profiles baked into one, much like M.O.T.H.E.R., and as such, your choices are going to be decided based on what your group needs. You have the flexibility to assist and burst down enemy targets quickly, or gain damage via cleave throughout the encounter; the last option can lean entirely into final phase burst, in order to burn the boss down when you reach it.
- Your final tier options revolve around whether you want to be more flexible
assisting with add phases, or burning down the boss in the final phase with the
damage boost.
Momentum and
Demonic both provide the most versatile options for this. Demonic is strongly recommended here due to the synergy with
Blind Fury, which improves your ability to burst down large groups of adds - especially when paired with
Fel Barrage. Nemesis on the other hand focuses on the final phase burn. You should generally be aiming to do the most throughout the encounter, making Nemesis a niche choice.
- All 3 survival tools are useful depending on the circumstance.
Netherwalk provides a get out of jail free card in the event that you are caught out of position during
Surging Darkness and need to soak an
Orb of Corruption.
Desperate Instincts allows you to mitigate damage taken from
Roiling Deceit, and
Soul Rending is a catch all sustain choice.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
- You can make use of both
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat to quickly disengage from the area when affected by
Roiling Deceit and
Eye Beam, dropping them safely without losing much uptime.
- Make sure to have
Metamorphosis (and Nemesis, if taken) when you trigger
Orb of Corruption, to deal the maximum amount of damage to the boss.
- Make liberal use of
Blur when targeted by
Eye Beam or fixated by Silithid Warriors to mitigate the damage taken.
Disrupt should be used as often as possible on the second phase adds, both to interrupt the cast and grant a boost of Fury to help you burn them down.
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

Vectis is a predominantly single target fight with some intermittent adds that spawn. It also has forced downtime, so you should opt into talents that are oriented toward this.
- The final tier options have some caveats.
Momentum can be punished by movement restricting mechanics, which makes this a poor choice. Nemesis allows you to front-load your damage into the uptime phase of the fight, which can be very beneficial.
Demonic, however, allows you to make use of
Blind Fury, assisting with killing adds due to the timer synchronizing, and giving frequent burst periods making it the ideal choice.
Netherwalk is strongly recommended as an emergency tool if you are soaking
Plague Bombs in dangerous areas during the intermission and are restricted from moving.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on Vectis
- Be aware of the timer for the intermission to make sure you do not waste
cooldowns. Also be aware of the
Gestate timer to make sure you do not waste
Eye Beam or
Immolation Aura on a single target.
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat allow you to quickly re-adjust to soak
Plague Bombs during the intermission that are in awkward places.
- Make sure to switch quickly to the adds spawned by
Gestate. This should line up with your
Eye Beam cooldown, allowing you to front-load heavy damage into it via the
Demonic effect.
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

Zul, Reborn is an encounter that has single target, cleave, AoE and priority burn phases, so your choice is very flexible. Due to how flexible Havoc is, you should be picking choices best at all of these profiles.
- Final tier choices can allow for you to play either
Momentum or
Demonic. Whilst Momentum will provide you with the highest burst AoE during the encounter, there is large periods of cleave and single target alongside add waves that line up with
Eye Beam. This leans heavily into Demonic, and is recommended.
Netherwalk and
Desperate Instincts both work well if you are required to soak
Pool of Darkness.
- Due to
Demonic being so dominant, this heavily encourages taking
Blind Fury. This is accentuated by the frequent add waves that line up with your
Eye Beam cooldown, allowing for heavy AoE burst.
Fel Barrage can assist in bursting down Bloodthirsty Crawgs evenly if additional AoE is needed. If not,
Trail of Ruin provides a more flexible option throughout the encounter.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on Zul, Reborn
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat grant ways to quickly cover
Pool of Darkness in bad spots. It also allows you to quickly engage far away Nazmani Bloodhexers that spawn and burn them down.
Consume Magic should be used on Minion of Zul to generate Fury and remove any stray adds if necessary, to prevent the Fear effect.
Darkness can be used if the group is stacked up to mitigate some of the damage from
Dark Revelation.
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

Mythrax is largely single target oriented, with small portions of cleave and AoE during the intermission. Your build should generally be trying to focus on the single target aspect, but if necessary, you have cleave choices that increase your versatility.
- Your final tier choices heavily lean into
Demonic here due to the ability to leverage your
Eye Beam casts with
Blind Fury during the intermission. This also gives more frequent short burst phases that assist with downtime that can be caused by fight mechanics displacing or disabling you.
- You have two defensive options.
Soul Rending will keep you healthy, due to the heavy raid damage. Both
Netherwalk allow you to mitigate damage taken when out of the group, if targeted by
Imminent Ruin.
Desperate Instincts on the other hand is an awkward choice as it may trigger
Blur at a time you do not need it, but will in the future due to the spike damage in the encounter.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on Mythrax the Unraveler
- Make use of
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat to disengage from the boss late when affected by
Imminent Ruin. This allows you to keep high uptime on the boss.
- Make liberal use of
Disrupt to interrupt adds in the intermission for additional Fury.
- Try to orient yourself to hit both your add and
Visions of Madness during the intermission, dealing as much damage with
Eye Beam in cleave as possible.
- If there are a large number of players having their mind control broken from
Oblivion Spheres, use
Blur to stay healthy.
- Note that,
Eye Beam deals a fast succession of hits to knock someone back during the
Oblivion Sphere charm, allowing you to break many people out of it quickly in an emergency.
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

G'huun has a whole lot of adds throughout the encounter, alongside some short windows of increased damage dealt, and damage taken by the boss. This leans heavily into flexible talents that allow you to cleave better, and front-load damage quickly.
- Final tier talents are strongly oriented toward
Demonic, due to the requirement of using movement tools to handle the
Power Matrix. Damage bonus windows provided later in the fight are short, further accentuating the strength of Demonic allowing you to push all your damage into a brief period.
- Defensive options lean toward
Netherwalk, in part because of the movement bonus it can provide, and the high burst windows of damage taken to grant an immunity when away from the group.
- If you are not doing anything upstairs, you can take
Fel Barrage to burst down adds in the first phase, but this will hamper you significantly over the course of the encounter, when compared to
Trail of Ruin. If you are handling Phase One fine, this should not be necessary.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle Tips on G'huun
Fel Rush and
Vengeful Retreat are both very powerful tools for carrying the
Power Matrix orb. This allows for you to quickly dash across the slowing field, making Demon Hunters perfect for that role. You can, if absolutely necessary also hold
Metamorphosis to leap to the input slot as well, allowing you to solo one side. This should not be needed in most groups, however.
Disrupt and
Chaos Nova should be used liberally to interrupt
Torment casts from Cyclopean Terrors.
- When downstairs in the first phase, make sure that you have high burst tools,
such as
Eye Beam, when
Dark Bargain is active, to punch through dangerous enemies.
- Have tools like
Blur or
Netherwalk available during the
Reorigination Blast transition period to reduce your damage taken, as the entire raid will be taking punishment.
Darkness also helps a great deal here. Also use these during the final transition during
- Having tools such as
Metamorphosis and
Eye Beam charges available is extremely beneficial to deal high burst damage to G'huun when
Reorigination Blast triggers during Phase Two.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 10 Dec. 2018: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.1 and no changes are necessary.
- 12 Sep. 2018: Updated following week 1 Uldir observations.
- 04 Sep. 2018: Updated with initial tips for Uldir release.
- 09 Aug. 2018: Page created in preparation for the eventual Uldir release (empty for now).
More Demon Hunter Guides
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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