Havoc Demon Hunter Torghast Guide and Best Anima Powers — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Havoc Demon Hunter before entering Torghast and then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once you are inside!
Torghast as a Havoc Demon Hunter
This page will help give advice on navigating Torghast, Tower of the Damned, as a Havoc Demon Hunter. If you want to know more about Torghast, you can look at our dedicated pages.
Best Havoc Demon Hunter Talents for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
Best Havoc Demon Hunter Anima Powers
When exploring Torghast, on each floor you will be presented with a number of different Anima Powers when progressing. Some choices are unique benefits, while others are stacking effects and with all of the powers present your choice can be hard. Due to this we have made a basic Tier List below to give a ranking of strong powers if you need to make a quick decision. For more information about Generic and Demon Hunter Anima Powers, please refer to the two guides linked below.
Remember though, do not follow the list blindly, there is a lot of different playstyles to explore within Torghast and trying things out is part of the enjoyment. None of the powers are necessary to complete a run, and picking a power that improves something you rarely use will ultimately be useless. After all, you might not run into the power that you are looking for each run!
"S" are considered ideal picks while "F" should be avoided.
S-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Dark Armaments
Demonic Bias
Felborn Torch
Grim Tinder
Finely-Honed Bone Blades
A-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Cadaverous Eye
Darkglare Medallion
Elethium Alembic
Elethium Censer
Elethium Lantern
Elethium Teardrop
Fae Empowered Elixir (Night Fae)
Fallen Comrade's Blindfold
Felborn Shield
Fury Wrappings
Finger of Frozen Fury
Frostbite Wand
Gift of Ardenweald
Immolation Flux
Kyrian Blessing
Lightning Dust
Mask of Withering (Venthyr)
Maldraxxian Repayment
Phial of Pain (Kyrian)
Secret Spices
Slayer's Cypher (replace with
Demonic Appetite)
Slayer's Gift (replace with either choice)
Slayer's Ultimatum (replace with
Soulrender of Zovaal
Spectral Oats
Stalker Sling (Night Fae)
Subjugator's Manacles
Venthyr's Gratitude
Vitality Guillotine
B-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Blade of the Lifetaker
Blindfold of Focus
Bottled Enigma
Bountiful Souls
Branding Iron (Venthyr)
Corruption Antenna
Dark Stalker's Draught
Demonglass Curio
Demonic Resolve
Fel Scorched Contract (Necrolord)
Flail of Merkur (Kyrian)
Irritating Moth Dust
Incriminating Ledger (Venthyr)
Heart-Piercing Spine
Hunting Bola (Night Fae)
Lens of Elchaver
Perpetual Sinstone (Venthyr)
Potent Acid Gland
Pulsing Rot-hive
Sacrificial Soul-Ash (Kyrian)
Shield of Unending Fury
Shifting Signet
Slayer's Lesson (replace with
Unbound Chaos)
Stormcycle Peridot
Tormentor's Spiked Noose
Watchful Lightfly
C-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Bloating Fodder
Crystallized Dreams (Night Fae)
Curious Miasma
Dark Fortress
Darkest Hour
Darksight Orbs (Kyrian)
Deadly Toll (Necrolord)
Elethium Muzzle
Elethium Weights
Fel Ignitor (Necrolord)
Felborn Pendant
Murmuring Shawl (Venthyr)
Open Doors (Venthyr)
Purifier's Flame
Phial of Light (Kyrian)
Resonant Mawfang
Slayer's Mythos (replace with
Fel Eruption)
Smuggled Wildseed (Night Fae)
Strigidium (Kyrian)
Swarm Form
Volatile Flesh (Necrolord)
Yel'Shir's Powerglove
D-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Clinging Fog (Night Fae)
Crumbling Aegis
Disemboweler's Hook
Elethium Beacon
Gnarled Key (Venthyr)
Manafeeder's Bib
Mark of the Ogre
Mask of the Winged Dominator (Kyrian)
Phantasmal Iris
Parliament Stone (Kyrian)
Scouring Rags of Torghast (Kyrian)
Seeker's Rage
Slayer's Invocation (replace with
Spectral Bridle
Warden Shackles
E-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Irresistible Cheese
Malevolent Stitching (Necrolord)
Mawrat Harness
Mawrat Stirrups
Musophobic Femur (Necrolord)
Scroll of Elchaver
Tremorbeast Tusk
F-Tier Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Bottomless Chalice (when solo, Kyrian)
Negation Well
If an Anima Power is not in the Tier List above, it is either because we have been unable to test due to it being unavailable as a pick, or information about its tuning is not complete. It will be added to the list as we find out more.
Phantasma Anima Powers for Havoc Demon Hunter
Occasionally, you will be offered the ability to get Phantasma instead of an Anima Power, or increases to your Phantasma generation. Judging these is more difficult because it depends on how much of each floor you are clearing. Grabbing these early on is usually a good idea so you can make use of vendors, while the later the run goes, the less valuable these are.
Havoc Demon Hunter Playstyle for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Havoc has a lot of tools to deal with what Torghast throws at you, but the conditions of needing to kill enemies actively to stay healthy can mean powers that give more survival are strong early picks. There are a lot of powers available that provide this however, and you do not need many to build up enough strength to tank mobs while dealing a lot back. Some quick gameplay tips when playing to remember are:
- Pay attention to your health, and make use of
Shattered Souls fragments when you kill enemies. Often there are low health enemies in packs, and using those fragments to sustain yourself while you kill the most dangerous can make a big difference.
- If you run into packs that have particularly lethal enemies,
remember to use
Imprison on the biggest threat so you can clear out the smaller enemies first.
- Make use of your mobility and stun tools with
Fel Rush and
Chaos Nova to lock down targets or kite if necessary.
- Do not be afraid to use
Metamorphosis frequently, especially on Elites or big packs. Often, it will be back before the floor ends and saving it might delay you even more.
Blur early and often, especially in the floors that have a heaver focus on auto based enemies. Do not wait until you are already low, that wastes the extra Dodge that keeps you healthy!
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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