Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Event Guide
Hearthstone's 10th anniversary event is celebrated in World of Warcraft for 11 dyas starting on March 11. The following guide explains the activities players can complete during the event and showcases the available rewards.
Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Event is a crossover world event during which players can complete various activities and earn Hearthstone-themed rewards in World of Warcraft.
Hearthstone's Anniversary Event Start and End Dates
The event starts on March 11, 2024 and ends on March 22, 2024. Activities take place in Valdrakken, Stormwind, and Orgrimmar, every 30 minutes.
Who Can Participate in the Event?
Players Level 60 and above can participate in Hearthstone's anniversary event.
Where Does the Event Start?
Upon logging in to the game, you will receive Hearthstone Invitation Letter in your mail.
The item starts a quest called It's Hearthstone's Anniversary! and you must seek out M.C. Farala in Valdrakken, in the Seat of the Aspects.
When you talk to Farala, she will have another quest for you called Play Hearthstone!.
Upon accepting the quest, you will receive a Hearthstone Starter Pack which contains a bunch
of Hearthstone cards. Open it and learn all the available cards. Learning cards grants progress towards the anniversary-event achievements. You will receive additional cards from boss kills.
Now it is time to play some Hearthstone! In the area behind M.C. Farala, you will see Hearthstone tables. Click the chair to start playing Hearthstone in World of Warcraft. If there are no free tables, you might need to wait a bit before a seat is available.
You will start each game with 30 health and you must click the available four action buttons to spend Mana and summon minions. The minions will automatically attack other enemies and you do not need to do anything. You will win the game upon reducing your enemy's health to 0.
Every 30 minutes, Hearthstone bosses will spawn in 3 different locations in Valdrakken, Stormwind, and Orgrimmar. The current location will be marked with an Ominous Portal icon on the zone map.
- Valdrakken — at 62, 67.
- Stormwind — at 33, 18.
- Durotar — at 53, 16.5
Simply, defeat the available boss who drops various rewards including additional Hearthstone cards.
Achievements and Rewards
There are 3 achievements tied to the Hearthstone anniversary event in World of Warcraft.
Hearthstoned: Fiery Edition is rewarded to players who log in to Hearthstone between
March 11 and March 18. The achievement rewards the
Fiery Hearthsteed mount.
Hearthstone Beginner requires players to collect 10 Hearthstone cards and rewards the
Hearthstone Game Table toy. You can use it every 20 minutes to summon additional
Hearthstone tables for waiting players. Hearthstone cards drop from the bosses and the
Hearthstone Starter Pack you receive during the intro questline. Additionally, missing
cards can be farmed by using the Hearthstone Gameboard toy to defeat others in a friendly game.
The Hearthstone Card Collection requires you to collect all 22 Hearthstone cards, but it
does not reward anything besides achievement points.
Other rewards that have a chance to drop from the bosses are the Compass Rose
disc mount.
Sarge is a battle pet that you can unlock during the event.
You can also loot the Stone of the Hearth toy, which is a Hearthstone-themed Hearthstone.
Collector's Carryall (a 36-slot bag).
Finally, there are 3 transmog pieces for you to collect during the event —
Reno's Lucky Hat,
Taverner's Belt, and
The Tavern's Tabard.
Here is a character wearing all 3 armor pieces:
- 17 Mar. 2024: Added Blizzard's hotfixes.
- 12 Mar. 2024: Guide updated with all details post-launch.
- 14 Jan. 2024: Guide added.
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