High Adjudicator Aleez Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for High Adjudicator Aleez in Halls of Atonement.
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High Adjudicator Aleez commands the congregation of souls in the Halls of Atonement. The High Adjudicator periodically summons forth a Ghastly Parishioner to move towards a random player. These parishioners are immune to damage and emit a Pulse from Beyond until they can be sealed within a
Vessel of Atonement.
- Ghastly Parishioners emit a
Pulse from Beyond until they are sealed within a
Vessel of Atonement
- Interrupt
Volley of Power to prevent party-wide damage
- Ghastly Parishioners emit a
Pulse from Beyond until they are sealed within a
Vessel of Atonement
- Interrupt
Volley of Power to prevent party-wide damage
- Ghastly Parishioners emit a
Pulse from Beyond until they are sealed within a
Vessel of Atonement
Volley of Power inflicts heavy party damage when not interrupted

Inflicts 4,426 Shadow damage to the Aleez's current target.

Inflicts 3,983 Shadow damage to three random players.

The Priestess summons a Ghastly Parishioner, which fixates on a player.

Ghastly Parishioners fixate on a player and attempt to approach them.

Ghastly Parishioners exist in the space between worlds, reducing their damage taken by 100%.

A rhythmic pulse from the realms beyond inflicts 2,655 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards, and 663 Shadow damage to all players, every 1 sec.

Bringing a Ghastly Parishioner to an empty Vessel of Atonement dissipates the Parishioner and seals the Vessel.

The anima fountain boils over, inflicting 6,639 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yards of each impact.
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