Paladin Hero Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Mytholxgy 30 comments

This guide will walk you through the best Hero Talents for Holy Paladin for Raiding and Mythic+, how they impact your gameplay, and more.


Best Hero Talents for Holy Paladin in The War Within

This page is specifically about Hero Talents in The War Within. If you want to learn more about the best regular talents for Holy Paladin, check out our Talents page:


Raiding Hero Talents for Holy Paladin


Herald of the Sun

Herald of the Sun focuses on extra healing through Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame and Sun's Avatar Icon Sun's Avatar, and Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight. Sun's Avatar specifically offers a ton of extra healing when you use Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath, turning this into an even stronger cooldown. It does, however, require you to be somewhat careful about where you use your Dawnlight Icon Dawnlights because you will want to make sure that the beams hit as many targets as possible. Generally, that means avoid putting Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight on melee players when in spread situations.



Lightsmith focuses on buffing allies through Sacred Weapon Icon Sacred Weapon and Holy Bulwark, providing extra damage for you and giving other players large shields. In addition, this hero talent has large synergy with Avenging Crusader Icon Avenging Crusader thanks to the talents Hammer and Anvil Icon Hammer and Anvil and Blessed Assurance Icon Blessed Assurance. This tree largely suffers due to its inability to control where healing is going. Who gets healed is entirely random and out of your control which can be detrimental at times.


Mythic+ Hero Talents for Holy Paladin


Herald of the Sun

Herald of the Sun will be the best choice when you are at any point concerned about healing. During the start of a season, doing very high keys, or even in situations where you don't feel confident, then you will gain significantly more healing from Herald.



Lightsmith pulls ahead in terms of pure damage but can feel a bit weaker since it lacks some of the power in Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath that Herald of the Sun gets from Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight and Sun's Avatar Icon Sun's Avatar. When in situations where you don't care at all about healing, you can definitely opt into playing Lightsmith, and the damage you gain will be well worth it, assuming you can still heal your group efficiently without taking away from casts that could've instead been spent on DPS globals.


Best Hero Talent Builds for Holy Paladin

Herald of the Sun Raid Herald of the Sun Mythic+ Lightsmith Universal

Best Herald of the Sun Raiding Talents Build for Holy Paladin

Whether you are focusing on a melee or casting build, your Hero Talents will not change. You must have a strong understanding of both Sun's Avatar Icon Sun's Avatar and Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight to truly be successful. While you can't control the Dawnlight Icon Dawnlights that spawn from pressing Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath, you CAN control the ones you apply by casting Holy Prism Icon Holy Prism or Barrier of Faith Icon Barrier of Faith. This means that with the two free Dawnlights, you will want to aim to have them on targets that will spawn good Sun's Avatar Icon Sun's Avatar beams. If I were to put my Dawnlights on melee players, then it is safe to assume my ranged players will not be at all hit by the beams since they are connecting between the melee players and me (also in melee). Ranged targets are ideal because you can safely hit both melee and ranged with the beams, or at the very least reposition if possible to better center the beamlines to hit as many players as possible. The longer the beams, the more healing you will gain, and that is only possible when you have Dawnlights on ranged players.


Best Herald of the Sun Mythic+ Build for Holy Paladin

You must have a strong understanding of both Sun's Avatar Icon Sun's Avatar and Dawnlight Icon Dawnlight to truly be successful. While you can't control the Dawnlight Icon Dawnlights that spawn from pressing Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath, you CAN control the ones you apply by casting Holy Prism Icon Holy Prism or Barrier of Faith Icon Barrier of Faith. This means that with the two free Dawnlights, you will want to aim to have them on targets that do not have either Beacon of Light Icon Beacon of Light or Beacon of Faith Icon Beacon of Faith. This way, you can ensure everyone in the party receives a ton of healing. If you are playing Beacon of Virtue Icon Beacon of Virtue, it will matter a lot less who you decide to place your manual Dawnlights on and you should instead just opt to put them on players who will benefit the most from the Dawnlight healing.


Best Lightsmith Build for Holy Paladin

Lightsmith is very straightforward to build, but in your gameplay, you will want to make sure you keep Solidarity Icon Solidarity in mind. In order to get the most value out of Lightsmith, you will want to make sure that you are casting the buffs on other players so that you control who is receiving the buff, rather than casting on yourself and letting it go to a random player. When playing Lightsmith, you will often be playing a Avenging Crusader Icon Avenging Crusader build. This is due to the synergy that Hammer and Anvil Icon Hammer and Anvil has with the build. More details about this can be found on the rotation and talent pages.


Hero Talents Rotation for Holy Paladin


Herald of the Sun

The key to getting the most value out of Herald of the Sun is to make sure that you are optimizing your Dawnlight Icon Dawnlights. You will need to cast Holy Prism Icon Holy Prism or Barrier of Faith Icon Barrier of Faith as much as possible to keep the most Dawnlights out as possible. If you are playing Awakening Icon Awakening, however, you will want to hold Holy Prism Icon Holy Prism/Barrier of Faith Icon Barrier of Faith if you are close to a proc, that way, when you do, in fact, proc, you can have an extra Dawnlight active and thus an extra beam active, giving you a significantly higher amount of healing.



Lightsmith has no appreciable impact on your rotational priorities. You will simply want to make sure that you are continuously using Sacred Weapon Icon Sacred Weapon in order to buff the players in your group. As mentioned previously, you will prefer using them on other players; that way you control who the buffs go to rather than casting them on yourself and letting them choose a player at random.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Page updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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