Holy Paladin Healing Gear and Best in Slot — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Mytholxgy 30 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Holy Paladin in World of Warcraft The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Holy Paladin gear and best in slot.


Best in Slot Gear Guide for Holy Paladin

Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Holy Paladin for Season 2. Check this page to learn everything you need to know about gearing a Holy Paladin, including the BiS Gear from all sources, Raiding, and Mythic+, information on the best Trinkets, Tier Sets, and much more.

For discussion and information on Stats specifically, check out our Stats page below.


BiS Gear for Holy Paladin

Overall BiS List for Season 2 Liberation of Undermine Gear BiS List Mythic+ Gear BiS List

Overall BiS List for Holy Paladin

This list contains the Best in Slot Gear for Liberation of Undermine.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Big Earner's Bludgeon Icon Big Earner's Bludgeon Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Shield Titan of Industry Icon Titan of Industry Mug'Zee in Liberation of Undermine
Helm Aureate Sentry's Pledge Icon Aureate Sentry's Pledge One-Armed Bandit/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Icon Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine
Shoulder Paydirt Pauldrons Icon Paydirt Pauldrons Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Cloak Test Pilot's Go-Pack Icon Test Pilot's Go-Pack Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in Liberation of Undermine
Chest Aureate Sentry's Encasement Icon Aureate Sentry's Encasement Sprocketmonger Lockenstock/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Revved-Up Vambraces Icon Revved-Up Vambraces Vexie Fullthrottle in Liberation of Undermine
Gloves Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets Icon Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets Cauldron of Carnage/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Coin-Operated Girdle Icon Coin-Operated Girdle One-Armed Bandit in Liberation of Undermine
Legs Aureate Sentry's Legguards Icon Aureate Sentry's Legguards Stix Bunkjunker/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Rik's Walkin' Boots Icon Rik's Walkin' Boots Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine
Ring #1 The Jastor Diamond Icon The Jastor Diamond Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Trinket #2 Mister Pick-Me-Up Icon Mister Pick-Me-Up Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in Liberation of Undermine

Liberation of Undermine BiS List for Holy Paladin

This list contains the Best in Slot Gear for Liberation of Undermine.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Big Earner's Bludgeon Icon Big Earner's Bludgeon Chrome King Gallywix
Shield Titan of Industry Icon Titan of Industry Mug'Zee
Helm Aureate Sentry's Pledge Icon Aureate Sentry's Pledge One-Armed Bandit/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Icon Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulder Paydirt Pauldrons Icon Paydirt Pauldrons Chrome King Gallywix
Cloak Test Pilot's Go-Pack Icon Test Pilot's Go-Pack Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Chest Aureate Sentry's Encasement Icon Aureate Sentry's Encasement Sprocketmonger Lockenstock/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Revved-Up Vambraces Icon Revved-Up Vambraces Vexie Fullthrottle
Gloves Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets Icon Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets Cauldron of Carnage/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Coin-Operated Girdle Icon Coin-Operated Girdle One-Armed Bandit
Legs Aureate Sentry's Legguards Icon Aureate Sentry's Legguards Stix Bunkjunker/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Rik's Walkin' Boots Icon Rik's Walkin' Boots Rik Reverb
Ring #1 The Jastor Diamond Icon The Jastor Diamond Chrome King Gallywix
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine
Trinket #2 Mister Pick-Me-Up Icon Mister Pick-Me-Up Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in Liberation of Undermine

Mythic+ Gear BiS List for Holy Paladin

This list contains the Best in Slot Gear for the current Mythic+ season.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier Icon Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier Operation: Mechagon / Great Vault
Shield Barricade of the Endless Empire Icon Barricade of the Endless Empire Theater of Pain / Great Vault
Helm Aureate Sentry's Pledge Icon Aureate Sentry's Pledge Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Neck Strapped Rescue-Keg Icon Strapped Rescue-Keg Cinderbrew Meadery / Great Vault
Shoulder Skyscorcher Pauldrons Icon Skyscorcher Pauldrons The MOTHERLODE!! / Great Vault
Cloak Electrician's Siphoning Filter Icon Electrician's Siphoning Filter Operation: Floodgate / Great Vault
Chest Aureate Sentry's Encasement Icon Aureate Sentry's Encasement Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Stonefury Vambraces Icon Stonefury Vambraces The MOTHERLODE!! / Great Vault
Gloves Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets Icon Aureate Sentry's Gauntlets Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Lightning-Conductor's Bands Icon Lightning-Conductor's Bands The Rookery / Great Vault
Legs Aureate Sentry's Legguards Icon Aureate Sentry's Legguards Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Sabatons of Rampaging Elements Icon Sabatons of Rampaging Elements The MOTHERLODE!! / Great Vault
Ring #1 Footbomb Championship Ring Icon Footbomb Championship Ring The MOTHERLODE!! / Great Vault
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Signet of the Priory Icon Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame / Great Vault
Trinket #2 Burin of the Candle King Icon Burin of the Candle King Darkflame Cleft / Great Vault

Best Cyrce's Circlet Gems for Holy Paladin

Introduced in Patch 11.0.7, Cyrce's Circlet is a new ring offering unique bonuses and effects. In most cases, you will want to prioritze the gems that increase your stats for every form of content. If you care very little about your actual healing output, you can instead opt for damage focused gems.

Until you are able to acquire a very strong ring, you will continue to use it over higher item level rings.

We recommend the following gems:

  • In raid or for Healing focus, you will use: Windsinger's Runed Citrine Icon Windsinger's Runed Citrine, Stormbringer's Runed Citrine Icon Stormbringer's Runed Citrine, and Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine Icon Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine.
  • For damage focus, you will want to play Thunderlord's Crackling Citrine Icon Thunderlord's Crackling Citrine, Undersea Overseer's Citrine Icon Undersea Overseer's Citrine, and Windsinger's Runed Citrine Icon Windsinger's Runed Citrine

For more information on how to get the ring, as well as acquiring all of the different gems that you can possibly socket into it, check out our Cyrce's Circlet guide below!


Best Crafted Items for Holy Paladin

The best Embellishment for Holy Paladin is Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension. Given that this requires a weapon to use, it will allow you to gain early access to a very high item level weapon while also giving you a nice embellishment bonus. Once you craft this, you will generally want to make Writhing Armor Banding Icon Writhing Armor Banding which will double the power of your weapon embellishment. Outside of this, the remaining options are fairly close but also unimpressive. You have the choice between Dawnthread Lining Icon Dawnthread Lining, Duskthread Lining Icon Duskthread Lining, or even Binding of Binding Icon Binding of Binding if you care only about extra DPS.

Generally, Haste/Mastery is a good stat combination to go with for pure healing, otherwise you can go Haste/Versatility if you plan on playing an equal amount of Mythic+ and Raiding.


Best Crafting Order for Holy Paladin

  1. First craft a max item level weapon and use Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension. This will give you a massive power boost not only in the form of primary stat on weapon, but also in having an early embellishment.
  2. With your second craft, you can use it on Writhing Armor Banding Icon Writhing Armor Banding. In general, you want to craft these on slots that are unlikely to be replaced and don't have extremely competitive options. For example, crafting any embellishment on a tier slot can tend to be a waste in case you need to use that slot for tier. Similarly, if you get a super rare neck or ring, it would also be a waste to have an embellishment on the sale slot. Generally, you want to chase item level with something like Boots/Belts/Bracers > Rings/Necks > Cloaks.
  3. Next, chase Item Level where needed; if you have any slot massively behind, it could be a good idea to target it.
  4. At this point, you are mostly done crafting. You can spend future Sparks on off-spec items, alternatively statted crafts for different situations. In many cases you will want to recraft two items with Dawnthread Lining Icon Dawnthread Lining due to the best in slot weapon, Big Earner's Bludgeon Icon Big Earner's Bludgeon dropping off Mug'Zee. You won't have access to this early in the tier but later on you may want to adjust your embellishments to account for it.

The War Within Season 2 Tier Set for Holy Paladin

The Tier Set is comprised of 5 items, all carrying the Aureate Sentry's moniker. Unique bonuses are unlocked when wearing 2 or 4 pieces from the set:

  • Paladin Holy 11.1 Class Set 2pc Icon Paladin Holy 11.1 Class Set 2pc — Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! Icon Insurance!, giving a heal over time effect as well as a minor heal boost once the target drops below 40% hp.
  • Paladin Holy 11.1 Class Set 4pc Icon Paladin Holy 11.1 Class Set 4pcDivine Toll Icon Divine Toll applies Insurance! Icon Insurance! to allies it heals and also reduces the cooldown of Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll by 1 second each time you spend Holy Power.

While the 2pc for this tier is quite boring, it adds a decent amount of overall healing that is always a positive. The 4pc on the other hand can be extremely powerful in the right settings. When combined with the Quickened Invocation Icon Quickened Invocation talent, you will be able to use Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll close to every 35 seconds. This is a huge boost to Mythic+ and longer raid fights where you can make more frequent use of the ability and the Rising Sunlight Icon Rising Sunlight talent.


Trinket Simulations for Holy Paladin

For a comprehensive list of the best trinkets available, please visit QuestionablyEpic, where you can find a full list of the best available trinkets. More information on this website can be found on our Simulations page:



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Cyrces Circlet information added.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 16 Sep. 2024: Embellishment information updated.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Season 1 BiS Gear added.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Reviewd and Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Page Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 29 Nov. 2023: BiS List and Embellishment recommendations updated.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Embellishment and BiS list updated for sporecloak nerfs.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Page Updated for 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: BiS gear added.
  • 19 Jul. 2023: Trinket tier list updated.
  • 17 Jul. 2023: Trinket tier list updated.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Gear recommendations updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 26 May 2023: Information about Timewalking trinkets added.
  • 20 May 2023: Embellishment recommendations changed to account for bug fixes.
  • 16 May 2023: Embellishments updated.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.
  • 28 Mar. 2023: Primordial Gem recommendations updated.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Added Spark of Ingenuity crafting recommendations.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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