Holy Priest Healing Battle of Dazar'alor Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Holy Priest for each boss of the following raid: Battle of Dazar'alor. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
For the Holy Priest Boss Advice we got together with Shelanne, moderator for Warcraft Priests and author of their popular Quick-Start Holy Priest guide.
Talent Cheatsheet for Holy Priest in Battle of Dazar'alor
Holy Priest Boss Advice: Battle of Dazar'alor
Keep in mind that although your cooldowns may be mentioned in specific parts
of this guide, you should always try to coordinate with your healing team and
raid leader where possible to find the optimal place to cast these for your
chosen strategy. While this primarily applies to Divine Hymn,
Holy Word: Salvation, and
Guardian Spirit, you may sometimes be
asked to use
Apotheosis or
Symbol of Hope at specific times as
All talent choices made for each boss are suggestions intended on best dealing with the specific mechanics of that encounter. Due to Holy Priest having quite balanced talents, for the Level 40, Level 45, and Level 50 talents there will be multiple viable talent options for many of the encounters.
Champion of the Light
Shining Force may be helpful to coordinate with a tank to get the
adds out of the way of the
Wave of Light to prevent them gaining a Heal
buff. The end of phase two has high raid damage from
Judgment: Reckoning
which is a great time for
Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation.
Most of this fight is raid-wide damage which should be countered by
raid-healing cooldowns like Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation.
During the smaller raid-wide bursts from
Bestial Throw our normal AoE
rotation of
Holy Word: Sanctify,
Circle of Healing and
Prayer of Healing should be used. If
Bestial Combo is coming up
you should look to save
Holy Word: Serenity ready for the tanks, this is
also a good time to organise with your tanks to use
Guardian Spirit.
You can also use Leap of Faith or
Angelic Feather to help
reposition a raid member who is alone and will get feared by
Ferocious Roar.
Jadefire Masters
Phase One has a debuff that needs to be dispelled off multiple raid members;
Mass Dispel may be useful to help deal with this. There is also a
knock-up that will kill raid members with falling damage, which can be countered
Levitate or
Leap of Faith if really needed.
During intermission you may use Leap of Faith to help raid members get
over the Ring of Peace.
Most of the healing in this encounter is in the final phase, which requires
significant AoE healing using our normal AoE rotation of
Holy Word: Sanctify,
Circle of Healing, and
Prayer of Healing.
Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation may be used for
Pulse-quickening Toxin. You will need to pick up a jewel towards the end
of phase one. We have the option between two jewels, which should be decided
amongst your healing team before the encounter begins:
Amethyst of the Shadow King provides targets you heal with a buff reducing their damage taken by 90%.
Tailwind Sapphire provides targets you heal with a buff increasing their damage done.
Proper management of these buffs by your healing team will be essential to keeping everyone in your raid buffed appropriately, particularly during phase two.
There are also enemies that require Gust of Wind dispelled from them,
which we can help with using Dispel Magic and
Mass Dispel.
Conclave of the Chosen
The healing requirements on this encounter are quite straightforward outside
of Cry of the Fallen which deals considerable raid damage and is a good
time for
Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation.
There is a debuff cast on raid members Mind Wipe that will need to be
dispelled using
Purify, and
Gift of Wind will need to be
purged from enemies using
Dispel Magic. Both of these can also be
removed using
Mass Dispel.
King Rastakhan
Phase one consists of lots of periodic AoE damage, which we can counter well
using our normal AoE rotation of Holy Word: Sanctify,
Circle of Healing and
Prayer of Healing.
While Holy Priests are not the best for it, if you are assigned to look after
a tank during phase two, use Heal and
Holy Word: Serenity to keep
the tank topped up, and
Flash Heal if you start to get behind. Taking the
Apotheosis talent is also an option if you are struggling with periods of
heavy damage.
Phase three you should be in the death realm and using our usual AoE rotation as the living realm is mostly single target healing.
The final phase brings together all of the previous abilities along with even
more damage, and is a good time to make sure you have Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation available.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
Most of the encounter is intermittent single target damage, and lots of
movement while dealing with encounters. Renew can be used if you are
moving and
Gigavolt Charge targets require healing.
The final phase requires more AoE healing and raid cooldowns such as
Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation.
Warning: While Halo can be used on Mekkatorque, the
Spark Shield from the Spark Bots will deal a considerable amount of
damage to you if Halo damages them. Particularly while on progression, it may be
best to avoid this talent until you are comfortable you will not hit them, despite
Halo having good healing synergy with the damage patterns.
Stormwall Blockade
Most of this encounter is sporadic AoE damage which can be countered well
with our normal AoE rotation of Holy Word: Sanctify,
Circle of Healing and
Prayer of Healing. Phase One has
Jolting Volley and
Tidal Volley and Phase Two has players taking
damage from
Ire of the Deep.
Leap of Faith may be used to help players getting too close to a
Tempting Siren.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Phase One and Two have lots of unavoidable raid damage as players are taking ice
damage then standing in Searing Pitch to remove the ice debuffs.
Grasp of Frost can be dispelled with either
Purify or
Mass Dispel.
Phase Three has damage that ramps up as the encounter progresses, and will
likely be the best time to use Divine Hymn or
Holy Word: Salvation.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 08 Mar. 2019: Minor changes to boss advice.
- 21 Jan. 2019: Added Battle of Dazar'alor tips for Holy Priest.
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This guide has been written by Niphyr, a generally knowledgeable, long-time healing Priest and theorycrafter. You can follow him on Twitter.
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