Holy Priest Healing Mythic+ Tips — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 18, 2025 at 18:57 by Niphyr 49 comments
General Information

In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Holy Priest in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).


Holy Priest Mythic+ Guide for The War Within Season 2

In this guide, we will talk about getting the most out of your Priest in Mythic+ dungeons, including the best way to set up your character, how your rotation may change, and tips and tricks for using your abilities most optimally.

If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, you can read more about it on our dedicated Mythic+ page below.

To learn more about the Mythic+ Meta, check out our Mythic+ Tier List below.


Holy Priest in The War Within Mythic+

Holy Priest has several main draws that make it an attractive spec to play for M+ content in The War Within, with multiple strong cooldowns in Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit and Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis, reliable single-target damage, hefty group healing potential, and a straightforward, reactive playstyle. Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion can also be a strong boost to your group's damage if coordinated well with a DPS.


Best Mythic+ Talents for Holy Priest in The War Within

For a more general overview of Talents for Holy Priest, please visit our dedicated Talents page.


Best Mythic+ Talent Builds for Holy Priest

Mythic+ Talent Build — Archon Mythic+ Talent Build — Oracle

Best Archon Mythic+ Talents for Holy Priest

Archon represents a more simple, and arguably more fun, playstyle for Mythic+ than Oracle. The different talent choices are primarily to make use of Halo Icon Halo for both damage and healing. The additional Surge of Light Icon Surge of Light procs are great for party triage and contributes to even more Holy Word: Serenity Icon Holy Word: Serenity casts.

Overall, this build provides slightly reduced flexibility with burst damage and healing, and instead has a more reliable output without the complication of Oracle's Premonition Icon Premonition.

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Best Oracle Mythic+ Talents for Holy Priest

This is a viable alternative primarily for High Mythic+ Pushing where the added defensive utility is required to survive specific mechanics. High Mythic+ is defined as any level of Mythic+ that you are actually pushing, where the timer is a relevant concern, and the content is difficult. For one player, this may be Mythic+20, for another, it may be Mythic+12.

The reason for going Oracle is a combination of personal defense, damage output and burst healing.


Mythic+ Utility for Holy Priest in The War Within Season 2

This section talks mostly about the uses of different spells. For in-depth explanations of all Holy Priest Abilities and Talents, including these; check out our Spells page.


Utility of Holy Priest in The War Within

Interrupts, Stuns and Stops Other Utility Damage Output

Interrupts, Stuns and Stops

Holy Priest has no Interrupt. Instead, you are limited to Stuns and Stops.

Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream is your "AoE stop". When cast, it will immediately cause all nearby enemies to be feared and unable to attack back. This fear is often broken nearly immediately in Mythic+ due to the amount of damage the enemies receive; however, it still functions to stop enemy casts. The cooldown can be reduced by talenting into Psychic Voice Icon Psychic Voice. When talented into Archon's Incessant Screams Icon Incessant Screams, it will be cast a second time shortly after the first cast, acting as a second AoE stop. It should also be noted that many enemies are immune to fear, particularly Undead and mini-boss enemies.

Holy Word: Chastise Icon Holy Word: Chastise is your single-target "stop". We recommend using this in the same way as you would Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream, except that it only affects one enemy.

Shackle Undead Icon Shackle Undead can be used to disable a single Undead enemy for 50 seconds. Several dungeons have dangerous Undead enemies, which are good candidates for Shackle Undead. Damage taken will remove this effect.

Mind Control Icon Mind Control and Dominate Mind Icon Dominate Mind temporarily control an enemy, which allows you to move, attack, and cast some of their abilities. This can be beneficial in some dungeons, as specific enemies have valuable spells that can buff your party or debuff enemies.


Other Utility

Purify Icon Purify will dispel all magic effects from one party member with a short cooldown. It will also remove all diseases when talented into Improved Purify Icon Improved Purify. This ability is used frequently in Mythic+, and there are multiple important spells throughout the dungeons that it should be used on to make encounters easier and prevent deaths.

Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic is an offensive dispel, also known as a "purge". This removes one magical buff from an enemy.

Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel acts as both Purify Icon Purify and Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic, but is limited to magical effects on 5 friendly and 5 enemy targets. This is most often used to remove dangerous magical debuffs from multiple party members but also has some use in purging dangerous magical buffs from multiple enemies.

Mind Soothe Icon Mind Soothe provides a unique buff reducing the distance at which an enemy will aggro onto you and your allies. This has fairly niche usage but can be used in some scenarios to avoid having to pull a pack of enemies and instead walk right past them.

Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith has a lot of uses, especially when coordinated with your group. In particular, it can be coordinated with your tank to remove them from danger and create distance between them and the enemies they're fighting.

Void Tendrils Icon Void Tendrils are an uncommon talent but can be great in some situations to keep a dangerous enemy in place until your group decide to engage with it.


Damage Output

As a healer, despite your role focus being to keep everyone alive through your healing and utility, any spare time you get should be spent on providing additional damage. Be mindful that only Smite Icon Smite costs very little Mana; the other spells can start to become taxing on your Mana, so particularly on some longer tyrannical bosses, you may need to reduce your damage output a little by sticking to the slightly weaker hitting Smite casts.

Damage spell priority for 4+ targets:

  1. Divine Word Icon Divine Word with Holy Word: Chastise Icon Holy Word: Chastise
  2. Divine Star Icon Divine Star
  3. Holy Fire Icon Holy Fire
  4. Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova

Damage spell priority for 1-3 targets:

  1. Holy Fire Icon Holy Fire
  2. Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova with high stacks of Rhapsody Icon Rhapsody
  3. Shadow Word: Pain Icon Shadow Word: Pain (if the target will survive for the full duration)
  4. Holy Word: Chastise Icon Holy Word: Chastise (if you do not need the incapacitate/stun for cc)
  5. Divine Star Icon Divine Star
  6. Smite Icon Smite

Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death can be cast as extra damage while on the move in place of Smite Icon Smite on the priority list; just be mindful that it does do damage back to you when cast. If the target is below 20% health, Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death has a similar priority to Holy Word: Chastise Icon Holy Word: Chastise.

For more information about the Holy Priest healing rotation in Mythic+, refer back to the Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities page.


Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Holy Priest for The War Within Season 2

This section has Holy Priest-specific tips and tricks that may not seem obvious for all dungeons' bosses and mobs.


Dungeon Tips for Holy Priest in The War Within Season 2

Hero Talents
Archon Oracle
Talent Choice Cheat Sheet Cinderbrew Meadery Darkflame Cleft Operation: Floodgate Operation: Mechagon - Workshop Priory of the Sacred Flame The MOTHERLODE!! The Rookery Theater of Pain

For a quick guide of which talents to use, check the dungeon and affixes in the table below and see the list of suggested utility talents you should make sure you work into your build.

Dungeons Affixes
Cinderbrew Meadery Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant Icon Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
Darkflame Cleft Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound Icon Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
Operation: Floodgate Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion Icon Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Operation: Mechagon - Workshop Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour Icon Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
Priory of the Sacred Flame
The Rookery
Theater of Pain

Based on the selections above, you should run the following class talents:

Purify Disease not Talented Purify Disease Talented Mass Dispel not Talented Mass Dispel Talented Shackle Undead not Talented Psychic Voice not Talented Psychic Voice Talented Phantasm not Talented
  • Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel

Brew Master Aldryr

  • Heavy party-wide damage during Happy Hour channel until players server 5 mugs to Thirsty Patrons. This is a good place for Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis or Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn.


  • Use Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel to help dispel stacks of Burning Fermentation Icon Burning Fermentation from players if Purify Icon Purify is on cooldown.
  • High party-wide damage during Spinning Stout, which will also spawn some swirlies you need to dodge. If you wish to use Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn for this it should be channelled shortly before to make use of the healing buff. Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis is also great for this ability as it allows you to provide a burst of healing while also moving.

Benk Buzzbee

  • Fluttering Wing will cause party-wide damage and a pushback. This is a good place for Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis or Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn, and is a good place to make sure you have multiple charges of Holy Word: Serenity Icon Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify Icon Holy Word: Sanctify ready. If using Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn make sure you are in a good place for the pushback, and not getting knocked into honey puddles.

Goldie Baronbottom

  • Dispel Burning Ricochet from players with Purify Icon Purify. It will target 2 players at once and can be a good place for Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel to help reduce incoming damage.
  • On full energy will cast Let it Hail, high party-wide damage and movement required. This is a great place for Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis. If using Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn make sure you use it before the cast starts so you can make use of the healing buff and don't get hit by waves.


  • Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel if the group gets too many Erupting Inferno Icon Erupting Inferno debuffs out which are cast by Venture Co. Pyromaniac adds. This cast is able to be interrupted so hopefully should not see this much in coordinated groups.
  • Purify Icon Purify Bee Venom from tanks, this is a stacking DoT from the Bee-lets.
  • Purge Rejuvenating Honey from the Flavor Scientist with Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic.
  • Free Samples from the Taste Testers will deal a lot of damage to a single target if the Taste Testers are enraged. This is a good time to be prepared with Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit for others or Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer for yourself.

Ol' Waxbeard

  • Targets of Luring Candleflame can gain many stacks of Crude Weapons and are the most likely targets to die if the adds aren't controlled properly. These targets getting high stacks are a good time for Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit, or if unavailable, Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis to help heal through the damage they are taking.
  • Rock Buster will hit the tank hard, then cause them to take increased damage for a short period. Coordinate with your tank if they need Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit.


  • Enkindling Inferno will deal increased damage depending on the number of stacks your group gets. Low stacks can be healed through normally, but high stacks due to the group making a mistake may require Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis or Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn.
  • Dousing Breath will hit the entire group hard. This is the perfect time for Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn or Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis. Try to use Fade Icon Fade for every Dousing Breath. If you are not topped up prior to this cast going off, use Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer. If a party member is not topped up, they may need Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit to survive.

The Candle King

  • The damage on this fight ramps up then down, depending on the number of active wax statues. You should rotate Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis, Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn and personal defensives when there are 5 or more statues active, using Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit on anyone near death. Try to use the time just before the next set of statues spawns to top the group up.
  • Managing your movement well by pre-positioning when you have lots of instant-cast spells available helps ensure you can plant your feet and cast when you need to more often, increasing your healing output.

The Darkness

  • Players targeted by Shadow Blast should be topped up prior to it going off. Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit as needed if they are likely to die to it.
  • Eternal Darkness deals large amounts of damage over a short period. Try to have multiple charges of Holy Word: Serenity Icon Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify Icon Holy Word: Sanctify ready for this ability. Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis should be used here, and when it is unavailable, Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn should be used by pre-casting it just before Eternal Darkness begins.


  • Purify Disease Icon Purify Disease can be useful to get rid of Nasty Nibble Icon Nasty Nibble cast by Pack Mole adds.

Big M.O.M.M.A.

  • Focus healing on the tank for the Electrocrush. Guardian Spirit may be needed there.
  • Healing cooldowns will want to be used for the Jumpstart burn phase.

Keeza Quickfuse

  • Purify Icon Purify players with the Kinetic Explosive Gel only when they are near a bomb so it can clear it. It will deal damage to the players, make sure they are topped up while they are running to the bomb.


  • Heavy party-wide damage will happen during the Awaken the Swamp, which will require movement as well. You will need healing cooldowns for this, would recommend using Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn before the channel starts so that you can utilize the healing bonus instead of the direct healing it provides. Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis is also great during this.

Geezle Gigazap

  • You will want to use Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn during the Turbo Charge. This will also require movement, so you will want to cast Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn right before the Turbo Charge and make use of the healing bonus.
  • Focus the tank for the Thunder Punch. Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit may want to be planned here as well for when the tank has no cooldowns remaining.


  • Purify Icon Purify the Black Blood Wound caused by the Darkfuse Soldier.
  • Purify Icon Purify the Battery Bolt caused by the Darkfuse Jumpstarter.
  • Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic the Restorative Algae from the Disturbed Kelp if a cast goes off.
  • Purify Icon Purify the Overcharge cast by the Darkfuse Electricians. If this is not dispelled the target will be stunned for 5 seconds.

The Platinum Pummeler and Gnomercy 4.U.

  • Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn should be used for the moderate party-wide damage caused by the Ground Pound.
  • Focus the tank as they get hit with the Platinum Pummeler and use Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit if needed.


  • Purify Icon Purify the tank DoT Blazing Chomp as soon as you can. It will deal significant DoT damage to the tank, but will also do heavy party-wide damage upon dispel. Make sure you are using Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis or Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn to deal with the damage from this dispel.
  • If the boss is tanked in a particular location you can be hiding behind the Junk box and still be within line of sight to hit the boss. You can use this WeakAura to help indicate if you are behind Junk or not.

Head Machinist Sparkflux

  • Focus healing on the target of the Inconspicuous Plant.
  • Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis is great to help save people accidentally being hit by avoidable damage during "Hidden" Flame Cannon.

King Mechagon

  • Phase 1 & 2: Focus healing on the targets of the Mega-Zap.
  • Phase 2: Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn on the Magneto Arm. It will pull you in and kill you if you get too close, so make sure if you are using Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn to use it before the damage for the healing buff.


  • Purify Icon Purify or Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel off the Fiery Jaws debuff cast by the Junkyard D.0.G.s
  • Keep an eye out for too many Arcing Zap Icon Arcing Zap debuffs on the party to dispel them with Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel.
  • Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic the Defensive Countermeasure from the Defense Bot Mk III


  • Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit your best DPS during High Priest Aemya's Reflective Shield so they don't murder themselves by accident.
  • Purge Inner Fire from High Priest Aemya using Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic.
  • Purify Icon Purify Cinderblast during Taener Duelmaul if an interrupt is missed.
  • Purify Icon Purify Divine Judgement from tanks while fighting Elaena Emberlanz.

Captain Dailcry

  • Nothing too notable from Captain Dailcry himself, the mechanics depend on which mini-boss is left fighting with him.
  • Be aware that if Savage Mauling isn't broken early it can get dangerous for the person targeted.

Baron Braunpyke

  • There is party-wide damage during Sacrificial Pyre. Players will be required to step into the circle which will give them a DoT and do moderate damage to the group. If this is not done enough times this circle will explode. This is a great time for Divine Hymn or Apotheosis.

Prioress Murrpray

  • If someone gets blinded by Blinding Light, you can Purify Icon Purify the disorient from them.
  • Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic the Inner Fire buff from Prioress Murrpray to reduce damage the boss deals.
  • Save Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn for the last half of the fight where she casts Embrace the Light, dealing heavy party-wide damage.


  • The garden feature in the middle of the first area can be clicked to grant allies Blessing of the Sacred Flame Icon Blessing of the Sacred Flame.
  • The Arathi Footman can have their Defend cast stopped using Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream.
  • You can purge the Inner Fire buff from Devout Priests using Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic.
  • You can purge the Templar's Wrath buff from Zealos Templars using Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic.

Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler

  • Static Pulse will deal group wide damage and knock you back. Use Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn to heal up your group.


  • Resonant Quake will deal group wide damage. Use Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn to heal up your group.

Rixxa Fluxflame

  • Focus healing on the tank for the Searing Reagent.
  • Propellant Blast will deal group wide damage. Use Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit to heal up players targeted by it.

Mogul Razdunk

  • Focus healing on players targeted with the Homing Missile, using Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit as needed.
  • Intermission can deal a lot of group wide damage until the adds die, this is a good time for Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis or Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn. Just make sure you remain near a pillar in case you are targeted with Drill Smash.


  • Purify Icon Purify the Iced Spritzer cast on players from the Refreshment Vendor.
  • Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic the Tectonic Barrier from the Stonefuries to remove their shields.

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.



  • No specific tips.

Stormguard Gorren

  • No specific tips.

Voidstone Monstrosity

  • No specific tips.


  • Can use Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel to easily purge Lightning-Infused Icon Lightning-Infused off the Cursed Thunderer adds.
  • When Void Ascendant casts too many Feasting Void Icon Feasting Void debuffs you can use Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel to help the healer. This puts a nasty DoT that doubles as a healing absorb on players.

An Affront of Challengers

  • Sathel will cast Withering Touch on multiple players throughout the fight, requiring Purify Icon Purify and Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel to help reduce incoming damage.


  • Focus healing on the tank during the Hateful Strike. Use Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit if needed.
  • Stay nearby to Gorechop so he does not pull you in during Tenderizing Smash, which will interrupt your casts.

Xav the Unfallen

  • Focus the tank on the Brutal Combo, use Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit if necessary..


  • Focus healing on the two players with Well of Darkness. Guardian Spirit Icon Guardian Spirit can be used on a player if needed, and this is a good place for Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer if you have the debuff as well.

Mordretha, the Endless Empress

  • Save healing cooldowns such as Apotheosis Icon Apotheosis and Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn for the Manifest Death and Grasping Rift casts, which can often overlap. Make sure you are in a good spot before starting your Divine Hymn Icon Divine Hymn cast as you will die if you get pulled into the Grasping Rift's center.


  • Diseased Horror and Blighted Sludge-Spewer put Decaying Blight Icon Decaying Blight Disease on a player which can be removed with Purify Disease Icon Purify Disease.
  • Be sure to Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic the Bone Shield Icon Bone Shield buff off the Bone Magus adds.
  • Shackle Undead Icon Shackle Undead can be used throughout the dungeon to interrupt casts. Particularly useful for the Bone Magus Spear casts.

Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Holy Priest in The War Within Season 2

This section has Holy Priest-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general, check out our dedicated page below.


Affix Guide for Holy Priest in The War Within

Affix: Ascendant Affix: Voidbound Affix: Pulsar Affix: Devour

Ascendant Affix Management for Holy Priest

Periodically, orbs of cosmic energy will spawn near your group. As a Holy Priest, you can use the following spells to get rid of these orbs:

  • Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream - Your best option where possible.
  • Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel - Capped at 5 targets.
  • Holy Word: Chastise Icon Holy Word: Chastise - Usually best to save this for something else.
  • Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic - As a last resort.

Voidbound Affix Management for Holy Priest

When the Voidbound affix spawns, you can assist be changing this to your primary DPS target in-between healing your group.


Pulsar Affix Management for Holy Priest

Be sure to pay attention to these orbs and try to move near other players prior to to them spawning to speed up collection. Everyone in the group should help soak the orbs. It is completely reasonable during periods of high healing to ask your group to soak them without you, as a lot of your healing spells require you to stand still.


Devour Affix Management for Holy Priest

When Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour Icon Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour is present that week, you should always be prepared to use Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel or Purify Icon Purify to dispel Void Rift Icon Void Rift as often as you can on your party. You can also remove this with racials such as Stoneform Icon Stoneform. If you are running Oracle, you can also use Premonition of Insight Icon Premonition of Insight then Purify Icon Purify multiple targets in a row. If any debuffs aren't dispelled by your or your party members, focus first on clearing the squishiest targets first, and the tank last. You can also use Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer to help clear your own debuff if needed.



  • 25 Mar. 2025: Updated with latest hotfix information.
  • 18 Mar. 2025: Improved dungeon tips for Season 2.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5 and added more tips.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 29 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 17 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 08 May 2023: Improved talent suggestions ready for Season 2.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 with new affixes and talent changes.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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