How to Farm Soul Cinders in Patch 9.2
In the following guide, you will learn more about Soul Cinders, a Torghast currency used to upgrade Runecarving armor up to Rank 6.
What Are Soul Cinders?
Soul Cinders are a Torghast currency added in Patch 9.1,
used to upgrade Legendary Items to Rank 5 and 6.
How Many Soul Cinders Do You Need to Upgrade Legendary Armor?
- Upgrading a Legendary item to Rank 5 requires
Soul Cinders.
- Upgrading Legendary item to Rank 6 requires
Soul Cinders.
How to Send Soul Cinders to Alts in Patch 9.2?
Bonesmith Heirmir in Korthia sells Packaged Soul Cinders.
One bag costs 300 Soul Cinders and you can send it to alts for 250 Soul
Where Can You Farm Soul Cinders?
In Patch 9.2, you can buy a Bag of Explored Souls for 3,000 Cosmic Flux at Honored with The Enlightened.
The bag contains 5,150 Soul Ash and 1,650 Soul Cinders, which is enough to craft a new Rank 7 Legendary.
Other sources of Soul Cinders include:
- Torghast Layer 8 and above.
- The Tormentors of Torghast World Event.
- Covenant Assaults.
- The Chains of Domination campaign.
- Scrapping Legendaries refunds 100% of Soul Cinders.
How Many Soul Cinders Can You Obtain from Torghast?
Each wing of Torghast provides the following amount of Soul Cinders:
- Layer 8 rewards 340
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 9 rewards 460
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 10 rewards 560
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 11 rewards 660
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 12 rewards 850
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 13 rewards 1,000
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 14 rewards 1,150
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 15 rewards 1,300
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 16 rewards 1,450
Soul Cinders.
The Jailer's Gauntlet is a new source of Soul Cinders in Patch 9.2:
- Layer 2 rewards 350
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 3 rewards 460
Soul Cinders.
- Layer 4 rewards 620
Soul Cinders.
Completing a higher layer provides you with
Soul Cinders from all lower layers, meaning if you complete Layer 12,
you will receive 350 Soul Cinders.
Repeatedly completing wings awards 100% of Soul Cinders in
Patch 9.1.5.
Legendary Power Catchup with Soul Cinders
Chronicle of Lost Memories is a new catch-up item that can be purchased
for 600
Soul Cinders from Bonesmith Heirmir in Korthia. It
teaches you a random Legendary Power that you have not
collected yet.
How Many Soul Cinders Can You Get from Tormentors of Torghast?
The Tormentors of Torghast world event gives you 100 Soul Cinders per week.
How Many Soul Cinders Can You Get from Covenant Assaults?
You can complete Covenant Assaults twice a week. Each assaults gives you
100 Soul Cinders, for a total of 200 Soul Cinders each week.
- 25 Mar. 2022: Soul Cinders drop rate buffed.
- 20 Feb. 2022: Updated for Eternity's End release.
- 29 Oct. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5 release.
- 20 Jul. 2021: Updated for the week of July 20.
- 06 Jul. 2021: Updated for the week of July 6.
- 04 Jul. 2021: Guide added.
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