How To Improve As Beast Mastery Hunter — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated Today at 15:08 by Azortharion 156 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find out how you can improve at playing Beast Mastery Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0). We list the common mistakes that you should try to avoid and the small details that can greatly improve your performance.


Casting Kill Command on Cooldown

Kill Command Icon Kill Command is the most efficient spell that Beast Mastery Hunters have available, meaning it does the most damage for the least amount of Focus, besides certain cooldowns and special abilities. Because it is so much more efficient than Cobra Shot Icon Cobra Shot, it is extremely important that you cast it on cooldown, every cooldown.


Proper Pet Control

At an absolute minimum, all Beast Mastery Hunters should have a macro with a /petattack line in it, or have this macroed into an existing ability. Typically, macroing it into an ability that you would only ever use on a target you want to deal with right here and now is good practice, such as Kill Command Icon Kill Command. Not doing this can cause your pet to run off your current target after you have cast Kill Command on it or similar, causing it to run aimlessly between targets, losing attacks and therefore damage. Macroing other pet abilities like petpassive (which will cause your pet to teleport to you when it is stuck) and the pet Move To ability is also recommended for fights where pets have to travel long distances otherwise.


Gear & Character Optimization

It is impossible to correctly play and optimize a Beast Mastery Hunter without using Raidbots to sim your own character, as there are simply too many variables involved to intuitively figure out what gear to wear and so on without simming it first. Generally speaking, a simulation should be the first and final say in the gear you end up wearing for any given situation.

Simming is now very easy with no need to understand SimulationCraft syntax or installation yourself. All you will need is the in-game Simulationcraft AddOn, and the Raidbots website. We have a dedicated guide on using Raidbots here on Icy-Veins:

If you are not familiar with Raidbots, you can use our Raidbots Guide to get started.


Analyzing Your Mistakes as a Beast Mastery Hunter

When it comes to identifying and improving your mistakes, we strongly recommend the website WoWAnalyzer — it will analyze your logs and give you a report detailing how you did on the problems above and more.



  • 25 Mar. 2025: Updated for March 25 Updates.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 30 Oct. 2024: Updated for October 29 Hotfixes.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 30 Aug. 2024: Preliminary update pass in preparation for Season 1.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Pre-Patch.
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