How to Obtain Aberrus Class Sets in Dragonflight (10.1)
The following guide covers Class Sets from Aberrus and how to get them.
How to Obtain Aberrus Class Sets?
A brand new tier of class sets can be obtained in Patch 10.1 starting May 9. The sets can be obtained from multiple sources that we briefly highlight in this section.
Aberrus Class Sets can be acquired by:
- Killing Aberrus raid bosses.
- Looting an omnitoken from Scalecommander Sarkareth
Void-Touched Curio), which can be turned in for 1 Class Set piece. The token is guaranteed to drop, and it is not class-specific, so everyone can roll for it.
- Earning the
Dragonflight Season 2 Master achievement, which provides you with
Draconic Mark of Mastery that you bring to Norzko the Proud at the Obsidian Rest in Zaralek Cavern to receive powerful equipment for your efforts.
- Selecting Class Set pieces from the Great Vault.
- Converting Season 2 gear with the Revival Catalyst, starting June 13.
Class Sets from Aberrus
Class Set pieces drop as tokens from select bosses in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. One token creates one Class Set piece appropriate for your current specialization. Class Set tokens are shared between multiple classes as follows:
- Dreadful tokens are shared between Death Knights, Warlock, and Demon Hunters.
- Mystic tokens are shared between Hunters, Druids, and Mages.
- Venerated tokens are shared between Paladins, Priest, and Shamans.
- Zenith tokens are shared between Warriors, Rogues, Monks, and Evokers.
Item Level of Aberrus Class Sets
The Item Level of tokens is based on raid difficulty and the encounter, as later raid bosses drop progressively better loot.
Armor Slot | Dropped By | Item Levels (Raid Finder/Normal/Heroic/Mythic) |
Head | Magmorax | 408/421/434/447 |
Shoulders | Echo of Neltharion | 411/424/437/450 |
Chest | Zskarn | 408/421/434/447 |
Hands | The Forgotten Experiments | 405/418/431/444 |
Legs | Rashok | 405/418/431/444 |
Any (Omnitoken) | Scalecommander Sarkareth | 411/424/437/450. |
To learn more about Aberrus and the encounters, check out our dedicated raid guide.
Aberrus Omnitoken from Scalecommander Sarkareth
Void-Touched Curio drops from Scalecommander Sarkareth, the
on any difficulty.
The Omni token is not class-specific, and all classes can roll for it. You can exchange it for a Class Set piece of your choice at the Obsidian Rest by talking to Kaitalla.
Dragonflight Season 2 Master Achievement
The Dragonflight Season 2 Master achievement rewards 1
Draconic Mark of Mastery, which you can turn in for 1 Heroic Aberrus
Class Set piece at the Obsidian Rest by talking to Norzko. You will
earn the achievement by completing one of the following:
Heroic: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible — Defeat all Aberrus raid bosses on Heroic difficulty.
Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Two — Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2,000 during Dragonflight Season 2.
Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 2 — Earn the rank of Challenger II during Dragonflight Season 2.
Aberrus Class Set Pieces from the Great Vault
The weekly chest has a chance to contain Aberrus set pieces. Killing a boss will give you a chance at all the previous bosses' loot, so if you are invited to kill just the last boss, you will have the loot from the entire raid in your vault pool for the raid slots.
Converting Season 2 Gear Into Tier Set Pieces With the Revival Catalyst
Starting June 13, you can convert Season 2 gear into Class Set pieces through the Revival Catalyst. Catalyst charges will accrue automatically without any requirements.
How to Unlock Additional Visual Effects for Aberrus Class Sets?
When you earn the Dragonflight Keystone Hero: Season Two achievement,
you will get
Obsidian Aspectral Earthstone. The item unlocks additional
visual effects for certain Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible class set appearances.
This unlock is account-wide.
One of the following achievements is required to get the item —
Dragonflight Keystone Hero: Season Two,
Elite: Dragonflight Season 2,
Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth.
- 09 May 2023: Updated for Season 2.
- 07 May 2023: Guide added.
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