How to Obtain Human and Orc Heritage Armor Sets in World of Warcraft
Orcs and Humans can embark on a new questline to earn their Heritage Armor Sets in the Dragonflight expansion. In the following guide, you will learn more about the requirements, quest location, and we will show you the different color variations of the sets.
Human Heritage Armor Questline Requirements
In Patch 10.1, you only need a Level 50 Human character to start the questline.
Where to Start the Quest for Human Heritage Armor?
Talk to Master Matthias Shaw (76, 60) in Stormwind to get started. He will have a quest for you named An Urgent Matter. The Defias Brotherhood is up to their thieving ways again. It has stolen a dangerous and powerful artifact from Stormwind Keep. In the quest, you will aid Matthias and an unlikely ally to uncover a mystery deeply rooted in Stormwind's shadowy past and stop the forces that march on Northshire and threaten Stormwind itself.
Human Heritage Armor Set Appearances
The Human Heritage Armor has multiple tints:
Ensemble: Lion's Heritage Blue Armor Set — Blue tint;
Ensemble: Lion's Heritage Scarlet Armor Set — Red tint;
Ensemble: Lion's Heritage White Armor Set — White tint.
Orc Heritage Armor Questline Requirements
In Patch 10.1, you only need a Level 50 Orc character to start the questline.
Where to Start the Quest for Orc Heritage Armor?
Talk to Eitrigg (38, 80) in Orgrimmar and accept the A People in Need of Healing quest. In the quest, you must help Eitrigg to bring back the Kosh'harg festival from old Draenor and prove yourself a true champion of your people. You will need to earn the Blessing of the Clan, the Blessing of the Land, and the Blessing of the Ancestors to complete the om'gora (rite of honor) before the assembled clans and many familiar faces.
Orc Heritage Armor Set Appearances
The Orc Heritage Armor Set comes in the following color variations:
Ensemble: Wolf's Heritage Blackrock Armor Set — Black tint;
Ensemble: Wolf's Heritage Frostwolf Armor Set — Blue tint;
Ensemble: Wolf's Heritage Warsong Armor Set — Red tint.
- 28 Apr. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 launch.
- 09 Apr. 2023: Mentioned the removal of Exalted reputation requirement in Patch 10.1.
- 27 Mar. 2023: Updated with correct tabard vendors.
- 19 Mar. 2023: Guide added.
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