Hunter Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands
On this page, you will find all Hunter Anima Powers from Torghast (which only work in Torghast). We divided them into 3 categories:
- powers that grant talents;
- powers that enhance Hunter Covenant abilities;
- powers that empower existing abilities.
Best Anima Powers for Hunters
As you can see below on this page, there are many Anima Powers available to Hunters (to which you must also add the generic Anima Powers that all classes can use), and they rank differently according to the spec you are playing. For that purpose, we have pages ranking these powers for each spec.
Hunter Talent-Granting Anima Powers
These Anima Powers grant you access to additional talents in the same row. If you already have that talent, you may select another talent in the same row.
Huntmaster's Cypher — Gain the
Killer Instinct (Beast Mastery),
Master Marksman (Marksmanship),
Viper's Venom (Survival) talent.
Huntmaster's Gift — Gain the
Scent of Blood (Beast Mastery),
Careful Aim (Marksmanship),
Guerrilla Tactics (Survival) talent.
Huntmaster's Invocation Gain the
Spitting Cobra (Beast Mastery),
Steady Focus (Marksmanship),
Bloodseeker (Survival) talent.
Huntmaster's Legacy Gain the
Born To Be Wild talent.
Huntmaster's Lesson — Gain the
Trailblazer talent.
Huntmaster's Mythos — Gain the
Stomp (Beast Mastery) talent,
Lethal Shots (Marksmanship),
Tip of the Spear (Survival) talent.
Huntmaster's Ultimatum — Gain the
Aspect of the Beast (Beast Mastery),
Calling the Shots (Marksmanship),
Birds of Prey talent.
Hunter Covenant Anima Powers
These Anima Powers empower your Hunter's Covenant Abilities in various ways.
You can learn more information about Signature and Covenant Abilities in our guide linked below.
Kyrian Hunter Anima Powers
Deathwire — Reduces the cooldown of
Resonating Arrow by 10 seconds.
Resonating Effigy — You take 30% less Magic damage and suffer 15% more Physical damage.
Sling of the Unseen — Targets affected by your
Resonating Arrow suffer an additional [ 20% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage when struck by a critical strike.
Super Soul Scope —
Resonating Arrow increases the hunter’s chance to critically hit the target by an additional 25%.
Night Fae Hunter Anima Powers
Capsule of Pure Moonlight — Targets that die while affected by your
Wild Spirits will cause an eruption at their location, dealing [ 65% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to nearby enemies.
Glowing Pollen Satchel —
Wild Spirits cooldown reduced by 15.0 seconds.
Necrolord Hunter Anima Powers
Bag of Munitions —
Death Chakram now also applies Explosive Shot to every target it hits.
Explosive Shot — Fires an explosive shot at your target. After 3 seconds, the shot will explode, dealing [ 188.5% of Attack Power ] Fire damage to up to 6 enemies within 8 yards.
Chakram Throwers —
Death Chakram cooldown reduced by 5.0 seconds.
Pendulum of Impending Doom —
Death Chakram bounces 1 additional times.
Venthyr Hunter Anima Powers
Blood-soaked Bow String —
Flayed Shot lasts an additional 10.0 seconds.
Deathdealer's Scope —
Flayed Shot grants you the Flayer's Mark effect when cast and when Flayed Shot is removed from the target.
Other Hunter Anima Powers
Anima Powers listed here drastically empower your class abilities and allow for unique interactions between them.
Acrobat's Rations —
Disengage cooldown reduced by 4.0 seconds.
Acrobat's Razor —
Disengage drops a random trap from where you leap from, and where you land.
Amplifying Mirror — The target of your
Misdirection has all of their damage increased by 20% while your Misdirection is active.
Bag of Mawrat Eyes — When choosing this power, and at the start of each new floor, gain the effects of
Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) /
Trueshot (Marksmanship)/
Coordinated Assault (Survival) for 60.0 seconds.
Beaststalker's Signet — Duration of
Bestial Wrath/
Trueshot (Marksmanship)/
Coordinated Assault increased by 20%.
Bone Barbs —
Kill Shot damage increased by 20%.
Bursting Tar —
Tar Trap radius increased by 100%.
Cadaverous Cleats —
Disengage reduces all damage you take by 50% for 10 seconds.
Chelonian Crest —
Aspect of the Turtle no longer prevents you from attacking, and its duration is increased by 100%.
Craven Strategem —
Feign Death cooldown reduced by 15.0 seconds, and Feign Death now removes most negative status effects from yourself.
Deadeye Satchel —
Kill Shot has a 25% chance to instantly kill a target below 20% health.
Euphoria Emblem —
Exhilaration cooldown reduced by 20.0 seconds.
Feline Femur —
Aspect of the Cheetah cooldown reduced by 30.0 seconds.
Fogged Crystal — The target of your
Misdirection takes 90% reduced damage while your Misdirection is active.
Forsworn Feather —
Disengage increases your movement speed by 3%, permanently, stacking up to 30 times.
Hateful Shard-Ring — Your first
Concussive Shot (Beast Mastery/Marksmanship) or
Wing Clip (Survival) against a target now roots them in place for 5.0 seconds.
Necrotic Venom —
Kill Command (Beast Mastery) or
Aimed Shot (Marksmanship) damage increased by 30%.
Neural Pet Enhancer — While your pet is under the effects of
Eyes of the Beast, its damage dealt is increased by 200%.
Peltsman's Grit — Enemies affected by any of your traps deal 25% less damage for 10 seconds.
Petrified Pet Food — Ashen Phylacteries have a 10% chance to contain some Petrified Pet Food when destroyed. Consuming Petrified Pet Food will increase your pet's size by 100% and damage by 20% for 15 seconds.
Piercing Scope —
Hunter's Mark now increases damage the target takes from all sources by 10%.
Sigil of Skoldus — Dropping any trap increases you and your pet's damage dealt by 25% for 10 seconds.
Soulforge Embers — If you launch a
Flare into your
Tar Trap, all enemies inside of the Tar Trap will burn for [ 35% of Attack Power ] Fire damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
Soulsteel Pinion — Stunning a target with
Intimidation (Beast Mastery/Survival) increases your critical strike chance by 100% and critical damage by 100% for 6 seconds. Rooting a target with
Binding Shot increases your critical strike chance by 100% and critical damage by 100% for 6 seconds.
Sticky Tar —
Tar Trap snares the target by an additional 15%.
Other Class-Specific Anima Powers
Below, you will find links to other class-specific Anima Powers coming in Shadowlands.
- 04 Dec. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands.
- 31 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679.
- 21 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35598.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35432.
- 25 Jul. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35256.
- 18 Jul. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35167.
- 26 Jun. 2020: Updated for Alpha Build 34902.
- 23 Jun. 2020: Updated for Alpha Build 34821.
- 25 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34490.
- 17 May 2020: Fixed intro.
- 15 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34365.
- 13 May 2020: Guide added.
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