Ingra Maloch Heroic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Heroic difficulty Encounter Journal for Ingra Maloch in Mists of Tirna Scithe.
More Ingra Maloch Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our dungeon guide for Mists of Tirna Scithe, please use the following link.
At the start of the encounter, Ingra Maloch uses Soul Shackle to take control of Droman Oulfarran, and players must endure both of their attacks.
When Oulfarran reaches 20% health, they break free and strike back at Maloch with Droman's Wrath.
- Interrupt
Spirit Bolt.
- Avoid being hit by
Bewildering Pollen.
- Interrupt
Spirit Bolt.
- Avoid being hit by
Bewildering Pollen.
- Avoid being hit by
Bewildering Pollen.
Death Shroud inflicts heavy damage to all players.
Stage 1: Foul Magic
Maloch's drust magic controls Oulfarran, making them hostile to players.

Maloch uses drust magic to take control of Oulfarran's mind, forcing them to attack players while above 20% health.

Maloch periodically forces Oulfarran to cast Tears of the Forest.

Maloch fires a bolt of deathly energy that inflicts 3,651 Shadow damage.

Maloch shrouds himself in dark energy, applying Death Shroud to all players and reducing all damage he takes by 80%.
Oulfarran can remove this effect with Droman's Wrath.

Inflicts 442 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec while Maloch is protected by Embrace Darkness.

Oulfarran expels a cone of enchanted pollen that inflicts 5,311 Nature damage and disorients players for 4 sec.

Anima bursts from Oulfarran's bark and rains down around players. Each glob of anima inflicts 3,540 Nature damage to players within 3 yds and leaves behind an Anima Puddle.

Inflicts 1,106 Nature damage every 1 sec to players standing in the puddle.
Stage 2: Wrath of the Forest
At 20% health, Oulfarran breaks free of Maloch's control and assists players in battle.

Oulfarran overwhelms Maloch with the fury of the forest, stunning him and increasing all damage he takes by 200% for 12 sec.
This removes the effects of Embrace Darkness and Death Shroud.
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