Jadefire Masters Strategy Guide in Battle of Dazar'alor Raid
Welcome to our encounter guide for Jadefire Masters in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. Here, you will first find a quick breakdown by role followed by a detailed strategy to defeat Jadefire Masters.
Jadefire Masters is the third encounter in the Battle of Dazar'alor Raid. You will face two bosses, a Monk and a Mage (and we will refer to them as Monk or Mage throughout the guide, for simplicity). The Monk boss is called Ma'ra Grimfang for Alliance players and Mestrah for Horde players, while the Mage is called Anathos Firecaller for Alliance players and Manceroy Flamefist for Horde players.
Horde: Though they began training together only recently, Manceroy and Mestrah have perfected their teamwork and now present a united front. With both fire and fists, they stand ready to strike down any who challenge the Alliance.
Alliance: To the untrained eye, Ma'ra Grimfang and Anathos Flamecaller may seem like a mismatched pair. The truth, however is that their coordination is second to none. Their combined assault is powerful enough to level the most formidable foes.
Fight Overview
The aim is to DPS the two bosses together and make sure the Mage's Health
does not fall below the Monk's Health. Be sure to have at least one melee
assigned to stick to the Monk boss like glue to break them out of
Whirling Jade Storm as soon as possible. Kill
Spirits of Xuen as
they spawn, and be sure to kite them away from the group. At 30 Combined Power
(Energy), make sure the raid stacks in the mist and DPSs down the
Living Bomb. At 60 Combined Power, make sure everyone is
able to cross the maze and break through the barrier. Finally, at 100 Combined
Power, make sure no one is getting cleaved by the
Dragon's Breath, and DPS the bosses down to 0 health.
- Making sure you are prepared for
Multi-Sided Strike is really important, which means facing each attacker. Failing to do so too often will likely result in a death.
- After taking the
Multi-Sided Strike, be sure that you are taking the Mage, as the
Tested debuff will make tanking the Monk very dangerous.
- Be sure to set up an order to dispel
Searing Embers. Having multiple healers sink a global cooldown into one target can be costly, so it is best to set things up beforehand.
- Make sure to top off players who are going to soak Magma Trap.
- Be aware of who is fixated by the
Spirits of Xuen; they will need extra attention.
- Make sure to keep the Mage and the Monk as even as possible to minimize the
power of
Harmonious Spirits.
- When the Mage is casting
Pyroblast be sure to focus damage on them in order to break their
Fire Shield, so they can be interrupted.
- When
Spirits of Xuen spawn, swap to them and kill them as fast as possible.
- If you intend on soaking a Magma Trap, be sure you have either
a personal cooldown, a slow-fall effect, or a Priest ready to
Leap of Faith you back to safety.
- If fixated by a
Spirits of Xuen, kite them away from the group to avoid cleaving the damage from
- The raid should stay loosely stacked together, cleaving the bosses at much as possible. Positioning can get a little hectic due to the bosses' propensity for jumping around.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use
Time Warp once the bosses reach 30
or 100 Energy. Both of these sections can be checks on the DPS and Healers,
so where you choose to Bloodlust will depend on your raid group.
Ma'ra Grimfang / Mestrah, the Illuminated (Monk)
Harmonious Spirits
Harmonious Spirits will cause cause the Monk to gain a damage
buff if the Mage's Health falls below theirs. The greater the difference in
health pools,
the stronger the buff.
Whirling Jade Storm
Whirling Jade Storm causes moderate raid-wide Nature damage every 1
second until the Monk is struck by a melee ability.
Multi-sided Strike
Roughly every 30 seconds, the Monk will knock their current target into the air and summon 3 apparitions (4 on Heroic) to attack them. The player must face their character towards each oncoming attack in order to block it. Each failure to block will deal a very large amount of Physical damage to the player.
Successful Defense / Tested
For each successful defense against the Multi-sided Strike a player performs,
they will receive a 5% damage and healing buff ( Successful Defense)
for 30 seconds. However, they will also be
debuffed with
Tested for 40 seconds,
increasing Physical damage taken by 100%.
Spirits of Xuen
The Monk will summon a Spirit of Xuen roughly every 30 seconds. This add
will cast Stalking on a random target, causing the Spirit to fixate that
player until it is killed. It will also cast
Tiger Paw on said target
for moderate Nature damage, as well as cast
Pounce on a
random target, dealing light Nature damage to all targets within 5 yards.
Anathos Fireecaller / Manceroy Flamefist (Mage)
The Mage will regularly cast Fireball, dealing
moderate Fire damage to their active target, as well as applying a stack of
Rising Flames.
Rising Flames
Rising Flames is a DoT that deals minor Fire damage
every 1 second for 15 seconds. Upon expiration, Rising Flames will trigger
Burnout, dealing moderate Fire damage, increasing for
every stack of Rising Flames.
Roughly every 2 minutes, the Mage will attempt to cast
Pyroblast. This will deal enormous Fire damage, as well
apply DoT dealing heavy Fire damage over 30 seconds. This can be
interrupted, but the DoT cannot be dispelled.
Fire Shield
Fire Shield will absorb a large amount of damage and
prevent the caster from being interrupted while the shield holds.
Searing Embers
Every 30 seconds the Mage will apply a dispellable magic debuff
called Searing Embers to several members of the raid. This deals light
Fire damage every second for 10 seconds and will deal moderate raid-wide Fire
damage if it expires naturally.
Magma Trap
Roughly every 30 seconds the Mage will drop Magma Trap near a player. If anyone steps within the trap, it will detonate, dealing heavy Fire damage and knocking said player into the air. This will also apply a debuff increasing the damage of all future Magma Traps by 100%.
Combined Power
As the fight progresses the Jadefire Masters will gain
Combined Power, which will allow them to cast powerful abilities as
they reach certain thresholds. This Combined Power is essentially just a
resource that each boss gains progressively at the same rate.
Fire from Mist
At 30 Combined Power, the Monk will summon
Living Bombs shrouded in mist ( Chi-Ji's Song). The
mist will block targeting to into and out of the zone it creates, while also
dealing very light Nature damage every second to players within it. The Living
Bomb is a targetable mob, shrouded in the in the center of the mist. It deals
moderate raid damage while it is alive, and also channels
Beam; a beam that rotates around the center of the
bomb, dealing heavy Fire damage to anyone stuck by it.
A Flash of Hostility
At 60 Combined Power the Monk will teleport all players to one side of the room, and
themselves to the other. In between these areas they will create a maze of
Ring of Hostilitys that the raid must traverse in order to continue the
fight. While the raid is navigating the arena, the Mage will call down
Phoenix Strikes dealing damage to players within 6 yards of a random
targeted area. At the end of the maze, players DPS through a barrier separating
themselves from the bosses. This barrier will have 4 sections, each with a shared
Health pool. On Heroic difficulty, only one section of the barrier
is attackable unless a player picks up a
Force Orb in order to
weaken another section. Force Orbs are large teal spheres that will spawn
in set locations around the room during Flash of Hostility.
The Serpent and the Phoenix
At 100 Combined Power the Monk will transform into the Jade Serpent and the
Mage will transform into the Phoenix. The Mage will spawn additional
Magma Traps, and the Monk will use Multi-Sided Strike on most of
the raid instead of just the Tank.
Dragon's Breath
The Jade Serpent will occasionally burn all enemies in a cone for moderately high Fire damage every 1 second for 2 seconds. On Heroic and Mythic difficulty, this will leave a trail of fire on the ground dealing heavy Fire damage every second to anyone standing in it.
Blazing Phoenix
Once the Mage has transformed into the Phoenix, the raid will take moderate
Fire damage every 3 seconds for the remainder of the fight. The Phoenix will
also continue to apply Burnout to the active tank.
Positioning and Strategy
At the start of the fight, tank the bosses wherever your raid pleases,
so long as they are in cleave range of one another. Your raid is going to need to swap
between focusing the monk (as they become untargetable when they perform
Multi-Sided Strike) and focusing the Mage when they cast
Pyroblast. It is important to keep the Health of the Monk
lower than that of the Mage, in order to prevent
Harmonious Spirits from
getting out of hand. Your goals should be to kill the Monk first, as they will
frequently become untargetable in the final phase.
Mobile melee classes should be assigned to attack the Monk when they dash
away to use Whirling Jade Storm, in order to break the cast. Conversely,
you can also have the Off-Tank do it, though this can be somewhat annoying for
lower mobility classes like Death Knights.
On Heroic, your raid will also need to assign certain
people to soak the Magma Trap so the encounter area does not become too
crowded. Monks, Mages, Priests, Demon Hunters, etc. are all good
choices for this, though you can also use Leap of Faith,
Slow Fall, and other similar spells to prevent falling damage.
Additionally Spirits of Xuen will spawn to chase down a random player.
The raid need to quickly swap and kill these adds while keeping them stunning
and slowed for the person kiting them. The person kiting should try to keep at
least 5 yards away from other people so
Pounce does not
At 30 Combined Power, your entire raid is going to need to run into each
Chi-Ji's Song cloud that spawns and kill the
Living Bomb that is inside.
At 60 Combined Power, your raid will need to traverse the Ring of Hostility
maze and break through the barriers. Warlocks are particularly powerful for
this, as the Demonic Gateway allows you to portal over the top of the Rings.
Additionally, Demon Hunters can simply double jump over the rings, Monks can use
Chi Torpedo to clip through an area where the rings intersect, and Priests
Leap of Faith players through the rings.
On Heroic difficulty, pick up the
Force Orbs that spawn along the path,
in order to let your raid cleave more sections of the wall.
Finally, at 100 Combined Power, your raid needs to just pop all their cooldowns and
burn the boss down. Ideally the Monk will die shortly after entering this
phase, so you can avoid Multi-Sided Strike.
Tank Concerns
The only thing tanks need to be really concerned about during this encounter
is the Multi-Sided Strike. It takes some getting used to, and success at
this mechanic is paramount to a successful kill. When the Monk launches you into
the air, she will summon several ghosts of herself. You need to face these
ghosts in the order they appear in order to defend against their attack.
Healing Concerns
Healers need to be keenly aware of people who are going to soak the
Magma Traps. If they are not topped off, it is very likely that they
are going to die. Equally, making sure the tank is healthy before they face
Multi-Sided Strike is just a important. Lastly, be sure to have a good
rotation set up to dispel
Searing Embers quickly. Either by Weakaura, or
assignment, its important that this debuff is dispelled quickly and cleanly.
Mythic Mode
Multi-sided Strike
Multi-Sided Strike will now target everyone in the raid, except for
one Healer and one Tank.
Fire from Mist
During the first intermission, the Jadefire Masters will now spawn 3 Living Bombs.
A Flash of Hostility
During the second intermission, a Spirit of Niuzao will now chase the raid
along the path through created between the Rings of Hostility. The Spirit will
leave behind zones that deal high physical damage to everyone inside them.
Equally, none of the barrier sections at the end will be attackable until a
Force Orb is placed in them.
The crux of this encounter on Mythic is the Multi-Sided Strike. Failing
more than one or two tests will likely result in lethal damage, so the raid must
quickly become proficient at blocking the Monk's strikes. It is advisable to turn
off your user interface (the default binding for this is Alt+Z) to remove clutter
and make it easier to see the apparitions as they appear. You should be looking
for a flash of colour, followed by an ethereal version of the Monk. When turning
your character, the optimal way to do this is to hold down both mouse
buttons and drag your mouse to turn your character. The reason for this is that
holding down the right mouse button will simply turn your character's head, before
turning the rest of their body. This can lead to the hit box of your character
being slightly off of the "acceptable" range for the mechanic, even though it
looks as though you are facing the Monk head-on. Holding down both buttons
will cause your character to act as if it is running, forcing your hit box to
remain centered on your camera position at all times.
Just as in Heroic, the raid should focus the Monk down as fast as possible, while cleaving onto the Mage. The goal is to kill the Monk seconds after they transform into a Dragon in the final phase, allowing your raid to take their time killing the Mage; it is not uncommon for the Mage to have Health in excess of 50% or more when the Monk dies.
During the first intermission, the raid needs to quickly kill the
first Living Bomb and prepare to bait Magma Traps
outside of the mist on the second Living Bomb. Once the traps have gone out, the
raid needs to quickly duck into the mist to avoid the
Pyroblast the Mage casts shortly after. Some time between
the first and second bombs, the raid will be afflicted with
Searing Embers.
If your group runs a Mistweaver Monk, this is an ideal time to
as it can dispel targets both in and outside of the mist.
The second intermission is the same as on Heroic, however now there is
effectively a timer on how long your raid can stay in the phase. Demon Hunters,
Monks, and Mages should use their movement to collect the Force Orbs
quickly to allow your group to kill the barriers. Note, that you technically
only need one of the orbs, however collecting more will allow your group to AoE.
Finally, when the bosses reach 100 energy, the Monk should be very close to death. Once they die, then slowly move across the room, as it fills with Magma Traps while you finish off the Mage.
Class-specific Advice for Jadefire Masters
- 15 Feb. 2019: Mythic section added.
- 27 Jan. 2019: Added additional information in strategy section.
- 23 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
Raid Guides
BfA Guides
Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
This guide has been written by Dhaubbs a Mistweaver Monk theorycrafter, and moderator on the Monk Discord Peak of Serenity. He raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US, where he also produces encounter videos. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and/or YouTube.
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