Krosus Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Krosus encounter in The Nighthold. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
Krosus constitutes a single phase fight with a 6-minute enrage, during which time you primarily fight Krosus. He will occasionally spawn Fire Elementals which can be quickly cleaned up. Most of the fight is a simple "tank and spank", with the movement and tactics dictated by the fight itself rather than player choice. This is due to the confined bridge the fight takes place on, which limits horizontal movement.
Krosus casts Slam every 30 seconds. This deals extremely high
Physical damage to everyone in the raid, which results in a raid wipe. This can
be prevented by having players soak each of the circles where he slams his
fists, which causes the raid damage to be greatly reduced to survivable levels.
Bridge Smash
Krosus will break the bridge every 90 seconds, making the area the raid has shorter and shorter each time. Any players that fall off the bridge into the water will be instantly killed. The bridge will be destroyed completely on the fourth Bridge Smash, wiping the raid and acting as a hard enrage for the fight.
Searing Brand
Searing Brand is a stacking debuff applied to Krosus' current
target. It deals Fire damage every second for 20 seconds.
Fel Beam
Fel Beam is an avoidable mechanic that deals very high Fire
damage to anyone caught in its lethal swath. Krosus raises one of his arms and
fires a beam after a moment, hitting everything in a line on the same side of
the platform.
Orb of Destruction
Krosus targets a random ranged player with an
Orb of Destruction, which deals Fire damage to the raid after 5
seconds. The damage is reduced by distance from the impact.
Burning Pitch
Krosus periodically casts Burning Pitch, which causes many
3-yard green circles to appear on the floor. If the Burning Pitches are soaked
by a player, they will take moderate Fire damage. If the Burning Pitches are
not soaked, they will instead spawn a Burning Ember which will
Felburst. On Mythic difficulty Krosus will also cast
Accelerate on random Burning Embers which will enable
them to cast
Burnout when they hit 100 Energy.
Isolated Rage
Krosus will only cast this if he is not actively engaged in melee combat. It deals moderate Physical damage to the raid every 0.5 seconds.
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