Lady Inerva Darkvein Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Lady Inerva Darkvein in Castle Nathria.
More Lady Inerva Darkvein Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Lady Inerva Darkvein, please use the following link.
Lady Inerva Darkvein's abilities are directly linked to the anima levels of the containers. As they rise, the efficacy of her abilities increases. Players can lower the levels of the containers by using the anima release valves located around the playspace. Allowing any container to reach capacity will trigger a Container Breach
- Lady Inerva Darkveins'
Expose Desires will alter your responsibilities as it gains power.
- Make sure to trigger
Change of Heart away from your allies.
- Allies with
Shared Cognition will take damage based off the damage you take from
Expose Desires.
- Allies with
Shared Cognition will take damage based off the damage the tank takes from
Expose Desires.
- Sins of the Past summoned by
Sins and Suffering constantly damage the nearest player until they are connected with the beams of
Shared Suffering.
- The raid continually suffers damage from
Loose Anima in the chamber. This damage increases with each open container.
- If any container reaches capacity, a
Container Breach occurs.
- Sins of the Past summoned by
Sins and Suffering constantly damage the nearest player until they are connected with the beams of
Shared Suffering.
- If any container reaches capacity, a
Container Breach occurs.
Bottled Anima will trigger a burst of
Unleashed Volatility if not caught.
- When you have
Shared Cognition, you take damage based off the damage the tank takes from
Expose Desires.
Primal Anima Containers
Anima containers are placed around Lady Inerva Darkvein's balcony that gradually gather anima energy to empower each of her abilities.
Players can interact with the containers to open them, and close them by interacting with them again.
Open containers vent their Loose Anima into the playspace.
When any container reaches full capacity, a Container Breach occurs. The breach continues to damage players until the anima level is reduced below capacity.

Open the release valve, causing anima to flow out of the container and into the room. Opening the valve causes you to take 465 Shadow damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec.

The loose anima in the room inflicts 291 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec. This damage increases with the number of open containers.
The damage of Loose Anima increases with each open Primal Anima Container.

The Anima Container bursts, inflicting 9,314 Shadow damage to all players. The breach continues until the container's anima level is reduced below capacity.

Lady Inerva Darkvein focuses anima into one of the containers, locking it closed and increasing the rate it gains anima.
While focused, a Primal Anima Container cannot be opened by players.
Container of Desire
The Container of Desire governs the power of Lady Inerva Darkvein's Expose Desires ability.
As the container increases in level, the power of Expose Desires increases.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses these abilities when she reaches 100 energy.

The caster exposes the deepest desires of the target's heart, inflicting 20,956 Physical damage and afflicts the victim with Warped Desires.

The victim suffers $o1 Shadow damage over 21 sec.

The caster exposes the deepest desires of the target's heart, inflicting 20,956 Physical damage and afflicts the victim with Warped Desires.
Further damage dealt to the victim by Expose Desires is copied to random allies via Shared Cognition.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Desire surpasses 33% capacity.

The victim suffers $o1 Shadow damage over 21 sec.

Damage dealt to the victim of Expose Desires is copied to targets with Shared Cognition over 10 sec.

The caster exposes the deepest desires of the target's heart, inflicting 20,956 Physical damage and afflicts the victim with Warped Desires.
Further damage dealt to the victim by Expose Desires is copied to random allies via Shared Cognition.
When Warped Desires expires, the target explodes with a
Change of Heart.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Desire surpasses 66% capacity.

The victim suffers $o1 Shadow damage over 21 sec.

Damage dealt to the victim of Expose Desires is copied to targets with Shared Cognition over 10 sec.

Inflicts up to 13,971 Shadow damage to all enemies. Targets that are further away from the epicenter suffer less damage.
Container of Bottled Anima
The Container of Bottled Anima governs the power of Lady Inerva Darkvein's Bottled Anima ability.
As the container increases in level, the power of Bottled Anima increases.

The caster hurls out vials of bottled anima that inflict 9,314 Shadow damage to all players within 4 yards of the impact.
If no players are hit by the impact, Unleashed Volatility occurs.

Failing to catch the bottled anima before it hits the ground causes a massive explosion for 16,299 Shadow damage to all players.

The caster hurls out vials of bottled anima that inflict 9,314 Shadow damage to all players within 4 yards of the impact.
If no players are hit by the impact, Unleashed Volatility occurs.
The impact creates a pool of Lingering Anima.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Bottled Anima surpasses 33% capacity.

Failing to catch the bottled anima before it hits the ground causes a massive explosion for 16,299 Shadow damage to all players.

When the Bottled Anima container is at power level two or greater, the impact creates a pool of Lingering Anima that will continually inflict 5,821 Shadow damage to all players within its confines.

The caster hurls out vials of bottled anima that inflict 9,314 Shadow damage to all players within 4 yards of the impact.
If no players are hit by the impact, Unleashed Volatility occurs.
The impact creates a pool of Lingering Anima and causes a bottle of Replicated Anima to impact one additional time.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Bottled Anima surpasses 66% capacity.

Failing to catch the bottled anima before it hits the ground causes a massive explosion for 16,299 Shadow damage to all players.

When the Bottled Anima container is at power level two or greater, the impact creates a pool of Lingering Anima that will continually inflict 5,821 Shadow damage to all players within its confines.
Container of Sin
The Container of Sin governs the power of Lady Inerva Darkvein's Sins and Suffering ability.
As the container increases in level, the power of Sins and Suffering increases.

Extracts the past sins of random enemies at random locations.
Sins of the Past continually inflict 1,164 Shadow damage to the nearest player until all Sins of the Past are linked with the beams of Shared Suffering.
If players fail to connect Sins of the Past before they expire,
Indemnification occurs.

Lady Inerva Darkvein links two targets together for 60 sec. Linked targets and any other players caught between them suffer 698 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec.

Your past sins expire, inflicting $o1 Shadow damage to all players over 10 sec.

Extracts the past sins of random enemies at random locations.
Sins of the Past continually inflict 1,164 Shadow damage to the nearest player until all Sins of the Past are linked with the beams of Shared Suffering.
After the sins manifest, an Anima Web forms between them.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Sin surpasses 33% capacity.
If players fail to connect Sins of the Past before they expire,
Indemnification occurs.

Lady Inerva Darkvein links two targets together for 60 sec. Linked targets and any other players caught between them suffer 698 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec.

Your past sins expire, inflicting $o1 Shadow damage to all players over 10 sec.

When the Sins and Suffering container is at power level two or above, an Anima Web forms between the vertices of Sins of the Past.
Passing through the Anima Web inflicts $o1 Shadow damage to the target over 10 sec.

Extracts the past sins of random enemies at random locations.
Sins of the Past continually inflict 1,164 Shadow damage to the nearest player until all Sins of the Past are linked with the beams of Shared Suffering.
After the sins manifest, an Anima Web forms between them. The strands of this Anima Web rotate.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Sin surpasses 66% capacity.
If players fail to connect Sins of the Past before they expire,
Indemnification occurs.

Lady Inerva Darkvein links two targets together for 60 sec. Linked targets and any other players caught between them suffer 698 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec.

Your past sins expire, inflicting $o1 Shadow damage to all players over 10 sec.

When the Sins and Suffering container is at power level two or above, an Anima Web forms between the vertices of Sins of the Past.
Passing through the Anima Web inflicts $o1 Shadow damage to the target over 10 sec.
Container of Concentrated Anima
The Container of Concentrated Anima governs the power of Lady Inerva Darkvein's Concentrated Anima ability.
As the container increases in level, the power of Concentrated Anima increases.
Each cast of Concentrated Anima results in one Harnessed Specter. Any additional players chosen for this ability cause a Conjured Manifestation to appear.

Lady Inerva Darkvein targets enemies at random and concentrates anima in their hearts, inflicting $332,664o1 Shadow damage over 10 sec.
When Concentrated Anima expires, an explosion of Unleashed Shadows occurs, inflicting 11,642 Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yards.

11,642 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards of the target and summons either a Harnessed Specter or a Conjured Manifestation.

Lady Inerva Darkvein targets enemies at random and concentrates anima in their hearts, inflicting $332,664o1 Shadow damage over 10 sec.
The victim is rooted for the duration.
When Concentrated Anima expires, an explosion of Unleashed Shadows occurs, inflicting 11,642 Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Concentrated Anima surpasses 33% capacity.

11,642 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards of the target and summons either a Harnessed Specter or a Conjured Manifestation.

Roots the target in place for 10 sec.

Lady Inerva Darkvein targets enemies at random and concentrates anima in their hearts, inflicting $332,664o1 Shadow damage over 10 sec.
The victim is rooted for the duration.
When Concentrated Anima expires, an explosion of Unleashed Shadows occurs, inflicting 11,642 Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yards and unleashing Fragments of Shadow in all directions.
Lady Inerva Darkvein uses this ability when the Container of Concentrated Anima surpasses 66% capacity.

11,642 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards of the target and summons either a Harnessed Specter or a Conjured Manifestation.

Roots the target in place for 10 sec.

Players caught in the path of a Fragment of Shadow suffer 18,628 Shadow damage.
Continually Condemn the raid.

Inflicts 11,642 Shadow damage to all enemies.
Harnessed Specters are sessile and will Condemn the raid if not engaged in melee combat.

Burdens the target with unconscionable guilt, inflicting 11,642 Shadow damage and increasing damage taken from Unconscionable Guilt and Expose Desires by 10% for 15 sec.

Inflicts 11,642 Shadow damage to all enemies.
- 07 May 2020: Guide added.
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