Liberation of Undermine Class Sets Guide
The following guide covers how to obtain Liberation of Undermine Class Sets in The War Within.
Liberation of Undermine brings a new tier of Class Sets. This guide covers all the ways to obtain them, helping you unlock those powerful 2 and 4-set bonuses quickly!
How to Obtain the Class Sets
There are multiple ways of obtaining Liberation of Undermine Class Sets. You can get them by:
- Defeating Liberation of Undermine raid bosses.
- Looting
Excessively Bejeweled Curio, an omni token that drops from Chrome King Gallywix on any difficulty.
- Selecting class set pieces from the Great Vault.
- Converting eligible seasonal non-set gear with the Matrix Catalyst, starting March 4.
Tier Set Tokens from Liberation of Undermine Raid Bosses
Tier Set tokens drop from select Liberation of Undermine raid bosses. Once looted, a token is consumed creating one class set piece appropriate for your current specialization. There is a small chance for the tokens to drop as Warbound-Until-Equipped at a lower gear-upgrade track.
The following raid bosses will drop Class Set tokens:
- Cauldron of Carnage drops the Gloves Class Set token.
- Rik Reverb drops the Shoulder Class Set token.
- Stix Bunkjunker drops the Leg Class Set token.
- Sprocketmonger Lockenstock drops the Chest Class Set token.
- One-Armed Bandit drops the Helm Class Set token.
Class Set Token Types
We have multiple types of Class Set tokens shared between the classes as follows:
- Dreadful tokens are shared between Death Knights, Warlock, and Demon Hunters.
- Mystic tokens are shared between Hunters, Druids, and Mages.
- Venerated tokens are shared between Paladins, Priest, and Shamans.
- Zenith tokens are shared between Warriors, Rogues, Monks, and Evokers.
Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide
Learn more about Liberation of Undermine by visiting our raid guide!
Class Set Pieces from Gallywix's Omnitoken
Chrome King Gallywix drops Excessively Bejeweled Curio across all difficulties. Once looted, the curio
can be exchanged for 1 Class Set piece on the second floor of the Incontinental Hotel by talking to Kari Bridgeblaster.
The item level of your Class Set piece depends on the raid difficulty in which the curio dropped (Raid Finder through Mythic).
Class Set Pieces from the Great Vault
Each week, the Great Vault has a chance to contain Class Set pieces of armor. Therefore, make sure to unlock as many slots as possible to increase your chances of getting one.
Class Set Pieces from the Catalyst
You can convert eligible non-set season gear at the Matrix Catalyst starting March 4.
The War Within Season 2: Master Blaster achievement no longer rewards with Class Set tokens like its
The War Within Season 1: Spelunker Supreme counterpart. Instead, completing it will grant
you 1 Matrix Catalyst charge.
To learn more about the Catalyst console, check out our guide linked below.
How to Unlock Additional Visual Effects for Liberation of Undermine Class Set Appearances
Additional visual effects for Liberation of Undermine Class Sets can be unlocked via
Gallagio Highroller's Boomstone.
Additional Visual effects for Liberation of Undermine Class Sets class sets are unlocked via
Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone. You can get the item by earning the
Dressed to the Mines
achievement when you complete one of the achievements or Feats of Strength listed below:
Mythic: Chrome King Gallywix — Defeat Chrome King Gallywix on Mythic difficulty.
The War Within Keystone Hero: Season Two — Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2,500 during The War Within Season Two.
Elite: The War Within Season 2 — Earn the rank of Elite in The War Within Season 2.
- 06 Mar. 2026: Added that you can loot account-wide tokens at lower gear-upgrade tracks.
- 19 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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