Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide – Bosses, Loot & Rewards

Last updated on Mar 06, 2025 at 19:06 by Stan 1 comment

Liberation of Undermine is the second raid tier of The War Within expansion, featuring eight bosses, a raid-exclusive Renown faction, and powerful rewards!.



Liberation of Undermine is the second raid tier of The War Within expansion. The raid features 8 boss encounters, and for the first time, there is a raid-exclusive Renown faction that grants you bonuses inside the raid. It is called Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club.



Despite the best efforts of the united cartels, Jastor Gallywix has holed himself away in the Gallagio and called every favor ever owed to him... leaving a mountain of would-be-oppressors between the goblins of Undermine and the Chrome King. Gazlowe and the rest of goblinkind will need to find their way into the Gallagio to rid themselves of Gallywix for good.>


Raid Unlock Schedule

Here is the unlock schedule for the raid. Keep in mind you will need a minimum of Item Level 606 to queue for Raid Finder.

  • Week of March 4: Raid Finder Wing 1, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Difficulty will become available.
  • Week of March 11: Raid Finder Wing 2 and Story Mode will become available.
  • Week of March 18: Raid Finder Wing 3 opens.
  • Week of March 25: Raid Finder Wing 4 opens.

Raid Entrance Location

You can enter the raid outside the Incontinental Hotel in Undermine.


Raid Bosses

Eight bosses await inside the raid with Chrome King Gallywix being the final boss. Here is a full list of the bosses with links to our strategy guides:

  1. Vexie Fullthrottle;
  2. Cauldron of Carnage;
  3. Rik Reverb;
  4. Stix Bunkjunker;
  5. Sprocketmonger Lockenstock;
  6. One-Armed Bandit;
  7. Mug'Zee;
  8. Chrome King Gallywix.

Raid Skip

You will need Renown 5 with Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club to unlock the raid skip. This will grant you access to Mug'Zee after defeating Vexie Fullthrottle.

For more information about the raid Renown, check out our separate guide.


Soft Nerf

In a similar vein, you need to increase your Renown with Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club to unlock stacking damage and healing buffs that make the raid progressively easier.

You will receive a +3% damage and healing buff starting at Renown 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19, stacking up to 18%.


Loot Distribution

Group Loot is the only method of loot distribution in the raid. There is no option to return to Personal Loot. Certain items like professional reagents may still use Personal Loot where appropriate.


Loot Trading

All item-level restrictions placed on trading between members of your raid group are entirely removed. while inside the raid, allowing you to trade items with small item level increases that are not upgraded (rings, necklaces).


Loot Item Levels

In this raid, bosses drop loot with increasing item levels as the difficulty progresses from Raid Finder to Mythic. The bosses have different item level ranges, with later bosses generally dropping higher item-level gear. Additionally, some bosses include Very Rare Drops that drop at even higher item levels. The table below details the item levels of loot dropped by each boss at each difficulty level.

Raid Difficulty Bosses Item Level of Loot Crest Drops Crest Amount
LFR2, 3626Weathered10
LFR4, 5, 6629Weathered10
LFR7, 8632Weathered, Carved15
LFRVery Rare Drops639--
Normal2, 3639Carved10
Normal4, 5, 6642Carved10
Normal7, 8645Carved, Runed15
NormalVery Rare Drops652--
Heroic2, 3652Runed10
Heroic4, 5, 6655Runed10
Heroic7, 8658Runed, Gilded15
HeroicVery Rare Drops665--
Mythic2, 3665Gilded10
Mythic4, 5, 6668Gilded10
Mythic7, 8672Gilded15
MythicVery Rare Drops678--

Very Rare Drops

Some raid bosses have specific items that drop at a higher item level that the rest of their loot table. Each boss has a fixed list of these rare drops, which remains the same and does not change over time.

You can read more about Very Rare Drops in the raid in our guide below.


Bind-on-Equip Rules in First Weeks of The War Within Season 2

For the first few weeks of The War Within Season 2, Bind-on-Equip items will drop as Bind-on-Pickup items in Mythic Liberation of Undermine. Other difficulties are not affected by the restriction, and BoE items will drop from Day 1.


Liberation of Undermine Class Sets

The new raid comes with a new set of Class Sets with the 2-set bonus shared between roles and the 4-set bonus being different for each specialization.

To learn more about how to acquire the Class Sets, check out our dedicated guide linked below.


Raid Rewards and Achievements

Participating in the raid grants you various achievements, titles, mounts, and more. This section contains a breakdown of the most notable rewards.


Glory of Liberation of Undermine Raider

The following achievements must be completed for the Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider Icon Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider achievement on Normal difficulty or higher:

  • Hold My Gear! Icon Hold My Gear!: Defeat Vexie and the Geargrinders after crashing a bike into the following objects in the Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • The Splash Zone Icon The Splash Zone: Defeat the Cauldron of Carnage while suffering from Hubris after drinking "Fireproof" Punch and "Shockproof" Soda in Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Conveyor Slayer Icon Conveyor Slayer: Defeat Sprocketmonger Lockenstock without being struck by Blazing Beam, Rocket Barrage, Mega Magnetize, Jumbo Void Beam, or Void Barrage on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Sleep with the Fishes Icon Sleep with the Fishes: Defeat Mug'Zee, Heads of Security while all players have slept with the fishes in Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • One Rank Higher Icon One Rank Higher: Defeat the One-Armed Bandit after activating one Chip Defense Machine in Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Just /Dance Icon Just /Dance: Defeat Rik Reverb after activating both D.I.S.C.O.s during Hype Hustle in the Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Garbage In, Garbage Out Icon Garbage In, Garbage Out: Defeat Stix Bunkjunker after absorbing or incinerating every Garbage Pile created by Electromagnetic Sorting before the next cast of Electromagnetic Sorting in Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Scheming on a Thing Icon Scheming on a Thing: Defeat Chrome King Gallywix after Giga Bomb Detonation-ing 3 Giga Controls during a single Giga Coils in Liberation of Undermine on Normal difficulty or higher

Upon completing all the above achievements, you will receive Junkmaestro's Magnetomech mount.


Gallywix Mounts

Chrome King Gallywix has a chance to drop two mounts — Prototype A.S.M.R. Icon Prototype A.S.M.R. and Keys to the Big G Icon Keys to the Big G.


Prototype A.S.M.R.

Prototype A.S.M.R. Icon Prototype A.S.M.R. has a low chance to drop from Chrome King Gallywix across all difficulties.


Mythic Gallywix Mount

Keys to the Big G Icon Keys to the Big G has a 100% chance to drop from Chrome King Gallywix on Mythic difficulty until the release of the next expansion. This is a Gallywix-mech mount with a unique /mountspecial animation.


Liberation of Undermine Mythic Hall of Fame Achievement

Players who earn the Hall of Fame: Chrome King Gallywix Icon Hall of Fame: Chrome King Gallywix achievement will receive the Famed Slayer of The Chrome King title. The achievement requires players to be among the first 200 guilds worldwide to defeat the final boss of the tier on Mythic difficulty.



Defeating Chrome King Gallywix on Mythic Difficulty (Mythic: Chrome King Gallywix Icon Mythic: Chrome King Gallywix) rewards the Liberator of Underminer title.


Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge Liberation of Undermine Achievements

Ahead of the Curve: Chrome King Gallywix Icon Ahead of the Curve: Chrome King Gallywix is the Heroic achievement for this raid tier and requires the defeat of Gallywix on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.

Cutting Edge: Chrome King Gallywix Icon Cutting Edge: Chrome King Gallywix is the Mythic counterpart, requiring players to kill Gallywix on Mythic difficulty before the release of the next raid.


The Great Vault and Raid Slots

Great Vault requires you to defeat multiple raid bosses each week to unlock item choices in the Raids category. Our Great Vault guide has you covered with all the latest information for Season 2.



  • 06 Mar. 2025: Improved loot table.
  • 26 Feb. 2025: Entrance fixed.
  • 19 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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