Lihuvim, Principal Architect LFR Encounter Journal
Welcome to the LFR difficulty Encounter Journal for Lihuvim, Principal Architect in Sepulcher of the First Ones.
More Lihuvim, Principal Architect Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Lihuvim, Principal Architect, please use the following link.
As combat unfolds, Lihuvim accumulates protoform energy. Upon reaching 100 energy, Lihuvim casts Synthesize which allows nearby protoform lattices to be destroyed. Any remaining lattices are transformed into Protoform Automa when the synthesis completes.
Deconstructing Blast destroys Unstable Motes in its area of effect.
- Guardian Automa will repeatedly attempt to
Form Sentry Automa while they remain on the battlefield.
Deconstructing Blast destroys Unstable Motes in its area of effect.
Protoform Radiance periodically inflicts heavy Cosmic damage to all players.
Degenerate periodically inflicts heavy Cosmic damage.
Deconstructing Blast destroys Genesis Motes in its area of effect, and increases the target's Physical damage taken.
Protoform Cascade inflicts damage to all players in a circle around Lihuvim.

Lihuvim unleashes a blast of protoform energy that creates an Unstable Mote at the location of several players.

Standing too near to an Unstable Mote destabilizes it causing it to rapidly expand in area of effect.
This area inflicts 9,240 Cosmic damage every 2 sec to players who remain in the area.

Lihuvim causes protoform energy to collapse around several players, inflicting 3,080 Cosmic damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.

Lihuvim dematerializes the player, inflicting 12,560 Cosmic damage and increasing their Physical damage taken by 61,600% for 12 sec.
Deconstructs nearby Unstable Motes within 8 yards.

A wave of protoform energy motes crash over the area, each inflicting 6,280 Cosmic damage to players within 2 yards of the impact point.

Upon reaching 100 energy, Lihuvim begins forming Protoform Automa in nearby bays, releasing excess Protoform Radiance into the area.
Defeating a Protoform Automa during this time prevents it from fully forming.
$?diff!16[Standing inside a bay during this time applies Protoform Disalignment.][]

Excess protoform energy bathes the area in radiant light, inficting 6,280 Cosmic damage every 2 sec .
This effect stacks.

Standing inside an active bay reduces Cosmic damage taken by 27,720%.
These automa are the result of Lihuvim's frantic iteration on designs originally intended to aid with Protoform creation.

The Degeneration Automa inscribes the target with protoform energy, inflicting 3,140 Cosmic damage every 0.5 sec for 15 sec.

The Acquisitions Automa is imperfect and unstable, pulsing 3,140 Cosmic damage to all players every 5 sec.
Cosmic damage inflicted increased by 6,160%%.
Casts Detonation upon death.

The Acquisitions Automa catastrophically explodes upon death, inflicting 9,420 Cosmic damage to all players within 40 yards and launching them away.
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