Lords of Dread Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Lords of Dread in Sepulcher of the First Ones.
More Lords of Dread Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for the Lords of Dread, please use the following link.
Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa assault players with a combination of decay and shadow magic.
When Mal'Ganis reaches 100 energy, he signals both dreadlords to dissolve into their swarm forms and inflict high damage to all players with Swarm of Decay and
Swarm of Darkness.
When Kin'tessa reaches 100 energy, she signals both dreadlords to vanish and infiltrate the raid, deceiving their minds with Infiltration of Dread.
Upon death, each of the dreadlords turns into a Rampaging Swarm until the other is destroyed.
- Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa will destroy all players with
Shatter Mind if they are not unmasked quickly during
Infiltration of Dread.
- Being struck with
Leeching Claws while already afflicted with
Opened Veins will heal Mal'Ganis for a large portion of his health.
Slumber Cloud created by Kin'tessa is very disruptive and remains in the area for a long duration of time.
- Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa will destroy all players with
Shatter Mind if they are not unmasked quickly during
Infiltration of Dread.
- Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa inflict heavy damage but suffer increased damage from area of effect attacks during
Swarm of Decay and
Swarm of Darkness.
Cloud of Carrion will increase in damage until it jumps to another player or is removed with
Bursting Dread.
- Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa will destroy all players with
Shatter Mind if they are not unmasked quickly during
Infiltration of Dread.
- Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa inflict heavy damage but suffer increased damage from area of effect attacks during
Swarm of Decay and
Swarm of Darkness.
Cloud of Carrion will increase in damage until it jumps to another player or is removed with
Bursting Dread.

Upon reaching 100 energy, Mal'Ganis causes the physical forms of both dreadlords to rupture into chaotic swarms for 20 sec.

Mal'Ganis erupts into a swarm of insects, inflicting 4,052 Plague damage to all players every 1 sec for 20 sec.
During this time, Mal'Ganis takes 100% increased damage from area of effect abilities.

Kin'tessa erupts into a swarm of darkness, inflicting 4,052 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec for 20 sec.
During this time, Kin'tessa takes 100% increased damage from area of effect abilities.

Mal'Ganis causes a cloud of insects to surround the target, inflicting 2,026 Plague damage every 1 sec and growing in intensity over time.
If the target comes within 2,026 yards of another player, the insects will jump to that player and reset the intensity.
Upon removal, the target is afflicted by Biting Wounds.

Stinging bites increase the damage taken from Cloud of Carrion by 50% for 8 sec. This effect stacks.

Mal'Ganis creates an Inchoate Shadow with 1 health that begins to assault players with Ravenous Hunger.

The Inchoate Shadow consumes the health of the living, inflicting 8,915 Shadow damage to all players and healing itself for 15% of its maximum health.

The Inchoate Shadow's incorporeal nature prevents it from being killed and reduces damage taken by 90%. The shadow removes this effect at full health and transforms into a Corporeal Shadow.

Mal'Ganis lashes out with his claws, inflicting 54,708 Physical damage to players in front of him and applying Opened Veins to players struck.
Striking a player already afflicted with Opened Veins heals Mal'Ganis for 10% of his maximum health.

Claws rip open the target's veins, reducing healing received by 25% for 20 sec.

Upon death, the dreadlord erupts into a Rampaging Swarm and inflicts 405 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec and increases in intensity every 1 sec.

Upon reaching 100 energy, Kin'tessa causes both dreadlords to infiltrate the essences of players with Paranoia. If their disguises are not found and defeated within 30 sec, they erupt forth with
Shatter Mind.

Whilst the dreadlords are infiltrating mortal essences, players are unable to trust each other and are hostile to allies. Standing near another player will reveal a hint about their essence.
Inflicts 202 Shadow damage every 1 sec until the dreadlords' disguises are defeated.

Players can experience a moment of clarity, revealing to them the essences in which Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa are hiding. The dreadlords will feed false information to their host in an attempt to obscure themselves.

Mal'Ganis and Kin'tessa complete their deception, stunning all players for 3 sec and inflicting 3,242 Shadow damage every 1 sec until they die.

Kin'tessa warps the shadows around a player for 8 sec. Upon expiration, the shadows erupt into Bursting Dread.

Shadows burst around the target, causing players within 4,052 yards to flee in fear for 12 sec.
Striking an player afflicted with Cloud of Carrion instead removes the effect and causes the insects to flee away from that player's location.

Kin'tessa creates wandering clouds of mind fog for 300 sec. Coming into contact with a cloud afflicts players with Unsettling Dreams.

Disturbing thoughts cloud the mind, slipping players into a deep sleep for 8 sec.

Kin'tessa strikes at the mind of targets in front of her, inflicting 48,630 Physical damage and an additional 4,457 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 18 sec. This effect stacks.

Upon death, the dreadlord erupts into a Rampaging Swarm and inflicts 405 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec and increases in intensity every 1 sec.
- 31 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
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