Majordomo Staghelm Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included)
Table of Contents
This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Majordomo Staghelm in Firelands. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.
Majordomo Staghelm is the 6th boss in the Firelands raid instance. He guards the way to Ragnaros' lair, and your raid must defeat him in order to move forward.
The once proud Archdruid of Darnassus, who is now working for Ragnaros, will prove a challenging encounter for your raid, one which will require high DPS and good coordination to defeat.
General Information
Health Pool
Majordomo Staghelm has the following health pool:
- in 10-man normal difficulty: 38.2M;
- in 10-man heroic difficulty: 105M;
- in 25-man normal difficulty: 133M;
- in 25-man heroic difficulty: 367M.
Adds called Spirit of the Flame spawn at certain intervals during the encounter. They have 247k health on 10-man normal difficulty and 357k in 10-man heroic difficulty. In 25-man normal difficulty they have 0.9M health, while in 25-man heroic difficulty they have 1.2M health.
Enrage Timer
It is uncertain whether Majordomo Staghelm has a hard enrage timer, but the fight does contain a soft enrage mechanic.
Raid Composition
The following raid compositions are advised:
- in 10-man difficulty: 1 tank, 3 healers, 6 DPS;
- in 25-man difficulty: 1 tank, 6 healers, 18 DPS.
Wristwraps of Arrogant Doom (heroic:
Wristwraps of Arrogant Doom), Cloth Wrists
Firecat Leggings (heroic:
Firecat Leggings), Balance/Restoration Druid Legs
Sandals of Leaping Coals (heroic:
Sandals of Leaping Coals), Leather Agility Feet
Grips of Unerring Precision (heroic:
Grips of Unerring Precision), Mail Agility Hands
Treads of the Penitent Man (heroic:
Treads of the Penitent Man), Holy Paladin Feet
Bracers of the Fiery Path (heroic:
Bracers of the Fiery Path), Tanking Wrists
Breastplate of Shifting Visions (heroic:
Breastplate of Shifting Visions), Strength Chest
Flowform Choker (heroic:
Flowform Choker), Intellect Neck
Jaws of Defeat (heroic:
Jaws of Defeat), Healing Trinket
The Hungerer (heroic:
The Hungerer), Agility Trinket
Fandral's Flamescythe (heroic:
Fandral's Flamescythe), Agility Staff
Stinger of the Flaming Scorpion (heroic:
Stinger of the Flaming Scorpion), Wand
Mantle of the Fiery Conqueror,
Mantle of the Fiery Protector, and
Mantle of the Fiery Vanquisher in normal difficulty (Tier 12 Shoulders)
Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror,
Shoulders of the Fiery Protector, and
Shoulders of the Fiery Vanquisher in heroic difficulty (Tier 12 Heroic Shoulders)
- Rare Boss Drops:
Eye of Purification (heroic:
Eye of Purification), Healing Axe
Smoldering Censer of Purity (heroic:
Smoldering Censer of Purity), Healing Staff
Firethorn Mindslicer (heroic:
Firethorn Mindslicer), DPS Caster Sword
Entrail Disgorger (heroic:
Entrail Disgorger), 1.4 Speed Agility Dagger
Avool's Incendiary Shanker (heroic:
Avool's Incendiary Shanker), 1.8 Speed Agility Dagger
Shatterskull Bonecrusher (heroic:
Shatterskull Bonecrusher), Agility Mace
Zoid's Firelit Greatsword (heroic:
Zoid's Firelit Greatsword), Strength Two-handed Sword
Overview of the Fight
The Majordomo Staghelm encounter is unique, in the sense that Staghelm will adapt his mechanics to your raid's actions (as opposed to the other way around, which is typical of all World of Warcraft bosses). Majordomo Staghelm will switch between his Scorpion Form, Cat Form and his Human Form based on your raid's positioning, as follows:
- Majordomo Staghelm will switch to Scorpion Form when at least 7 (in 10-man difficulty) or 18 (in 25-man difficulty) raid members are stacked together (and will remain in this form as long as the requirements are met).
- Majordomo Staghelm will switch to Cat Form when the above minimum numbers of stacked raid members are not met (and will remain in this form as long as the above mentioned requirements are not met).
- Majordomo Staghelm will switch to Human Form briefly on every third form switch.
It is not possible for your raid to keep Staghelm in a single form for the entire duration of the fight, as while in a given form (Human Form is excluded), Staghelm will use his damaging abilities increasingly often until he switches out of the form.
At the same time, each time Staghelm switches between forms, he gains another stack of a buff which increases his damage. Thus, the fight has a permanent soft enrage mechanic which will end up wiping your raid.
Your raid will need to find a balance between the amount of time you should keep Staghelm in a single form and how many times you can allow him to change forms.
While in Scorpion Form and Cat Form, Majordomo Staghelm has an energy bar. It starts out empty, and increases over time up to its maximum capacity of 100. The base amount of time for his energy bar to fill up is 20 seconds.
Majordomo Staghelm has a single ability associated with each of his Cat Form and Scorpion Form. These abilities have an energy cost of 100 each, and Staghelm will cast them as soon as he has the required amount of energy.
Each time he uses an ability in either of these two forms, he will gain a stacking buff which reduces the time until his next ability. This will be detailed below. The buff disappears altogether when Staghelm switches form.
Self Buffs
Fury is a stacking buff which Staghelm gains each time he switches to Scorpion Form or Cat Form, which increases the damage of his abilities by 8% per stack. The implication of this is that Staghelm will do more damage if he is forced to switch forms often, and it acts as a soft enrage mechanic to the encounter.
Adrenaline is a stacking buff which Staghelm gains each time he uses an ability within Cat Form or Scorpion Form, which increases his energy regeneration rate by 20% per stack. This buff disappears when Staghelm switches out of his current form. The implication of this is that the longer Staghelm remains in a single form, the quicker his energy will regenerate and thus the more often he will get to use his abilities.
It takes Staghelm the following amounts of time to reach 100 energy, depending on how many stacks of Adrenaline he has:
- 0 Adrenaline stacks: 18 seconds;
- 1 Adrenaline stack: 12 seconds;
- 2 Adrenaline stacks: 10 seconds;
- 3 Adrenaline stacks: 8 seconds;
- 4 Adrenaline stacks: 7 seconds;
- 5 Adrenaline stacks: 6 seconds;
- 6 Adrenaline stacks: 5 seconds;
- 7 Adrenaline stacks: 4 seconds.
Cat Form Abilities
Majordomo Staghelm has a melee attack, which hits for about 20,000 damage in 10-man difficulty and 25,000 damage in 25-man difficulty. He performs this attack roughly once every 2 seconds.
While in Cat Form, whenever he reaches 100 energy, Staghelm will perform Leaping Flames, pouncing on a random raid member and dealing damage to them and leaving a fiery void zone on the ground which lasts for 1 minute.
Each time Staghelm performs Leaping Flames, a copy of himself, called Spirit of the Flame, will spawn at the boss' original location. These adds have low health and have no mechanics, but they do melee quite hard. As a rule, they should be killed with priority by your raid.
Every cast of Leaping Flames awards Staghelm another stack of Adrenaline, causing the interval to the next Leaping Flames to further decrease.
Scorpion Form Abilities
Majordomo Staghelm has a melee attack, which hits for about 20,000 damage in 10-man difficulty and 25,000 damage in 25-man difficulty. He performs this attack roughly once every 2 seconds.
As mentioned above, whenever at least 7 raid members (in 10-man difficulty) or 18 raid members (in 25-man difficulty) are stacked together, Majordomo Staghelm will shift into Scorpion Form.
While in Scorpion Form, whenever he reaches 100 energy, Staghelm will perform Flame Scythe. Flame Scythe deals a large amount of damage (560,000 in 10-man difficulty and 1,700,000 in 25-man difficulty) split among all enemies in a cone in front of Staghelm.
Every cast of Flame Scythe awards Staghelm another stack of Adrenaline, causing the interval to the next Flame Scythe to further decrease.
Human Form Abilities
Every third transformation, Majordomo Staghelm will briefly enter his Human Form. While in Human Form, he will incapacitate all raid members for 3 seconds through Fiery Cyclone, after which he will cast one of two abilities:
- If Majordomo Staghelm has switched from Cat Form, he will cast Searing Seeds.
- If Majordomo Staghelm has switched from Scorpion Form, he will cast Burning Orbs.
As you can see, which of his two abilities he casts depends on the form he is switching out of.
Shortly after casting the relevant ability, the boss will proceed to switching into which ever form he was about to enter.
Searing Seeds places a debuff on a number of raid members. This debuff has a random duration for each raid member, at the end of which the raid member will explode and deal 50,000 Fire damage to all allies within 12 yards. Because the durations are different for each player, the debuff will run out at different times on each of the afflicted players., so everyone needs to be mindful of their own debuff.
Burning Orbs summons 2 large, stationary fiery orbs around the room in 10-man difficulty and 5 orbs in 25-man difficulty. These persist for one minute and deal damage to the player nearest to them with their only ability, Burning Orb. They inflict a 6 second DoT on the player, dealing 4,000 Fire damage every 2 seconds, and stacking infinitely. Players will need to regularly rotate who is nearest to the orb so that stacks do not reach excessive numbers.
The Majordomo Staghelm encounter ramps up in difficulty continually until either he or your raid is dead. Having Staghelm shift between his forms grants him a stack of Fury each time, meaning that too many shifts will cause him to do too much damage for your raid.
At the same time, keeping Staghelm in a single phase for too long will cause his stacks of Adrenaline to allow him to basically spam his abilities, thus wiping your raid.
This means that you cannot delay form switches too long, nor can you avoid them entirely, and as the fight goes on, you will be able to spend less and less time in either form.
It must be reminded here that his Human Form is a temporary form in which you cannot force him to remain. The main forms you will have to deal with are Cat Form and Scorpion Form.
As you can see, the key is balance. The exact alternation of phases that
your raid will use depends greatly on your ability to handle his different
abilities, as well as your number of available raid cooldowns (such as
Power Word: Barrier).
Below, we detail the recommended strategy for each of his phases.
Cat Form Strategy
Your goal during Cat Form is to have your ranged raid members and healers spread out around the center of the arena (a circular pattern on the floor facilitates this), DPS Majordomo Staghelm and Spirit of the Flame adds (both of which should be tanked in the center of said circle), while avoiding any damage from the void zones left behind by Leaping Flames.
The Leaping Flames void zones deal extreme amounts of damage and will prove fatal to anyone standing within them for more than a few seconds. Players standing next to a Leaping Flames void zone should aim to be as close to it as possible (without taking any damage), so that if they are targeted by another Leaping Flames, the two void zones will overlap and take up less space.
Your tank should be prepared to pick up Spirits of Flame as they spawn, and tank them. They melee fairly hard, and more than two alive at one time will cause a strain on your healers and tanks, so DPS should be prepared to kill them. Because they have very little health, this should not be a problem.
After a while, as the boss uses Leaping Flames more often, his stacks of Adrenaline will increase, causing him to perform his ability with much greater frequency. This will not only cause more damage to raid members but will also cause your raid to become overwhelmed with Spirits of Flame. Moreover, the short intervals between Leaping Flames will make it impossible for your raid to stack up all at once and avoid any casts of Leaping Flames in melee range. At this time, your raid should stack up and force Staghelm to switch to Scorpion Form.
When stacking up to force a Scorpion Form, your raid members should be prepared to do so together, in as coordinated a fashion as possible, closely following a Leaping Flames cast. The reason for this is that if a number of players are in his melee range while others are still moving in, and the boss has no yet switched to Scorpion Form, the next Leaping Flames can be cast on someone in his melee range and can wipe your raid.
>Scorpion Form Strategy
Your goal during Scorpion Form is to have your entire raid stacked together in front of the boss. This will ensure that Flame Scythe damage is properly distributed among your raid, making it healable.
If your entire raid is stacked in front of the boss, without any stacks of Fury (so, the base damage), Flame Scythe will deal 75,000 damage to each raid member in 10-man difficulty and 90,000 damage to each raid member in 25-man difficulty. Naturally, after Staghelm has switched form a few times, the damage will be increased because of Fury stacks.
Your strategy during this phase is simple: heal the raid while dealing damage to Majordomo Staghelm.
Once you find the frequency between his attacks to become too great a strain on your healers, it is time to spread out, thus forcing him to switch to Cat Form.
Tips and Tricks
You should try to keep Staghelm in the same form for as long as possible.
The easiest way to do this is to use any available raid cooldowns, such as
Power Word: Barrier,
Devotion Aura, or
Tranquility to mitigate the damage of Flame Scythe or, in the case
of Tranquility, allow your raid to be topped off faster.
Ideally, you will want to have Staghelm remain in Scorpion Form long enough to cast 7 or 8 Flame Schythes.
It is worth noting that, as Staghelm reaches higher stacks of Adrenaline, raid cooldowns like Power Word: Barrier can be timed in such a way as to cover two Flame Scythes.
Melee DPS classes suffer greatly if they are unable to attack mobs from behind, and Feral Druids and Rogues especially so. Fortunately, these classes can position themselves to the boss' sides, right behind either one of his pincers. This causes their attacks to be counted as being "from behind", while also causing them to properly soak Flame Scythe.
The positioning must be quie precise. Therefore, if you do not feel confident enough in your positioning, and soaking the Flame Scythe is essential (ie., the boss has many Adrenaline stacks), it is best to be on the safe side and simply move in front of him.
Human Form Strategy
Depending on which form he is switching out of, Majordomo Staghelm will cast either Searing Seeds (Cat Form) or Burning Orbs (Scorpion Form).
The difficulty comes not from each ability itself, but from the fact that you will have to deal with this ability while Staghelm is in either Cat or Scorpion Form. There is only one possible variant, which we will detail below.
Handling Searing Seeds During Scorpion Form
When Searing Seeds is cast, it is always followed by Scorpion Form. Because players affected by Searing Seeds need to move out of the raid when they are about to explode (so when their debuff is about to expire), it means that they may be away from the stacking location when Flame Scythe is about to be cast, lowering the amount of people available to soak it.
There is no way around this, and the extra damage taken by having fewer people soaking Flame Scythe is preferable to having a Searing Seed explode in the raid. Therefore, players affected by Searing Seeds should remain in the raid to soak Flame Scythe until their debuff is about to run out, at which point they should get 12 yards clear of the raid, and move back in once the debuff has run out.
When a player affected by Searing Seeds (so, before the debuff has expired) is killed (this will almost always be due to Flame Scythe damage), his Searing Seed will detonate and do its damage to everyone within 12 yards. Therefore, having someone affected with Searing Seeds die will almost surely wipe your raid.
Players running out with Searing Seeds should pay special attention not to have their seed detonated in proximity to a player who is running back to the boss (a player who had just run out for their own seed).
Paladins, Rogues and Mages can get rid of their Searing Seeds through
Divine Shield,
Cloak of Shadows and
Ice Block respectively. Note
that this will still cause the seed to detonate and deal damage to nearby
allies. Players desiring to do this should do so immediately after a Flame
Scythe has been cast, and should, naturally, be out of the raid. This will
ensure that they are able to return to the stacking position before the next
Handling Burning Orbs During Cat Form
Burning Orbs will always precede Cat Form. This has no direct synergy with Staghelm's Leaping Flames, other than the fact that it adds more of a strain on healers.
As Burning Orb target the nearest player, stacking its damaging effect on them, it is advised that pairs of players are prepared to switch places (namely, changing who is closest to a Burning Orb) so that the stacks do not reach excessive amounts on a single player.
Burning Orbs, as stated earlier, last 1 minute, are stationary and are not attackable.
Invulnerabilities such as Divine Shield,
Ice Block or
Deterrence allow players to soak the damage from a Burning Orb without
receiving any stacks or any damage from it for a short while. This can prove
helpful in stabilising an otherwise chaotic situation.
Achievement: Only the Penitent
The Only the Penitent achievement is part of the Glory of the Firelands Raider meta-achievement and is a requirement for obtaining the Corrupted Egg of Millagazor mount.
The achievement itself does not actually involve Majordomo Staghelm in any way, but rather involves the trash preceding him. The trash pack before the boss is comprised of one (two in 25-man) human form druid, in addition to a few druids in firecat form. Fortunately, the achievement does not require your raid to engage the trash.
Rather, the achievement requires 6 of your raid members to interact with two objects found in close proximity to the trash mobs, while making sure that both themselves and everyone else in the raid avoid taking damage from Kneel to the Flame (an ability cast by the human form druids, which damages everyone in the Majordomo Staghelm fight area).
Indeed, two Burning Orbs can be found, one on either side of the boss (and his trash mobs), some distance away from him. They look identical to the Burning Orbs spawned during the boss encounter, and they can be interacted with by means of right clicking.
The aim of the achievement is to have both of them activated at the same time, without anyone having taken damage from Kneel to the Flame.
Essentially, your raid will need to crawl their way the orbs mentioned above. In order to avoid taking damage, your raid members will have to be kneeling any time the trash mobs finish casting the Kneel to the Flame spell (it is a 5 second cast, so this is easy). To kneel, simply type /kneel. Once the spell was cast, players can run some distance before kneeling again to avoid damage from the next cast.
Three players are required to activate each orb (by right clicking it at the same time), so 6 players are required in total, while the rest can simply sit back out of range of the Kneel to the Flame ability.
There is no time limit on completing this achievement, so your raiders can take as long as is needed for everyone to reach the orbs, while not risking finding themselves not kneeling when Kneel to the Flame is cast.
Then, simply click the two orbs in a coordinated fashion (preferably do so right after a Kneel to the Flame cast) and you will have your achievement.
It must be noted that the Burning Orbs despawn as soon as anyone is damaged by Kneel to the Flame. Fortunately, they can be forced to respawn by having everyone leave the instance and having the raid leader perform an instance reset from the UI option.
Heroic Mode
The heroic mode of this encounter is very similar in execution to the normal mode. This fight is, like Baleroc, another huge DPS race.
Differences from Normal Mode
There is one notable difference from normal mode: the existence of a Concentration Bar. This is an encounter-specific resource, much like the Corruption Bar on the Cho'gall encounter or the Sound Bar on the Atramedes encounter.
The Concentration Bar starts out empty, and has a maximum capacity of 100 points. It increases at a steady rate (which does not vary based on any factors) and takes 20 seconds to reach maximum capacity. Any damage taken resets the bar back to 0. The player receives an increase to their damage and healing done, depending on how much concentration they have, as follows:
- 0-24 Concentration: 0% damage/healing increase;
- 25-49 Concentration: 25% damage/healing increase;
- 50-74 Concentration: 50% damage/healing increase;
- 75-99 Concentration: 75% damage/healing increase;
- 100 Concentration: 100% damage/healing increase.
The Concentration resource does not simply make the fight easier - it is sorely needed for the raid to be able to overcome Staghelm's colossal health pool. Indeed, Staghelm has 105M health in 10-man difficulty and 367M in 25-man difficulty, with a 10 minute enrage timer.
In addition to this, all of Staghelm's abilities deal more damage. Towards the end of the fight, Leaping Flames can quickly kill players who are late moving out of the affected area, even by a second.
Searing Seeds deal increased damage, though this is irrelevant, as no one should ever be hit by them.
Burning Orbs deal considerably more damage (8,000 per second) and players soaking these will require intensive healing.
Strategy Changes
The changes from normal mode are quite simple. The differences in strategy for this encounter are based on having as many of your DPS players safe from any damage for as long as possible, so as to maximise the damage buff from Concentration.
This affects the handling of various forms (though, most notably, Scorpion Form), as well as the overall amount of form shifts you will have the boss go through. It is likely that you will come very close to the 10 minute enrage timer (which is not an instant wipe, and simply causes the boss to one shot players with his abilities). We will detail all of this below.
Scorpion Form
Correct handling of Scorpion Form is the most pivotal point in a successful heroic mode kill. Your raid's aim is to go through Scorpion Phases with as few players getting hit by Flame Scythe as possible. A few notes regarding this phase are needed.
- As in normal mode, Staghelm will remain in Scorpion Form as long as 7 (10-man) or 18 (25-man) raid members are stacked together.
- Whenever Flame Scythe damages fewer than 7 players (regardless of raid size), Staghelm will instantly regain 50 energy.
The easiest and most efficient way to handle this phase is to have Staghelm switch out of Scorpion Form before he reaches 100 Adrenaline, each time, thus avoiding any Flame Scythes from being cast.
Alternatively, there are several ways in which this phase can be executed, all of which are aimed at preserving Concentration for as long as possible, for as many of your raid DPS players as possible. We strongly advise simply making use of the strategy mentioned above, but for completeness' sake, we will list these strategies:
- Have 2-3 DPS players in 10-man and 6 in 25-man stand out, to the sides of the boss (or behind the boss) so that they are not damaged. This will, obviously, increase the damage taken by the stacking group, so your raid will likely need to move out sooner than on normal mode.
- Have your entire raid safe from Flame Scythe, by having them stacked
behind the boss (i.e., have the tank face the boss away from the raid). To do
this, choose one of the following tactics:
- The tank soaks Flame Scythes by himself, surviving through use of
Ardent Defender (if he is a Paladin, of course) and
Guardian Spirit.
- The tank soaks Flame Scythes with the help of Shadow Priests using
Dispersion and standing next to him, while he uses defensive cooldowns.
- The tank takes Flame Scythes by himself, dies, and is combat resurrected, while a feral druid tanks the boss for a few seconds.
- The tank soaks Flame Scythes by himself, surviving through use of
Cat Form
Majordomo Staghelm chooses targets to leap on based on their class/spec. Thus, healers and ranged DPS can be targeted by a leap regardless of whether they are in melee range or not, and as a leap in melee is basically an instant wipe, you cannot have ranged DPS or healers staying there to avoid being damaged.
Depending on how far away from Staghelm you are when he begins a leap, it is possible to avoid the damage entirely by running away before he lands on your location. If he is close to you, the travel time will be lower and you will not have a chance to react.
To increase the chances that you will not be hit, you can simply move preemptively, each time the boss reaches 100 Adrenaline. Make sure, however, that you are running to a location where no one else is standing, as otherwise you have the same chance of being hit by Leaping Flames.
Melee DPS will find that they can retain this Concentration at maximum level for the entire phase, as there is no damage in melee range.
Additionally, the damage of Leaping Flames is considerably higher than in normal mode, causing extreme risk of dying especially at high stacks of Fury.
Searing Seeds/Burning Orbs
Dealing with the transitional Human Form phases of Searing Seeds and Burning Orbs is identical to normal mode. The only mention worth making is that you will want to have primarily healers and even the tank soaking Burning Orbs, allowing as many DPS players as possible to retain their Concentration.
Classes with immunities, such as Paladins ( Divine Shield) and Mages
Ice Block) can soak multiple orbs at once without taking damage, allowing
for even more freedom in maintaining Concentration for the rest of the raid.
Such immunities can also be used to avoid taking damage from Searing Seeds, allowing players to retain their Concentration. Keep in mind, though, that using an immunity while having the Searing Seed buff will cause the seed to explode, so be sure that you are out of range of any other players.
Learning the Fight
Because the key element for succeeding in this encounter is balancing the time spent in each form with the number of form switching, we advise you to use the following learning process:
- Begin the fight in Scorpion Form and use all healing cooldowns to see what the maximum amount of time (measured in stacks of Adrenaline) you can spend in Scorpion Form is before your healers are forced to use inefficient heals to top your raid off (most likely, depending on your number of available cooldowns, this number will be 8).
- Switch to Cat Form (or if you wiped, begin a new attempt with Cat Form) and see how long it takes in Cat Form before your DPS do not get any time on Staghelm anymore due to the number of adds (most likely, measured in stacks of Adrenaline, this number will be 7).
- Organize your raid reduction cooldowns to best fit this cycle of form switches, so that they are, ideally, available towards the end of each Scorpion Form.
Final Considerations
The Majordomo Staghelm encounter, your raid's final obstacle before your encounter with Ragnaros, will prove a very intense experience. Simply familiarise yourselves with the boss' abilities and mechanics at the start of the fight, when everything is more forgiving, before preparing to deal him the final blow!
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