Marksmanship Hunter Battleground Blitz Guide — The War Within (11.0.5)

Last updated on Oct 21, 2024 at 21:00 by Slo 22 comments

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about playing Marksmanship Hunter in Battleground Blitz, including specific playstyle tips, talent builds, and much more.


Marksmanship Hunter in Battleground Blitz


Playstyle as Marksmanship

In Battleground Blitz, Marksmanship Hunter is a ranged powerhouse with high damage (particularly cleave damage during its burst cooldown Volley Icon Volley with Salvo Icon Salvo), good crowd control, and a handful of niche talents that whilst rarely played in Arena, can be incredibly impactful in battleground scenarios.

The threat that a Marksmanship Hunter poses when allowed to freecast in a chaotic team fight places them among the best DPS specialisations in the Battleground Blitz format.

Marksmanship Hunters can also grant the Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage buff if required (although as many classes in the game are able to apply this, it is usually better to just use a Cunning or Tenacity pet).

While not traditionally known as a flag carrier or defender, the new mobility and defensive tools in the Hunter talent tree give Marksmanship the ability to defend or flag carry for a decent amount of time until it is able to pass the flag or base to a more durable DPS teammate. With the faster flag capture speed in Battleground Blitz, being able to interrupt enemies using a pet while crowd controlled also gives Hunters an advantage when defending.

Marksmanship is an excellent specialisation for hunting down flag carriers as well as defending them on flag carry maps and is able to carry team fights with its burst damage and crowd control on resource race maps.

Unlike in Arena, all Hunter specialisations are able to dismiss their pet during Battleground Blitz. This means that you can swap pets at any time, depending on whether you need more mobility or survivability, or even just change to a Cunning pet whenever Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear is on cooldown and swap back afterwards.


Offence as Marksmanship

Because of the number of players in a Battleground Blitz, you should stay at a safe distance during team fights and let your melee DPS teammates take the enemies' focus. This will allow you to find safe spots to freely cast Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fires without risk of being interrupted. This, in turn, will give you more frequent access to your Trueshot Icon Trueshot through Calling the Shots Icon Calling the Shots.

You should play around your Volley Icon Volley/Salvo Icon Salvo windows and try to time them to hit when a healer is in crowd control. To do your burst rotation properly, it is important that you always have Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire available to combine with the Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots from your Volley Icon Volley.

When you are able to, it is a good idea to pressure cloth-wearing targets such as Mages and Warlocks, as your damage is reduced based on your target's armor type, and these classes can be devastating to a teamfight when left unchecked.

Switching targets whenever they use defensive cooldowns is always something you should look to do as Marksmanship because you do not need to apply damage over time effects before doing impactful damage. Your damage is also increased on high health targets by Careful Aim Icon Careful Aim, and taking advantage of this will increase the pressure you are able to put out.

In the unlikely event that your team does not have a Heroism effect, you can provide one by playing with a Ferocity pet and using Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage. This comes with a low opportunity cost because, unlike in Arenas, you are able to freely dismiss and re-summon pets in Battleground Blitz. You can swap back to a Cunning or Tenacity pet whenever Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage is on cooldown to gain mobility or durability as needed.


Crowd Control as Marksmanship

In Battleground Blitz, without the Arena Dampening effect, healers, when left alone, are able to sustain against many players with relative ease. The way to counter the high throughput of healers in Battleground Blitz is with the effective use of crowd control.

Marksmanship has many tools in its kit to aid with this:

  • Intimidation Icon Intimidation
  • Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot
  • Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap
  • Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot
  • Entrapment Icon Entrapment
  • Implosive Trap Icon Implosive Trap (to lock targets down) or
  • High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap (to keep targets away)

You should look to use your Intimidation Icon Intimidation and Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap combination on enemy healers whenever they are available and as early in the fight as possible. When Intimidation Icon Intimidation isn't available, you can also use Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot or Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot to set up your own traps. If your team is already dealing significant damage on a key target, you can choose to crowd-control both healers at once by using Intimidation Icon Intimidation into Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap on one while using Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot into Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot on the other.

When playing certain roles on certain maps, you can also take advantage of Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion to delay enemy flag carriers, escape fights, or relieve pressure from friendly flag carriers.


Utility as Marksmanship

In The War Within, Hunters gained Kodo Tranquilizer Icon Kodo Tranquilizer, a powerful new utility talent that becomes very powerful when you are able to hit three targets with it. You should use Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot on cooldown during team fights, particularly as it generates focus through Disruptive Rounds Icon Disruptive Rounds.

You should also be using Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice on your teammates as early in the fight as possible. A macro is included at the bottom of this page, which should make this much less mechanically difficult.

Whenever you are supporting a flag carrier that is kiting enemies, you should also be using your Master's Call Icon Master's Call, Tar Trap Icon Tar Trap and High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap to support them.

Whenever you know that a Rogue or Feral Druid is in stealth and nearby, you should be dropping Flare Icon Flare to try to catch them out.


Survivability as Marksmanship

Marksmanship has also received several significant boosts to its survivability in the War Within that will make it a far better defensive spec than it has been in previous expansions.

You have a number of defensive cooldowns which can be used to carry flags or stall while waiting for help from teammates.

  • Survival Tactics Icon Survival Tactics (if you are flag-carrying, be aware that using Feign Death Icon Feign Death will drop the flag, and you will need to immediately pick it up again!)
  • Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest (combined with Padded Armor Icon Padded Armor and Lone Survivor Icon Lone Survivor)
  • Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear (comes with Endurance Training Icon Endurance Training)
  • Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice
  • Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration (combined with Rejuvenating Wind Icon Rejuvenating Wind and Natural Mending Icon Natural Mending)
  • Smoke Screen Icon Smoke Screen
  • Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle (note that this is your only defensive that cannot be used while carrying flags)

As a general rule when rotating your cooldowns as Hunter, you want to use your first charge of Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest as soon as you start (or are about to start) taking damage. This is because you have two charges through Padded Armor Icon Padded Armor and keeping a charge on cooldown at all times will allow you to use Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest more frequently.

Your second priority defensive is Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration which you should use whenever it's available and you need health, because the cooldown is relatively short through Rejuvenating Wind Icon Rejuvenating Wind. If you have the Smoke Screen Icon Smoke Screen Dark Ranger Hero Talent, you should avoid using Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration while you already have Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest active.

Feign Death Icon Feign Death should be used on cooldown either to interrupt casts or whenever you're anticipating a big hit of damage to activate the Survival Tactics Icon Survival Tactics damage reduction.

To get the most value from Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle, you ideally want to use it when you wouldn't be able to do damage anyway (for example fighting a Rogue during Evasion Icon Evasion, Havoc Demon Hunter during Blur Icon Blur, or Windwalker Monk during Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma), although, if you are going to die you should use Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle regardless.

Remember that during Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle, you aren't able to attack but are still able to contribute to the fight by throwing any available traps or other non-damaging abilities such as Flare Icon Flare.

Importantly, Hunters are not able to use Feign Death Icon Feign Death or Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle while carrying a flag in Warsong Gulch/Twin Peaks, or carrying an orb in Temple of Kotmogu. On these maps you should be liberal with your defensive cooldown usage and where possible, pass the flag to teammates when you don't have usable defensive cooldowns available.

It is worth pointing out that Marksmanship does have weak self-healing and struggles to survive a prolonged period without a healer available more than other DPS specialisations, so when you see enemies coming, you should call it out in the battleground chat!


Mobility as Marksmanship

Marksmanship Hunters can be slippery flag carriers and have some niche mobility talents in the War Within that are not played often in Arena but can be excellent if you need to move a flag quickly or kite enemies away.

  • Disengage Icon Disengage (and Posthaste Icon Posthaste)
  • Scout's Instincts Icon Scout's Instincts
  • Pathfinding Icon Pathfinding
  • Trailblazer Icon Trailblazer
  • Moment of Opportunity Icon Moment of Opportunity
  • Born To Be Wild Icon Born To Be Wild
  • Master's Call Icon Master's Call

An important advantage Hunters have over other classes in Battleground Blitz is the ability to immediately leave combat using Feign Death Icon Feign Death. This allows the Hunter to quickly move between objectives with their mount when they are no longer needed at an objective, or to quickly respond to a new objective. For example, if a flag carrier is running across the other side of the map from the teamfight you are in, you can immediately mount and catch the flag carrier whilst the enemy healers are still trapped in combat in the teamfight.


The role of Marksmanship Hunter in Battlegrounds


Capture the Flag (Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks)

At the start of a Capture the Flag map, you should either:

  1. Identify who the likely enemy flag carrier is and move to slow/crowd control/kill them to delay their push to your base for as long as possible
  2. Join the team fight, crowd-controlling an enemy healer as soon as possible and getting your burst damage rotation off

Marksmanship is great at fulfilling both of these roles.

If you intend to spend most of the game attacking or delaying the enemy flag carriers, you should consider taking Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion, whereas if you are intending to stay in team fights for most of the game, you may gain more from taking Ranger's Finesse Icon Ranger's Finesse, which will extend the duration of your Volley Icon Volley windows.

On both Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks, if you are defending your own flag carrier, you should encourage them to take high ground on the upstairs ledges so you can protect them with High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap (and Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot if you choose to take that as well).

Similarly, when attacking enemy bases, you should look to knock players off the high ground. You can do that either to make sure that your teammates can attack the enemy flag carrier or to separate the flag carrier from their healers.

When nobody is available to take the enemy flag, and it is nearby, you should take advantage of your mobility and defensive cooldowns to bring the enemy flag back to your team as soon as you can and, if possible, pass it to a more durable specialisation when it is safe to do so.

Whenever you are defending a flag and not already in combat, you should be pre-emptively placing traps on chokepoints so the enemy team are immediately crowd controlled when they arrive.

If you are running with a flag, you can use a Cunning Pet for additional speed and the Master's Call Icon Master's Call effect, but if you are still holding the flag in your own base, you may be better off swapping to a Tenacity pet to gain Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear, which will make you more likely to survive stuns. In either case, if you are next to your teammates you should pass the flag to one of them where possible as you aren't able to use your most important defensive cooldown Feign Death Icon Feign Death or immunity Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle while carrying a flag.


Resource Race (Arathi Basin, Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind Gorge)

Resource Race Battlegrounds work differently in Battleground Blitz compared to regular Battlegrounds and this substantially changes the way they are played. The differences are as follows:

  1. Assaulting a node takes six seconds of not being interrupted once you click the flag.
  2. Once a node has been assaulted, the node will be contested for only 30 seconds (meaning, the enemy team only has 30 seconds to stop your team from capturing that node).
  3. After that 30 second window, the base will be controlled by your team for 45 seconds and cannot be assaulted by the other team.
  4. After this 45 seconds, the base is inactive for 5 seconds, at which point it can be assaulted again by either team.

Whenever you are in combat at a base in a Resource Race Battleground:

  • If there is an enemy healer at the base you are assigned to, then you should crowd control them as soon as possible and use your burst cooldowns to kill their teammates.
  • If there is no healer but there is more than one DPS enemy, you should use your crowd control on the one who your team is less likely to attack (as they would break your crowd control).
  • If there is only one enemy and the node is not controlled by either team, you should use Trueshot Icon Trueshot and stun them with Intimidation Icon Intimidation. If they use their trinket, you should immediately use Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap and attempt to capture the base. If they don't trinket, proceed with your burst damage rotation.

Before a Resource Race battleground starts, you should decide with your team which base you should focus on first to avoid having too many players at any node (or your team missing a node entirely).

In all 1v1 fights or combat where you do not have a healer with you, you should be very liberal with your defensive cooldowns to reduce the damage you take as much as possible, because the tools you have for recovering health are limited.

Whenever you are defending a base that has been just assaulted or is about to become active again, you should use Camouflage Icon Camouflage when available and position your pet near the flag. This will allow you to position yourself further from the flag and help you get a better opener if a stealth specialisation player attempts to take it. You should also pre-emptively place traps on chokepoints (or on the flag itself) so enemy players are immediately crowd-controlled when they arrive.

Remember that you can dismiss your pet and re-summon it after using Camouflage, and then command your pet to attack enemies while you are still hidden in Camouflage Icon Camouflage. You are also able to use Freezing, High Explosive and Tar Trap while in Camouflage Icon Camouflage without it breaking. An example of using this would be to interrupt a Rogue who is trying to capture your node, they will Kidney Shot your pet and try to capture it again, and you can throw a Freezing Trap Icon Freezing Trap at them to interrupt the cast while remaining in stealth and continuing to interrupt them with your pet when the trap ends. This can be extremely effective to stall when defending a base solo against one or more players because you only need to defend for a short period of time before the base is captured. You don't actually need to win the fight, as long as you don't let the other team assault the flag for 30 seconds.

Whenever a node has been captured by your team or is about to be captured by your team, (or if a base has been assaulted and you know that no players on the enemy team will be able to arrive in time to contest it) you should check whether are any other bases that you may be able to assault, and if so, leave combat with Feign Death Icon Feign Death and mount to get there as soon as possible, because the base does not need to be defended for 45 seconds once captured, and with the increased mount speed you can cross the map very quickly.

Whether defending or attacking, whenever you are in Arathi Basin at Lumber Mill, you should try to get value from your High Explosive Trap Icon High Explosive Trap. Using Intimidation Icon Intimidation or Binding Shot Icon Binding Shot beforehand will make it easier to land a good knockback on enemies.


Hybrid (Eye of the Storm)

Marksmanship Hunters can excel at attacking and defending bases or controlling the fight in the centre map, and during the game, you can choose whichever your team needs most. Usually, you will aim to assault the opposing base as soon as possible, using your burst damage to get an early kill, whilst crowd controlling any enemy healers. If nobody on your team is going to take and defend the base on your side when the Battleground starts, you should focus on that instead.

Bases are a lot more important than the centre flag in the Battleground Blitz version of Eye of the Storm because capturing a flag "resets" the bases. It is generally not worth capturing the flag unless your team only holds one base and is about to lose that base, or as a last resort when you are very close to losing a game. Capturing the flag is particularly risky for your team when you currently hold two bases. In that situation, both bases would be deactivated and your team would need to capture the opposite bases again, and it is more difficult to simultaneously attack two bases than to simultaneously defend two bases.

During any large teamfight, you want to always make sure that the whole of the enemy team is in front of you, as if you end up positioned between the enemy melee DPS and their ranged/healers, you will likely get isolated/focused and die.

When none of your team are attempting to pick up the flag at mid and you are able to, it can be worth picking up the flag yourself and carrying it near to a friendly base so you are able to capture it if the base is going to be lost. Be very cautious of Death Knights, who may deliberately Death Grip Icon Death Grip you into the base node to capture the flag and reset the bases at a bad time.

If your team controls both bases, it is usually better for your team to have more players at the base closer to the enemy respawn point, as that is the base that the enemy team will be likely to attack in greater numbers.


King of the Hill (Temple of Kotmogu)

Ranged DPS specialisations will always be the best orb carriers on Temple of Kotmogu, and as Marksmanship Hunter, you should pick up an orb as early in the fight as you can and then try to keep a safe distance from the team fight while contributing as much damage as you can. If it is dangerous to push a healer for crowd control while you're holding an orb, you shouldn't do it; staying alive is more important.

Once the team fight is won, you should move to the center of the map. Your team gains victory points faster when they are holding orbs towards the centre, and if you are standing away from your team, you will be line of sighting your healers and at risk of being isolated or killed by the enemy team.

Whenever you are holding an orb, your goal is to always have friendly players between yourself and wherever the opposing team is grouping up. This makes it more difficult for enemy players to reach you.

Remember that with Kill Zone Icon Kill Zone, you are able to (briefly) attack enemies through walls. Whenever you are attacking an orb carrier, once you place your Volley Icon Volley/Salvo Icon Salvo on them, you can move out of line of sight to avoid enemies being able to interrupt you while channeling your Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire. Compared to most classes with a reasonable number of Kotmogu stacks, this should be enough to kill them immediately.


Battleground Blitz Talent Builds


Battleground Blitz Marksmanship Hunter Talent Builds

Single Target Base Attacking/Defending build General Team Fight build Heavy Cleave build Flag Carrier build

Single Target Base Attacking/Defending build (recommended in most cases)

Below is the recommended single target build. It has high single-target burst damage through the Readiness Icon Readiness Wailing Arrow Icon Wailing Arrow combination and on-demand burst from Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow procs, which are enhanced by Razor Fragments Icon Razor Fragments.

During combat, you should make sure that you use Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire immediately before your Trueshot Icon Trueshot, so you can follow the Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire with a Wailing Arrow Icon Wailing Arrow (from Readiness Icon Readiness) into another Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire for maximum burst. It is also ideal to have applied Steady Focus Icon Steady Focus by casting Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot before bursting to get the most from your cooldowns.

This build uses most of the defensive talents available for Hunters and is ideal when you expect to attack or defend bases solo or for games where you will not need area of effect damage. Smoke Screen Icon Smoke Screen is particularly important talent to survive fights without a healer.

You should be aware that Wailing Arrow Icon Wailing Arrow does not interact with Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots, so you are not able to cleave Wailing Arrow Icon Wailing Arrow by using Volley Icon Volley.

If your team already has many Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike effects, you may want to play Lone Wolf Icon Lone Wolf. It will reduce your mobility as you will not have the bonuses from a Cunning pet, but you can use Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear and it will reduce the cast time of your Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot through Trigger Finger Icon Trigger Finger. If you are doing this, swap Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice for Territorial Instincts Icon Territorial Instincts and swap Hydra's Bite Icon Hydra's Bite for Lone Wolf Icon Lone Wolf.

This build takes Calling the Shots Icon Calling the Shots, but if you are in a battleground where you're expecting to have a lot of downtime (for example when in Arathi Basin when attacking a base and then waiting for it to capture, then travelling to the next base), you may want to swap this for Kill Zone Icon Kill Zone, as the wallhack functionality can be potent in 1v1 fights.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!


General Team Fight Build

Below is the recommended team fight build; it has high single-target damage and a lot of cleave during its major burst (Volley Icon Volley/Salvo Icon Salvo/ Kill Zone Icon Kill Zone/Lunar Storm Icon Lunar Storm combination).

In team fights, you should make sure that you have Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire available before committing your Volley Icon Volley and Salvo Icon Salvo combination so the Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shots hit at the same time as your Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire channel.

This build will always grant Lunar Storm Icon Lunar Storm from the Sentinel Hero Talent tree during your opening rotation when you first use Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire, and then regularly throughout the fight. This deals a high amount of damage to all targets stood in the area.

This build uses most of the defensive talents available for Hunters and can be used when defending as well.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Heavy Cleave Build

This build sacrifices some single-target damage to take the Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots effect. Use this build when you're expecting to be in the team fight often and are expecting to be able to hit three targets with Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot often to proc Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots.

When you are deciding whether there is enough melee on the enemy team to make this build work, remember that Fistweaver monks will always be in melee range, and classes that have pets (such as Survival Hunters) will make it easier for you to gain Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots.

This build is made using the Sentinel tree, but you can also play it with Dark Ranger, and if so you should swap Calling the Shots Icon Calling the Shots for Razor Fragments Icon Razor Fragments.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Flag Carrier Build

This build keeps most of the Marksman side of the talent tree from the general build, but modifies the Hunter side of the tree to gain Scout's Instincts Icon Scout's Instincts, Trailblazer Icon Trailblazer and Binding Shackles Icon Binding Shackles.

These talents will make it slightly easier for you to kite enemies while holding the flag.

This build uses the Dark Ranger Hero Talent tree to make you more tanky through Smoke Screen Icon Smoke Screen and also to make you slightly more mobile when doing your damage rotation (with Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow as an instant cast damage over time effect, which procs reduced cast time on Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot as well as the controlled Deathblow Icon Deathblow procs from Death Shade Icon Death Shade).

This build also takes Steady Focus Icon Steady Focus, which can situationally be a good talent when combined with Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion as you can proc a haste buff whenever using Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot to extend your slow and build-up stacks for the stun, although you can swap this for Crack Shot Icon Crack Shot if you prefer.

To get the most out of Scout's Instincts Icon Scout's Instincts, it can be good to play Hunting Pack Icon Hunting Pack with this build.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Your default talents will be:

  1. Survival Tactics Icon Survival Tactics (mandatory)
  2. Trueshot Mastery Icon Trueshot Mastery
  3. Diamond Ice Icon Diamond Ice or Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting

When there are specialisations on your team that you expect to break traps (such as Death Knights and Demon Hunters), or enemy Healers that are likely to be playing close to your team (Fistweaver Monks and Preservation Evokers), it's worth playing Diamond Ice Icon Diamond Ice instead of either Trueshot Mastery Icon Trueshot Mastery or Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting.

In capture the flag maps, you may want to swap Trueshot Mastery Icon Trueshot Mastery for Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion, to either support your flag carrier or lock down the enemy flag carrier. I recommend that you keep Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting to help crowd control healers whilst killing flag carriers.

If you know that you will be defending a base, you may not get as much value from Trueshot Mastery Icon Trueshot Mastery and should consider swapping that for a talent that will help you in 1v1 scenarios, such as Consecutive Concussion Icon Consecutive Concussion.

In Resource Race maps such as Gilneas, where you are likely to spend much of the game involved in a large team fight and you are playing with Heavy Ammo Icon Heavy Ammo, you may want to swap Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting for Ranger's Finesse Icon Ranger's Finesse to extend your Volley Icon Volley cleave windows.

If you are going to be either flag-carrying or supporting a flag carrier for a whole game, it can be worth taking Hunting Pack Icon Hunting Pack to boost the flag carrier's speed.


Marksmanship Hunter Stat Priority and Gear

  1. Versatility, to at least 18%;
  2. Haste, to 7%-15%;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Critical Strike.

The stat priority for Marksmanship Hunter is similar in Battleground Blitz to Arena, although as you are able to stand further back and get Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shots off without as much risk of being crowd-controlled, you may want to play with slightly lower Haste and slightly higher Mastery. This is not essential, though, and if you prefer to play with higher Haste, it won't hold you back.

With Steady Focus Icon Steady Focus you can play with lower Haste than you normally would, but in the 1v1 and short fights that occur in Battleground Blitz, it is often not practical to maintain the Steady Focus Icon Steady Focus buff, so you should still keep a reasonable amount of Haste.


Embellished Gear

In Battleground Blitz, the strongest Embellished gear bonus is Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens. The increase to your throughput per embellishment in PvP is in the region of 1.5-2% per lens.

The Nerubian weapon embellishment Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension (and related embellishment Writhing Armor Banding Icon Writhing Armor Banding) can be powerful in a very long duration fight for some classes, but with current tuning, even at 10 stacks this provides less overall damage than using two Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens's for all Hunter specializations.

You can also play the defensive Embellishment option for a slight defensive boost. This embellishment gives a small absorb shield when your health gets low (but has a relatively long cooldown):

  • Captured Starlight Icon Captured Starlight

Best Pets as Marksmanship in Battleground Blitz

You should be aware that you can dismiss and swap Pets during Battleground Blitz, so whenever Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage or Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear are on cooldown, you can swap to a different Pet and swap back when that ability is ready again.

The most important consideration with pets is whether they have a Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike ability (also known as Mortal Wounds). You may have teammates with Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike effects, but they are not guaranteed to be with you at all times, and if they are, it's not guaranteed that they will apply Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike to your target.

The second consideration is whether your team has a Heroism Icon Heroism effect. If there is nobody on your team that is able to provide Heroism Icon Heroism, you should start the game using a Ferocity Pet so you are able to provide Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage on the first fight.

The choice you have is in the Pet Family, you will want to have Pets with the Cunning, Tenacity, and Ferocity specialisations, from Families that provide the Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike effect. Suggested Pets for each of the three specialisations are below:

  • Undead Raptor or Rodent (default)
  • Riverbeast (when defending a base)
  • Wasp (so that you can use Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage)

If you are looking for further information on which Pets to use, there is a seperate page on this guide going over Pets in detail.


Battleground Blitz Useful Macros

Macros are expanded on separately in this guide on the Marksmanship Hunter PvP Useful Macros page, although here are some macros that are particularly useful in Blitz:


Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice teammate (with automatic targeting)

  • #showtooltip Roar of Sacrifice
  • /cast [help] [@targettarget] Roar of Sacrifice

This Macro will cast Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice on your target if they are friendly, and if your target is hostile, it will cast Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice on your target's target.

This is useful because when your teammate is being focused, you can use defensives on that teammate without having to change target or use a mouseover macro on their frame.

You should use this early in every fight when Roar of Sacrifice Icon Roar of Sacrifice is available, especially at the start of the game, as the other team is likely to have already decided who their preferred target in the team fight is and will target them first.

Make sure you are targeting an enemy DPS player and that you are aware of who they are targeting when you use the Macro.

You can use a similar macro with Master's Call Icon Master's Call, and then whenever your target is focusing your team's flag carrier, use the Macro to help them escape.


Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot (or Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot if talented)

  • #showtooltip [known:scatter shot]scatter shot;[known:bursting shot]bursting shot
  • /cancelqueuedspell
  • /stopcasting
  • /cancelaura aspect of the turtle
  • /Cast [@mouseover, exists, harm] scatter shot; scatter shot
  • /cast [known:bursting shot]bursting shot

This Macro will cast Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot at your mouseover if they exist, which is useful in BGs to crowd control healers without having to manually target them or set them as your focus.

The Macro will cast Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot at your target if you aren't mousing over an enemy.

If you have Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot talented instead of Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot, it will cast Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot.

This Macro is useful for Battleground Blitz specifically because mouseover macros make crowd controlling in battlegrounds a lot easier, and because you may swap between Scatter Shot Icon Scatter Shot and Bursting Shot Icon Bursting Shot depending on whether you get a Capture the Flag map.


Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting (alt to cast on focus)

  • #showtooltip Chimaeral Sting(PvP Talent)
  • /cast [mod:alt,@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Chimaeral Sting(PvP Talent)

This Macro will cast Chimaeral Sting Icon Chimaeral Sting on your mouseover if you are holding your mouse over an enemy unit or frame, your target if you don't have a mouseover, or your focus target if you press alt at the same time as the Macro.

I recommend also having a macro like this for utility spells such as Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot and Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot. Using these macros, it is easy to swap between which targets you're using your utility spells on in Battlegrounds (for example, if you already have one healer on focus but want to silence the other without swapping focus targets).


"Drop the flag!" Macro

  • /cancelaura Alliance Flag
  • /cancelaura Horde Flag
  • /cancelaura Netherstorm Flag

This Macro will drop a flag if you are carrying one on a capture-the-flag map.



  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for 11.0.5 rework.
  • 08 Oct. 2024: Updated talent builds.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Updated Defensives, Resource Race, Hybrid, Talents, Embellishment and Macro sections.
  • 22 Sep. 2024: Updated mobility section
  • 14 Sep. 2024: Updated suggested talent builds.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated embellishments.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 02 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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