Marksmanship Hunter Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide — The War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 22:00 by Azortharion 156 comments

On this page, you will learn the best Gems to use for your Marksmanship Hunter in Mists of Pandaria: Remix, as well as the best leveling talents and rotation, whether you are leveling in the open world, or through raids and dungeons.

If you were looking for our normal leveling guide for Marksmanship Hunter, please check out our Leveling page.


Remix: Mists of Pandaria Guide for Marksmanship Hunter

Welcome to our MoP Remix Guide for Marksmanship Hunter! This page contains everything you need to know about getting the most out of your Marksmanship Hunter in the Patch 10.2.7 special feature, Mists of Pandaria: Remix.

This page is focused only on Marksmanship Hunter in MoP Remix. If you want to know more about MoP Remix in general, such as its rewards, check out our dedicated page below.


Best MoP Remix Leveling Talents for Marksmanship Hunter

Below, you will find our recommended leveling build and talent pickup order for your Marksmanship Hunter in MoP Remix. There are various ways of leveling in MoP Remix, and we offer some builds for the most relevant ways.

Note that this Leveling section is specific to MoP Remix. For our The War Within Leveling Guide for Marksmanship Hunter, please check our dedicated Leveling page.


Best MoP Remix Leveling Build for Marksmanship Hunter

General Open-World and Dungeon Build Single-Target Raid Build

General Leveling Build

This build will serve you well for nearly all scenarios, including open-world leveling, dungeons, and scenarios.


Single-Target Raid Build

Some raid fights in MoP Remix will call for pure single-target damage. Use this build for those fights.


Best Gems for Marksmanship Hunter in MoP Remix

Gems are one of the unique ways to augment your character in MoP Remix, offering offensive, defensive, and utility benefits. On this page, we list the best gems for each type. To learn more about Gems in MoP Remix in general, check out our dedicated page below.

  • Meta Gem: Funeral Pyre Icon Funeral Pyre — Activate with Trueshot Icon Trueshot.
  • Cogwheel Gem: Dark Pact Icon Dark Pact — Most others prefer Blink, but we are mobile already and I recommend Dark Pact to counteract our squishiness.
  • Prismatic Gems: You will have a tremendous amount of stats as you start unlocking all Gem slots, and there is no single best stat to stack. Several Tinker Gems offer huge amounts of secondary stats, and you want to adjust your stats around these. The caps for each stat are 36000 Mastery Rating, ~70% Crit, and ~50% Haste. Tinker Gems are going to bring you to the crit hardcap of 100%, and well past the Haste softcap of 100%. Remaining stats should go into Versatility. The best gems are Perfect Deadly Sapphire Icon Perfect Deadly Sapphire/Perfect Masterful Amethyst Icon Perfect Masterful Amethyst/ Perfect Quick Topaz Icon Perfect Quick Topaz/Perfect Versatile Diamond Icon Perfect Versatile Diamond.
  • Tinker Gems:
    1. Windweaver Icon Windweaver — The group Haste from this is extremely highly tuned.
    2. Enkindle Icon Enkindle
    3. Victory Fire Icon Victory Fire — Very potent for leveling where you reliably killing blow all mobs. Not great for group content.
    4. Lightning Rod Icon Lightning Rod
    5. Slay Icon Slay
    6. Brilliance Icon Brilliance
    7. Incendiary Terror Icon Incendiary Terror + Opportunist Icon Opportunist is a strong combo before you have high Crit levels. Incendiary Terror remains good even without Opportunist.
    8. Wildfire Icon Wildfire
    9. Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm
    10. Meteor Storm Icon Meteor Storm + Opportunist Icon Opportunist — Early-game before you get high Crit. Meteor Storm is good alone, too.
    11. Sunstrider's Flourish Icon Sunstrider's Flourish — Benefits hugely from high Crit and Opportunist Icon Opportunist
    12. Explosive Barrage Icon Explosive Barrage
    13. Mark of Arrogance Icon Mark of Arrogance — Strong if you regularly take damage that originates from enemies, like Raid AoE effects from bosses and the like.
    14. Storm Overload Icon Storm Overload
    15. Brittle Icon Brittle — Extremely powerful on AoE with dying targets. Weak on single-target/raid bosses.
    16. Ankh of Reincarnation Icon Ankh of Reincarnation — If you want a Cheat Death. Optional.
    17. Frost Armor Icon Frost Armor — Strong Defensive, optional.
    18. There are other Tinker Gems, but none stand out in the way that the ones above do. I encourage you to experiment with different combinations, while keeping in mind the strength of the ones listed here.

Level by Level Rotation

To keep things simple while leveling and learning the spec, use the slider to select your level, and watch as the leveling rotation grows with each level!

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 10

Leveling Rotation for Marksmanship Hunter

When using our slider, note that some talents may appear sooner than you expect them to in the rotation. This is because we have two recommended builds above, each taking talents at slightly different times, and sometimes entirely different talents.

  1. Use Barrage Icon Barrage in conjunction with Misdirection Icon Misdirection on your pet to gather multiple mobs to your pet. Do not press it for pure damage.
  2. Use Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot
  3. On AoE, use Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot to apply Trick Shots Icon Trick Shots. This buff makes your next Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire do AoE damage!
  4. Macro Salvo Icon Salvo to your Volley Icon Volley, always using them together..
  5. Use Volley Icon Volley on cooldown.
  6. Use Trueshot Icon Trueshot for large pulls or difficult elite mobs.
  7. Use Mend Pet Icon Mend Pet for large pulls to keep your pet healthy.
  8. Use Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot on targets below 20% health.
  9. Use Rapid Fire Icon Rapid Fire on cooldown.
  10. Use Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot on cooldown. Make sure to spend your Precise Shots Icon Precise Shots stacks first!
  11. Spam Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot. Use Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot instead of there are 3 or more targets!
  12. Use Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot as a filler.


  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 29 May 2024: Updated Tinker Gem recommendations.
  • 20 May 2024: Updated Tinker Gem rankings based on live server power levels.
  • 17 May 2024: Updated Tinker and Cogwheel Gem recommendations in light of recent changes and new information.
  • 14 May 2024: Page added.
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